Royal Road

Chapter 308

Chapter 307 internal trouble

“Land transportation, the loss is still amazing.” Liang Feng looked at the letter sent, and sighed, “After all, we want to get through the water transportation.”

The news that the food team arrived in Luoyang also reached Jinyang. Different from Zuti and Liu Yuan’s reactions, Liang Feng sighed, but it was the unsatisfactory part of this food delivery.

Since Jizhou was recovered last year, finding a good port has become a top priority. The largest port in the North is undoubtedly Jieshi, which has been an important place for trade since the Qin and Han dynasties. The location was probably near the later Qinhuangdao Port. When Sun Quan sent troops to Liaodong, he also left here. However, Jieshi belongs to Youzhou and is too far away from Jizhou, which is not conducive to defense.

Except for Jieshi, there are no other big ports in Bohai Bay today. Liang Feng could only look at the map and infer from memory. Needless to say, Tangshan Port is also located in Youzhou. The location of Tianjin Port is on the border of the two states, but the insurance coefficient is still insufficient. The only reliable one is Huanghua Port in later generations. This port is entirely located near the sea in Jizhou, and has a great overlap with the Changlu salt area. If it can be developed, the problems of shipping and salt shortage can be solved.

With a general direction, it is a field survey. In order to select a port, Sun Li, as the governor of Jizhou, spared a lot of energy, and experienced fishermen and pirates along the coast searched for a new port. After two months of exploration, a suitable port was finally selected on the long coastline. The two ships in the first batch soon set sail to the south.

Because it was the first voyage, Liang Feng didn’t have any large cargo ships at hand, so he could only use the previous small sea ships. Although it is a new channel, the port location is very close to the original Jieshi route, and it is also not far from the Yellow Port along the coast of Qingzhou. Without anything wrong, he arrived in Qingzhou safely. The route from Qingzhou to Jiangdong appeared during the Warring States period and was an extremely safe route. Easily, the ship sailed all the way to Jiangdong.

This is very different from the Northland. Whether it is inland or offshore trade, it is prosperous beyond imagination. For aristocratic families, it is common for merchant ships to have thousands. A large sea-going ship can even be as big as 20,000 Hu!

Similarly, the business acumen of these big families is also extremely amazing. Because it was the first voyage, the Jizhou caravan did not bring much cargo. But white porcelain, glazed ware, and even silk produced by the Shangdang are rare treasures. More importantly, pig iron was brought on board! During the war, iron was an extremely rare material, and it was in short supply wherever it was sold. With these few things, Jiang Ni and a marine merchant surnamed Wu from Panyu caught the hook and quickly finalized the sale.

The marine merchants dispatched more than 30 sea-going ships to transport the rice and bow lacquer produced in Guangxi to Jizhou, and the Wu family has the priority to purchase all the goods in demand in Jizhou.

In just half a year, this newly opened port has ushered in astonishing profits and has completely resolved the food crisis that may arise in the three states under its jurisdiction. But for this result, Liang Feng is still not satisfied. There is no suitable river transportation channel near the new port. This time it took thousands of carts and horses to transport the grains to send tens of thousands of stone grains to the boat. Obviously it is short-distance transportation, or the loss is still not small. The best way is to run the river transport directly by the sea.

“The southern part of Youzhou must be captured.” Liang Feng turned his head and said to Zhang Bin, “Only by taking Quanzhou and reopening the canal can the Beidi river canal be opened.”

The Quanzhou he was talking about is not in Fujian, but Quanzhou County in Yan State, Youzhou. In the early years when Cao Cao attacked Wuhuan, he opened two canals in Youzhou, one is the Pinglu canal, and the other is the Quanzhou canal. Through two artificial channels, he communicated with Hutuo River, Zhangshui, Qingshui and other important channels. Baigou, Xinhe, and Licao canals were opened in the Hebei Plain to completely open up the water system in the North.

Originally, Liang Feng didn’t know that shipping in the north was so powerful in this era. It is estimated that Cao Cao suffered a big loss in Jiangdong before he began to pay attention to water transportation. During the Cao Wei period, Ye Capital was surrounded by rivers and numerous boats. Even strategic materials of tens of thousands of stones could be easily transported by river from the hinterland of Hebei to Youzhou. Luoyang City is a water conservancy hub in the Central Plains, reaching Chang’an up to the Jianghuai River. Isn’t it a pity not to use such a huge waterway?

“Duan’s Xianbei is not good at water battles. It shouldn’t be difficult to regain part of the coastal cities. However, if you choose a good port, Qingzhou will be more advantageous. Cao Yi has already defeated Gou Chun. Now Qingzhou has no owner and should be taken!” Zhang Bin said.

Zhang Bin didn’t know about Tianjin Port in later generations. In his mind, the best shipping hub is Donglai, Qingzhou. If you can occupy Qingzhou, it will be easy to communicate with Jiangdong, Jiaguang, and even the country of Japan. Moreover, now Qingzhou is in chaos, waiting for the opportunity to go south, and it is very hopeful to take the land of this state.

Liang Feng nodded: “Maritime affairs should not be neglected. After Jizhou is stabilized, we must slowly expand to the two wings. There are also refugees, which can be used to dredge the canals and level the roads. In three to five years, the Northland should be connected together.”

The canal must be repaired and dredged frequently before the boat can be sailed. These years of war in the North, who cares about this? Most of the channels have been blocked, and I don’t know how much trouble has been added just this time. Without unobstructed land and waterways, everything is in vain. Now the states are in chaos and the refugees are almost countless. Apart from reclaiming wasteland, it is the best time to build such a large-scale infrastructure. Otherwise, no state or county will be able to swallow hundreds of thousands of refugees in one go.

“There is also the Qiuzhiyuan, which has also increased research on water conservancy, boats and ships, and built a shipyard in Xingang, Jizhou. Yecheng must be used as a trade port in the state and vigorously developed. The porcelain industry of Shangdang must also be expanded.” Liang Feng said again.

A large amount of china clay was found in the mountains near Yecheng before, and it has now become the center of raw materials for Shangdang porcelain. Through Fukouxing, the porcelain and pig iron produced by the Shangdang party can also be quickly transported out to Yecheng, and then transported by the nearby river to the seaside port. In this way, Jinyang, Yecheng, and Luoyang constitute a solid economic triangle, and the steady growth of money, food, and population is the basis for further expansion. As long as there is room for development, the recovery of the Northland is just around the corner!

The only obstacle is the pseudo-Han Huns entrenched in Sizhou.

The gaze of searching fell on Zhang Bin. The other party smiled slightly: “Don’t worry about the lord. Xinling has started, and the pseudo-Han will be in chaos.”

“Your Majesty… Your Majesty is probably the wind…” There was already a few layers of sweat on the forehead of the emperor’s doctor.

The emperor’s illness came so urgently that it tended to linger in the blink of an eye. Several imperial doctors couldn’t think of a countermeasure, and they realized that the emperor might have some symptoms of erysipelas. But who dares to say this! The emperor has never taken a pill at all. The most likely thing is that someone around him has poisoned it! Once this kind of imperial secrets enters, it will inevitably slaughter the three clans. After thinking about it, I can only use the appearance of wind to cover up one or two.

Liu He nodded: “Since the wind is ill, heal quickly. There must be no delay!”

Feng Ji is bloodletting, the doctor’s heart trembled, but Wei Nuo retired.

Liu He breathed a sigh of relief. Since hearing that the grain and straw had been transported to Luoyang that day, his father fell into a coma and never woke up. Incontinence of defecation, swollen abdomen, and occasional twitching of hands and feet, it only looks at the symptoms, which is terrifying. Now that I was diagnosed with a wind disease, I felt it was not right.

However, with such symptoms, at such an age, it doesn’t really matter what kind of disease it is. The important thing is not to affect the stability of North Korea and China. Feng Ji may have been **** off by the treacherous tactics of Binzhou, and his anger attacked. The inability to find out the cause of the disease is another way of saying it. Despite the fact that Queen Shan recruited more monks to the palace, the rumor that your Majesty sent troops to the party and was condemned by the Buddha is even more widespread. How can it calm people’s hearts?

There is also the front, which is also a headache. Liu Yuan fell ill in the bedroom. Since that day, the news has been blocked in the palace. Now that the army is out, if it is reported that your Majesty is seriously ill, maybe something will cause trouble. What’s more, there is also the fifty thousand army that Liu Yao is carrying…

Liu He pondered for a moment, and said to Xiaohuangmen beside him: “Has Zongzheng arrived?”

This Zongzheng naturally refers to his cousin Hu Yanyou. The little yellow door hurriedly said: “Zong Zheng is already outside. Your Royal Highness wants to see him?”

“Well, take him to the Piandian.” Liu He whispered, and then carefully looked at his dying father on the imperial couch before he walked heavily toward the Piandian.

As soon as he entered the door, Hu Yanyou rushed forward: “His Royal Highness, you can’t delay any longer! If you don’t solve the Three Kings, I am afraid that your Highness will not be stable!”

Now Qi Wang Liu Yu is the Grand Situ, and Lu Wang Liu Long is Shang Shuling. Even the young Beihai Wang Liu Yi has the title of General of Fujun. All three are Liu Yuan’s parents and Liu Yi is also the son of Queen Shan. All three of them live in the imperial city and have heavy soldiers in their hands. Once there is a backlash, Liu He’s throne may be in jeopardy!

Liu He hesitated: “The three princes are not too many soldiers. As long as they are assisted by the guards, they can be suppressed. But King Qin is really worrying…”

Hu Yanyou sneered: “Now it seems that Binzhou has used a treacherous trick. The 50,000 soldiers of King Qin may be too bad. As long as the news from the palace can be concealed, he will fight with Bingzhou soldiers in the Shangdang. In case of failure. If you fail, your Highness can be punishable. It’s not good, just like Da Sima back then…”

In this remark, there is a bit of insidiousness, but the truth is good. As long as Liu Yao stumbles on the Shangdang, or even loses his life like Liu Cong, he can use his fists to stabilize the situation. Liu He was always uneasy about Liu Yuan’s practice of sealing off several sons. After all, the Xiongnu ruled the country immediately, if a few brothers quarreled, how could he sit on the throne? What’s more, Liu Yao’s adopted son.

Just act, not too early.

After thinking about it, Liu He finally said: “We must draw in General Zuowei and General Wuwei as soon as possible, and control the soldiers and horses in the city. Press the news that the father is seriously ill. Don’t let the army return before he becomes the throne. Pingyang!”

At this moment, it is the best time for Liu He to eradicate dissidents. The general of Chaozhong either followed Wang Mi and Shi Le to attack Yuyan, or he followed Liu Yao to the party. The rest must be guarded against Lishi and guard the capital. Once he gained control of the guards in the city, wouldn’t the princes be like the live fish on the chopping board?

When the throne is stabilized, Liu Yao will be recruited to return. Get rid of this confidant, he will be able to sit still!

With serious concerns, Liu He got busy, meeting with many cronies every day, and showing loyalty and filial piety, serving illnesses in the palace. In this way, the energy is also greatly consumed. I just lay down that day and was still asleep, I heard someone rushing into the East Palace: “Your Majesty! Your Majesty is awake!”

what? Liu He was surprised. Is this improving or dying? Even though he didn’t even care about adjusting his clothes, he hurriedly put on his clothes and hurried to the sleeping hall.

In the main hall, the lights are bright, like daylight. The old man who had been lying on the couch also opened his eyes. But his eyes didn’t seem to see anyone, but he kept muttering something.

“Father!” Liu He flew to the couch and knelt on the ground with a grunt.

This voice seemed to have awakened the person in his dream. Liu Yuan turned his head slightly and looked over with muddy eyes. Those eyes didn’t look like a living person anymore. Being stared at with goose bumps, Liu He didn’t dare to look away, just watching the man’s mouth open and close.

What did he want to say! Liu He hurriedly took two steps, holding his father’s hand: “Father, what are you talking about?”

“Moving the capital… Yongming…” Liu Yuan finally spit out a few words.

He was still thinking about moving the capital when he died, and Liu Yao’s fake man! Liu He’s teeth were locked, but his face showed a shocked expression: “Father, don’t worry, I will order King Qin to retreat as soon as possible and move the capital to Chang’an!”

Hearing his son’s words, Liu Yuan’s swollen body trembled and let out his last breath.

For a while, the hall was silent. In the next instant, cries broke out.

“His Royal Highness! Please also quickly ascend the throne! Your country cannot be without a king!”

I don’t know who it is, and yelled out amidst the trembling cries. Liu He shuddered and woke up. The eyes in front of him had lost the color towards the sun, as if dizzy, a stiff and cold touch came from his hands. Liu He suddenly let go of his father’s hand and stood up.

All around, everyone knelt down and worshipped their new monarch. A rush of enthusiasm slowly climbed along the back, poured into the chest cavity, and rushed into his mind. Liu He straightened his back. He is already the emperor of the Han Dynasty. He will also sit firmly on this hard-won throne!

The author has something to say: Shipping in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties was extremely developed, with inland rivers and ditches crisscrossing, and several major water systems were opened. The farthest to the open sea is Tianzhu (India) and Daqin (Rome), and merchant ships and navigators frequently travel to and from the Korean Peninsula, the Japanese archipelago and the South China Sea countries.

For example, the Stone Tigers of the Sixteen Kingdoms “have the old army of Yecheng at least 500,000, with tens of thousands of ships, from the river to the sea, transporting 11 million grains and beans to Anle City, in preparation for the conquest.”

For example, during the Battle of Fei Shui, Fu Jian led his army to march south, “carrying ten thousand ships from the river to Shimen, and reaching Ruying.”

This is the ruler of the North, not to mention the scale of the southern boat. It was precisely because of the accumulation of past dynasties that the Grand Canal of the Sui Dynasty was born.

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