Not a Grimoire

Day 38

Dear diary,

Goodman bit Theodore.

Now, even the vibes in the house is kinda off. I find myself asking, "What is even happening right now?" very often lately.

There's almost a hundred bits in the betting pool, and Gina found the box I keep them in. She asked where I got the bits from and I said The Butcher. She didn't seem to believe it. Hopefully Bobby will cover for me. I'm not very good at this lying thing. I think I need more practice.

Also Poppy said that her Daddy is currently looking for a new teacher, so it seems like Mrs. Wrinkles is losing this fight. Bobby was really happy when he heard the news. I think gambling does really awful things to the human brain. For Bobby to wish ill will upon our teacher when he seemed so reasonable before... this must be the power of gambling at work!

I'm worried that I might be helping his descent into poverty.



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