Primogenitor in Marvel

Chapter 34

At first, they were puzzled to see Carol using her powers for no reason even when Damian told them that Jen didn't know anything supernatural, but when Damian laughed so hard and Carol shot him they couldn't help but get suspicious.

Damian sent the attack into space as he looked at Carol laughing.

''Sorry love it's just that I love seeing your expressions'' Damian said looking at her with a smile, he loves seeing the panic on her face even though it would sound wrong somehow.

''So what's up with Jen knowing about my powers?'' Carol asked confused.

''She knows about that too, she's the supreme sorceress of the Earth'' Damian said laughing.

''So you didn't tell them what I was'' Jen said, now understanding the drama.

''So you're some kind of wizard?'' Monica asked, a little excited.

''We prefer the term masters of the mystic arts'' Jen replied softly.

''So what is your job or what do you do as a sorceress?'' Carol asked.

''We wizards defend our reality from very powerful cosmic creatures that come from other dimensions'' Jen said, looking slightly at Damian.

''More powerful than dad?'' Monica asked curiously.

''It's hard to say, most are not as powerful as your father but there are some that in energy could be his rival, but your father is a very annoying enemy with many abilities that are hard to counter so it would be hard for any to be able to take on your father'' Jen said.

They all listened carefully and couldn't help but be surprised by the powerful beings out there, although they don't know the full extent of Damian's powers they do know that he is very very powerful, and to think that there are more such beings out there is terrifying.

''Don't worry, in the world, there is a barrier that protects our reality from beings like that, and my duty and that of other wizards is to protect that barrier by preventing them from entering our reality'' Jen said and again looked at Damian, she still didn't understand how such a being could casually walk the earth and why he has such a human personality.

After Jen finished talking they all ate while thinking about what Jen had said, if it wasn't for Damian they would probably live without knowing that Earth is not as safe as they thought.

When they finished dinner Damian proposed that they play Monopoly.

Playing Monopoly was almost a tradition, they had been playing since Monica was little.

Jen had never played so they explained the rules to her, according to Damian she seemed pretty excited to play.

Throughout the game there was a lot of laughter and anger, Jen especially seemed excited playing, she had no mercy when asking for money.

''You fell on my property, you owe me 210 dollars'' said Jen, looking at her victim with intensity.

Ana returned her gaze with intensity before reluctantly handing her the money.

They all had a good time and as it was late they finished for the day, Jen also said goodbye saying she had a great time and Damian escorted her out of the house.

''So I'll see you another day,'' Damian said, smiling at Jen.

Hm, thanks for inviting me, I had a great time'' Jen said with a wider smile than usual as she opened a portal and walked through it.

Damián only gave a slight smile before returning to his room, when he entered he saw that Carol and Ana were in their underwear while changing clothes.

''Wow, is it my birthday?, who sent two cute girls to my room?'' Damian said jokingly.

''Fuck you'' Carol said rolling her eyes.

Ana just looked at him with a sensual and provocative look.

''How did you like my friend Jen?, now you can stop looking at me funny when I go to visit her'' said Damian as he lay back on the bed.

''I don't look at you funny'' Carol defended herself.

''Sometimes you do'' Said Ana who had finished putting on her pajamas, the pajamas left a lot of skin uncovered, and Ana knew Damian loved to touch her fresh skin.

''Whose side are you on? Where did our brotherhood go?'' Carol asked, pretending to feel betrayed.

''Damian's side'' Ana said as she lay down next to him and put her head on his chest.

''Just give me some space'' Carol said, looking away without acknowledging anything.

Damian was used to the usual 'fights' that happened between them, he was really happy just watching them and living with them, he was also grateful that they were getting along even though the personality of the two is totally opposite, he guessed that he has to add someone who is in the middle ground to balance things out.

'I have no choice' Damian thought jokingly.

''I feel like you're thinking something bad'' Said Ana looking at him expressionlessly.

''He's probably thinking about the next girl he'll add, I told you you're too soft on him'' Said Carol.

''Weren't you the one who allowed all this?'' Ana asked, tilting her head slightly to the side.


'Wow, I think Ana won this round' Damian thought.

''Well girls let's go to sleep you can play tomorrow'' Damian said as he pulled them into his embrace and tried to get them to go to sleep.

Damian tried to fall asleep but the two little succubi in his arms were not going to allow it, he felt their hands slowly moving towards his crotch, the feeling was really stimulating and when their hands arrived he already had an erection.

Damian had no choice but to keep his girls satisfied, they really were succubus, at least they did it once a day for hours.

The next day dawned with two octopuses glued to him, he just looked at them lovingly before giving them a kiss on each forehead and turning to mist appearing out of bed.

Carol and Ana frowned in their sleep as they felt Damian disappear, so they moved a little closer to the center until they found warmth again, believing it was Damian they hugged each other but their brows furrowed even more as they felt 'he' was too soft.

Soon the two opened their eyes and for an instant, they looked at each other in surprise as they found they were in each other's arms.

''You know, even though we are part of the same harem, I don't like you that way, sorry Carol'' Ana said inexpressively.


Carol with an annoyed look just pushed her off the bed and Ana fell to the floor.

Ana got up and looked at her expressionlessly.

''That wasn't necessary'' Ana said.

''I'm sorry but I wanted to make it clear that I only like Damian, it's already too much for you to let you see my sensual body,'' Carol said, looking down on her with haughtiness.

''I have them bigger anyway'' Said Ana pushing her breasts up slightly.

''Damian doesn't like your cow breasts'' Said Carol, more pissed off than she looked.

''I'm glad they're getting along, at first they didn't talk so much, even for Ana it's weird to say so much'' Said Damian looking at them softly.

''hmph, I'm going to take a bath'' Carol said, being a tsundere before going to the bathroom.

''Hm, I like Carol'' Said Ana smiling slightly at him, since she is with Damian she stopped being alone, she got a family and although her expressionless mask was a mask, after so much it's already part of her and she knows that Damian in a way likes the contrast in her expressions so she doesn't worry about changing it, she just lets things flow.

Damian looked at her with a faint smile before going downstairs for breakfast and left Carol and Ana in the room, as always he considered himself a lucky person to have both of them.

Before he got to the dining room he found Sophia talking on the phone and she seemed a bit serious so he waited near her.

Sophia talked for a while before she stopped and turned to look at Damian.

''Did something happen?'' Damian asked.

''Hm, could you tell, you actually still have family only it's relatively distant and you had never come in contact with them, you have a cousin on your mother's side, her parents died years ago and she just finished high school, she called me and wanted to see if you could help her get into Madripoor university, she just wants you to help her get there and give her a chance to take the exam, it's funny since I don't think she knows you're the king of Madripoor'' Sophia said with a slight chuckle.

''Right, where is she?'' Damian asked, helping his cousin is something extremely easy so he sees no reason not to do it.

''She's in a hotel in New York, she told me she wanted to talk to you to ask you in person'' Sophia said.

''Send someone to pick her up, let her live here for now, after all, she's my cousin, there's no reason for her to live in a hotel'' Damian said casually.

''Fine'' Sophia said.

Sophia quickly alerted a trusted guard and sent him with a maid to bring her in, she told him she was Damian's cousin so there would be no misunderstandings.

Sophia walked to the dining room and found Damian waiting for her, she smiled slightly at him before taking his arm and walking together to the dining room.

Damian didn't think much about this new cousin of his, if they got along well then great, but he was going to live in Madripoor anyway so they wouldn't have so much contact.

Damian had breakfast with his whole family, tomorrow was Monica's high school graduation and also her graduation as a human so everyone was a bit excited.

After breakfast, Damian felt a car entering his house with the guard and the maid but an additional person was coming.


Jane Foster since she was a little girl was very intelligent but also unlucky, her parents died when she was young and she could only live with the savings of her parents and a friend of her father, Erik Selvic, even so, the time came when the money ran out and she still had to go to university.

She only had two options, one is to accept Erik to pay for her college which she feels really embarrassed about since Erik has helped her since she was very young and she doesn't want to be such a burden to him.

The other option is to ask for help from a cousin of hers that her mother told her about when she was young, she had recently found his name and home in some old papers of her mother's, she knew he was very wealthy and influential but she didn't know exactly how much.

Damian was his name, it reminded her of the legendary Damian Alucard, the king of Madripoor, that country was a paradise for scientists, they had the highest technology and the truth also wanted to go to university there, even Erik when he heard her decision told her that if she had the opportunity she should study in Madripoor.

So here was Jane, calling the housekeeper of her cousin's house, she knew her name was Sophia, after communicating for a few moments where she asked if she could see her cousin she ended the call and waited for her answer, she just hoped that her cousin was not one of those arrogant and evil politicians, even at her young age she knew that money corrupts easily, even more when you just inherit that money and don't work hard for it.

About one hour passed and she couldn't help but get nervous thinking that her cousin had ignored her until she heard the phone in her room.

"Hello?'' Jane asked, answering the phone.

''Miss, there's a lady in a maid's outfit looking for you and she says she's coming from your cousin to take you home,'' said the voice over the phone.

''Tell her I'll be right there,'' Jane said hurriedly.

Jane quickly put her luggage down and the guard helped her put it away before opening the door for her.

So Jane was in a luxurious car in front of a giant mansion, she wondered what her cousin looked like, if she wasn't mistaken he should be around 32 years old.

Jane couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise as she saw a giant tiger casually strolling towards the back of the mansion, she couldn't help but wonder if she was hallucinating from nerves.

Jane got out of the car and the maid guided her and gestured respectfully for her to enter, after entering again she guided her to what looked like a study.

The mansion was huge and very luxurious, her parents were just normal people, maybe a little above average, they were just teachers so they didn't earn that much.

''Sir we brought the lady, shall I let her in?'' asked the maid.

''Sure, let her come in'' said an unfamiliar voice.

The maid gestured for her to come in and Jane nervously pushed the door and entered.

When she entered she saw the most attractive person she had ever seen in her life sitting behind a large desk.

She couldn't help but be distracted by the sight of him, especially with his strange blue hair.

''So you're my cousin'' Said the exaggeratedly attractive young man.

''Hm'' Was the only thing that came out of Jane's mouth out of nervousness.


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