Protect Our Patriarch

Chapter 11: Guardian Zhe's assessment of the Quasi-Imperial Heirs! A storm is brewing


Two poor kids~~

They have no idea that they've already become pawns in the secret game between two families, and even their future marriages won't be in their own hands.

But, in this world, it's common for marriages not to be decided by oneself, especially for direct descendants.

Because the marriages of direct descendants are not just their own business but also concern the long-term future of the entire family. If everyone had the freedom to marry as they pleased, wouldn't it be chaos?

Including Wang Shouzhe, Liu Ruolan, and the Commandery Prince An couple, they all married according to family arrangements. Having the chance to choose from a few candidates was already a great fortune.

A moment later.

After another round of scolding, the two little ones finally behaved, curling up in a corner and starting to draw circles. They glanced at each other and couldn't help but feel a sense of shared misery.

Wang Shouzhe didn't rush to discuss the marriage alliance but leisurely took a sip of fairy tea, smiling as he looked at Wu Mingyuan, the Commandery Prince An: "Your Highness Mingyuan, I heard from Tianyan Fairy last time that you are planting protective forests and improving the land in Anbei Garrison. How's it going?"

Wang Shouzhe actually already knew the results.

His understanding of Wu Mingyuan and Anbei Garrison far exceeded Wu Mingyuan's understanding of the Wang's Clan. The Palace of Immortals, established by his family member Wang Mei, had gradually infiltrated Anbei Garrison over the past decades, becoming Wang Shouzhe's eyes.

At the mention of this, Wu Mingyuan's spirit lifted, and he was no longer sleepy: "Anbei Garrison is located on the northwest border of Monan Commandery, at the junction of Dala Great Desert, Western Sea Commandery, and Monan Commandery. Although it's called a 'Garrison,' its actual area is larger than the combined southern six guards of Longzuo."

"My plan is to gradually turn Anbei Garrison into a grain production base, then use the protective forest to advance into the Dala Great Desert, turning the entire desert into fertile land. You know, the total area of the Dala Great Desert is almost half the size of the Great Qian."

"Now, we've initially overcome the technical challenges of the protective forest, and we have the conditions for large-scale planting. Our people have also found several underground water sources, solving part of the irrigation water problem."

"Our main crop is the drought-resistant pearl rice improved by the Purple Mansion Academy of Longzuo Commandery's Changchun Valley. It loves light and is drought-resistant, with tall plants and thick roots that can better penetrate the sandy soil to absorb nutrients. The yield per acre is very high, and the plants can be processed to feed cattle, sheep, pigs, and other livestock. The manure from these animals, once fermented, is excellent fertilizer for the fields."

"Our secondary crops are jade crystal grapes and cumin spices. The former can fully utilize the underground water sources to produce higher value, which can be made into wine for sale. The latter is suitable for intercropping with pearl rice to maximize land use..."

When it comes to farming, Wu Mingyuan is truly unstoppable, entering an excited state with his eyes shining.

On the side, Wu Dianshan was almost falling asleep. He was just a leisurely Commandery Prince, who usually tended to flowers and fished. He had no interest in large-scale development and planting.

However, he knew that Wang Shouzhe was somewhat tempted, seemingly testing Wu Mingyuan.

Wang Shouzhe listened carefully, occasionally raising some doubts, which Wu Mingyuan patiently answered one by one.

As Wang Shouzhe's questions became more detailed, Wu Mingyuan's answers also became more thorough, covering soil composition, fertilization, pest control, underground water exploration, irrigation canal construction, and even the overall planning and construction details of Anbei Garrison. He was well-versed in all aspects.

His expertise and dedication in planting and local construction were evident.

Even Wang Shouzhe couldn't help but nod in approval.

Wang Zong'an's eyes also showed a hint of admiration.

He had been fully involved in the development and construction of Qingluo Garrison and knew the difficulties well. The challenge of developing Anbei Garrison was far greater than that of Qingluo Garrison.

After all, the Qingluo Sea, where Qingluo Garrison was located, had already been reclaimed. Building on that foundation was much easier than starting from scratch in Anbei Garrison, which was almost entirely barren.

"Your Highness Mingyuan, with your current plan, you could manage Anbei Garrison well within a century," Wang Shouzhe poured Wu Mingyuan a cup of tea and casually asked, "However, no matter how well you manage it, it's just a small part of the southern six guards of Longzuo Commandery. It won't significantly enhance the overall national strength of the Great Qian. The underground water in Anbei Garrison is far from enough to support your grand plan of reclaiming the Dala Great Desert. What are your thoughts on this?"

Wu Dianshan couldn't help but admire Wang Shouzhe. He was the most extraordinary person he had ever met.

Most people would try to curry favor with a Quasi-Imperial Heir. The Quasi-Imperial Heir would also carefully observe and test potential followers.

But here, the roles were reversed. Wang Shouzhe was the one testing the Quasi-Imperial Heir. Who was recruiting whom?

However, Wu Mingyuan didn't mind.

He rarely met someone who could understand and discuss these matters with him. He was in high spirits and couldn't stop.

He gulped down the fairy tea and continued, "Shouzhe's question hits the mark. I already have a comprehensive plan. Anbei Garrison is adjacent to Western Sea Commandery. The nearest western coast is only two thousand miles away in a straight line."

"The Western Sea is not a real sea but a freshwater lake in Western Sea Commandery, named for its vast size."

"My plan is to open an artificial Grand Canal from the Western Sea, first connecting east to west, linking Western Sea Commandery and Anbei Garrison, and then from Anbei Garrison, connecting north to south, straight to the capital, Guilong City. This way, we can solve the water shortage in the Dala Great Desert and open up waterways to solve transportation difficulties."

Wu Mingyuan's eyes sparkled as he spoke, showing his serious planning.

Not far away, the Princess Consort of Commandery Prince An sighed helplessly, "Our prince is promoting his grand plan again. I hope Master Wang Shouzhe can handle it and not leave in anger."

"Sister Qingrui, don't worry. My husband has a strong tolerance," Liu Ruolan chuckled, "Besides, he likes planning big things. He and the prince seem to get along well. But why is the plan considered absurd?"

"Sigh~ Sister Ruolan, you don't know. Our household has almost invested everything in developing Anbei Garrison, and the return is far off. The prince's plan, though good, requires immense manpower, resources, and finances, far beyond our means."

"He even submitted this plan to the court, hoping to persuade the Emperor to fund it, but was ridiculed as 'wildly ambitious.' Even our Gongye Clan doesn't fully support it due to its immense difficulty..."

Gongye Qingrui said helplessly.

She wanted to help her husband fulfill his wish but couldn't force her family to assist. Moreover, the plan was too grand, with massive engineering, long timelines, and distant returns. Even the third-grade Gongye Clan might not bear it.

Over the decades, the huge initial investment had already drained the household's resources. Gongye Qingrui hoped Anbei Garrison would turn profitable, so she didn't support the grand plan.


Wang Shouzhe nodded frequently after hearing it: "Not bad, this plan is very farsighted. Once this giant Grand Canal is built, it will revitalize the areas along Western Sea Commandery and Anbei Garrison. Though the investment is enormous and the project long, it will bring continuous long-term benefits."

The Commandery Prince An was also surprised but soon became excited, grabbing Wang Shouzhe: "Master Wang Shouzhe, you agree with the plan? Great! I thought only Brother Hao supported it."

Over the decades, he had tried to promote this plan everywhere but only received ridicule. Well-meaning people advised him to focus on the Imperial Heir Struggle instead of a centuries-long grand plan.

Even if you succeed, the Imperial Heir Struggle will be over, and you'll only benefit the new Emperor.

"Why not agree?" Wang Shouzhe nodded in admiration, "Once this grand plan is completed, within a thousand years, it will gradually reclaim the Dala Great Desert, adding the strength of two to three commanderies to the Great Qian, significantly enhancing its national power."

"Not only that, with the support of those giant grain warehouses, we can support twice the current population," the Commandery Prince An said excitedly, "By then, the Great Qian will be even more prosperous. How can the barbaric Western Jin, which has opposed us for thousands of years, withstand our Xuanjia Army?"

"Your ambition, Commandery Prince An, is admirable."

Wang Shouzhe couldn't help but sigh.

He always thought the Commandery Prince An was just focused on developing Anbei Garrison, but he didn't expect him to have such grand ambitions.

His vision, scale, and courage made even Wang Shouzhe feel inferior.

However, their positions were different, and what they protected was different, so their perspectives naturally differed.

For Wang Shouzhe, the Changning Wang's Clan was his foundation. All his efforts and plans were for the better development of the Changning Wang's Clan, ensuring the family's stability, providing enough resources for the younger generation's cultivation, and giving the elders opportunities to reach higher levels.

But the Commandery Prince An was different.

As a royal bloodline, he should plan for the future of the Great Qian.


The Commandery Prince An was slightly embarrassed: "Master Wang Shouzhe, you overpraise me. Actually, these plans were not entirely my idea."

After a pause, his expression turned somewhat gloomy: "Over a hundred years ago, I often discussed the future and planning of the Great Qian with Brother Hao. The grain warehouse plan for Anbei Garrison and the Dala Great Desert was just one of them. Brother Hao had detailed plans for the East Sea, North Sea, Western Sea, and even the Great Swamp and the southern outer regions."

Though he said so, the Commandery Prince An had contributed many ideas to those plans. They often argued over differing opinions.

"Brother Hao? Commandery Prince Hao?"

Wang Shouzhe frowned slightly. He had never heard of this name.

Though the Great Qian had many Commandery Princes, including some reclusive ones, he had researched the royal family and knew the basic information of the existing Commandery Princes. But he had never heard of Commandery Prince Hao.

"Mingyuan, be careful," Wu Dianshan frowned, "The Emperor has ordered not to mention His Highness Hao."

"Yes, Uncle, I was careless," the Commandery Prince An realized his mistake and quickly apologized.

Wang Shouzhe felt suspicious.

But seeing Wu Dianshan and the Commandery Prince An's reaction, he restrained his curiosity.

With his current intelligence network, it shouldn't be difficult to find out about Commandery Prince Hao. There was no need to dig into it now.

At this point.

Wang Shouzhe was generally satisfied with the Commandery Prince An's performance.

In fact, when Wang Shouzhe sensed the threat of the Imperial Heir Struggle, he began secretly gathering all information related to the Quasi-Imperial Heirs.

Whether it was Commandery Prince Kang or Commandery Prince An, he had collected half a room of information about them.

Wang Shouzhe spent decades studying these two Quasi-Imperial Heirs, naturally understanding their past, personalities, and even some private lives in detail.

He had no choice.

The Imperial Heir Struggle was a major event, and Wang Shouzhe and the entire Wang's Clan couldn't afford to be careless.

Once the Wang's Clan was involved in the Imperial Heir Struggle, they would have to take a side. If they chose the wrong side, they might not be destroyed, but they would certainly face long-term suppression.

An Emperor's reign could last over three thousand years. The Wang's Clan couldn't withstand three thousand years of suppression, no matter how strong they were.

Wang Shouzhe's view of these two Quasi-Imperial Heirs was different from most.

Commandery Prince Kang.

On the surface, Commandery Prince Kang seemed like a perfect Quasi-Imperial Heir, diligent, loving the people, with numerous military achievements and a great reputation. He also valued his family, raising outstanding children who became pillars of society.

Additionally, the great prodigy Gongyang Ce's unwavering support was a huge advantage for Commandery Prince Kang.

The court, the royal family, and various commanderies mostly supported Commandery Prince Kang as the Imperial Heir, giving him various support.

Long Wuji of the Flood Dragon Gang was one of Commandery Prince Kang's strong supporters.

But Commandery Prince An was the opposite, low-key and introverted, rarely socializing, focusing solely on planting protective forests and building infrastructure in Anbei Garrison.

If not for his Quasi-Imperial Heir title, many might forget his existence...

As expected, Commandery Prince An had few supporters, with a momentum far less than Commandery Prince Kang's.

Most family heads would likely choose to join Commandery Prince Kang, seeing a better chance of winning.

However, after several interactions, Wang Shouzhe felt that choosing Commandery Prince Kang might not be a good idea.

From the initial struggle for the Qian's Clan's direct line to Long Wuji's military pressure and subsequent commercial competition, all showed that Commandery Prince Kang's decision-makers were too eager for quick success, or rather, unscrupulous.

Perhaps Commandery Prince Kang could blame Cao Youqing or Gongyang Ce.

But, as the saying goes, "the upper beam is not straight, the lower beam will be crooked."

If Commandery Prince Kang didn't condone or even adopt such methods, how could his subordinates act this way?

In Wang Shouzhe's view, Commandery Prince Kang's behavior and logic were clear: everything aimed at the Imperial Heir position, using any means necessary.

He accumulated military achievements for the Imperial Heir position, created political achievements for the Imperial Heir position, and played power games for the Imperial Heir position.

Many of these political achievements were superficial, looking good but having little real benefit for the Great Qian's people.

In Wang Shouzhe's words from his previous life, "the eating looks ugly."

Moreover, there was another crucial point.

In the current situation, Commandery Prince Kang's camp was already full of talents and supporters. Even if the Wang's Clan joined, they might not be valued.

That wouldn't matter if Wang Shouzhe only sought a peaceful transition through the changing times, regardless of importance.

The real fear was that, given Commandery Prince Kang's nature, he might sacrifice his pawns for greater benefits. The Wang's Clan could become a casualty.

The risk was too great.

Therefore, Wang Shouzhe had been planning and calculating, weighing and comparing between the two Commandery Princes.

In fact, even now, Wang Shouzhe was still observing. However, he was leaning towards... Commandery Prince An.

Various plans and strategies related to this were quietly brewing.

Until this unexpected incident involving Wang Anye and Wu Yiluo.


Afterward, Wang Shouzhe continued chatting with the Commandery Prince An, while Liu Ruolan chatted with Gongye Qingrui about beauty, child education, and cultivation techniques.

Wang Shouzhe had to admit, he and the Commandery Prince An got along well, sharing many common ideas.

Night gradually fell.

The drowsy Wu Dianshan finally couldn't stand it and coughed to remind them: "Mingyuan, Shouzhe. If you want to chat, you can do it later. Today, we're here to discuss the matter of the two youngsters."

In the corner.

Wang Anye and Wu Yiluo had long been unable to sit still, now lying on the ground playing with ants. Every moment was torture for them...

Sigh~ The adults were too slow. They didn't dare leave or speak, feeling miserable.

Hearing Wu Dianshan's words, the two little ones didn't think much and nodded eagerly. Whatever the matter, let's get through today first!

Wang Shouzhe glanced at Liu Ruolan, who nodded slowly.

Then, Wang Shouzhe looked at the hopeful little ones and finally turned to the Commandery Prince An: "Your Highness Mingyuan, I see that Anye and Yiluo are indeed a perfect match, both in looks and temperament. After marriage, they will surely love and support each other. Let's discuss their marriage."

The Commandery Prince An was delighted but maintained a serious expression, nodding: "I see they like each other very much. Let's discuss it properly."

"What? Like each other?"

The two little ones' eyes widened, then they looked at each other, blinking innocently, their foreheads full of question marks.

Love and support each other? How did the adults see that?


The details of the marriage discussion are not mentioned.

When the discussion began, the two little ones were sent out, and even Wu Dianshan soon left. Few knew the specifics of the discussion.

People only knew that the discussion lasted several days.

During this time, the Princess Consort Gongye Qingrui flipped the table several times, and cold, murderous auras emanated from the room. The Commandery Prince An couple and Wang Shouzhe often fled in a sorry state.

In short, it was thrilling.

Several days later, the marriage was finally settled, and the Commandery Prince An couple left Qingluo Garrison with Wu Yiluo, satisfied.

Qingluo Garrison.

In the study of the city guard office.

After the Commandery Prince An couple left, Wang Shouzhe took over the study.

Under the light of the spirit lamp, Wang Shouzhe was solemnly writing a letter, while his eldest son Wang Zong'an stood respectfully by, motionless.

After a long time, Wang Shouzhe finished the letter, dried it, folded it, and put it in an envelope, handing it to Wang Zong'an with great care.

He instructed seriously: "Zong'an, go to the Purple Mansion Academy and tell Liyao in person..."

"The time has come, act according to plan."

"Yes, Father." Wang Zong'an's body trembled slightly, then quickly regained composure, saluted respectfully, and left the study.

By now, the sky had turned from light to dark, with a giant red sun hanging on the horizon, dyeing the clouds in brilliant colors.

In the distant sea, ships with large sails moved back and forth in the sunset, seemingly coated in a layer of golden-red light.

The cries of seagulls mingled with the sound of the tides, faint and hazy, as if from another world.

Just then, a sea breeze blew, making Wang Zong'an's clothes flutter and stirring his thoughts.

He looked up at the sky and murmured.

"The wind is rising~"


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