Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 32

Five years had passed.

It was already the year 2000.

Damian continued to live a quiet life and train his powers.

Throughout these years Madripoor was fully developed and was already a power in the eyes of others.

After starting to use the cosmic energy of the Tesseract to supply power to the country there was a small wave of spies who again achieved nothing, there was even a so-called black widow of the red room.

They also built a portal from New York to Madripoor's palace, and they started to produce superior technological products, thanks to the Kree knowledge they brought many products to the market, and their initial thought of creating a technological empire turned out to be very easy.

However, there were not the pressures or threats Damian expected from the larger countries for their superior products.

About Ophelia, still being her, a mischievous woman teasingly seducing Damian, she finally had a month's vacation.

Monica had also grown up and was 16 years old, soon it would be her graduation and she would finally become a vampire as she had said over the years.

She had really grown into a big and beautiful girl, sometimes he looked at her with nostalgia remembering when she was only 5 years old.

She had practiced martial arts for several years and had even won awards.

Damian had also met Carol almost every day while she went through space, although she had been back a week ago and lived regularly with the whole family in New York.

Together with Talos, he had found a safe planet for them to live on with the Skrulls they gathered on their travels.

Lately, Carol and Ana had been bugging him about having children so every night they practiced hard.

Although neither Carol nor Ana liked women it was inevitable that they would do adult things together, it would be strange for one to go out when Damian was going to do it with the other, despite this they had no sexual interactions with each other, and were just present and watching.

Perhaps they acquired a certain fetish for watching after so long.

With those kinds of meetings, Damian realized that the relationship between the two was closer, perhaps there was a closeness after seeing each other in those kinds of situations that they might consider embarrassing.

Maria had peacefully enjoyed some time before she started working with Fury who by the way had become the leader of SHIELD, although she had never had the need to call him for help.

Maria as in the original plot had founded S.W.O.R.D which monitored extraterrestrial phenomena.

Maria was also starting to show her age, she was already around 36 years old, after all, it had been 11 years since he had met her.

Unlike Carol, there was no difference since the day he met her, only that she became more beautiful because of her powers.

Sassy hasn't changed either, apparently, as long as he feeds her with his magic it gives her a long life, usually, tigers live a maximum of 10 years and it had already been 11, despite this she looked just as playful and spoiled.

Sophia had also lived comfortably these years although lately, she had been bothering him by asking for grandchildren, he supposed she had talked about it with Carol and Ana.

Damian had already been in this world for 11 years, as a reincarnated person he can't help but think that it is a long time, many Fanfics or novels he had read were developed in less time.

And it could be said that the story had not yet begun.

Despite his fame as the king of Madripoor, Damian hardly ever appeared in public, most of his photos were taken in New York taking his daughter to school so little by little he became more and more commonplace until he was no longer big news.

Although if he went out on the streets people would still stare at him or take pictures of him.

Anyway, 5 years have passed quickly for Damian, but being a vampire his perception of time is different.

Damian woke up one morning with Carol and Ana sleeping on either side of him, he wonders what things will be like when he has 5 wives, things to think about.

He got up and stealthily dressed before heading down to the living room, Sophia and Monica were already there having breakfast, Maria worked with SHIELD in her own organization so she was usually busy and thanks to this Sophia and Monica had become very close over time.

''Hello, my beautiful ladies'' Damian said before kissing each of them on the cheek and sitting down.

''Dad, I hope you won't forget that I'm going to become a vampire, in 3 days it's my graduation'' Monica said seriously.

''My daughter doesn't call me daddy anymore, how sad'' said Damian, depressed.

''You don't call me mommy either'' Sophia said jokingly.

''Do you want me to call you mommy?'' Damian asked.

''Hm, give it a try'' Sophia said thoughtfully.

''Mommy give me a napkin'' Damian said looking at Sophia.

''Hm, not bad'' Sophia said with a slight blush.

Damian just rolled his eyes at Sophia's nonsense, although he is glad to have her as his mother, she can always cheer him up just by looking at her.

Carol went downstairs with messy hair to breakfast, unlike vampires, Carol was still human and needed to eat.

As Carol ate she got the usual naughty looks from Sophia to which she only responded with smug looks.

Ana usually skipped breakfast and stayed in bed sleeping late, while they ate Damian received a message from Ophelia, apparently a spy had managed to infiltrate deeper than anyone else.

After breakfast and saying goodbye to everyone Damian appeared at his palace where Ophelia was.

''What's the situation?'' Damian asked.

''Apparently, it's the red room again'' Ophelia said as she led him to the cell where the spy was being held.

As Damian entered the cell he saw what appeared to be a young redheaded girl around 17 years old, she was awake and looking at Damian with surprise and hesitation.

''What do you know about her?'' Damian asked, he thought knew who she was.

''Apparently, she is quite famous, Natalia Alianovna Romanoff the current best black widow of the red room, but she is usually known as Natasha Romanoff'' Ophelia said, it was quite easy to get information with technology and powers.

Hearing her real name Natasha couldn't help but be surprised, Natasha being the best in the red room was sent to infiltrate Madripoor, this place is almost a legend for spies as no one has been able to succeed.

Although she doesn't know how the others fared, she believes was very close to discovering one of the secrets, she was able to infiltrate the palace and reach the basement where there was a futuristic-looking elevator, unfortunately, the guards quickly neutralized her, they were too strong and her blows didn't affect them, she felt likes was hitting metal.

After being captured she couldn't help but think that it is the end, although Madripoor is known to send back spies this time is different, she discovered something that could be important not to mention that even if they kill her no one from her country or organization will say anything about it.

When the door opened a familiar face walked in, the king of Madripoor Damian Alucard, in the reports before her mission she saw his picture, and she has heard comments about his appearance, not only that he is the most handsome man in the world but since his first appearance 11 years ago he hasn't changed a bit.

This brought many theories, most of them ridiculous with things like that he bathes in virgin blood to keep his youth.

When she heard that they said her real name she couldn't help but be surprised by the capacity of this small country, not everything was on computers, most things were on paper, she can't imagine how they found out her real name.

Natasha just looked at Damian waiting for him to say what her fate was going to be, to Natasha's surprise he just smiled softly at her before saying something that surprised her.

''Release her'' Damian said.

''Did you suddenly fall in love, do you want me to add her to your harem?'' Ophelia said dumbfounded, she can't help but wonder if Damian prefers redheads.

''Since when do I have a harem?'' Damian asked, looking at Ophelia speechless.

''You have 2 wives'' Ophelia said.

''Forget it, just release her'' Said Damian rolling his eyes, he thinks 2 wives still don't qualify for a harem, he probably will have one with 5 but that's another topic.

''You're the boss'' Ophelia said before pressing a button that released Natasha from her bonds.

Natasha couldn't help but think about trying to subdue the two people in front of her but she doesn't know if she can win, she knows that the green-haired woman was a famous assassin 11 years ago who controlled Madripoor and for her to totally surrender to Damian there must be something abnormal, not to mention that they are releasing her, Natasha is not an ungrateful person, she already has information for her mission to be considered finished.

''Follow me girl'' Ophelia said as she walked out of the cell.

Natasha looked at Damian hesitantly before quickly following her.

Damian looked at Natasha's back and couldn't help a wry smile at their first encounter, in his previous life Natasha was one of his favorite characters in the MCU and she couldn't get a happy ending.

''I must say you are lucky, Damian decided to let you go, I don't know if it's because of your pretty face or maybe Damian likes redheads, the normal thing would have been to silence you or at least not let you leave the country because of the information you got even though it was little'' Ophelia said casually while guiding Natasha

''Hm, if this situation was in the Red Room I would have been silenced'' Natasha said.

''You're pretty good, don't you want to leave the Red Room and work for us?'' Said Ophelia, the girl was pretty good since she got further than any spy, not to mention that Damian seems to like her somehow.

''It's almost impossible for me, people close to me are also part of the red room and if I leave they can do something to them to lure me or just hurt me'' Natasha said seriously, she can't leave the red room if she doesn't kill Dreykov, there's also her sister and her 'parents'.

Ophelia took her to a luxury cruise ship that was leaving in the afternoon before giving her a ticket and wishing her good luck.

Natasha couldn't help but look at Ophelia's back, she really liked this country, it has a different feel to it, the people live quietly and she knows there is no crime, while spying before infiltrating the palace she learned that the wages are enough for people to live decently and the criminals that occasionally appear are forced to hard labor with only three meals a day for a time proportional to their crime.

Despite being the center of the underworld and possibly a criminal country because of all the crime bosses living there due to anti-extradition, ironically it has a very low crime rate.

She also couldn't help but remember Damian, his perfectly handsome face remained in her memory, he really looked young, it was as if he was barely in his first years of college and she was a senior in high school, she couldn't help a slight blush to appear on her face from her thoughts.

She finally boarded the luxury cruise and decided to enjoy herself until she arrived back at the Red Room, she supposed had to make up a little lie.


After that incident, Damian returned home to New York.

''Did something happen?'' Carol asked when she saw him arrive.

''No, just a minor matter, a rather skilled spy managed to infiltrate the palace'' Damian said.

''Hmm I see'' Said Carol.

''Are you going out again?'' Carol asked.

''Yes, I'm going to visit a friend'' Said Damian.

''Are you talking about Jen?'' Asked Carol.

''Yes, it's been a while since we've seen each other,'' said Damian.

''Come back soon'' Said Carol before giving him a kiss.

''I'll surely be back quickly, after all, we have important things to do'' Damian said, smiling mischievously at her.

''Oh, really, like what?'' Carol said, matching his smile.

''Like ensuring the prosperity of the vampire race'' Damian said seriously while hugging her and squeezing her buttocks.

''You're right, it's really important'' Said Carol as she hugged his neck and kissed him.

''Dad, could you not do that in the middle of the living room?'' Monica said out of nowhere, breaking the passionate atmosphere.

''Honey if you want a hug from daddy just say so, don't be jealous'' Damian said as he appeared behind her and hugged her before giving her a kiss on the cheek and disappearing again.

''What a daddy's girl'' Carol teased Monica as she saw her with a blush on her face.

''hmph, you only know how to flirt with daddy'' Monica said as she left fuming in annoyance.


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