Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 104 - Track house elves

Seeing Hermione sigh of relief because of her casual praise, Ryan asked strangely: “Can you tell me why you seem to have a heartfelt fatigue? In my impression, you should always be the kind Full of confidence. “

“Because I thought of something today.” Hermione said: “When you were away, Percy and I complained about his twin brothers, saying they turned the bear into a spider when Ron was three years old. Ron now has psychological shadows. When Ron was five, he was almost cheated by the twins to make an unbreakable vow. “

“What does this mean? Weasley’s twins are so fond of pranks now, is it because they have been naughty until they are big?”

“It’s not this.” Hermione rolled her eyes and said: “Don’t you see from this that the wizard born in the magic family has much advantage in learning magic?”

After finishing speaking, Hermione pulled her finger and began to narrate one by one: “You see, the twins are two years older than Ron. These things show that the twins can complete the transforming magic of turning teddy bears into spiders when they are five years old. You know, many students cannot master this magic perfectly after going to school. “

“Not to mention the unbreakable oath, I learned this by reading a lot of books, and the Weasley twins knew it at the age of seven.”

After seeing Ryan starting to listen to her seriously, Hermione paused and said: “In addition to these, we can see from some small things how strong the wizards from the magic family. For example, Ron’s spitting spell Finally, Madam Pomfrey’s solution was to use magical stimulation to make Malfoy spit it out quickly, and it could not be eliminated directly. Ginny also had a Batmant spell that Professor McGonagall praised. Harry was in combat magic He ’s terrible in his ability to learn. Sometimes he can even release the magic as long as he reads the narrative in the book and tries twice. “

Speaking of which, Hermione raised her head and looked up at Ryan ’s eyes and said, “If the pure blood was pressured by my family and lineage for a congenital reason, the stimulation for me is not that great. You give me The pressure is the most exciting to me. “

“Me?” Ryan said with some surprise. “What pressure can I put on you? Last year’s final exam, I didn’t even score as high as you.”

“Yeah, but what else am I going to do besides the exam? After all, in the wizarding world, only magic power is everything, not the exam. You have at least mastered the unique magic. I have gained a lot this time, or because of your The reason. Otherwise, the ghosts are not willing to talk to me. And what else can I do besides nibbling on the books? How can I protect my parents in this way? “Hermione said, her eyes turned slightly red.

Is this the girl’s adolescent too much pressure caused emotional out of control? I really do n’t know how the two original friends of Harry and Ron in the original text, plus the bad relationship, how did Hermione get through these days?

But thought about the original text this time the basilisk wandering in the school, the school is filled with a tense atmosphere. Plus she was still chasing stars at that time. In this case, Hermione might have no time to think about this.

Ryan looked at Hermione, who was a bit emotionally depressed, comforting: “You do n’t have to be so nervous. Exam scores in the magic world also represent your ability level. After all, there are many practical operations. Let alone you can read a lot of things quickly and then The ability to piece together spells makes me envious. “

“Now you think that many places are not as good as others, purely because the knowledge of the wizards is more confidential than in the world of ordinary people, so it is difficult to find knowledge that can enhance the magical ability. Treat me with luck to find someone else It ’s just a book that I ca n’t understand. (Ryan told Hermione that the magic of the Heavenly Dynasty was learned from Chinese books that were found in old bookstores.)

After listening to Ryan ’s persuasion, Hermione looked much better. Ryan took the opportunity to issue an invitation: “Last time, Nick told me that Hogwarts had a place that was used by students to hide things for hundreds of years. You can talk to me next time. Go there for Taobao together, maybe there is the book you need inside. “

After all, speaking of the understanding of magic, Ryan felt that she was not as good as Hermione. Because recently, in addition to learning the knowledge related to textbooks, all his energy has been focused on the study of life magic and Maoshan Taoist scriptures. There was no time to go through half a library like Hermione.

So Ryan invited Hermione, on the one hand, to help her friends. On the other hand, I want to ask her to help check it out, so as not to miss valuable treasures among the piles of things.

Hermione’s mood improved completely after hearing Ryan’s invitation, because she knew how difficult it was to share knowledge in the magic world.

So she hugged Ryan quickly, then whispered thank you. Ryan was stunned by this sudden attack, even if he had lived in the UK for ten years ~ ~ he was still not very accustomed to the British etiquette.

After helping several first-year freshmen answer their questions, Ryan went to bed early. Tomorrow is the first Quidditch game of this grade and the first game of this year ’s team. So tomorrow there must be a good state.

After eating early the next morning, Ryan followed everyone to the Quidditch Stadium. Today is hot and humid weather, and there is even a faint sound of thunder in the distance.

Gryffindor classmates looked a little nervous. After all, Slytherin changed to the light wheel 2001 this year. Have an absolute advantage in equipment.

The game started, and the intensive training of the Gryffindor players was very effective. Difficult to play with Slytherin when equipment is backward.

Then Ryan noticed that a wandering ball was chasing Harry trying to hit it. This should be Dobby’s rescue plan.

Seeing here, Ryan patted Hermione and motioned her to observe Harry. After watching it for a while, Hermione was also surprised and said: “What’s the matter with that roaming ball? Why only stare at Harry and hit it alone?”

Then the rain started to fall, and Harry’s condition was getting worse. The Weasley brothers could only follow the bodyball that was flying around him like a bodyguard.

“This walking ball looks hurt, and it feels like the situation last year. What should we do?” Hermione told Ryan after watching the walking ball for a while.

“I have a way.” After finishing, Ryan took a rune from his arms and injected it with spiritual power. Rune Paper quickly turned into a Thousand-Paper Crane, turning around Ryan two times on their heads and flying straight to a place.

“Keep up with it!” Ryan and Hermione jumped up and started tracking this thousand-paper crane, and the house elf tracking operation now begins.

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