Myriad Realms Store Owner of Harry Potter

Chapter 37 - Send away the dragon

Within a few minutes, Ryan came down the stairs with a small box in his hand.

Open the box. The box is divided into two parts. On the left are some medical devices. On the right are bottles of thumb-sized belly, filled with liquids.

This box was made by him after obtaining plant planting inheritance and traditional Chinese medicine inheritance. The equipment was mailed to his parents. Some of the liquid in the bottle is the essence of plant extracts in the world of plants vs. zombies, and the other is to keep the better done when practicing potions on weekdays.

Opening the box, Ryan took a needle from the syringe and picked out a thin tooth about the same length as the rice grain from Ron’s wound.

“What is this?” Several people asked in surprise.

Ryan put that fine tooth in an empty bottle and then explained: “I read from the book that many fire dragons will grow a special tooth to secrete venom when they are young. This kind of fine teeth will slowly melt in the opponent ’s wound after biting the opponent, releasing toxins to make the other party ’s wound healing more difficult. “

After using cotton tweezers to hold cotton with alcohol and soapy water to clean Ron’s wounds, the wounds were finally covered with Ryan’s own improved medicaments.

“Okay, it’s done. It just depends on the situation. After all, there is no way to cure the dragon bite in the medicine I learned.”

“It’s alright brother, it’s fine.” Ron looked at the wound re-wrapped in clean gauze. “At least now it doesn’t hurt that much.”

When Ryan finished the treatment and packed things up, there was a sound of beating from the dark window. Hedwig sent Charlie’s letter.

In the letter, Charlie said that he would be happy to adopt this Norwegian Ridgeback, but he told Lane that they needed Saturday midnight to take the Ridgeback to the highest tower. He has a few reliable friends where he can use the flying broom to take the dragon away in the dark. After all, this dragon cannot be discovered by others.

Ryan looked at each other, after all, it was a very dangerous thing to take a dragon through the whole castle at night. Too easy to be discovered by the teachers who patrol the night.

But Harry finally suggested that he had an invisibility cloak, enough to cover the two porters and Norbert.

That was all settled. Ron’s fingers were only slightly red and swollen the next morning, and he seemed to be healed. In another day his fingers were completely cured. This made Ron amazed at Ryan’s medical skills, and the boasted Ryan was a little embarrassed.

Lean found a noon time to tell Hagrid the specific time to send the dragon. At the entrance of Hagrid’s room, he found the Hound dog teeth sitting outside the door with a bandage on his tail.

Hagrid opened the window and talked to him. “I can’t let you in,” he said breathlessly. “Norber is hard to deal with now-I can’t take it.” Lane told him about Charlie’s letter, his eyes were full of tears, This may also be because Norber just bit his leg.

“Oh! It’s okay, it only bit my boots-is it playing-in the end, it’s still a little baby girl.” Little baby girl knocked against the wall with his tail, and the window rattled .

Lean showed his self-seeking expression of blessing and said goodbye to Hagrid. On the way back to the castle, he felt more and more that he had to send the dragon away on Saturday before he could make the best decision.

Arrived Saturday, it was dark at night, and the sky was covered with dark clouds. Ryan and they went out together to go to Hagrid’s Solitaire.

Originally Harry and Ron said that both of them were enough, but Ryan told them that if something blocked the road, you would probably be late. I was responsible for guiding those who blocked the road, and you just walked in.

The final result was that the three of them started off with their cloaks together.

Sure enough, Pippi was playing tennis against the wall in the hall. Ryan walked out of the invisibility cloak, and secretly walked in the other direction, making a sound that attracted Pippi.

After a round of flicking away Pippi, Ryan came to the hall and found that Harry had left.

Standing in the hall, Ryan suddenly felt that it was a bit boring to go back to the dormitory now. I haven’t been to the Forbidden Forest to check in for so long. Now it’s almost over, and if you don’t go to this semester, you won’t have a chance.

Think about that you still have a bunch of magical plants to use. There should be no danger if you do not go deep into the core area in the forbidden forest. Ryan made up his mind to walk out of the hall and sneaked towards the forbidden forest.

Passing Hagrid’s hut, he could still hear a huge sobbing sound inside. It seemed to Hagrid that sending Xiaolong away really hurt him.

On the edge of the forbidden forest, Ryan saw a small intestinal path that gradually hid into the depths of the black jungle. Walking along this road, the plants grew densely, and the complete sky disappeared. Only occasionally a moonlight sprinkled through the clouds from the branches above, illuminating the path.

It’s just that this light does not bring a sense of security, but this dim light makes the branches of the surrounding trees look more clawed.

Lane took a lantern grass from the shop, and the darkness around UU reading was quickly transformed into light by lantern grass. He felt that some eyes peeping in the dark also disappeared, and it seems that the lantern grass also has some effects to dispel evil.

Walked along the path for a while, Ryan suddenly found some silver-blue light on the ground. He leaned forward to find that this was not reflected moonlight, but some liquid.

The time when Voldemort killed the unicorn should not be now, what about the blood of these unicorns on this ground?

Lean thought while weighing whether to catch up. Finally curiosity overwhelmed fear, and he began to follow the blood.

The suspected blood stains reflected a very bright light under the illumination of lantern grass. This is not just the reflection of light, but also has some luminous effects after reacting with the magic contained in the lantern grass light.

Ryan walked over a mossy tree stump and could hear the sound of gurgling water. Obviously, there was a stream somewhere nearby. On the winding road, there are still scattered blood stains. The only thing to be thankful is that the amount of bleeding does not seem to be large, and this unicorn should not be life-threatening.

After walking for more than ten minutes, he was about to approach the edge of the core area of ​​the forbidden forest. Ryan still saw nothing.

Thinking about it, it was not too early. As soon as he was about to give up tracking, he heard some strange sounds behind the bushes.

He stepped forward and bowed the bush quietly. The scene after that made him open his mouth in surprise.

Ryan felt that this was the most beautiful picture he had seen in his life. Several unicorns were next to each other, rubbing each other intimately with their necks, and the moonlight shone on their water-like soft fur with a silvery luster. This peaceful and sacred scene made Ryan lose his mind.

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