Showdown, here is the pirate chat group

Chapter 522

He told him everything about Sakaski’s sudden arrival today and threatening him to come over.

“What the two of us did here was known to the headquarters of the Navy, and in order to solve the scandal of me, the Navy colonel, colluding with pirates, they specially sent Sakaski over to plan all this.

Sakaski pretended to make me guilty, but in fact let me come here and be killed by your betrayal angry, creating the illusion that I died to fight the evil dragon pirate group, so that the rumors of the captain’s collusion with the pirates will also be dispelled. ”

The evil dragon’s face was very ugly when he heard this, “Then where is Sakaski now?” ”

His biggest concern now was this, and he was ready to escape into the sea.

If he heard that Sakaski was nearby, he jumped in on the spot and fled without looking back.

“Sakaski is not here now, but he should come over soon, he is worried that he will scare the snakes and let you escape, causing the plan to fail, so he specially arranged for these imps to come with me.”

On the surface, they were sent by Sakaski to fight you, but in fact they were responsible for monitoring me, making me think that this was an opportunity to make a meritorious achievement, let me come and be killed by you, and then they would report to Sakaski that I was killed by you, and then they would spread the word that I was dead in the capture of the dragon pirates.

Then raise the bounty for you, and then you only need to capture your dragon pirate group, you can successfully turn this naval scandal into a propaganda for the navy’s justice and not afraid of sacrifice.

This is the real purpose of Sakaski’s coming here, to make my death “worthwhile”.

But Sakaski’s plan has been seen through by me, he should never send these imps over, he thinks I really believe that just these few imps can defeat you? ”

A wise light flashed in Colonel Mouse’s small eyes, “Sakaski underestimated me too much, I will not obediently send me to death as he wishes.” ”

After listening to Colonel Mouse’s words, the evil dragon understood what happened.

That is to say, his collusion with Colonel Rat exposed the protection money to the villagers, and the Navy asked Sakaski to come over in order to solve the scandal.

Sakaski deceived Colonel Rat as an opportunity to take someone on a crusade against himself.

When Colonel Mouse really came over, thinking that Colonel Mouse had betrayed himself, he naturally would not let Colonel Mouse go, and this just hit Sakaski’s plan.

As long as he kills Colonel Mouse, then no one will believe that he colluded with Colonel Mouse, and even the death of Colonel Mouse can become the glory of the Navy, after all, this is a sacrifice made to capture pirates.

Even Colonel Rat does not need to die at his hands, just die here.

No wonder Colonel Rat ran towards him just now, afraid of being attacked by those teenagers.

The evil dragon looked at the teenagers surrounded by his men, this was a conspiracy against him, the navy wanted to step on the corpses of him and Colonel Mouse to win glory for the navy.

In this case, Colonel Rat cannot die, because he is also targeted by the Navy anyway, and will definitely face the pursuit of the Navy later.

If Colonel Rat dies here, then he is doing the Navy a favor, and the Navy can pour dirty water on him as much as it wants.

And if Colonel Rat is alive, or simply becomes a pirate, then this scandal can be big.

The captain of the Navy colluded with pirates to fish civilians, and became a pirate after the matter was exposed, which can be described as a scandal within a scandal for the Navy.

He is a pirate and does not share the sky with the navy.

In any case, from now on, the Navy will raise its bounty to their Evil Dragon Pirates, and will face more hunts in the future.

But it would be nice to take this opportunity to humiliate the navy.

Because humiliating the navy is humiliating the world government, and Big Brother Tiger died at the hands of the world government and the navy.

This is a revenge, and since the Navy does not want this matter to spread, then he must spread this matter even more.

“Shameless humans.” The evil dragon gritted his teeth and said, thinking that Boss Tiger was calculated by humans to die, and now he began to calculate him, and he wanted to step on his corpse to promote the justice and fearlessness of the navy.

“You’re dreaming!” The evil dragon looked at Ace and them viciously, “Give it to me, kill them, and let these hateful navies see the power of our noble fishmen!” ”

Since it is necessary to take Colonel Rat away safely, then there must be a boat, they fish people can leave through the ocean, Colonel Rat is a human and cannot do it.

Then in order to buy time for escape, you must first kill these naval imps, lest they leak the news and expose their whereabouts.

At the same time, killing them is also a lesson for the navy, and there is a price to pay for being an enemy of his evil dragon, and they are the price.

The dragon’s expression was very relieved when he thought of seeing the corpses of these imps when they came here.

Hearing the dragon’s order, the fish people took out their weapons and looked at Ace and them, with a cruel smile on their faces, in their opinion, these human imps were already meat on the chopping board, which could be killed in minutes.

Nami looked at Ace worriedly behind the dragon.

She had just listened to all the conversations between Colonel Rat and the dragon.

Unexpectedly, she had thought completely wrong before.

These teenagers are not the same degenerate navy as Colonel Rat, but were sent to destroy the Evil Dragon Pirates.

Although it sounds a bit round, in order not to let the scandal insult the justice of the Navy, a plan was set up to deal with Colonel Rat and the dragon gang.

But there is one thing that Nami can still understand, and that is that no matter what, just today, the Evil Dragon Pirates will be driven out of here.

Her village will be free today.

Nami is both happy about this and worried about these teenagers her age.

She originally had a good impression of the navy, because her adoptive mother Belmel was originally a navyman.

It was Bermel who took in her infant, so she gave up her naval status and returned to the village of Cocosia to grow oranges.

But such a navy as Colonel Rat made her impression of the navy hit rock bottom.

But today, she saw these naval teenagers, they dared to come and confront the evil dragon at such a young age, and she still admired this courage very much.

PS: Second more

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