Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.396 War is coming part 1

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[Author Note: I apologize to all my wonderful readers for having not updated this series in a few days, I was currently busy battling with a debilitating illness that had been stuck in the hospital for a few days. I am fine now and this series is going to be updated daily, just like last time before and as always if you like this series, check out my original novel Murim: Struggle of the Weak]


The Team Rocket base was a hive of activity, with the air thick with tension and the acrid scent of machinery. Jessie, James, and Meowth found themselves seated in the ominous executive room alongside the other potential executive candidates, a silence so heavy that it weighed on their very souls. The only audible sounds were the occasional shuffle of feet and the low growl emanating from Ariana, her face bearing a menacing burn mark that seemed to pulse with anger.

Jessie squirmed in her seat, her eyes darting nervously between Ariana and the other executives present. The atmosphere crackled with a palpable sense of impending doom as if the slightest misstep could ignite a powder keg of violence and chaos.

As Proton entered the room, the tension escalated further. Ariana's narrowed eyes traveled up and down his form, sizing him up with a cold, calculating gaze.

Proton reveled in the thick tension, a sadistic grin etched permanently on his face as he taunted Ariana. "Well, well, Ariana. You're looking different. Did you try a new hairdo?" His eyes glimmered with malicious pleasure.

Ariana's response was swift and razor-sharp. "Oh, this? It's what happens when you stumble upon a skirmish between that insufferable Mewtwo and an enraged Moltres," she retorted, her voice dripping with anger and frustration.

The room fell into an uneasy silence once again, the weight of unspoken tensions and rivalries hanging heavy in the air. Just as the suffocating silence threatened to consume them all, Petrel burst into the room, shattering the oppressive atmosphere with his urgent tone.

"Silence! The boss is calling," he announced, his voice cutting through the tension like a gunshot in the stillness.

The room shifted as the executives rose to their feet, a mixture of respect and fear etched across their faces. The air grew thicker with anticipation as they awaited the arrival of the boss, their breathing shallow and hearts pounding.

Suddenly, the room plunged into darkness as the lights flickered out, enveloping the space in an atmosphere both foreboding and unnerving. Then, as if on cue, a flickering glow emerged, revealing the eerie illumination of a TV screen that had just been switched on.

On the screen, a figure materialized from the shadows, his face obscured by the dim light. But his voice, deep and commanding, cut through the darkness with an unmistakable air of authority.

Lionel Giovanni sat regally in his chair, a Persian resting on his lap, as he addressed his loyal underlings. "Take your seats. We have much to discuss. But before that, I must congratulate you all. We are now one step closer to the fruition of Team Rocket's grand plans."

His words hung in the air like a poisonous promise, the weight of his sinister intentions palpable. The villains, locked in their web of deceit and mockery, could not help but feel a chilling excitement at the impending chaos they were about to unleash upon the unsuspecting region. 

"In one month's time, the Kanto Region shall belong to us," Lionel Giovanni declared with a commanding presence, his voice resonating through the room like a harbinger of impending domination. The atmosphere grew heavy with anticipation, each person in the room acutely aware of the weight of Giovanni's words.

As the echoes of Giovanni's declaration faded, he turned his piercing gaze towards Petrel, a man known for his cold demeanor and cunning intellect. "Petrel, are the projects ready?" Giovanni inquired, his voice a mixture of authority and expectation.

Petrel's lips curled into a sinister grin, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "Most of the projects are indeed ready, sir," he replied, his voice laced with calculated confidence. But then, his expression faltered ever so slightly. "However, there is one project that requires a bit more time."

Giovanni's eyebrow arched, his curiosity piqued. "Project Thu-Fu-Zer, I presume?" he inquired, already knowing the answer.

Petrel nodded, his gaze steady as he continued, "Yes, sir."

Giovanni leaned back in his chair, considering Petrel's words. "Estimates?" he pressed, his tone betraying a mix of impatience and expectation.

Petrel's expression turned serious as he answered, "Three weeks, sir, at a minimum. We want to guarantee that the foundation of fusion is solid. Rushing this particular project could have consequences we wish to avoid."

Giovanni tapped his fingers on the armrest of his chair, a calculating glint in his eyes. "Very well."

A cold grin spread across Giovanni's face as a new idea formed in his mind. "And Petrel," he continued, his voice dripping with sinister delight, "once Project Thu-Fu-Zer is nearing completion, have Mewtwo pay it a visit. I am quite certain our formidable psychic friend would relish the opportunity to witness the demigods groveling at his feet."

Petrel's nod conveyed both understanding and a shared sense of anticipation. Meanwhile, Jessie, James, and Meowth, who had been listening intently to the exchange, found themselves momentarily lost in the depths of Giovanni's plans.

Confusion danced in their eyes as they exchanged bewildered glances, struggling to comprehend the full scope of Giovanni's machinations. But even amidst their confusion, the duo of Jessie and James couldn't help but feel a tinge of unease especially when they knew that Doflamingo was going to destroy Team Rocket in a month.


As Pikachu and Pidgeot soared through the skies of Saffron City, the wind whipped through their fur and feathers, creating a fabulous hair-raising experience. Beneath them, the bustling metropolis whizzed by like a carnival on speed, a kaleidoscope of lights and colors that left their retinas begging for mercy.

Pikachu clung to Pidgeot's back with a grip tighter than a Jigglypuff's lullaby, heart pounding with a mix of exhilaration and mild panic. Together, they formed a dynamic duo, like fur-and-feathers fusion cuisine, propelled by their insatiable hunger for victory.

Their arch-nemesis, Fearow, taunted them from just ahead, flaunting its feathery prowess like a strutting peacock. But Pidgeot had no intention of playing second fiddle. With a mighty cry that made even Machamp blush, the majestic bird unleashed its inner Usain Bolt, sprinting faster than a Rapidash on caffeine.

Pikachu couldn't help but feel electrified by Pidgeot's sheer power, a current of excitement surging through its tiny body. It was like riding a rollercoaster made of feathers and thunderbolts, a hair-raising adventure that left them on the edge of their seats—well if they had seats.

As they finally zipped past Fearow and zoomed across the finish line, Pikachu couldn't contain its glee. It let out a victory cry that resonated like a jolt of joy, echoing through the heavens themselves, and maybe even catching the attention of Arceus on its cosmic coffee break.

Pidgeot glanced at Pikachu with a feathery eyebrow raised. "Well, well, look who's the shockingly speedy one now."

Pikachu grinned, crackling with mischief. "Guess you could say I've been sparking some inspiration lately."

Pidgeot let out a chuckle that ruffled its feathers. "Oh, please. Don't let your newfound fame go to your head. I still have wingspan envy."

Pikachu hopped off Pidgeot's back, playfully nudging its feathery friend. "Don't worry, big bird. You'll always be my wingman."

"Nope .... wing-woman."

"I don't think that's a thing."

"It is, just ask Austin."

They both burst into laughter, attracting the curious glances of passing Pokémon trainers. 


Dr. Akihabara shifted nervously in the plush leather chair, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead as he faced Saul in the real estate agent's office. The room exuded an aura of quiet, interrupted only by the gentle hum of the air conditioning and the faint sound of papers shuffling on Saul's desk. Saul glanced up from the papers, his charismatic smile lighting up the room before his gaze shifted to the side, where Austin nonchalantly puffed on a cigarette while Yellow sat anxiously, her fingers fidgeting nervously.

Saul couldn't resist a playful jab, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Hey there, kid. You know what they say, smoking can stunt your growth. And with your baby face, you can't afford to lose any more height."

Dr. Akihabara's throat tightened as he glanced at Austin, fully aware that these two were part of the organization funding his research. He certainly didn't want to get on their bad side.

Austin casually inquired, "Got an ashtray?"

"It's over there on the table, next to the coaster," Saul replied, gesturing towards a small table nearby.

Austin nodded appreciatively as he stubbed out his cigarette, smoke dissipating into the air. The room was now enveloped in a faint scent of tobacco and intrigue.

"Okay, Doc, I've got some killer deals for you here," Saul announced, pointing to the stack of papers on his desk. "These are some real steals from my portfolio, affordable yet still in good shape, I swear."

Dr. Akihabara leaned forward, his curiosity piqued. "I'm all ears," he said, stealing a glance at Austin, who nodded knowingly, prompting a slight narrowing of Saul's eyes.

As Saul leaned forward, his eyes brimming with enthusiasm, he began his verbal dance of seduction, enchanting Dr. Akihabara with his vivid descriptions and clever wordplay.

"Now, doc, let me introduce you to our first gem," Saul began, his voice dripping with excitement. "It's a cozy little cottage nestled in the heart of Greenleaf Grove. With its picturesque garden, you'll feel like you're living in a fairy tale. And hey, it even comes with a gnome that doubles as a handyman. Talk about getting the whole package!"

Dr. Akihabara's eyes widened, his pen furiously scribbling on his notepad as he tried to keep up with Saul's energetic sales pitch. He raised an eyebrow, unable to resist a moment of playful banter. "A gnome handyman, you say? Does he fix broken hearts too?"

Saul chuckled, his charisma shining through. "Well, Doc, I can't make any promises in that department, but I can guarantee he'll mend your leaky faucets and creaky floorboards."

Yellow, her stomach protesting loudly, couldn't help but interject with a sheepish grin. "Um, excuse me, but do any of these properties come with a snack bar? My stomach seems to think that's an essential feature."

Saul's eyes sparkled mischievously as he responded, a hint of mock seriousness in his voice. "Ah, the snack bar conundrum. You know, young lady, we do have a property that comes with a built-in vending machine. It's like having a 24/7 convenience store at your fingertips. Snacks on demand, my friend."

Dr. Akihabara couldn't help but chuckle at the exchange, his skepticism momentarily forgotten in the face of their lighthearted banter. He glanced at Austin, who had been observing the scene with an amused grin.

"Alright, Saul," Dr. Akihabara said, regaining his composure. "Tell me about the next property on the list. Does it come with a secret passage to a hidden treasure, or am I getting too carried away with my fantasies?"

Saul leaned back in his chair, playing along with a theatrical flourish. "Ah, the allure of secret passages and hidden treasures. I can't promise you a pirate's booty, but what I can offer is a quaint townhouse with a mysterious attic. Who knows what forgotten relics and lost dreams you might uncover up there?"

Austin couldn't resist chiming in. "Maybe you'll find an ancient Pikachu skeleton or a stack of unpublished research papers. The possibilities are endless!"

As Saul continued his sales spiel, Austin couldn't help but be impressed by the man's knowledge of the real estate market.

'Looks like Sabrina was right about him,' Austin thought, impressed by Saul's expertise despite his somewhat shady reputation.

After several minutes of engrossing discussion, Dr. Akihabara finally mustered the courage to speak up. "Mr. Goodman, these options are quite intriguing," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and trepidation, glancing at Austin who could almost hear the gears turning in Saul's mind.

Saul, ever the opportunist, seized the moment. "Well, what do you think, Kid?" he asked, causing Dr. Akihabara to visibly flinch in his seat.

A bead of sweat trickled down Dr. Akihabara's brow as he hesitated, then replied cautiously, "The property I have in mind would be used as a lab. Is that... a problem?"

Saul raised an eyebrow, a mischievous glimmer in his eyes. "Hey now, let's not jump the gun here. I'm all about finding creative solutions for my clients, but we gotta make sure we're on the up and up, ya feel me? So let's talk details and make sure we're not stepping on any toes. Then we can make it rain, baby!"


[ Omake Paragraph ]

In ancient times, a story was told about how the strange, black, target-shaped markings on a Mantine's back and wings were really eyes – and not just any eyes, but the eyes of Zubat, whose ancestor gave Mantine his eyes so that they might still watch the great blue sky, not the dank walls of caves. The fact that Mantine has four of these "eyes", while Golbat has two was little concern to the ancients, for it explained two great mysteries at once.

In the warring states era, this story morphed into a more violent form. Mantine was not born with their eyes (which is true; they are not found on Mantyke) but must steal them from baby Zubat before their mother returns; if she does, the babies maintain their eyes and evolve quickly into Golbat. Their wing eyes were explained by the fact that Mantine rob, not one Zubat, but two; they would steal more if they had anywhere good to put them.

Today, the eyes are thought to be an adaptation for a Mantine's dual environment; their front eyes are for vision in the air, and their back eyes are for vision in the water, although why two of the eyes are placed on the wings is not yet fully understood. Yet living in a modern and rational age has not made these eyes any less of a magnet for strange tales. It is common for travelers out at sea to see a sleeping Mantine floating upside-down above the water. When they do, its four back eyes, antennae, and near-saucer shape drive many of them to a common and ridiculous conclusion; that they have sighted an Elgyem spacecraft.

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