People Are Eating Halberd: the Beginning of the Establishment of the Dark Cooking World

Chapter 235

Page 235

The comfort brought her to the surface.

As the sun shines.It turned out to be the strong body like a dried persimmon hugging her.

A piece of fish steak has been wiped out by Kobayashi Gentian, and he slowly wiped his mouth with a satisfied thought on his face.

“My God. Mo Yu, how could you have such an idea?” Xiao Lin Rentan couldn’t help but looked up at Mo Yu and asked.There is a hint of volatility in the question.

“Isn’t there a fried assortment in the dish? Coat the crushed ingredients, and then put them in to fry. After deep-frying, it will have a crispy feeling, and the taste is very good. An unexpected taste.”

“So that means you thought of a workaround on that basis and fried it with dried persimmons?”

Mo Yu nodded.

Takmi has a broad vision and never let go of duck, but Mo Yu made it with a rare imagination.A dish that only one person can think of.

In the limited conditions, there is no fear, and he can do his own cooking. At this moment, Xiaolin Rentan is against Mo Yu.The opinion in my heart has been improved by another one, and the kind of goodwill has also continued to rise.

Sure enough, this is the spirit of a professional chef.

“And the next time is the duel between Mo Yu and Ertak fans. I don’t know who will win.”

That’s 647 so far.Senior Sister Xiaolin Rentan, please give the judgment result of this game. He is very powerful but he is very powerful, even if Mo Yu makes it so delicious?It must not be compared to its own, that is truly delicious duck meat.

Mo Yu didn’t have any turbulence, and would not have any fluctuations due to the influence of a game.

Kobayashi Rentan thought for a moment, then nodded and said.

The winner was Mo Yu, who came up with an idea that no one else had thought of, and gave it to Mo Yu!

As soon as these words came out, Mo Yu felt too calm, and he had already guessed that the winner must be his.

As for Takmi Aldini, he was extremely shocked, and there was a trace of unwillingness in his eyes.

Didn’t expect him to lose this match?

“Damn, how could there be such a result? You listen to me, Mo Yu, I know that one day I will definitely decide the winner with you.”

Mo Yu nodded.

“Okay, whatever you want to do?”

“Sooner or later I will challenge you with timing.”

Takmi pointed to Mo Yu and said solemnly.

“You must not run away, you must accept it, and I will definitely trample you underfoot.”


Mo Yu, after saying this, said hello to Xiaolin Rentan, and then walked outside. .

【228】All staff assembled!Dark cuisine will be in action! (Please subscribe!)

After finishing the work here, he should be busy with other things.

After Mo Yu left, Takmi also left here.

However, in his heart, although he was still unwilling to Mo Yu, he also had some confidence in his cooking skills and knew which level he was above.

“I didn’t expect that this dish would be a subject for me to make full use of the skills and knowledge I learned when I was studying cooking in Italy.”

“And when I thought about making that dish, I was destined to win, but I didn’t expect to lose.”

“Damn Mo Yu, sooner or later I will surpass you!”

As for Mo Yu, he had already returned to the House of Flowers at this time.

First, he asked Kitahara Hayabusa about the operation of the acquired restaurant.

After hearing that it was very stable at this time, and that Eishan Jijin had also come to help, Mo Yu just nodded.

Next is the very hot top ten selection competition, and it is time for him to do devil training.

『?’;若..’水?资”源?,群:』,?6,”,5″6″:6″1.;8!8:?9.?6!:『!若’.水;?中:”转,:群”』.:3!,?0?0!,;0?3.”‘1..4,,?2?’:7  不过,在迎来十杰大会之时,在此之前的一个月中,同样有着一个重要的活动等待着他们。在他们的一年级内展开的秋季大比拼。


“This competition is the time for you to show your talents.”

At this time, Mo Yu looked at the few people who surrendered to him in the dark cooking club, and said lightly.

And it is also obvious that these people who surrender to themselves naturally understand.The importance of this written test is of course in it, and Eizan Jijin does not need to participate. He is a second-year student after all, and the rest naturally needs to win in this competition. Get a general understanding of how different you are from other students.

You still say that, I want you to win in all competitions, this is the person I teach, do you understand?

When everyone heard it, they all nodded solemnly. How could they know the importance of this autumn competition?

Mo Yu also nodded, “Very good, then the next step is to train your devils~ˇ.”

“Because the autumn competition is important, but for us, the more important thing is the selection of the top ten after the competition.”

“By that time, it’s not just a contest for our first-year students, but a contest for the entire school!”

“I said, you must get a seat, otherwise there will be punishment! Of course, this also includes Eizan Gijin.”

Eizan Jijin also nodded, after all, he was a second-year student, and at this time he had a seat among the top ten.

If he was compared at this time, it would be too great a blow to himself.

What’s more, he had just defeated Jiuga Zhaoji who was the eighth seat. If he was beaten just after ascending the eighth seat, he would be too embarrassed.

I’m afraid that when Mo Yu doesn’t need to do anything, he can’t stand it and chooses to cut himself to death to express his gratitude to Mo Yu.

So this time, he is also equivalent to having to stabilize his position.

In the days that followed, the Dark Cooking Club could hear harsh screams or laughter from time to time.

The students near the club can always smell a very strong fragrance here.

The smell made them want to go directly to the society to ask for food to eat.

Of course, this is impossible, otherwise it would be extremely disrespectful to the community.

Even so, they could only keep their saliva silently and walk past the club over and over again.

And in general, this kind of day has continued until the time of the big competition.

In fact, the people in the big competition were all selected by the ten heroes of the ten heroes council, otherwise, even if it was a grade, the number of people would be very large.

And in order not to stretch too long, and to exclude shoddy policemen.

Among the first-year people, the ten heroes will specifically look for outstanding people, and they will be selected to participate in the conference.

Therefore, this is also the reason why the conference is so popular. After all, being able to be selected proves that one has that strength.

Fortunately, it is quite normal that all members of the dark cooking club except Eizan Gitsuya were selected to enter the competition.

Of course, Eizan Gitsuya’s words were entirely due to his lack of identity.


“Hello everyone, I’m the host of this autumn competition, Rei Kawashima!”

One was dedicated to the autumn competition and entered the venue. At this moment, the host was standing on the high platform and talking.

The host is really familiar with Kawashima Rei. At this time, Kawashima Rei holds the microphone and her voice is very sweet.

A big bow tied her whole body behind her hair, and it looked like her nose would stand upright, and she also greeted everyone present.

And it seems that Kawashima Rei has a lot of fans. When Kawashima Rei said this, many of the men present began to cheer enthusiastically.

There was excitement and flushing on their faces, as if Rei Kawashima was their goddess.

But compared to boys, there are many girls who have scarlet eyes and gnashing teeth at this time, just like Kawashima Rei, who has a great hatred with them.

“¨’First of all, I would like to congratulate the selected contestants here.” The host, Kawashima Rei, bowed slightly as she spoke, and it seemed that she also understood that it was extremely difficult to be elected here.

“The players selected for this competition will be divided into two groups of A and B for a duel.”

Kawashima Rei has been introducing on the competition stage.

“From now on, everyone will start the qualifiers in their respective groups. Then only the top-ranked players will be able to play the official competition.”

Listen to Kawashima Rei’s introduction.Everyone under the stage started to get hot, and that sweet voice had a unique charm when introducing the game.

Mo Yu and others were also sitting here. Although it was said to be two groups of A and B competition units, they were actually all in the same venue, but they were divided into two different competition venues.

And when (Wang Mozhao) was in a clubhouse, they also had enough time to watch the competition of the people in the audience.

“Then, please let me convey what Eizan Gitsuya-senpai said during this match.”

“By the way, the executive committee member of this operation is Eizan Gitsuya-senpai.”

Kawashima Re said again, and then she took out a blank sheet of paper.

The words that Eizan Gitsuya-senpai said were written on the blank paper.

“During the trial period, there will be a lot of VIP members and people from the cooking industry who will come to the trial venue to observe in person.”

“As guests, they will also serve as referees. Let’s show your greatest strength now. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to report.”

Hearing Eizan Gitsuya Yukicho’s words, more people started to get excited.

But then Kawashima Reiyu became indifferent again, because the next words also made her a little heavy. .

【229】Assessment questions!Spice Curry! (Please subscribe!)

Eizan Gijin also wrote on it, if you dare to come up with very unbearable dishes for me to taste, then in an instant, you will drop out of school here.

Because your chef dreams are over.It is impossible to become a chef in the future.

I didn’t expect such heavy words to be written by Eizan Gijinya, but judging from Eizan Gijinya’s original character, it is indeed normal to be able to write such words.

The middle man, who had thought he was excited, suddenly became cold when he heard Kawashima Rei speak.

“Damn it, only fight.”

Those who were selected in the trials, the students also burst into a fiery power at this time, and they must advance to the official competition before they can make their mark.

Everyone was yelling, and there were only two places that were probably the quietest. One was Mo Yuji, and the other was also quiet, and that was Koping Chuangzhen.

At this moment, Mo Yu closed his eyes and seemed to be able to select for the selection competition. It was not surprising at all, but it was the same. After all, his strength was placed there.

But there is also a land 647, which is really full of tension.

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