Rebirth As a Writer In Britain

Chapter 338

Chapter 338 The excitement of Swedish readers

When I went to work the next day, the editor-in-chief Enni immediately notified the news that “Jane Eyre” had signed the Swedish copyright. After hearing that the contract was for a price of 3 million pounds, the person above was really satisfied. Smile.

“Enni, this Kevin is really capable. I have been working in the book industry for half my life, and I have not seen a writer who can talk about the price of 3 million pounds for his works. It is a pity, now Kevin has opened his own cultural company. , Otherwise we will all grab his future works and publish them.” The president of the London Literature Publishing House said happily.

“Kevin opened his own cultural company, which is indeed a pity for our publishing house. We must know that if Kevin writes new works, our publishing house will have the opportunity to publish his works more than any other publishing house.” In this matter, the editor-in-chief Enni made a similar sigh at the beginning:

The entire British publishing industry knows this truth. Owning Kevin’s works means owning sales. Therefore, it can be said that it is a pity for publishers not to publish Kevin’s work.

“Yes! But everyone has their own ambitions, and we can’t do anything about it. Oh, let you do the signing of the contract. Anyway, you have always handled Kevin’s affairs.”

“OK, then I will go to Edinburgh today. Stop by to see other writers, to show our concern and greetings for original writers by the London Literature Press.”

After finishing speaking, the editor-in-chief Enni walked out of the president’s office, and then called Kevin and explained that he would travel to Edinburgh this afternoon to discuss the signing of the Swedish copyright of Jane Eyre.

When Kevin heard that the editor-in-chief Enni was coming, he asked Crawford to prepare, and planned to meet her together at that time. After all, the editor-in-chief Enni is kind to Kevin, so when she comes, Kevin must personally greet her.

In the past few days when Kevin went to Sweden, he did not know about Sihua and Wenfeng magazine. So after work, in addition to telling Enni editor-in-chief to spend the afternoon in Edinburgh, Kevin also asked Crawford to report on the company’s situation in the past few days.

“Dear boss, the company has been operating well these days. Especially for the “Wenfeng” magazine. In the past few days, more readers have called to order our magazine.” Crawford said proudly.

“That’s good, we have to engage in more activities in the forum. In order to attract more readers to participate.”

Kevin was naturally happy when he heard that the number of subscriptions to Wenfeng magazine increased. After all, this is a magazine I founded. However, Kevin knew that this was far from the ideal he had in mind. What he wanted to run was a magazine with his heart. He needed every reader to think of Wenfeng as soon as he talked about the magazine.

After four o’clock in the afternoon, Kevin received a call from the editor-in-chief of Enni. So we crossed the airport with Crawford to pick her up.

Editor-in-chief Enni wore a pair of casual trousers and a black T-shirt today, which seemed to make her figure more slender and beautiful.

“Hi! Kevin, it’s been a long time. Are you okay?” Editor Enni smiled after seeing this talented man.

“Dear Editor-in-Chief Enni, I’m great. Oh, it’s a pleasure to see you again.”

After Kevin finished speaking, he politely embraced Enni. Between the hugs, the woman in her thirties also moved her body as close as possible in order to enjoy the breath of this talented man.

“Oh. Enni editor-in-chief, this is Mr. Crawford, he is now mainly responsible for helping me manage the company and the magazine.” Kevin suddenly introduced.

“Mr. Crawford, hello, it’s nice to meet you.”

“Ms. Enni, hello, it is also a pleasure to meet you. Oh, please get in the car, let’s go back to the company first, and then talk slowly.” Crawford said politely.

“Okay. Trouble you two.”

A total of 2 people came from the London Literature Publishing House this time, Enni and her assistant. Therefore, at this time, the two also followed Kevin back to the reception room of Sihua Culture Co., Ltd.

The editor-in-chief of Enni is her own benefactor, and Kevin is a person who knows her. So I was kind to her all the way. After arriving in the reception room, in order to show his courtesy, he also made tea himself.

“Dear editor-in-chief Enni, the craftsmanship is poor. So I hope you don’t mind.” Kevin said modestly after pouring tea to the other party.

At this time, the editor-in-chief of Enni seriously picked up the tea that Kevin had poured for her, and then took a few sips. About half a minute later, he said: “Yes, Kevin, I didn’t expect you to write articles well and make tea so good.”

“Really? Maybe I learned this from Crawford. He is a tea maker at Sihua. Of course, you are here this time, so I think I must make it myself to show respect for you. . Just now I was worried that my technique is too bad and you will not be used to drinking. Now I hear you say that, I feel more relieved.” Kevin said wittily.

“Haha, you are too modest. This craft is already at the level of a tea master.”

In fact, the editor-in-chief Enni wanted to tell this talented man in front of me that no matter how difficult it is to drink tea, I will still think it tastes good if it comes from your hands. Unfortunately, this “thought” of hers can only be stored in her inner little world.

After the gossip is finished, it’s time to start getting into the topic. At this time, the editor-in-chief of Enni asked Kevin to take a look at the contract he signed with the Swedish Translation Publishing House. After all, they also need to go through the details of the contract before signing.

“Kevin, I have already talked to the president about “Jane Eyre” has signed the Swedish copyright when I went to work today. He was also happy with the result. So, as long as there are no additional conditions in the contract, I I think it’s ok.” Enni editor-in-chief said after taking over the contract.

“Don’t worry, “Jane Eyre” is the first work of my life, so I love it more than anyone else. You look at the contract first, and then discuss any questions.” Kevin confidently said.

Enni’s editor-in-chief’s assistant is also in charge of this, so the task of reading the contract is also entrusted to her. And the editor-in-chief Kevin and Enni were also enjoying their tea and chatting.

Since Kevin opened the company, editor-in-chief Enni has rarely had the opportunity to chat face-to-face with Kevin, so she seemed very satisfied at this time. She didn’t know why she felt this way. Maybe it was because she was too lonely in her heart after the divorce for too long. Suddenly there is a partner to talk to, and her heart will always be different.

“Editor-in-chief Enni, I probably read the contract. It’s all very good. It seems that the Swedish Translation Publishing House has spent a big price this time to sign the Swedish copyright of Jane Eyre.” Half an hour later, Enni’s assistant editor finally spoke.

“There is no problem, Kevin, since there is no problem with this contract. Our London Literary Publishing House naturally has the same idea as yours. We all agree that “Jane Eyre” is signed to the Swedish Translation Publishing House.” Editor-in-Chief Enni Speaking with a smile.

“Great, this is the result I want. Oh. I have reserved your phone number for each other. So, I think they will contact your publishing house soon.” Kevin said.

“Well, let’s wait for their call. Kevin, from this contract. I have already seen that you are already on the path to an internationally renowned writer. Really, I am not exaggerating at all. I have never seen a writer possessing so much at such a young age. Curry, Padick and others can’t do it.” Editor Enni said her own words.

“Thank you for your compliment, I hope it is what you said.”

Kevin has listened to similar compliments countless times this time. But he was not bored or bored at all. On the contrary, he likes the feeling of being praised. He is also working hard to approach the footsteps of the great writer.

The editor-in-chief Enni is a rare visit to Edinburgh. After discussing the contract, she will not rush back to London so quickly. Kevin also arranged accommodation for them in the most upscale hotel in the city, and to show his friendship as a landlord. In the evening, Kevin also invited everyone to enjoy dinner together.

After the London Literary Publishing House signed the contract, the Swedish copyright of Jane Eyre was basically signed to the Swedish Translation Publishing House. As an original writer, Kevin is naturally happy, so after returning from dinner with editor-in-chief Enni and others, he shared this happy event with everyone on Twitter.

Kevin wrote on Twitter: I am very happy that after “The Collection of All Beings”, “Jane Eyre” has also signed the Swedish copyright. I think this work will be published in the Swedish market soon, and I hope it can still get your support and likes.

After Kevin’s tweet was published, people in the British literary media became envious.

“Kevin is really great. He sold a Swedish copyrighted work so quickly. Is it possible that he intends to sell all his works to Swedish copyright? If that’s the case. That’s incredible.”

“I really envy Kevin to have such results. It seems that he already has a very substantial market in Sweden. Maybe in the near future, there will be other works that will be signed for Swedish copyright. Alas, when can I? Have his current height.”

“True to be the darling of God. God not only made him prosperous in the UK, but also made him have a large number of fans in other countries. Well, I think I can only look up in this life. However, I am very happy. There can be such an outstanding young writer in the UK.”

“Perhaps Kevin’s future achievements are far more than these, he will do even better. Therefore, he already has all the breath of a master of literature. He will go in this direction. I think the last is the last. , Maybe he will become the youngest Nobel Prize winner in literature.”

They all lamented Kevin’s achievements at this time. After all, a writer can have foreign readers and fans at such a young age, which is very remarkable in the parallel world of Britain.

The Swedish readers are very happy after seeing Kevin’s Twitter saying that “Jane Eyre” has signed the Swedish copyright. After all, this means that they will be able to see this film in the near future. Excellent work too.

“So happy, I finally have the opportunity to see “Jane Eyre”. It is said that this is the first full-length work written by Kevin. So, I think she must be very romantic and very exciting.”

“I am full of expectations for “Jane Eyre”, and I hope I can buy this work on the Swedish market as soon as possible. Kevin, come on. We have always supported you.”

“It’s really great. After the publication of this work, I must buy it as soon as possible. Ever since Kevin introduced “Jane Eyre” at the signing event, I have always been curious in my heart. At that moment, I told myself that I must read such a genius writer’s Chu female work anyway.”

“This is definitely good news, because I can finally buy Kevin’s “Jane Eyre” in the near future. I went to several bookstores a few days ago and said that there is no news about this work. It’s better now. , Seeing this tweet from Kevin, I don’t have to worry about not being able to buy it.”

For a time, fans from both countries were crazy about Kevin’s tweet, which made Kevin’s tweet hit the headlines all at once. Of course, since Kevin became famous, his Twitter attention has been very high. So, in other words, Kevin’s Twitter at is even better than many advertisements and promotions.

Bella happened to be discussing the end of the show in Liverpool. After logging in to her Twitter, she also saw this message from Kevin.

Bella is happy that Kevin’s “Jane Eyre” can sell the Swedish copyright, after all, she is also a big fan of this work, and when “Jane Eyre” was made into a movie, she was still the protagonist in it. Therefore, she is very excited to be able to go abroad for this work.

Bella took advantage of her free time and immediately sent a cell phone text message to Kevin and congratulated him on the matter.

After seeing Bella’s congratulatory message, Kevin felt a hint of happiness in his heart. This is even more exciting than signing the Swedish copyright of Jane Eyre. After all, Bella, as the most prosperous star in the UK, a beautiful woman, can personally send text messages to congratulate herself at this time. What a rare thing!

Therefore, Kevin also replied a long message to Bella, and also invited her to come to Edinburgh when she was free. This is also what Kevin’s parents meant. After all, Kevin’s parents had a very good image of Bella, and they thought this young girl was very good. It would be great if Kevin could marry her home. (To be continued.)

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