Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

34 Teach Me, Teacher

This is the second chapter posted today! Enjoy another 3,340 words.

I managed to not flee as Natasha Romanoff stalked over towards me and my spider-sense screamed at me.

“What's your name?” Natasha asked.

“B...” I quickly caught myself before I said my real name. I needed to recover from that, though. “B... b... b-b-boobs!” I said and stared at her chest as she came to a stop in front of me.

Natasha's gi was slightly open, which showed a tremendous amount of cleavage, and the edge of her bra could also be seen.

“Big beautiful buoyant bountiful boobs bobbing and bouncing!” I said and let my mouth hang open as I lifted my gaze up from her chest. It was just in time to see her wide and startled eyes change into squinted ones.

“I hope you like feeling pain.” Natasha said as her hands formed into fists.

“We should have at least one date before you change the safety rules in the bedroom.” I said back.

There was a bark of laughter off to the side and I didn't have time to look, because one of Natasha's fists shot forward as she tried to take my head off. I leaned back and turned my head to let her fist go past. Her knuckles grazed my cheek and she had a slight look of surprise on her face before her other fist shot towards my chest.

I was in no position to dodge and I wasn't going to leap back, even though that's what my spider-sense told me to do. Instead, I pretended to be a limp noodle and dropped to the floor before her fist could connect. The look of surprise was back on her face for a moment, then she smiled as she hauled her foot back to kick me.

I rolled off to the side and got up on one knee as I put my hands down to block her kick, because she had followed my roll and tried to swing her leg up to slam it into my chest or my head. She accepted the block and then launched a backhanded punch to knock me off balance. I ducked in reaction, even though I was on the floor already, and she swung around as if off balance.

I noticed her complete the turn and her foot swing around in a roundhouse kick, so I accepted that I was going to get hurt. I used my spider-sense to minimize the hit and let her complete the kick as she planted her foot right into the middle of my chest.

“OOFFF!” I grunted and fell to the floor and skidded several feet away on my back. I clutched at my chest, even though it didn't really hurt. I also wasn't as out of breath as she thought I was. I couldn't let her know that, though.

Natasha stalked over to me and stopped beside me as she looked down at my face. “What do you have to say for yourself?”

“It's my... life's mission... to lose my virginity... to you.” I wheezed and faked fighting for breath.

Once again Natasha looked surprised and another bark of laughter came from the side of the room. The person walked over and it was Clint Barton, aka Hawkeye.

I should have known that where there was one, the other wouldn't be far behind. I thought.

“Do you want her to kill you?” Clint asked me and reached down to hold a hand out to me.

I accepted it and hopped up as he pulled. “Totally... worth it.”

“Would you care to repeat that?” Natasha asked in a deadly voice.

I rubbed the spot on my chest where she had kicked me. “I sincerely... apologize, Miss Widow. Your deadliest weapons... assaulted my senses... and I lost all track of common decency and politeness.”

Clint looked like he was fighting to keep a straight face.

Natasha gave me a pointed look. “Are you that weak minded that a pair of breasts can distract you?”

I shook my head several times, as if to clear it. “Only yours. Other breasts just can't compare to such perfection.”

Clint snorted and had to turn away to hide his laugh. “You're not going to shut up, are you?”

“Was I the only reason you came here?” Natasha asked.

“I'm skipping... the obvious sex joke there.” I said and took a deep breath to let Clint laugh. “If I had known you were the after-hours instructor, I would not have shown up completely unarmed.” I admitted. Or at all. I thought and saw approval on her face. “I didn't even bring my collapsible batons, which was shortsighted of me.”

Natasha smiled evilly and Clint groaned.

“Now you've done it.” Clint said and turned back to me as he gripped my shoulder briefly. “I've helped as much as I can already. You're on your own now.”

“I appreciate your support, Mister Hawkeye, sir.” I said and he chuckled as he walked back over to where he had stood before.

Natasha pulled out a collapsible baton from somewhere and handed it to me. She then made another one appear and I saw that she had cloth pockets sewn into her gi's forearms.

“I did that, too. Extra forearm protection against weapon strikes and heavy punches that need to be blocked.” I said and she gave me an odd look, then she smiled.

“Have you practised with them?” Natasha asked and flicked her hand to extend hers.

“I haven't had them for long and I've only been out in the field a few times.” I said and copied her movement. The baton flicked out and locked into place.

“I usually teach by showing, so I hope you're ready for this.” Natasha said and took a fighting stance.

“Please teach me to fuck after you teach me to fight.” I responded and copied her stance.

“Yep, definitely a death wish.” Clint said with a laugh.

Then the fight began. Well, I say fight when it was really a severe beat down on me. A complete and total beat down. I didn't land a single hit on her and she had hit me everywhere, except on the boys. Those she left alone and had even teased me once with an aimed hit and then changed direction to hit my thigh instead.

I thanked her profusely for sparing her future toys, which made her smile smugly. Surprisingly, no other people wanted to fight Natasha after seeing her tear me apart.

I laid on the mat after being made an example of and stared up at a satisfied and quite happy Natasha. “So... when is... our next date?”

Clint laughed and walked over to look down at me, too. “Jesus, kid. You're a glutton for punishment.”

“I need to learn... how to fight properly.” I said and looked at Natasha as I let her see the regret on my face. “I don't want to kill anyone else by accident. When they die, it should be because I want them dead and not because I punched them wrong or kicked them too hard in the head.”

Natasha knelt on one knee beside me and she looked deep into my eyes. I didn't hide how I felt about taking the lives I did and she must have seen it, because after a moment, she nodded slightly before she put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a little squeeze.

“I'll be back here in two days at the same time. Be ready.” Natasha whispered.

I put a hand on hers and looked deep into her eyes, too. “Thank you.”

Natasha nodded again. “Are you ready to tell me your name yet?”

“That depends.” I said and grinned. “Are you ready to tell me yours?”

“It's Natalie Rushman.” Natasha said without pause.

I gave her a pointed look and then laughed. Natasha and Clint exchanged looks and they both smiled at me. I held a hand up towards Clint and he grabbed it and hauled me up to my feet.

“Thanks.” I said and held a hand down to a still kneeling Natasha. She took it and I eased her to her feet, then I stepped close as I lightly kissed it and held it tenderly. I was only a little surprised to notice that she was only five feet and three inches tall, which made my five foot and eight inches seem like a huge difference as I stared down into her eyes.

“Playing with fire.” Clint warned me in a whisper.

“All my lovers call me Benji.” I said to Natasha and let her see on my face what that meant.

Natasha smiled. “I thought you said you were a virgin.”

“I am.” I said with a smirk, let her hand go, and walked towards the door of the training area.

“Damn, that kid's got balls.” Clint said whispered.

“Yeah, and he's also walking without a limp.” Natasha responded.

“Do you think he was faking it?” Clint asked, even though I could still clearly hear them talking.

“No, he's faking being fine.” Natasha said and I thought I heard some respect in her voice. “He'll be paying for it later, believe me.”

Clint chuckled. “Been there, survived that.”

I walked out of the room and couldn't hear anything else that was said. “Ow, ow, ow!” I said a little loudly and hopped on one foot, just in case someone could still see me, even though my spider-sense didn't tell me if anyone was spying on me. I learned then that I could still hear their laughter, which was why I acted like I just did.

I actually was hurt, just not as much as they assumed. My spider-sense had let me mitigate the damage as much as possible and the bruises would fade in a few days. The problem was, I would have more of them by then, thanks to my new teacher.

I dropped the gi into the hamper by the showers and took off my underwear to hang in my locker. I held the key with my teeth and went to the showers. My spider-sense went off when I felt someone looking at me and I knew it wasn't a camera, because it felt different.

I was pretty sure I knew who it was, because it felt kind of familiar, too. I lathered up my hands a bit more and reached back to rub the cheeks of my butt as I bent over slightly. I discreetly glanced between my legs and saw part of Natasha's face as one of her eyes stared at me. I rubbed my thighs slowly and then stood up to lather up a bit more, then I turned slightly and scrubbed myself down there.

I felt my spider-sense increase slightly as I grew erect, which meant I really was playing with fire. So, I turned back towards the wall and rinsed off. My spider-sense cut off as I reached for the shower handle and I hid my smile at her retreating before I went to grab a towel. I dried off and went to my locker and used the key to open it and grabbed my underwear, then my stolen suit and dressed.

I hung the backpack over one shoulder and walked out of the building. I nodded at the guy still standing there guarding the place and continued on down the street. When I was far enough away and out of sight, I ducked into an alleyway and quickly changed into my work clothes. I ran back to the work site and dirtied myself up, out of the range of the different cameras, then went to the bus stop.

I needed to get home and take a third shower, which would be a record for me to have in a single day. I chuckled at the supposed inconvenience of having a secret life within a secret life within my normal life. It was pretty funny if you thought of it like that.

I made it home without any incidents and saw May asleep on the couch. I quickly showered and carried her up to her room and tucked her into bed. She didn't say anything embarrassing this time, which probably meant she couldn't think of something, or she really was asleep this time.

I leaned forward and gave her cheek a soft kiss before I whispered to her. “We'll soon be rich and happy, May. I can't wait to spend more time with you.”

May didn't react and stayed asleep.

“See you in the morning.” I whispered and left her room to go to mine. I stashed my things away and climbed into bed. I had school early in the morning and then I had a fated meeting with Gladys in the library. I really hope she likes the book. I thought and closed my eyes as a vision of the Ghost of Christmas Past fought the Ghost of Christmas Present over a turkey leg, floated through my mind.


I walked into the school early and carried a box of donuts and six coffees. I went right to the main office and entered. “Who ordered coffee and donuts?” I asked loudly and had to hold in my laugh as I was immediately surrounded and pilfered of what I carried.

I felt a few extra shoulder pats and heard several whispered words about them being happy that I was okay after the incident on Friday. That alone made my idea to show up early worth it. When the others left, I had one latte remaining and the donuts had been picked over as usual.

Mary gave me an odd look as she finally stood to accept the coffee and sighed at the two remaining donuts. I gave her a smile and walked around the counter. Her eyes widened as I entered her area; but, she didn't object or tell me I couldn't be back there with her.

I opened my backpack and pulled out a bag with six donuts inside. “I got these extra, just for you.”

Mary opened the bag and smiled warmly at me. “Ben you didn't have to do this.”

“I didn't want to keep seeing you settle for the dregs when I could easily provide you with the best.” I said and closed my backpack before I set it on the counter. I did not miss the significant look she gave me, so I whispered. “Yes, I meant that in any way you want it to mean.”

Mary blushed as she put the bag of donuts down. “Ben...”

I stepped close and put my arms around her to hug her. “Thank you for the concern you showed when I was hurt. It really meant a lot to me.”

Mary sighed and leaned into me and hugged me back. “I really shouldn't care so much, you know.”

“You can't help yourself. I'm just that awesome.”

Mary softly laughed and let me go. “Get out of here before the official school day starts or I'll have to mark you down for violating my personal workspace.”

“Is that what they're calling it now?” I asked and quickly glanced down at her waist and back at her face.

The blush she had was a bright red and I knew I had said a bit too much, so I leaned in and kissed her cheek for several seconds.

“I'm sorry, Mary. I really need to rein in my tendency to overly flirt.”

Mary glanced around to make sure no one was looking, then she leaned in and briefly kissed me on the lips, which shocked me. “You also need to be more careful when sending texts, Ben.”

I couldn't stop my bright smile at her referencing my web fluid accident. “I'll try harder, I promise.”

Mary gave me a knowing smile and handed me my backpack. I took the hint and walked back around the counter, waved goodbye, and left the office. I walked at a good speed as I made my way across half of the school to get to the library.

When I entered, the glare Gladys gave me was well deserved. No one else was there that early, so I walked over to her desk and walked around it without pausing. Her glare didn't lessen, even as I took off my backpack and placed it on her desk. I didn't speak at all as I opened my backpack and then I paused with my hand inside.

Gladys looked at my backpack and then at my face as she lost the glare. “Ben? What are you doing?”

“Building up the suspense.” I said and slowly took my hand out of the backpack and revealed a perfectly wrapped present. “I want to sincerely apologize for what happened at lunch on Friday and for embarrassing you, even though you had absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Gladys squinted her eyes at me. “It was highly embarrassing that you can think of me in that capacity, Ben.” She said and glared at me again. “It was also insulting, because I have never given you that kind of look!”

“Not yet, anyway.” I whispered and handed her the present. “Please accept this token of appreciation.”

Gladys didn't lose the glare, because she had heard that first whisper. She popped open the end of the slightly puffy present and she saw the bubble wrap. A quick pull had the paper off and her glare disappeared as she noticed it was wrapped around a book.

Because she was a librarian, Gladys carefully tugged at the tape holding the bubble wrap closed and then she slowly unwrapped it. Her loud gasp would have had her hushing herself when the cover was finally revealed. She was too distracted by the literary treasure in front of her, however.

“It's a mint condition leather-bound first edition, published in 1889. It's partially illustrated and it has never been read.” I said as her fingertips lightly touched the cover.

“B-Ben... this... why...”

I reached out and lightly touched her on the cheek in the same manner that she touched the book. “I think you are as precious as this book.” I said and she looked surprised. “I use your study guides every day and you've been a huge help to me. I'm sorry about embarrassing you like that. I really am.”

Gladys reached up and took my hand, then she closed her eyes and turned her head slightly to kiss the inside of my palm. She let out a sigh as she gently rubbed her cheek on my hand, before letting it go. She opened her eyes and the smouldering sexy look she gave me, put the pictures I had barely glanced at, to shame.

“Those pictures pale in comparison to reality, dear lady.” I whispered and gave her the same look back.

Gladys shivered slightly and then she nodded in understanding. She carefully wrapped the bubble wrap back around the book and put the tape back in place to hold it. When the book was safely protected once more, she picked it up and hugged it tightly to her chest.

“Why... why do you want to change places with this book?” Gladys asked in a whisper.

“That you have to ask is the best reason in the world.” I whispered back.

Once again, Gladys looked surprised. “B-Ben...”

“I need to borrow a few more advanced programming books. Can you show me the best ones to follow up on the ones you've already helped me find?”

Gladys nodded and stood with the book still clutched to her chest.

“You're never letting that go, are you?” I asked with a huge smile.

“Not until I absolutely have to.” Gladys said with her own huge smile and led me to the right section of the library and pointed to the books that I wanted.

I gathered them up and we went back to her desk. I did the check-out procedure for her and she sat there with the huge smile on her face the entire time.

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