Self Insert as Spider-Man MCU

35 Teach Me Teacher, Again

I was busy today (hospital visit), so this was delayed. I added in an extra thousand words to make up for that, so here's about 4,100 words for you to enjoy.

My Latin teacher gave me a bit of an odd look when I entered the classroom. Instead of going to my seat, I went over to behind her desk to stand beside her chair and leaned against the desk as I spoke in Latin.

“Something wrong, Miss Romani?” I asked.

“No, nothing.” Miss Romani said, also in Latin.

“You look out put.” I stopped and shook my head. “You look put out. You are fine?”

Miss Romani took a breath and let it out. “You have brought drinks for others and not myself.”

I blinked my eyes for a moment and then smiled. “Invite myself to teacher rest place?”

Miss Romani softly laughed and switched back to English. “Despite the preciseness of the language, it's not very descriptive.”

I chuckled. “They do say that English is one of the hardest languages to learn, precisely because it's too descriptive.”

She nodded and then leaned forward as she whispered. “You can come to the teacher's lounge in the morning if you bring an appropriate bribe.”

“That was exactly what I called it when I brought coffee and donuts to the main office the first time.” I whispered back and she smiled. “I didn't mean to slight you or any of the other teachers with that. It was an apology for causing so many problems after my accident and this morning was because of the mess on Friday.”

Miss Romani slipped her hand up to rest it on my knee, out of sight of everyone but us. “I'm so glad you didn't lose your memory again.” She said in a normal voice and her hand lightly stroked my knee.

“Me, too.” I said and didn't stop her or pushed her hand away. “It was a close call, though. An inch to the right or left and it would have split my head open.”

Her hand stilled and she gave my knee a light squeeze, almost as if she was reassuring me. “You should be happy to know that your tormentor is no longer a student at this school.”

I put my hand down on top of hers and gave it a light squeeze back. “Principal Morita didn't say anything about that when I was in the office.” I said and chuckled. “He did have a donut stuffed into his mouth at the time, though.”

Miss Romani softly laughed. “Of course he did.” She said and nodded towards my seat. “The bell is about to ring and class is about to start.”

“Yes, miss.” I said and let her hand go as I stood up. Her hand lingered and slid down my knee and caressed my calf before I turned away and walked over to my seat.

Class passed by almost before I knew it, probably because I had been staring at Miss Romani's ass the entire time and imagined that it was Natasha's. They both had spectacular asses and it was easy to make the switch mentally.

“Ben, a moment, please.” Miss Romani said after the bell rang and everyone started to leave.

I went to her desk and waited for the last of the class to leave. “You forgot to tell me how many coffee to get.”

Miss Romani chuckled and wrote out a note, then she folded it and put it in my shirt pocket. “We have a small bowl full of coins that we collect every week for coffee and things. If there's not enough there to cover what you get, let me know. I'll try to... make it up to you.”

My thoughts immediately went to my brief stay at a pay-per-hour motel and thought that coffee change was an awfully cheap price to pay for a Latin teacher as hot as Miss Romani.

Almost as if she knew what I was thinking, she leaned forward and whispered in my ear. “It's just a convenient excuse, Ben.”

“Oh.” I whispered back. “Um, sure. I'll show up early again tomorrow. No problem.”

Miss Romani nodded and motioned to the classroom door. I nodded back and walked out of the classroom at a fast pace. I had to get to physics and then I had advanced math class with Liz and her friends. I hoped they didn't ignore me completely, even though I could understand it if they did. They were nice girls, for the most part.

Val on the other hand, was taking a lot of chances by not being too careful about who she dated. I was sure she was seeing college guys, probably because they had experience and treated her well on their dates.

I knew I could date college girls eventually myself, I just had to hold off for now because my plans were ambitious and they needed to be implemented before the April deadline. This was my last week at school before Christmas break and then we wouldn't be back at school until the new year. That was three full weeks of complete freedom and I was going to get a lot done. Hopefully.

Physics went by as fast as Latin class, only for a different reason. I blew through the exercises in the book and doodled different ideas I had that were similar to my security device. The versatility was the key and it could be adapted for several different things, once I had them patented.

I also had an idea to brew up a web formula that would only bond to paint and use it to strip paint from difficult things with odd shapes, because the liquid could fit in the odd places and then a pull would remove the paint without damaging the item underneath. I was halfway through writing out the formula in shorthand when the bell rang and I had to go to advanced math class.

I didn't let the impending meeting affect me, even though it was going to be the first time I had seen any of them since Friday afternoon when I had been whisked away in an ambulance. I stepped into the doorway of the classroom and everyone stopped talking and turned to look at me.

“BEN!” Max yelled and ran over to me to give me a bone-crushing hug. Her short dark hair tickled my chin as she buried her face against my neck and I felt her tears.

That shocked everyone, including me.

Mr. Fredricks chuckled and waved for me to enter. “You've got a couple of minutes before class starts.”

“Thank you, sir.” I said and scooped Max up into my arms, which made a bunch of the guys clap and cheer, while the girls had a mixture of reactions. I ignored them all as I walked over to my desk and sat down with a silently crying Max on my lap. I held her tenderly and whispered. “I could never forget someone like you.”

Max calmed down after a minute and lifted her head from where it rested. She looked into my eyes and she was both sad and happy. “I was really worried about you.”

I was touched by her concern. “I'm sorry, Max. I don't have your number. I would have texted if I did.”

“You would have?” Max asked, her face showed some surprise.

I chuckled. “I haven't been subtle about letting you know I like you, even if you don't like showoffs.”

Max opened her mouth and then closed it.

“Go ahead and say it. You know I appreciate your honesty.”

“I was wrong about that.” Max said and ducked her head slightly before she met my eyes again. “You were showing off and I didn't like that. It wasn't until the bat broke that I realized you only show off up to a certain point. You stopped as soon as you thought someone was going to be hurt and I'm sorry I thought otherwise.”

I looked into her eyes and knew she was being sincere. “Max...”


“Take your seats, everyone.” Mr. Fredricks said without looking at me.

Max quickly stood and then gave me another hug as she whispered. “Was that a cell phone in your pocket?”

“Yes, a long and hard cell phone.” I whispered back with a completely blank face.

Max gave me a surprised look for a second, then she smirked and walked across the classroom to sit with the rest of Liz's friends. She was immediately surrounded with hushed whispers as they all leaned in close to talk to her.

Mr. Fredricks ignored that and taught the class. I followed along and did out the problems when he assigned them, rather than waiting until after school to do my homework. I finished just as the bell rang and I put my name at the top of the sheet. I stood up amid the leaving students and went to the teacher's desk to hand it in.

Mr. Fredricks smiled and accepted it. “Thank you, Ben.”

“You're welcome, sir.” I said and walked out of the empty classroom with my backpack and realized I had completely missed Liz and her friends leaving, which meant I was heading to the cafeteria by myself today.

I didn't mind, because I had chemistry this afternoon and playing around in the lab was always fun. I went to my locker and dropped off my class books from the morning, grabbed my chemistry book and scribbler to add to my almost empty backpack with my lunch bag, and went to the cafeteria.

“Hey.” “Hi.” “Yo.” Several voices said as I entered and it was a mix of girls and guys.

I had to smile at that and responded in kind. I was becoming well known, apparently.

“Ben!” Isabelle's voice called out and she waved.

I walked over to her table and there was a spot left open for me. “Who did you kill to save a spot at the table for me?”

Isabelle and her friends laughed softly and I noticed their trays and dishes were empty, which meant they had been there for a while already.

“Jenna had some family thing this afternoon and left already.” The brunette to Isabelle's right said. “I'm Carol.”

“Ah, you're Val's informant.” I said and sat down as she chuckled. I took out my lunch bag and opened the first container of food I had brought.

Nearly everyone at the table took in huge sniffs and then stared at my lunch.

“I don't have nearly enough deep dish pizza to share with everyone, unless all you want is a taste.”

“We'll take it!” Carol exclaimed and I suddenly had an empty container as Isabelle and her friends passed the two inch thick meat, veggie, and cheese deliciousness around.

I chuckled and took out a second container. “I'm glad I brought a back-up today.” I said and proceeded to eat the second piece I had expected to share with a sole person, perhaps two people if they cut it in half. I hadn't expected six girls would take turns biting into and eating the first piece.

“This is delicious!” Isabelle said and managed to wrestle the last piece of sauce covered crust from Carol's grasping hands, which made said girl laugh and lick her fingers in revenge.

“The secret is letting the sauce slowly boil over low heat for a longer period of time. It lets the spices permeate throughout the sauce and even a drop of it tastes the same as a cup full.” I said and looked at what was left of my piece, and handed it to Carol.

“Thanks!” Carol said and looked a little indecent as she finished it off.

“You're definitely enjoying it a lot more than I thought anyone could.” I joked and she gave me a flirty smile and winked. I drank the last of my orange juice and carefully put the recycled plastic bottle and my lunch bag back into my backpack. I sat there and listened to Isabelle and her friends as they talked, and I wasn't surprised they had a similar topics of conversation as Liz and her friends.

When it was getting close to the end of the period, I stood and put on my backpack.

“Heading out already?” Isabelle asked.

“I've got chemistry lab all afternoon. If I show up a little early, I can get the lab primer from Mrs. Leyva and read through it before class starts.” I said. “I also need to wash my hands in the bathroom.”

Isabelle perked up slightly and then sighed. “You could have reminded me of that earlier.”

I chuckled softly and smiled. “We broke up from being sex friends, Isabelle.”

“It's not that.” Isabelle said and then blushed a little. “I just...”

“It's okay if you feel like it's not worth starting up again. It was a good break up and we both had good reasons for it.” I reminded her. “I won't joke about that or embarrass you about it, either. We had a great time and there's no shame in moving on.”

Isabelle looked thoughtful for a moment and then nodded. I nodded back and walked away from her table and out of the cafeteria. After a quick stop in the bathroom, I headed for chemistry class and entered when I reached it, only to see the teacher going over several sheets of papers, as if looking for something.

“Miss? Is there a problem?” I asked as I approached her desk.

“Ben?” Miss Leyva asked and then sighed. “I'm just trying to come up with a lab that can be done safely with the remaining chemicals we have in stock.”

“Remaining?” I asked, even though I had a sinking suspicion of what she was going to say.

“When I checked to make sure the stock cupboard had enough of what I needed yesterday, a lot of the main chemical compound containers we use were practically empty.” Miss Leyva said with a laugh. “I hadn't realized we were running that low or I would have ordered more last week.”

“You have more coming in?” I asked, relieved that she hadn't said missing or stolen when describing the lost chemicals.

“They'll be here by the end of the week, just in time for me to not need them, because we're shutting down for Christmas break.” Miss Leyva said with a chuckle.

I smiled and pointed at the papers. “Can I give you a hand with that?”

Miss Leyva looked surprised. “Can you?”

“Of course.” I said and she handed me the papers. I skimmed over them, mentally removing the labs that needed the chemicals I used in my web fluid, and that left two labs. “Either of those should work. They only use some of the more obscure chemicals you have in stock here.”

Miss Leyva looked at the two sheets and a bright smile formed on her face. “Ben! You're wonderful!”

“Well, I don't like to brag too much about that.” I said smugly and she softly laughed.

“Give me a minute to grab the folders for these and I'll give you a copy of the lab to read before class.” Miss Leyva said and walked over to the side of the classroom where a filing cabinet stood.

My eyes dropped to admire her ass in the skirt she wore and compared it to Natasha's. I blinked my eyes and averted my gaze, because it wasn't normal behavior for me to automatically compare women's asses and it had happened twice today. I pushed those thoughts aside, because I didn't have time to contemplate the mysteries of puberty. I instead looked at the cabinets of chemicals.

My sharp gaze caught where the glass had been carefully removed from the doors where the chemicals were stored and placed back, not that I needed the proof I had appropriated the chemicals. I knew I had gotten them from somewhere and I had assumed I had raided a chemical warehouse or something. I never would have suspected that I had broken into the school on the weekend.

“Here we go.” Miss Leyva said and walked over to me with a thick folder. She handed me several sheets of paper that were stapled together. “Go ahead and have a seat and read that over while I distribute these to everyone's places.”

“Thanks, Miss Leyva.” I said and walked over to my assigned seat.

“No, thank you, Ben. You saved me a lot of frustration for the rest of the week.” Miss Leyva said.

I also caused it, apparently. I thought and smiled. “I'm always glad to help.”

Miss Leyva nodded and started to go to each of the other large tables and placed the lab sheets. I admired her ass once more as she walked and I had to admit that it was quite nice. I also didn't see a visible pantie line and that made Penis Parker react as I imagined seeing her out of that skirt and her dark skin barely being covered by a thin red lace thong.

My spider-sense barely tingled and I lifted my gaze from her heart-shaped ass to look up at her face.

Miss Leyva had turned her upper torso just enough to look over her shoulder at me and she had an odd look on her face as her dark skin flushed slightly and our eyes locked. “Ben.”

“Yes, Miss Leyva?” I asked in a whisper.

“Are you checking me out?” She asked back, also in a whisper.

“Yes, Miss Leyva.” I whispered. “You are a beautiful woman and I am apparently rushing through puberty today as I appreciate exactly how much of a distraction you can be.”

Miss Leyva turned all the way around to face me and walked forward enough to peer over the table I sat behind. She glanced down at my tent pole to see exactly how much I appreciated the distraction.

“Oh.” She said, barely above a whisper. “That looks... painful.”

“You have no idea.” I whispered back and tried to adjust myself.

Miss Leyva's eyes moved up to look at my face. “Maybe... you should... go take care of that?” She asked and her eyes dropped to it again.

“I doubt standing up right now is a good idea. It's wedged in there pretty tightly.” I countered.

Miss Leyva glanced around, then she walked around the table and stood between me and the classroom door. “Perhaps if you relieved some of the pressure, it won't be so bad.”

Did she just ask me to show her? I asked myself, because she was facing me and not the door. I decided that it didn't matter, because I had to relieve the pressure, so I nodded to her and started to open my pants. Her gaze seemed to intensify as I opened the button and pulled down my zipper.

Penis Parker popped right out through the opening in my boxers that it had managed to get through without difficulty.

Miss Leyva let out a startled sound and then she put a hand on my shoulder to catch her balance. “There's not enough time before class for you to... ahem... take care of that.” She whispered. “Can you safely tuck it back in, now that it's not jammed in there?”

I wasn't sure why I said what I said next, probably because it was way, way, way across the line of appropriateness. “Can you help me with that?”

Miss Leyva caught her breath, then to my complete shock, she bent over slightly to look into my eyes and her hand reached down and gently caressed me. Both I and my penis shivered for her and a very smug smile formed on her face.

“Did staring at my sexy backside get you all hot and bothered, Mister Parker?” Miss Leyva asked in a deep and breathy voice as her hand stroked me up and down.

“Yessss.” I said in a hiss as her hand sped up. “I thought there was no time for this.” I said and she stroked faster. “I'm going to need tissues!”

“We can't have a mess like that in my classroom.” She whispered and she must have felt my penis twitch in warning, because her head dropped down and her mouth sucked me right in.

“Oh, fuck!” I gasped and blew my load. And blew. And blew.

Miss Leyva moaned as she drank it down and her tongue licked and probed the tip as if to encourage it and her hand kept stroking me. It seemed to go on forever and it was also over before I knew it. Her lips made a smacking sound as she lifted her head from my lap and her eyes were full of desire.

“Th-thank you... for helping me, Miss Leyva.” I whispered.

“You can call me Selena when we're alone, Ben.” Selena whispered back and looked down at her handiwork as her fingertips lightly pet it. “I believe Penis Parker can be safely put away now.”

“Put away? Yes. Safely? No. I'm still hard as a rock because of you.” I said and had to stand up and adjusted my boxers to put myself back under cover, then I had to suck in a breath to zip up my pants.

“That is...” Selene paused talking as the bell rang. “...very nice to know, Mister Parker.”

“I hope so, because this isn't going away anytime soon.” I whispered and carefully sat back down.

The smile on her face was both sexy and amused. She didn't say anything else as she walked back across the room to her desk and she sat on the edge of it and waited for the rest of the class to arrive. Her smile changed to a normal one as the classroom door opened and several students came in.

“Hi, Ben.” Sarah said as she and Kelly walked by my table to go to theirs.

“Hi, Sexy... I mean Sarah.” I said with a grin.

Sarah blushed and laughed at the same time. “Are you going make passes at all of Liz's friends?”

“You heard about what happened with Max?” I asked and she nodded. “She just needed me to tell her that I didn't forget her.”

Sarah smiled and Kelly nodded. They sat down and faced forward as the rest of the class came in. Miss Leyva started the class as soon as the bell rang and it was a good lab. The reactions we achieved were both subdued and surprising, so the write-up at the end was entertaining with all the different observations that everyone had of the same experiment.

I waited until everyone left before I passed in my report and Miss Leyva gave me a warm smile in return. “Merry Christmas.”

“Happy Holidays.” Miss Leyva said in response. “I hope you enjoy your break.”

“Three weeks without seeing your smile? It's going to be torture.” I joked and grinned at her.

Miss Leyva laughed and waved me away. “I should warn you to not eat too much chocolate; but, you're young and you're going to do what you want anyway.”

I wasn't sure if she was intentionally loading that with innuendo or not. I couldn't help but take it that way, though. I gave her a knowing smile and glanced down at her skirt and back to her face. I had apparently called it correctly because she took the cue and turned in her chair and pulled her skirt up to show off her panties as she spread her legs just enough to let me see how little they covered.

“They actually are red like I imagined.” I whispered.

“You need to go and catch your bus.” Miss Leyva said as she closed her legs and put her skirt back into place.

I thought about asking her what had happened that she would cross that taboo line and actually do what she did with a student, then shrugged mentally, because I probably just answered that question. I dug out the second unregistered cell phone and handed it to her. She took it and quickly added her number and handed it back without a word.

I put the phone away and left to go and catch the bus. I had work tonight that I was going to rush through again, just to spend some time with May, because tomorrow night I had another 'date' with Natasha Romanoff and I fully expected it to be just as much fun as the last time.

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