Old Blood at Hogwarts

Chapter 91 End of Semester

Life during the holidays was ordinary and boring. Aaron had nothing to do all day long and had to spend all his time studying magic.

After a period of study, Aaron's magic level has greatly improved.Especially I have a deep understanding of the magic of Animagi.

For a wizard to become an Animagus, the process is extremely complicated.

First, a single mandrake leaf must be held continuously in the mouth for a full month (from full moon to full moon).The leaves must not be swallowed or taken out of the mouth at any time. If the leaves leave the mouth, the whole process must start over.

Then remove the leaf at the full moon, fill a crystal vial with saliva, and soak the leaf in it, allowing it to receive the pure moonlight (if the clouds are overcast that night, you will have to find a new mandrake leaf and start over) Pass).Then, into the moonlit crystal vial, add a strand of your own hair and a silver teaspoon of dew. The dew must be collected from a place where there has been no sunlight or human contact for seven days.Finally add a pupa of the Grimace Hawkmoth.Place this mixture in a quiet, dark place and do not look at it or disturb it again until the next storm with thunder and lightning.Before a storm approaches, the crystal vial must remain completely undisturbed and out of contact with the sun.Because sunlight pollution will cause the most disastrous mutations.

Waiting for a storm to come can last for weeks, months or even years.During this period, the following actions must be performed at every sunrise and sunset: point the tip of the wand toward the heart and repeat the incantation: "Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus." Until a certain moment, I felt the second heartbeat.Sometimes the second heartbeat is stronger than the original heartbeat, sometimes it is weaker.Each incantation must be recited the correct number of times, and no sunrise or sunset must be missed.

When the storm approaches and lightning breaks through the sky, you must immediately go to the place where the crystal vial is buried.If all the above steps are completed correctly, you will find that the liquid in the crystal vial has turned into a blood-red potion.At this time, you must immediately set off to a wide and safe place, point the tip of the wand to your heart, recite the incantation "Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus", and then drink the potion.

If everything goes well, the form of the creature that is about to transform will appear in the mind, and then it will uncontrollably transform into the creature that appears in the mind.During the transformation process, one must be calm and fearless, otherwise they may be dominated by the transformed animal brain and unable to return to human form.Because after turning into an animal, if you want to change back into human form, you must imagine your human form as clearly as possible.Once your thoughts are dominated by animal brains, you may no longer be able to imagine your own human form.If this happens, you can only count on another wizard to change you back.Therefore, the first animagus transformation is best performed under the protection of another wizard.

When a wizard can switch between animal and human forms at will just by imagining the appearance of a creature, he has successfully become an Animagus.

Although Aaron already knew how to become an Animagus, he did not start practicing immediately.This is mainly because he still lacks the necessary materials.To complete the learning of Animagi, you must use Mandrake leaves.But Aaron didn't have this kind of leaf in his hand now, so he had to go to the pharmacy in Diagon Alley to buy one first.But poor Aaron now has no money to buy mandrake leaves.Aaron's only source of income now is the scholarship issued by the school before the start of each year.Now Aaron can only wait for the scholarship money to come out and see if he can still have some money left to buy a leaf after buying textbooks and school supplies.

Around mid-July, Aaron received a letter from Harry.

It was a distress letter.

The general idea of ​​the letter was that because his cousin needed to go on a diet to lose weight, in order to take care of his cousin's emotions, his aunt decided that the whole family would eat the weight loss recipe together.Harry gets the news that he will have to live on carrot sticks all summer.Therefore, I wrote specifically to ask for assistance.

Aaron felt funny and used the school's owl to send him a lot of food.Although Aaron has no money to buy food, don't forget that he is at Hogwarts now.He just had to find the school kitchen and get as much food as he wanted.

As early as a year ago, Aaron knew the location of the school kitchen.And Aaron's ability to know the location of the school kitchen has a lot to do with his staying in school during the holidays.

Because other students and teachers were away during the summer vacation, he was the only student in the school. It would be a waste to use the auditorium as a restaurant.Therefore, when he stayed at school for the first time last year, Professor McGonagall told him the location of the school kitchen, so that when he was hungry, he could go directly to the kitchen to find something to eat.

The school kitchen is located in the basement of the castle, where there is a wide stone corridor decorated with pictures of various foods.One of the pictures shows a huge silver bowl filled with fruits. There is a big green pear in the silver bowl.You just scratch it and it turns into a big green doorknob.

Pull the door handle, and inside is the kitchen space.It was a large room with a high ceiling, as big as the auditorium on the first floor. There were many gleaming copper pots and basins piled around the stone walls, and there was a large brick fireplace in it.There were four long wooden tables in the center of the room, placed exactly like the tables in the four houses in the auditorium above.When dinner starts every day, the prepared food will be placed on these tables first, and then sent through the ceiling to the corresponding tables in the auditorium above.

There are many house elves in the kitchen, at least 100 of them.When Aaron saw them for the first time, he was absolutely amazed.He never thought there would be so many house elves in Hogwarts because he had never seen them before coming to the kitchen.Apparently, they don't leave the kitchen much.

The elves are all wrapped in a tea towel with the Hogwarts crest as a robe.When you walk past them, they smile and bow to you.As long as you say "hungry", they will enthusiastically stuff all kinds of food into your arms until you can't take it anymore.

Thanks to the warm hospitality of the elves, Aaron's life at school during the holidays was very nourishing.So Aaron loved them.

One day in August, Aaron had just finished breakfast when he met Professor McGonagall in the corridor.

"Hello, Professor McGonagall," Aaron greeted.

"Oh, Mr. Elf, I'm just going to find you." Professor McGonagall said, "I have something to discuss with you. Please come with me."

Aaron followed Professor McGonagall to her office.

"What do you want to discuss with me, Professor?" Aaron asked.

Professor McGonagall sat down behind her desk, took out a piece of paper and said: "Mr. Elf, I noticed that when you chose your electives for next school year, you chose all the courses except 'Muggle Studies'. "

"Yes, Professor," Aaron said.

"It's like this. Although it's good to want to learn more, you have chosen too many courses." Professor McGonagall said, "You will be overwhelmed. I suggest you give up one or two of them and only take Take two or three classes.”

"I think it's okay to take four more courses." Aaron said, "As far as I know, Hermione last year chose all the courses, and she chose one more than me."

"Then you should know how hard Miss Granger worked last year." Professor McGonagall continued to persuade, "And I don't know if you know that she will give up 'Divination' and 'Muggle Studies' next semester. Course.”

"Maybe it will be very hard, but I still want to give it a try." Aaron said, "I don't want to miss any knowledge related to magic."

Professor McGonagall stared at Aaron for a while, and seeing that he seemed to have made up his mind, he sighed and said, "Okay then. Although I still hope you can consider it carefully, since you have already decided, I will respect you. s Choice."

"Here are your book list and bursary for next semester." Professor McGonagall said, handing an envelope to Aaron, "You can use the fireplace in my office to go to Diagon Alley at any time. Because you have many courses to choose from, and the bursary is The money may not be enough. The school can provide you with some old textbooks left by former students. If you have that book and haven’t bought it, you can tell the professor of the corresponding course and ask them to provide you with the textbook. I will I greeted the professors in advance."

"Thank you, Professor McGonagall." Aaron said gratefully.

"There is another thing about your class schedule." Professor McGonagall continued, "Because you have chosen too many classes, the class times of some classes are in conflict. In order to ensure that you do not miss all classes , we must take some special measures.”

As he spoke, Professor McGonagall took out a golden timepiece with a chain from the drawer under the table.Aaron recognized it at a glance. It was a time turner.

"This is a time converter." Professor McGonagall introduced, "It allows people to go back in time. If you encounter a class time conflict, you can use it to go back in time after finishing a class. Go backwards and go to another course. Simply put, it allows you to be in two different places at the same time."

Ever since that magical time journey more than a month ago, Aaron has been very interested in this magical instrument that can manipulate time.He was excited to get one now.

"Manipulating time is a dangerous thing. Therefore, all known time turners are kept in the Ministry of Magic." Professor McGonagall looked at Aaron and said, "I wrote many letters to the Ministry of Magic before they could I agree to give one of them to you for use. You must promise not to use it for anything other than studying, and not to tell anyone. If I know that it is used for other purposes, I will take it back immediately. Understood ?"

"Understood." Aaron said quickly, "I promise not to abuse it."

Professor McGonagall stared at Aaron for a while and said, "Okay, I believe you, Mr. Elf. Now let me teach you how to use it..."

Although Aaron already knew the use of the Time Turner from Hermione, he still pretended not to know in order to prevent Professor McGonagall from knowing that Hermione had told others about the Time Turner.

After teaching Aaron how to use the time turner, Professor McGonagall finally told him: "Remember, when you use the time turner, you must not let others see it, and you must not let others see you two at the same time. .The most important thing is that you must not let your past self see yourself, because that may cause you to confuse time. There have been many terrible events caused by wizards who confused time, and many of them even killed people by mistake. You can’t touch your past self or your future self! So, remember never to meet your past self.”

"I'll be careful." Aaron nodded.

Seeing that Aaron had indeed listened to his advice, Professor McGonagall handed him the time turner with confidence.

"Although you can catch up on all your classes with the Time Turner, I still recommend that you drop one or two classes and give yourself a normal schedule." Professor McGonagall finally said, "If you decide to give up that day Which class is it? You can come to me at any time."

"Thank you for your advice, professor." Aaron put the time turner into his robe. "If I really can't hold on any longer, I will come to you."

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