One True God

Chapter 95: Illusion

Lucifer agreed to heal Rouge when Rouge asked him to. After all, Rouge wouldn't be able to do his services if he was about to die literally.

The only reason why Rouge wasn't screaming in pain or whining in pain is because of his willpower and out of fear for Lucifer.

After all, Rouge knew that he needed to prove his worth so that he would be able to live.

No...Rouge knew that he needed to please Lucifer so that he wouldn't experience the same nightmare that Lucifer put him to when he was still an enemy.

If Rouge would have to go through that again, then...Rouge would surely go insane.

In fact, Rouge would rather die than experience something like that.

And since Lucifer certainly had the power to make Rouge experience something like that again and again, Rouge knew better than to try and defy Lucifer only to experience something like that again.

Anyway, when Lucifer agreed to heal Rouge's body, he immediately went to work as he...snapped his fingers.

As soon as he snapped his fingers, Rouge's body returned back to normal as if nothing really was wrong with his body in the first place.

And this scene was a weird scene as Rouge's body just returned to normal just like that.

Why was it weird? It was because Lucifer was not a healer or anything of the sort.

It would be impossible for him to heal something like this unless he used some kind of special power to make up for the healing aspect.

And Lucifer didn't use something like that when he healed Rouge.

That was why it was weird to see that Lucifer was able to heal Rouge's injuries when his injuries were just that bad enough for him to die sooner or later.

However, what lucifer really did this time was just to...undo the illusion magic that he set up earlier when he kicked Rouge.

Right, he undid the illusion magic that he used to break Rouge's mind earlier.

In other words, Rouge's injuries were just something that Lucifer created to make sure that Rouge would become his subordinate and was not really something that was real.

If one thinks about how Rouge thought that he was really about to die because of his injuries and the nightmare that he received, one would only say that Lucifer's illusion skills were so amazing.

After all, it was able to make one think that it was real and that was the point of an illusion; to make one believe that an illusion is a reality.

That was why it wasn't really that weird and hard for Lucifer to be able to make Rouge's injuries disappear just like that as...they were never really there.

Anyway, when Lucifer was done with snapping his finger, he looked down on Rouge and spoke.

"Can you stand up now? I healed you already, check yourself out," Lucifer said as his voice resounded out in the room and in Rouge's ears.

Of course, when Rouge heard what Lucifer said, he quickly checked himself out.

He looked at his hands, body, arms, feet, legs; literally everywhere with his eyes.

And as soon as he finished checking himself out with his eyes, he immediately stood up as if that was his only duty.

"Yes! My body is fully healed now! Thank you so much!" Rouge shouted out loud as he bowed his head towards Lucifer.

The words that came out of his mouth...were something that Rouge himself didn't expect that he would say.

After all, he didn't talk this way even to the Patriarch, who he owes so much.

However, even then, Rouge didn't flinch a little bit or tried to take back what he said.

He just waited for Lucifer's response, and what was Lucifer thinking at this moment was...

'What the...he completely changed. Did I scare him too much?'

Right, Lucifer was thinking about how Rouge just completely changed in just a matter of minutes.

Rouge, before, was someone who would look at people with cold and hostile eyes - the kind of eyes that looked like it would be able to kill with just a stare.

However, Rouge, right now, was thanking someone as if he was some kind of wimpy kind at a random school.

It was such a drastic change that even Lucifer was surprised with even though Lucifer knew very well why and how Rouge changed so much.

And since it was a surprise to him, Lucifer wanted to make Rouge remain as himself, which is why Lucifer spoke.

"You don't have to speak like that. Just act like you acted when you were around me before. Of course, be more respectful now. I won't tolerate people who piss me off," Lucifer said, but he was not done as he continued to speak.

"Also, call me Lucis from now on," Lucifer said with a firm voice as he wanted to make his point get across to Rouge.

After all, from how Rouge is currently acting around Lucifer, he might just the type of the guys who would try to bootlick their superiors by saying that they are their masters or anything of the sort and will only call them master.

Even though Rouge didn't exactly do something like that, Lucifer wouldn't want that to happen as it would just be...attention-grabbing if someone heard Rouge call Lucifer that.

Now that Lucifer also decided to let Rouge become the master of the Warmester Denoble House, it would be more than trouble if someone heard the head of the Warmester Denoble House call someone his master.

Of course, they can just kill the person who was able to hear Rouge call Lucifer that, but it would be better to stay on the safe side of things.

Anyway, when Rouge heard what Lucifer said, he raised his head and his face could be seen by Lucifer.

His face was clouded with confusion and it was evident just from the frown on his face.

It seems that he wasn't able to understand why Lucifer would want him to act normal when he was someone who could be considered to be his master.

And there was a proper reason why Rouge wasn't able to understand something like this.

Rouge has worked for the Warmester Denoble House for a long time now, and there was a clear cut hierarchy in this place.

If someone lower in rank than Rouge were to meet him, then he would be called captain or anything with honorifics by that someone lower in rank.

If someone higher in rank than Rouge were to meet him, then Rouge would have to call him as captain or whatever his rank was.

Even if there was only a slight difference and even if Rouge was stronger than that person who is higher-ranked than him, which is a rare case since strength is what matters in this place, Rouge would have to use honorifics to refer to him.

That was why Rouge wasn't able to quickly understand why Lucifer would want him to do something like that.

And although Lucifer was curious about why Rouge wasn't able to understand his words, he decided that it would just be a troublesome matter to try and talk about it, which is why he just decided to ignore it.

"You don't question my decisions. What I said is what you will do, you understand?" Lucifer said as he made his intentions clear.

Of course, Rouge was able to hear his words quite well.

Although Rouge didn't know why Lucifer said something like that, as Rouge never questioned his decisions, he just answered.

"Yes...Lucis. I understand," Rouge said as he looked at Lucifer straight in the eye with the same kind of look and confidence he had before.

"Good. Now, let's go. I still have to kill the wives and sons of Kars or whatever his name is," Lucifer said as he began to walk towards the door.

However, he couldn't continue walking as Rouge called him out and stopped him.

"Lucis, I have a question," Rouge said, but he was not done as he continued to speak.

"What are we going to do with the corpses of the Patriarch of the Warmester Denoble House and the 6 pillars? Although War's body is already like that, the others are still intact."

And what Rouge asked was...a valid question. After all, they would have to hide or destroy the bodies thoroughly so that there would be no evidence left.

However, it seems that Lucifer didn't plan to hide nor destroy the bodies as he spoke.

"Ah, I have a plan for them. You know that I will make them go missing, right? In order to make it more believable in the public's eyes, I will control their bodies and make it look like they were the ones who decided to go out on a journey or something."

"After that, we will wait a few weeks before we announce that they are now missing," Lucifer said as he turned his head around.

However, he was not done as he continued, "Enough about that. Let's go already." Lucifer then continued to walk towards the door.

Of course, when his question was answered, Rouge followed right behind him with no problem.

And it was now....time to hunt the Warmester Family.

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