Reincarnated as a Dragon – The path of the Dragon God

Chapter 147

Nim, who had been dominating the battle, suddenly found herself being the one dominated. All the advantage she had was overturned as Henry assumed his true form. She was now only a dwarf in Henry’s presence, literally and figuratively.

Still, Nim was not the type to give up so easily, especially when her honour and loyalty were at stake. She did not relent with her barrage of spears. She did not let herself be deterred by Henry’s imposing appearance. However, there was a limit to her iron will. Even someone as obstinate as her could see the futility in her attacks.

Before, the spears of darkness were able to swarm and incapacitate Henry. But now, they were nothing more than mere flies to him. With a flick of his hand, he easily swatted away the spears that came at him.

As more spears came, Henry unleashed a roar that blew everything in front of him away, including the trees and large portions of the land. Needless to say, Nim was sent flying along with the debris.

While Henry was laying waste to his enemy and the forest, worries about the future were plaguing his mind. With such a display of his powers, there was no way the world would sit still. There was no way there would be not at least a single person catching a glimpse of this battle.

“The aftermath is going to be a pain in the ass to deal with,” Henry muttered grimly in his heart. He just hoped the reality wouldn’t be as dire as his expectations. As far as he could tell, there were no people in the vicinity and he couldn’t see any settlements save for the few abandoned-looking ones.

The desperate cries of his opponent pulled his attention back to the main matter at hand. When he looked back toward the front, he saw Nim flying towards him like a bullet. He could no longer perceive any rationality on her face. Nothing but desperation and rage-fueled her movements and actions now.

“Damn it… Do I really have to kill her?” Henry mused. He had no sentimental attachment to Nim whatsoever but if Vishara valued this girl more than just a servant or a thrall, NIm’s death would only complicate things even more, such as incurring more of Vishara’s wrath.

The barrage continued and Henry received all those spears indifferently. They were akin to pebbles being thrown by toddlers. The spears were simply annoying. But he didn’t let his guard down. He kept his eyes peeled and his focus strained.

Nim came at him with a swing of her darkness-moulded sword. Since it was uncomfortable to be hit in the face, even if the attack wouldn’t actually do anything, he blocked the slash with his forelimb. Nim tutted at the futility of her attack. Instead of giving up, she lunged with another swing. Henry flicked that blow away with his fingers.

When Nim wielded the sword with both of her hands, the sword grew into the size of his arm.

“Okay. This might hurt.”

Nim swung down the colossal sword and Henry was forced to make a move that didn’t involve just moving his limbs. He moved his entire body, twirling. He slammed his tail into the tiny figure of Nim. That smack sent her bouncing across the land. With his enhanced hearing, he learned the damages Nim suffered were minimal. She wasn’t even bruised anywhere, only light scratches on her skin and flesh.

“She is truly different than the ones I fought. If she’s this tenacious. Vishara would be even more so. ”

Once Nim recovered from the blow, she charged at Henry again with renewed vigour and rage. She now wielded two colossal swords of darkness. Henry launched a firebolt but Nim turned into smoke to evade the attack. She rematerialised near him and slashed at him in a cross pattern.

“Ouch,” Henry lightly winced. It hurt but there was no actual damage done to him.

Nim screeched as if venting out her frustration. She began smashing the sword on Henry in a fit of anger.

“Stop this infantile tantrum,” Henry said and sent her away with a light headbutt. It was light to him but to the average human, it would be similar to being hit by a fast-moving truck.

Nim did not let go of the swords even as she crashed into a hillock. She combined the swords together, fusing the two into an even larger sword. The size was not the only aspect that changed. The air around the blood was being seeped into the edge, or at least that was how it looked to Henry.

“It’s visually intimidating but I don’t actually feel threatened by it.”

With such a large sword, Nim didn’t need to get too close. She swung the large sword from where she stood and it easily reached Henry.

“Argh!” Henry yelped as he guarded the blade with his arm. The blow hurt more than ever but was still outmatched by his natural defence.

Nim roared as she pressed the blade down on Henry.

“I might get a bruise from this if this continues. In that case—” Henry pushed back and easily sent Nim stumbling backwards. He then swung his claws, throwing waves of aura at the vampire.

Nim saw the Aura Blades and she reacted to them. She brought her sword in front of her, a clear sign of the remaining trace of her self-perseverance. She shouted when she received the Aura Blades. It seemed that was all the verbal communication she was capable of in her current state.

There was barely a contest as the sword of darkness clashed with the aura forces emitted from the claws of a dragon. The Aura Blades tore through the sword and drove into Nim. The clash deviated from the Aura Blades enough to allow Nim to survive the Aura Blades. However, a large and deep cut now spans from her shoulder to her waist.

Being a vampire, she was still breathing and moving around. But most importantly, she showed no sign of being in agony or any form of pain. Her profusely bleeding wound didn’t seem to matter to her.

“Great… Incapacitating her would be difficult if the pain does not bother her.”

A large spear formed above Nim, a spear with a helix-shaped head. Then, a dark spectre appeared behind the spear. A soldier of sorts, wearing armour that befits the idea of fantasy in Henry’s head. It had a weirdly-shaped bow in its hands and it was using the spear as an arrow.

“Oh, what the fuck is this now?” Henry muttered.

“Die!!!” Nim howled, her first word in a while after she assumed this form, but the word was barely coherent. At her cry, the spectre released its finger on the string and in turn, the spear was launched from the bow.

As always, Henry was not perturbed. The moment the spear came close enough, he snatched it out of its flight as if he were catching a ball thrown at him.

Even in her crazed state, Nim was still capable of being astounded beyond belief. While she didn’t think she could triumph over him. She believed, at the very least, she could leave him with drastic wounds. But it would seem that such a notion was nothing but her delusion.

He gave the spear a thorough scrutiny. He tried cutting himself with the spear. It hurt him but it failed to make him bleed.

“Damn, just how amazing that centipede was for it to be able to cut into my flesh?” Henry wondered aloud.

The spear eventually faded into nothing, having lost the energy sustaining its existence.

When Henry turned his gaze back to Nim, the vampire was already preparing for her next attack.

“I have seen enough, I suppose. Any more than this would definitely be too risky,” Henry thought. Even if there was no witness around at this time, there might be witnesses later on if he allowed this charade to continue.

Henry arrived in front of Nim in the blink of an eye. To the latter, it would appear as if he had teleported. Before Nim could respond accordingly, she was smacked to the ground by Henry’s large paw. He then Gravity on her and this time, she was not able to completely resist it. She could still move and stand but it would take her a huge amount of effort to just take a single step.

Henry landed in front of her and the shockwave sent her stumbling and she fell to the ground on her rear.

“Go back to your mistress, Nim,” Henry said. “This battle has already long been decided. You have lost.”

Instead of words, Nim groaned and snarled at Henry. Clouds of darkness were gathering in her palm. Whatever amount of rationality was left in her body, it was not enough to overwhelm her feral instincts.

“Vishara must be quite fond of you, or at least she values you more than the others. Otherwise, she wouldn’t have given so much power.”

Nim hissed. Her eyes were bloodshot. If it wasn’t for Gravity holding her in place, Henry reckoned she would have already lunged at him.

“Will she be sad if you die or will she feel nothing? If it’s the former, then I would rather not kill you. However, you are the type who would rather die than return a loser. God, this is… so confusing.”

The gathering darkness became a sword and the darkness spread to her arm. She was able to move her arm after the darkness enveloped it. She raised the sword.

“So this is your answer. Well, so be it.”

As Nim was about to throw the sword, Henry unleashed his fiery breath. The flames crashed down on Nim, instantly reducing her into char and cinders. Whatever tricks she had before that she used to fend off the flames, it was useless against flames of such intensity and magnitude. The flames died out as soon as the target was snuffed out, leaving nothing but a huge black and ashen patch on the ground.

Henry stayed and watched the ashes that were once Nim. Nothing happened as the breeze scattered the ashes away. Only then did Henry heave a huge sigh of relief. If Nim was able to come back from such a state, Vishara could too and he was not looking forward to such a fight.

In fact, he would rather not have a fight at all but with the way things were going, a fight was inevitable and it would be an ugly one with a lot of collateral.

Henry returned to her human form and opened the rift to his pocket dimension. Instead of asking the two to come out, he entered the rift and closed it immediately stepping into the pocket dimension.

“It’s finally over?” asked Rayne, who was sitting in a meditation posture while keeping her eyes closed.

Henry nodded.

“Did you nod?”


“You sound tired. Was she that strong?”

“Strong enough to make me think just how much stronger Vishara is,” Henry groaned.

“Henry! You’re back!”

Henry turned towards the cheery voice. “Where have you been?”

“I was just looking around,” Alani answered with a face as cheerful as her voice.

Henry smiled warmly.

“Do you know this place is not as endless as it seemed?”

“Now I do.”

“You’re more tired than I expected. Was she a handful?”

“In more ways than one.”

Alani tittered and sat down on her knees. She patted her lap, gesturing for Henry to lie on her legs.

Henry happily obliged and surrendered himself to the ground, laying his head on Alani’s lap.

“So, is she dead?”

“She is.”

“How certain?”

“You doubt me?”

“She’s a vampire. Legend has it that a true vampire can only be killed by the sun or decapitation. They clearly aren’t bothered by the sun. And this one is stronger than the previous ones. So I do not know if the false notion holds true to decapitation too.”

“She’s dust and ashes.”

“Ah, well… she’s as dead as anything can be.”

“She better be,” Henry chuckled wryly. “Cause I don’t know what else I can do if she’s not.”

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