Reincarnation of a Worthless Man

Vol 5 Chapter 1: A Hill of Corpses

"Hugo… why… why didn't you come?"

"Why… why did you… abandon me?"

I saw Marina, standing in front of a large tree on top of a hill.

She wore a short, skimpy green dress that went down halfway down her thighs. Her ears were long like an elf; her normally light brown hair now had a green tinge to it. Vines wrapped her arms and legs, reaching down to her bare feet. Part of her naked breasts were visible and the wind that made her dress flutter exposed the fact that she wasn't wearing any panties underneath.

I wasn't turned on by it in the slightest though. How could I? When blood splatters were all over her?

"I am now… a monster… all because of you…"

The sky turned red and the leaves of the tree turned black, before disappearing into the four winds. The ground shifted and what used to be a hill had become—

I covered my mouth, trying to not puke on the spot.

Under my feet were bodies—hundreds, no, thousands of them. I was now standing on a hill of rotting, bleeding corpses.

Tears trailed down Marina's cheeks. Smiling, she then said, "Look. Your grandfather. I killed him. I snapped his neck like a twig."

A tendril made out of wood shot out from her left shoulder. It went inside the pile of corpses.

“I also killed his adoptive son. And everyone else that believed in me. Those farmers—they took up arms to rescue me, you know.” She giggled.

Something burst out from under me. I tried to jump away, only to find another tendril grabbing my waist, holding me in place.

There, right in front of me, was the decaying corpse of an old man. The left part of his face was melting, with its eyeballs barely hanging from its socket. The scent was unbearable. Even the most putrid monsters I had encountered throughout my journey could not compare.

I took a step back, trying to keep my distance.

Only to bump into something behind me.

I looked around and saw another rotting corpse.

It was the corpse of a man in his early adulthood, with his left arm and right leg missing. A large gaping hole remained where his stomach should be, leaking out his pus-filled entrails.

“I will show you. Every single person I have killed.”

Another corpse stood on my left and right. I pushed the right one away, opening a path for me to escape, only to find me tripping on my feet.

For hands were now coming out from the corpse hill I was standing on and they were all grabbing me mercilessly.

“Goodbye, Hugo. If we ever meet again, I will no longer be the sister you once knew.”

The hands pulled me down.

There was no escape.


"Big Sis… I'm sorry… I'm so sorry…"

Inside Hugo's tent, two naked girls were hugging him side by side.

Normally, this would be heaven for the perverted young man. However, due to recent events…

"Oh, Darling…"

Felicia's eyes were tearing up as she hugged him, making his face rest in her bosom.

"This isn't good… his nightmares aren't going away… I thought you're good at this." Sherry scowled at the redheaded woman.

"This worked the last time he had his nightmares." Felicia fired back. "My chest will always calm him down."

"Your chest?! Alright, that's it. Hand him over!"

Sherry pulled Hugo away from Felicia's embrace, placing his head on her chest instead.

"Shh, it's okay. It's okay. You did nothing wrong…" She rubbed the back of his head with her hand, a pained, worried look drawn on her face. She tried to remember how Renee once comforted her in those golden days and applied the same thing to him. She might not have the amazing breasts she had—she knew just how much Hugo loved breasts—but she was his wife and she was going to comfort him, no matter what. Especially after she failed to do so four years ago when Marina was taken from him.

Little did they know that Hugo’s nightmares were not entirely his mind’s own doing this time around.



A certain goddess was sitting on her golden throne, watching him with rapturous laughter as he suffered.

“Ah, the joys of human suffering. It never gets old, does it?”

As the Goddess, she has the capability to see everything that is happening in the world. Only certain places, protected by that meddlesome Heavenly Dragon, were protected from her omniscient eyes.

“I wonder which one is more painful — to suffer yourself or to see your beloved suffer in your stead."

Using her ability, it is an easy matter to inject the sight of Marina's suffering into his dreams. It is the same principle as her appearing in said dreams.

"It's a shame though. I didn't manage to make those two hate him. I can't even enter their dreams, or the dreams of his companions. That serpent must be protecting them. How annoying."

"Still, using that girl, I managed to make her suffer anyways. Even though it's draining my power, keeping her a puppet constantly. A completely worthwhile venture, of course. Her mind has broken, after being forced to slaughter those whom she loves. She is nothing but a monster who desires destruction now."

"...Hmm, how about I make her the next Demon God? That would be funny, wouldn't it?"

"...Oh, but I promised my dear cute rabbit that he's going to be the next Demon God! There can't be two of them running around!"

"...I should visit him. See how he's doing. Ah, if only the chains binding me to this throne are all gone…"

She looked down at her waist. The very last chain was there, tightly wrapping around her body.

"Another dream visit it is~"


Hugo's group made their way back to the northwest part of the Continent as fast as they could, with Myrilla instructing them so they would take the most efficient route. She made sure that the group paid a visit to a town that sold them all Scarabs for them to ride, as well as teaching them all how to ride the monstrosities. Using the Scarabs, Myrilla said, would make traversing the marshes to the north so much more easier.

Still, even with their speed, due to just how large the whole continent was, their travels still would take a long time—time that Hugo really didn't have. It plagued his thoughts day and night, hiding behind his every smile.

It was enough to make Theo beg his mother for her help.

"Eh? You want me to cheer him up?"

"Yes, mother. I can't bear to see Master Hugo be like this!"

They were now speaking inside Tira's tent, after they decided to rest for the night.

"I…" The elf looked away. "I don't think I could. The burden he carries—he has to carry it alone."

"Why?! It's not fair! It wasn't his fault his sister ended up like that! It's that Goddess's fault!"

"Perhaps you're right." She smiled wryly. "But Sir Hugo is a kind man. Too kind. He'll take that burden. Especially since he loves his sister very much." She looked away. "He seeks redemption. And only his sisters can give that. Not us."

Theo left the tent soon after, still feeling unsatisfied. Did his master Hugo really have to suffer like this until he could save his sister?

Oh, I know! I'll ask Miss Myrilla! If it's her, I'm sure she will be able to figure out something!

He had been secretly admiring the Nerthusian ever since she joined Hugo’s group. She looked so cool and composed no matter the situation and even his master Hugo looked up to her. With her wisdom, she must be able to find a way to cheer Hugo up!

"Miss Myrilla! I want to ask you—"

He froze.

There, inside her tent, Myrilla was in the middle of changing her clothes.

The woman was stark naked. She was bending over, her butt facing Theo, as she was in the middle of putting on a fresh pair of black panties. The fabric was still midway up her thighs and her buttocks were visible to his view.

“A..ahhhhh! I’m sorry!”

He retreated immediately before Myrilla could react.

He was lucky. Or else the Nerthusian would have made him fall unconscious, just like she did with Hugo when he stumbled upon her taking her bath.

W-w-w-w-w-w-what was that?!

This wasn’t the first time Theo had seen a naked woman. He had seen Tama naked many times before. But Tama’s body was entirely different from Myrilla’s, who was a mature, adult woman. Unlike Tama who was still a teenager. At the very least, he was quite sure Myrilla’s rump was larger and firmer than hers.

His heart was racing as he tried to forget what he just saw, to no avail.

He remained standing in front of Myrilla’s tent, however. He had to apologize to her after she put on her clothes.

A few minutes later, the flaps of the tent behind her opened, revealing Myrilla, fully dressed in her usual robes.

“No need to apologize.” She cut to the chase as she had been reading his mind from the inside. “Get in. You wish to talk to me, correct?”

Theo could only nod meekly in response.

Inside, he sat down cross-legged, with Myrilla doing the same in front of him.

“...I see. So you want me to cheer him up. No. I will not.”

Theo didn’t even get to open his mouth.

“His failure is his own. And for one to mature as a man—as a person, one must own up to their mistakes, not coddled through it like an infant."


"And besides, he already has his two lovers sleeping with him every night. You think they haven't tried? There's nothing you or me can do better than them."

Theo fell silent. He couldn't refute her argument.

"I-I'm sorry… for disturbing you."

He sat up and left the tent.

Leaving Myrilla with her own thoughts.

That kid… he's a pervert too like him… doesn't even try to hide his erection after seeing me naked…

Still, he has a good heart. I'm glad that so far he only has good people around him. No parasites who're only there to leech on his kindness.

He wouldn't need me then. I'm just here to fulfill my duty to Alan. Once his son has a safe home he can build a family in, I shall take my leave.

But, for now, I will be here, making sure he doesn't lose his way. And he'll need my strength in his upcoming battles as well.

Carry the pain in your heart, Hugo. Use it to grow strong, both in mind and body.


Ahhh, no one seems to be willing to help cheer Master Hugo up…

Theo walked back to his tent with slumped shoulders. He couldn't accept his mother or Myrilla's words. He just wanted his master to be back to his usual self! Was it too much to ask?

"Hey, Theo! What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping?!"

He looked to his right and saw Kiri waving her hand in his direction. Aria was there too, sitting to her opposite around the campfire. They were wearing their maid dresses, having grown to like the clothes over her usual attires.

Theo walked over to them, forcing a smile on his face.

"You look bummed out. What happened?" Kiri smiled.

Scratching the back of his head, Theo bashfully replied, "Is it that obvious?"

"Well, yes! I know your usual smile, Theo! It's not like that! Right, Aria?"

Her introverted friend nodded, her eyes seemingly digging into his brain.

"Well, you should know that Master Hugo is feeling bummed out too! And when he's bummed out, I'm bummed out too!"

“Oh… So that’s why…”

Kiri’s happy smile disappeared, replaced by one tinged with sadness.

“I know that he's bummed… I tried to cheer him up but it's not working…” She averted her gaze. “I want to help him more but Miss Sherry and Felicia won’t let me do it!”

“Eh?” Theo tilted his head. “What do you mean?”

Suddenly, the fairy grabbed his hands and brought him closer to her. “Can you believe it?! I want to hug and cuddle Master Hugo! But they won’t let me! They say that’s something only they are allowed to do! Aahh, it’s not fair! Not fair, I say! I love Master Hugo too, you know!”

“R-right…” He backed off a little. Her face was getting too close. Uncomfortably so, to the point he could smell the pleasant scent of summer coming from her breath. She might be Master Hugo’s familiar but she’s still a pretty young girl.

“It cannot be helped.” Aria chimed in, still staring emotionlessly like an eagle towards him. “Master Hugo now has his wives. And there’s a law in the human world saying that a woman cannot hug or cuddle with another woman’s husband.”

Theo was about to open his mouth to correct her but he stopped himself. He wasn’t confident enough he could explain the intricacies of marriage to a fey like her. Especially since he himself barely had experience in the matter. He only had Tama and so far there weren't any other girls that liked him.

"But we're his familiars!" Kiri protested. "We shouldn't count!"

"It's up to Lady Sherry and Lady Felicia to decide." Aria replied. "It's not our place to intrude on them."

The bonfire cracked—the wood inside splitting from the fire, giving a short pause to their conversation.

The three had their chat for a little more afterwards until Tama came and dragged Theo away. The fairies stayed there as it was their turn to watch over the campsite.

Meanwhile, however, there was another person that wasn't getting his much-needed sleep.



I swung the sharpened stick for a horizontal slash, followed by a series of rapid thrusts.

The night wind blew, its coldness absorbed by my robes and the warming spell I got on.

Thanks to Quania cutting Fiora's sword in half, I am now stuck with a stick as my melee weapon. At least, until Sherry wrapped it with her hair. Then it'll become as strong as a mithril sword, if not more.

It was a tradition for a male Izurd to wield a sword made out of his wife's hair. It signified their bond and trust. No matter where you go, she will always be there fighting beside you. A romantic notion to be sure.

Though Sherry herself didn’t have a sword. She could use her hair as one however.

But, seeing how Quania fought, having a magic sword in her hand would be a great addition to her strength. And we could already make one, using Sherry’s hair as the base metal. We only needed to find a blacksmith good enough to forge it. It really is unfortunate that the Izurds had turned to pacifism or else they would’ve had their own blacksmith with them. The last one died when they decided to run away from the world and his children never really inherited the art.

Before we fight against that Wisdom Demon Lord, I really would prefer for me and her to have proper, forged swords. But, if we can’t find a proper blacksmith, we have no choice but to fight him as we are now. We don’t have time to dawdle. We’ll sneak it, beat his butt, rescue Victoria, and then get the hell off this continent.

“Hmm, I think that’s enough sword training. Time for the usual one thousand push-ups.”

“Hugo! I’ve been looking for you!”

Before I could go down on my biceps, a familiar voice interrupted me from behind.

“You said you were just going to take a quick pee break! Yet here you are training without telling anyone again!”

Sure enough, Sherry was there, standing near a small rock with her hands on her waist. Her long, flowing hair was being carried away by the wind, giving me quite the breathtaking sight. She looked more like a fairy than a normal Izurdian girl now.

“I’m sorry, but I’m just… not that sleepy yet.”

“Hmph! You do realize you had promised that tonight, you’ll make love to us properly, right?”

Her cheeks grew red, only adding to her beauty and cuteness.

“I know.” I flashed her a smile. “But, I just feel I have to—”

“Have to what? Feel sorry for yourself? Because you failed Marina?”

…She hit the jackpot.

All this extra training—I was doing it just so I could feel better about myself.

“I… I just want to get stronger.”

“I know you do. You’ve always wanted to. Ever since we were little. Remember how upset you were when I beat you the first time we fought?”

“I… I wasn’t that upset…”

“And remember, how I told you there not to carry your problems by yourself? Well, you’re doing it now. You’re training to be so strong you won’t even need me or Felicia around to help you.”

“N-no, that’s not what—”

“Then stop doing this! You’ve trained enough with me, Kiri, and Aria every day! You need rest too, Hugo, or else you’ll tire yourself out! You say you keep getting those dreams about Marina! That’s a sign that you haven’t been getting enough rest! I mean, look at those eyebags! That can’t be healthy!”


My voice trailed off.

I could no longer look her in the eye.

Have I really been trying too hard?

For the past month, I would use one or two hours before breakfast to train with Sherry, Kiri, and Aria. With Sherry, we would spar for most of the time. Others, we would see which one could do more push-ups or sit-ups before giving up. I had never won at the latter.

With Kiri and Aria, I trained them in both their normal state and their Rank-up state. In the latter state, inside her mature form, Kiri needed to learn how to fight with her greatsword effectively while with Aria, she needed to learn how to protect me as my armor.

She walked closer to me, close enough to grab my hands.

“Look at me. Look into my eyes.”

I did just as I was told.

Her bright, emerald eyes. They were more beautiful than any stars in the skies.

We stared at each other, unblinking, unflinching.

Until, I did what I desperately wanted to do, now that we were this close.

I leaned down and kissed her right on the lips.

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