Pokemon Earth’s Parallel World: Dragon Trainer

Chapter 154 – Dawn Hunting

The planning for the upcoming live broadcast was a key topic of discussion. Initially, Kanraku had envisioned a simple broadcast aimed at sparking villagers' interest in Pokémon. However, Floyd and the others felt that a mere ordinary approach wouldn't suffice. They believed in seizing the opportunity to make the broadcast not just big, but truly grand and unforgettable.

Jonathan, brimming with ideas, proposed, "What if we make the opening sequence more captivating? It's like how movies did at the opening. Perhaps we could feature some of the cutest beasts in the opening of our live broadcast?"

This suggestion piqued everyone's interest. Chen Yu, seeking more details, asked, "Could you elaborate on that idea?"

"Well, imagine showcasing beast's like Togepi, Mime Jr., Wooper, Teddiursa, Cherubi, Swablu," Floyd chimed in, listing various names.

Kang Jihoon added to the list, "And why not include your Horsea, Dratini, Goomy, Munchlax too?"

"They can be included as well," Floyd nodded in agreement.

The brainstorming continued as everyone contributed more names like Growlithe, Meowth, Eevee, and Vulpix.

The list grew, but Floyd expressed concern about the practicality of featuring so many Pokémon. "How will we manage to fit them all on one screen? It seems a bit crowded and complicated."

Jonathan, not deterred, suggested, "What if we divide them into groups and introduce them in a sequence, similar to random entries in advertisements?"

Linh, a bit skeptical, retorted, "Advertisements, really? Where would we even get a sponsor here on this island?"

Undeterred, Jonathan shrugged off the skepticism. "It's just an idea for fun. But if anyone has better suggestions, feel free to share," he said, encouraging further creativity.

(AN: I have no other good idea, sigh)

The group continued to refine their ideas. Chen Yu and Kang Jihoon then updated everyone on the successful relocation of the wild Pokémon, a task they had recently completed.

The next step involved preparing and training all the Pokémon for their roles in the live broadcast. Floyd was chosen for this task because, aside from Kanraku, he was the only one who had close relationships with the pokemon.

After several hours of productive discussion, the team wrapped up and returned to their dorms.

Five days later, on September 21, 2023

3:00 am

Floyd found himself at the Beast Sanctuary by the river, accompanied by Fraxure and Gyarados. Floyd called out to Gyarados, breaking the early morning stillness.

Moments later, the serene water stirred, bubbles emerging on the surface, heralding the arrival of another Gyarados – the father of Floyd's Gyarados.

With a mighty "ROAR!", the elder Gyarados made its presence known.

The young Gyarados watched his father, a mix of emotions evident in his demeanor.

However, the elder Gyarados seemed indifferent to this reunion and proceeded towards the Safe Zone, leaving a complex mix of feelings in his wake.

Floyd acknowledged it with a knowing smile, confidently uttering, "Let's go."

Together, they made their way to the safe zone, where they encountered Kanraku, accompanied by his trusty Blastoise and Pidgeot.

Upon their arrival, Kanraku mounted Pidgeot's back while Blastoise advanced assertively towards Gyarados.

Gyarados initially protested with a resounding "ROAR!"

However, upon locking eyes with Blastoise's cold gaze, Gyarados begrudgingly ceased his noise, showing a rare sign of acquiescence.

Meanwhile, Floyd climbed atop the young Gyarados, Fraxure by his side, ready for their next move. "Let's go!" he called out, signaling their readiness.

At that moment, Kanraku, soaring above on Pidgeot, tossed two items towards Floyd. One was a small, unfamiliar chip, and the other, a pair of sleek black sunglasses.

Floyd, catching them deftly, queried, "What are these for?"

Kanraku explained, "These devices are equipped with radiowaves. The chip will allow us to track each other's location using the sunglasses, which have built-in night vision and a radar for detecting radiowaves."

Intrigued, Floyd asked, "Is this made by you?"

"Yes," Kanraku affirmed. "The forest is vast, and after the unfortunate incident with Ren Mingzhe, who we couldn't locate in time, and your own dangerous situation with your beasts, I realized the necessity of such a device."

Understanding the gravity of Kanraku's words, Floyd securely placed the chip in his backpack and donned the black sunglasses. Kanraku, wearing a similar pair, inquired about their first destination.

"We should try to find some Weedle and Kakuna first," Floyd suggested. "If we're lucky, we might even find an egg. Professor, do you have the net ready?"

Kanraku reassured him, "Don't worry, it's all packed in my backpack."

Floyd glanced at Kanraku's large backpack and nodded in affirmation. "Let's go!" With that, they quietly ascended into the sky, blending into the vast expanse above.

Half an hour later, they reached their intended location, observing the area in complete silence, cautious not to disturb the tranquility.

"Let's start by searching for Weedle," Kanraku whispered, strategizing their approach.

"Okay," Floyd responded. He and Fraxure then dismounted from Gyarados, landing softly on the ground.

Kanraku turned to the two Gyarados and Blastoise, giving them instructions, "Partner, In case of danger, I'll activate this remote. If the gadgets I've given you emit a signal, come to our rescue immediately. Understood?"

"Blastoise," the Pokémon nodded in acknowledgment, understanding his role.

With their plan in place, Kanraku signaled, "We're moving out!" The trio then mounted on Pidgeot, gliding silently through the air.

Quietly, they navigated through Beedrill's territory, observing that the Pokémon were soundly asleep. Stealthily, Kanraku deployed a large net over a cluster of Kakuna.

The net, ingeniously crafted by Kanraku, released a sleeping agent. By the time the Kakuna realized something was amiss, they were already succumbing to the net's soporific effects.

The same tactic was successfully applied to a group of Weedle, who also fell asleep upon contact with the net.

As they ventured deeper, they spotted a significant number of Beedrill. Kanraku, using night vision binoculars, noticed numerous eggs nestled deeper within the territory. However, approaching them was risky, as it would likely disturb the large Beedrill population.

Kanraku, assessing the danger, advised, "Let's head back. It's unsafe to venture further." Floyd, understanding the risks, nodded in agreement. This expedition resulted in them securing 24 Kakuna and 18 Weedle.

As they moved to another location in search of more Beedrill territory, a loud roar echoed through the area. Floyd furrowed his brow, noting, "That sound seems familiar."

"I agree," Kanraku said, puzzled. "Could that be Ursaluna?"

"It should be," Floyd nodded. "But why has it changed his hunting time?"

"Perhaps your presence has influenced his behavior?" Kanraku speculated.

Floyd pondered the suggestion, then proposed with some hesitancy, "Should we investigate?"

Kanraku, prioritizing safety, replied, "No, it's too risky. Let's just observe from a distance." He then instructed Pidgeot to fly higher.

Using the binoculars, Kanraku confirmed his suspicion – it was indeed Ursaluna, engaged in a battle against numerous Beedrill.

"Indeed, it's Ursaluna!" Kanraku exclaimed. Floyd, hearing this, felt a surge of excitement. "Professor, we need to return quickly. Call Gyarados and the others. There's something I want to show you."

Kanraku, puzzled by Floyd's urgent tone, inquired, "What's going on?"

"We must head to Ursaluna's territory," Floyd insisted.

"Floyd-san, are you crazy? That's too dangerous," Kanraku protested, recalling their recent narrow escape. "Do you want to risk our lives again?"

Floyd, undeterred, explained, "Ursaluna is preoccupied right now. This is our chance. There's something valuable in his territory."

Accepting Floyd's reasoning, Kanraku called Blastoise and the two Gyarados. Minutes later, they arrived at Ursaluna's base, where Kanraku was taken aback by the sight of an enormous rock formation. His surprise was further compounded when Blastoise suddenly cried out in distress.

"Partner, what's wrong?" Kanraku rushed to Blastoise's side, concern evident in his voice.

"Bla-stoise," Blastoise groaned, struggling to maintain its composure despite apparent pain. The situation grew tense as they tried to discern the cause of Blastoise's discomfort.


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