Reborn Oligarchs 1991

v4 Chapter 910 - wealth initiative

?When the oligarchs fought for power against the federal government, the other was quietly and rapidly rising, and this wave of forces was the left-wing opposition that emerged from the political elite of the Soviet Bolshevik Party. Said that the lake that was originally divided up should have belonged to their management, although the water resources in it are nominally owned by all desert residents, but after all, they have the right to distribute, and at the same time, they also enjoy more privilege. / At that time, they could not only drink enough clean water every day, but even take a shower every now and then. What’s more, if their bath water, face water and foot water were distributed to the residents in the name of “social welfare” , and earn them a lofty reputation.

However, since the implementation of this privatization reform, their privilege has disappeared, and most of the benefits have been taken away by those oligarchs. The anger is also spreading. Therefore, they are also extremely dissatisfied with the current federal government. After all, the power held by those guys should belong to them.

In this way, in the past few years, the left-wing opposition has been hostile to the existence of the oligarchic group on the one hand, and the federal government that has taken power away on the other hand. Compete.

In the end, with Guo Shouyun’s strong entry into Moscow, the oligarchic group had the absolute upper hand in this political struggle. The power held by the federal government was divided up by several oligarchs. At the same time, in order to avoid opposition from the people , they were too embarrassed to come forward to seize this power, so after some thinking, the shrewd oligarchs thought of the left-wing opposition who had always opposed privatization reform, and no matter what the purpose of these guys seized power, at least their political views, To a certain extent, it can still meet the needs of the people. In this way, the peace between the oligarchs and the left-wing opposition began: the oligarchs promised that they would not only allow the left-wing opposition to regain control of the state, but at the same time ensure that they had sufficient “water”. When you are full, you have to use the “bath water” sneakily, and you can’t wash it too often, or once every three days, or once every five days. And now, as long as the left-wing opposition can protect the vested interests of the oligarchy, they can shower every day without worrying about anything going wrong.

Undoubtedly, as the economic elite of the former Bolshevik party, the people of the oligarchy were the best at making deals, and they made promises that the Left Opposition felt unable to refuse, and had no reason to refuse, the power of the past was restored, and their own The privileges of the oligarchs can also be changed from the original “gray” to the “pure white” under the democratic system. The most important thing is that the oligarchs seem to be very generous, and they are willing to give some clean water as “welfare”, in order to benefit the left wing after taking power The opposition seeks a good name. Perfect, everything is so perfect, and the perfect thing is often something that people cannot refuse. In this case, the alliance between the left-wing opposition and the oligarchic group is out of control. As for this federal nationalization, it is also On the basis of this kind of alliance, local policies are introduced. Specifically, it belongs to the process in which the left-wing opposition provides some clear water for welfare on the premise of ensuring the interests of the oligarchic group. At the same time, from an international point of view, this is another major means of excluding foreign forces from continuing to exist in the Commonwealth after the left-wing opposition came to power.

According to the agreement reached between Zyuganov and the Big Five, the nationalization and transformation of state-owned resources must strictly abide by several clauses, the most important of which is to establish several regional The Concain Group, take the Far East as an example, the oil exploration areas and oil industry groups originally controlled by the Guo Group will be merged into the Far East Oil and Gas Concain Group. After the establishment of the group, the Federal Central Bank will pay the Kuo Group 7 billion US dollars to compensate for its huge losses in business. In turn, the Guo Group will once again apply to the Federal Natural Resources Management Commission to purchase 45% of the group’s fifty-year operating license with $2 billion in funds. From the effective date of the agreement, in the next 50 years, the Far East Petroleum and Natural Gas Group will be managed by the Guo Group, Guo Shouyun will be the president of the group, and the federal government will be the sole legal entity of the group. In addition, after the rent-seeking contract is signed, the federal government will set up a pension and welfare guarantee plan specifically for the group to protect the most basic benefits of the group’s retired workers.

Of course, these things are only for people to see on the surface, but behind all the smog, the equity of Far East Oil and Gas Concain Group still completely belongs to the Guo Group, and the US$7 billion compensation offered by the Federal Central Bank, Naturally, it didn’t fall into Guo Shouyun’s pocket.

The new federal government will use the channel of Yuan Commercial Bank to reverse the predicament of the federal fiscal deficit within two years. Where will this staggering deficit come from to make money? To put it bluntly, these seven billion are the hidden gold used to fill the gap. As for the federal pension plan, where does the money come from? Obviously, the two billion funds used by the Guo Group to reverse the purchase of shares are the start-up funds for this project.

The scam that politicians and speculation have jointly created is absolutely seamless, at least for those ordinary people who are bitter and haha, they can’t figure out any loopholes from it. The state-owned assets of the Federation started from large-scale privatization, and were privatized by a few people. The people of the Federation who had usurped everything and only got “a colander” would naturally not be satisfied with such a result. Well now, the decade-long democratic radicals in charge of the Kremlin have collapsed, followed by the left-wing opposition that advocates nationalization, and where this political group has come to power, they have demonstrated their relationship with big capital. There is no fundamental contradiction between strengths that cannot be reconciled. The federal oligarchic group, which controls the lifeline of the country’s economy, has to “spit” the swallowed cake again. They have given high hopes. After ten years of suffering, they finally smelled a ray of dawn, but unfortunately, it is still the same sentence that they said before. Political reform in any country in this world is impossible. Bring real benefits to ordinary people who account for the overwhelming majority of the population. After all, the vast majority means ordinary, and ordinary should abide by ordinary duties.

Guo Shouyun’s two simple sentences made Dongting, especially Steve, perceive an unusual aura. In fact, the information they had obtained before was very one-sided. The news delivered by the Canadian embassy in Moscow only said that Jiujia The left-wing opposition led by Novov is currently planning a new round of “communist headwinds”, and once this headwind takes shape, Russia’s domestic economic model will change to a large extent. In addition to these, most of what Dongting and Steve knew were conjectured by the Conservative Party.

Originally, according to Dong Ting’s intention, she planned to take this opportunity to win a new opportunity to invest in Russia for a part of Canada’s multinational consortium. You must know that whether it is the Progressive Conservative Party or the Canadian Alliance, what they represent The interests of the strata belong to the category of big capitalists. They advocate the so-called liberalization of the trade and investment environment. For a long time in the past, the Canadian government, due to its relatively conservative foreign policy, has not been able to cope with the disintegration of the former Soviet Union. How many eye-catching shares are there in the big cake, so when the news from Moscow came, some Canadian consortiums were eager to try, and Dongting was equivalent to a representative they elected.

Dongting thought a bit simple at first. She thought that since Moscow was going to nationalize, and then, the nationalized property rights were to be leased to the outside world, then with the economic strength of the Canadian consortium and the special relationship behind it, Russia this time. Even if she can’t achieve great results in the trip, at least she can get a result of both fame and fortune, but now, the simple words of my eldest brother have made her understand a truth. Russia’s national conditions are completely different from Canada’s. The difference is that Moscow’s so-called nationalization reform is now destined to be incomplete. With the influence of the big brother in Moscow, the Kremlin will not even think about the nationalization.

“What’s the matter, Dongting?” Seeing that his sister was silent after listening to his advice, Guo Shouyun obviously thought of something, he frowned slightly, and then smiled, “Do you have any ideas? If there is something worth hiding, say it directly.”

Dongting hesitated for a while, but finally told her thoughts truthfully.

“Is that so?” Guo Shouyun pondered after listening to the little girl expounding her thoughts, “How do you say this, it’s not impossible, after all, the Federation is also dependent on foreign investment to a certain extent. This time Gennady Reorganizing state-owned resources, on the one hand, is to get an impression from the public, and on the other hand, it is also intended to liquidate the foreign economic interference forces that exist within the federation, so as to gain greater initiative in foreign policy. From a comprehensive perspective, it is not unfeasible for you to obtain political points through the economic and trade exchanges between Russia and Canada. However, you should not start too early in this regard. In addition, those Canadian multinational groups that are interested in investing are also We must grasp the direction politically, and now that the federal situation is tentatively determined, the economic aspects still cannot prevail, on the contrary, political factors account for a large part, so you must put more effort into this aspect.”

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