Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Chapter no.403 Team Rocket’s Looming Threat

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Inside the bustling Celadon City Pokémon Center, the vibrant colors of the interior had contrasted with the lush greenery that filled the city. The hum of activity from trainers and their Pokémon had echoed through the open space as Nurse Joy and her Chansey tended to the Pokémon in need.

Brock and Misty, had stood side by side in front of a large video screen. Their expressions were serious and focused as they listened to the words of Charles Goodshow, the president of the Pokémon League. Mr. Goodshow's image was displayed crisply on the screen, and his voice carried an urgent tone.

Brock, ever the rock of the group, looked as if he'd just stepped out of a camping gear ad - green vest, cargo pants, and hair as spiky as a Jolteon. Misty, on the other hand, looked like she was attending a punk rock concert - jet black hair replacing her usual red, and an outfit that screamed fashionably rebellious.

Mr. Goodshow exclaimed with a look of absolute seriousness,"Brock, Misty, I believe you to have read the message sent to you two."

Misty and Brock nodded as Mr. Goodshow, looking as solemn as a Cubone at a Marowak memorial, cut straight to the chase.

" As stated in the message, we have reason to believe that Team Rocket is planning to launch an attack on Celadon City within the next month. The city's gym was currently without a leader, making it vulnerable to their schemes. So, the league has chosen you two as it's protectors."

Misty, managing to look shocked and confused at the same time, responded, "Mr. Goodshow but team Rocket invading is as likely as Psyduck mastering quantum physics! But I trust your and the league's judgement."

Mr. Goodshow smiled as Misty asked," But why drag us into this, Mr. Goodshow? We're not exactly the only game in town."

Mr. Goodshow took a deep breath and answered,"You two had proven yourselves time and time again, both as gym leaders and as trainers who had successfully dealt with Team Rocket in the past on Mt. Moon. We believe you have the skills and experience necessary to handle this situation."

Brock replied, "We would do everything we can to help, Mr. Goodshow. But, how could we prepare the gym and the city for an attack?"

"First, I'd like you to take on the roles of temporary gym leaders. Work closely with the local trainers to fortify the gym's defenses and ensure that all Pokémon were well-trained for battle. Additionally, coordinate with Officer Jenny and her team to increase security and surveillance throughout the city."

Misty nodded, determination in her eyes. "We would make sure the people of Celadon City and their Pokémon were safe from Team Rocket."

Brock replied, "Yes, and we would work together with the other gym leaders and trainers to make sure Team Rocket didn't succeed in their plans."

Mr. Goodshow smiled and answered, "Thank you, Brock and Misty. I had every confidence in your abilities to protect Celadon City. Stay vigilant, and keep us informed of your progress. Good luck!"

As the video call ended, Brock and Misty exchanged a resolute glance. They knew the weight of responsibility on their shoulders, and together they set out to prepare Celadon City for the coming threat


Green sat at a small wooden table in the cozy cafe, her phone pressed to her ear as she spoke in hushed tones with Austin. The soft murmur of background chatter and the gentle hiss of the espresso machine filled the air around her.

"I did it, Austin," Green said, a hint of triumph in her voice. "I hired as many mercenaries as I could. We'll be ready."

"That's great news, Green. You always come through but how much did you keep?" Austin's voice was warm and comforting, but there was a hint of curiosity in his tone.

Green couldn't help but smile. "Awe come on, you know me."

Austin chuckled softly. "Yeah, that's why I asked."

Green took a sip of her coffee, savoring the warmth of the liquid as she considered Austin's next words. "Two million."

"Hmm," Austin mused, the sound thoughtful.

Green raised an eyebrow. "What?"

"I figured it would be more," Austin said, his voice laced with surprise.

Green laughed. "Oh, what was your estimate?"

"A billion," Austin replied, his tone matter-of-fact.

Green rolled her eyes. "Hey, you didn't even give me that much."

Austin's response was immediate. "Yeah, but I figured you would have scammed them out of that much."

Green couldn't help but grin. "Thanks for the compliment, Austin."

Austin's laugh was deep and rich, filling Green with warmth. "It wasn't a compliment."

"Sure, it wasn't," Green teased.

There was a pause in the conversation as Green took another sip of her coffee, allowing the warmth of the liquid to soothe her frayed nerves.

"Hey, Austin," she said, her voice low and serious. "I want to help in the mission."

There was a pause on the other end of the line, and Green could hear Austin's gentle sigh. "Green, you know I want you to be happy. But don't you have your mother to search for?"

Green's mind raced, conflicted between her desire to help her friends and her responsibility to find her missing mother. "I know, but-"

Austin interrupted her gently, his voice warm and reassuring. "Green, you don't have any obligation to help us."

Green bristled at his words, feeling her sense of duty kick in. "Do I really need an obligation to help my friends?"

Austin chuckled, his voice carrying a hint of amusement. Even in the midst of a serious conversation, he could always find a way to make her smile. "I guess not," he said. "I would love for you to be on board for this mission."

Green felt a surge of gratitude towards Austin, her heart swelling with affection. "Thank you, Austin," she said softly, her voice filled with emotion.

But Austin was not finished yet. "But I am not paying you," he said, a note of teasing in his voice.

Green's eyes widened, and she let out a laugh despite herself. "Awe, really?" she said. "Even though I would have given you a discount."

Austin was quick to respond, his tone playful. "How much?"

"Just for this time," Green said, feeling mischievous. "I'll give you a hundred percent discount for my help."

Austin laughed, his voice rich and deep. "Well, lucky me, I guess."

As they talked, Green felt her heart soaring with a sense of connection and closeness to Austin. She knew that the mission would be difficult, but with him by her side, she felt like she could take on the world. "I'm always ready for anything, especially with you by my side," she said, her voice filled with determination.

There was a moment of silence seemed to sink in, and Green felt her cheeks grow warm. 

"Green," he said softly, his voice low and intimate. "I'll see you in one month."

Green felt her heart skip a beat, her mind racing with possibilities. She knew that the mission would be dangerous, but with Austin at her side, she felt invincible. "Yeah," she said, her voice filled with longing. "See you then."

As she hung up the phone, Green felt a sense of exhilaration wash over her. For the first time in a long time, she felt alive.

Green found herself instinctively reaching for an aged leather-bound diary tucked carefully in the back of a bag. With an intake of breath, she pulled it free and placed it gently on her table. The diary held the memories of her past - a past she was terrified to remember, yet necessary to face. It was filled with information collected from the older kids she once knew, the ones who endured a much crueler fate under the masked man, the monster.

Her fingers traced over the worn cover. Each wrinkle and faded stain, a testament to the years and the secrets it held. With a determined clench of her jaw, she opened the book. The familiar scent of old parchment and the bitter hint of ink wafted from its pages, stirring memories she had fought to keep buried.

The entries were scattered, a mishmash of hastily scrawled notes, diagrams, and the odd inspirational quote. But it was here, in these disjointed ramblings, that Green could piece together a roadmap for her training.

She read over the notes of the older kids. Each one a puzzle piece, a clue to what she would need to face, what she needed to do to grow stronger. Her fingers traced the names of their training regimens, their struggles, their successes, their failures. Through it all, Green could see a path begin to form, a trajectory she could follow.

"Hard work is the only way to truly grow," one entry read. "Never allow fear to control your actions," said another. "The enemy may be strong, but your resolve must be stronger," read a particularly poignant entry, signed only by a single initial: S. She suspected it was Silver's.

Green took a deep breath as she remembered the masked man's words, his cruel training methods, his inhuman disregard for their pain. She could still hear the echo of his sinister laughter, the chilling sense of dread that accompanied his every word.

Yet, in that darkness, Green found her resolve. She was no longer the scared little girl hiding in the shadows. She was Leaf Green.


As Green was lost in her thoughts, a bubbly waitress named Lily was making her way towards her. Lily was a young woman in her early twenties with bouncing auburn curls and bright, sparkling green eyes that seemed to radiate kindness. Her uniform was slightly worn but neat, her nametag gleaming in the cozy light of the café.

As Lily neared Green's table, she noticed her unusual guest taking a deep breath. She was just about to ask if everything was alright when she blinked, and in that brief moment, Green was gone. It was as if she had disappeared into thin air, leaving only the faint echo of her presence behind.

Confused, Lily scanned the café. Her eyes widened as she heard the door closing, and she turned in time to catch a glimpse of Green. The mysterious woman had a playful twinkle in her eyes as she winked at Lily, before disappearing from sight.

Shaking her head, Lily returned her attention to the table. The clink of rolling coins drew her gaze, and she blinked in surprise as she found a handful of coins and a few bills left behind. For a moment, she just stared at the money, then sighed, shaking her head with a small, resigned smile.

"Well, at least she paid," Lily muttered to herself, before bursting out in a small chuckle. "But next time, how about a tip, Miss Ghost?"


[ Omake Paragraph ]

The idea that Porygon2 are some sort of poorly designed flightless spaceship is too absurd to be believed, yet it has spread far and wide. Although it is true that they need not breathe air and could theoretically survive in the vacuum of space, Porygon2 lack many things necessary to be effective space probes. Flight, however, is not one of them; they must merely use their strange Conversion technique against the right pokemon in order to take to the skies.

The reason this misconception has held out for so long is a tale in its own right. The scientists who developed on the Up-Grade were a secretive group who feared a repeat of the death threats against the original Porygon's creator, so they gave a false story to the media in order to divert public attention. This ought to have been corrected by now, but many researchers share the general public's phobia of all Porgyon forms, owing to an early Porygon's role in a tragic laboratory accident which hospitalized hundreds. With no interest in meeting one, let alone studying it, they carelessly repeated this lie through countless earlier editions of the Pokedex.

It has now become apparent that Porygon2's real purpose was not the exploration of outer space, but of cyberspace. A search engine on steroids, they delve through the Internet's past and present, read virtually every language, and synthesize the information as well as a supercomputer or an Alakazam. Porygon2 have been responsible for the invention of many new technologies, most notably the armor called Eviolite. More interestingly, they have recently discovered of a network in a language too strange for them to translate, with lag times far longer than their technological level would justify, leading many to speculate that Porygon2 have found a truly alien civilization after all.

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