Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

33 – Patience!


PART 1 – Hunt!(I)


Before dawn, the rested group was already moving. Holga and Sasha tried to talk to Skarla about something, but she refused, saying that this was not the time for that.

I ended up talking more than I should have, and I got complicated. If you want more details in the future or make a decision, let it be in the future. Now we have to work and be alert; just because I'm strong doesn't mean I know everything or I'm prepared for everything.” - Skarla said it seriously, and the two remained quiet.

And when the group came together, she gave the following information:.

I don't know if it will be useful or not, but the succubus' charm is activated in three ways from a distance: through energy ripples, which automatically resonate with the energy and vitality within your body, forcing you to feel attracted to her. and be at your mercy.”

The other two would be the smell, something like the pheromones used by animals to attract their partners for reproduction. Finally, I noticed a subtle hypnosis through gestures, along with what I believe to be illusory magic to induce our minds through what we see.”

And I noticed that through touch, especially the exchange of liquids, she is able to inject some type of energy, which is both an aphrodisiac and something that will strengthen the control effect.”

The group listened carefully, and Anna asked. - “How can we take care of this?”

Except for me, I believe Viper would be the only one capable of resisting everyone; besides what I taught her, she also has training to resist things like hypnosis, and she has natural resistance to certain poisons and aphrodisiacs, the Succubus pheromones, I believe, characterized as a form of aphrodisiac.”

In the end, everything related to her charm has a correlation with hypnosis; lust is just the most effective tool to gain control over a target. Women will be able to resist more easily, but men will be more susceptible. The main tip I give is to stay in pairs, and if you notice your partner looking too much, hurt them with punches or cuts; there's no need to exaggerate. Whenever you look at the Succubus, always think that she will try to control you, and if intrusive thoughts start to arise, you will immediately get hurt.”

Everyone nodded seriously, and at that moment, Phinel raised a hand. - “This isn’t a school; you don’t need to raise your hand, but speak up.” - Said Skarla.

I believe that apart from Calah, who always seems to be excited, the biggest danger of falling under control would be Tropim. As he said, it’s about pheromones; he as a man and Beastkin become a bad combination.” - Phinel said, smiling bitterly, and Tropim frowned.

Indeed… Tropim, you will partner with me; I will be the only one capable of stopping you easily if you get out of control.”

I don't like it, but it's a flaw I have, and I agree that, in the end, by your side, I believe it will be the safest place.” - Tropim said.

She will literally be fighting head-on against a Level 20 Succubus; I think she should rethink her concept of safety.” - Cecil laughed, and Tropim frowned.


Skarla, in front of the group, extended her hand, making everyone stop. Everyone calmly observed the surroundings, especially an area with blood splashed everywhere. Everyone nearby began to get excited by the sweet smell in the air.

Looking at them, Skarla frowned. Anna, who was second only to her in terms of stamina, was preparing to cast a miracle, but Skarla stopped her. - “We don’t know how far away the Succubus is; if we cast a spell, it’s likely that she will feel it and discover that we are chasing her.”

We don’t know if she is under the control of something stronger that has direct control over her. If she finds out we’re following her, it could rule her out.”

Listening to Skarla, Anna nodded. - “But what do we do with them?” -She asked.

They can handle it alone; it’s not like it’s something very potent; the blood is already largely dry.” - Skarla said calmly. - “If they can’t even resist that, who can say against the Succubus herself?"

Anna nodded, and Skarla turned her attention to the area where the internal energy explosion occurred.

After evaluating, she found the traces, the time of the explosion, the traces of energy, and much more. - “She's not very far away; she must have stopped somewhere to recover, but I seriously believe she doesn't have any more of those strange potions.” - Skarla spoke calmly to no one in particular.

At that moment, Calah went towards her, hugging her from behind. -“Honey~ what do you think about-”-A hand landed on her head and electrified her.

Calah fell to the ground, shuddering as all the lust he had was literally electrified out of his body. - “Wow…” - Calah pouted.

Viper on the side, who was blushing slightly, didn't say anything but was on a mental note to do nothing now; she doesn't want to be electrified.

Tropim was biting her lips when he walked up to Skarla. - “Can you do the same to me?” - Skarla didn't think about it and just electrified him.

"Somebody else?" - She asked, and no one else was interested. - “Okay, she went there; let’s move away for a bit, rest, and then continue.” - Said Skarla.

Why-” -Anna was going to say something, but she realized it would be a stupid question.

"Let's go!" - Skarla said loudly, and everyone started to move. Phinel said he would stay at the back of the group; he wanted to talk to the plants.

I didn’t know Nature Wizards could do that.” - Belinda said, slightly surprised, and just for her to hear, Phinel said. - "We can not." - That left her confused.

And at the back of the group, Phinel had something he wanted to see, and that was Zenyo, this arrogant, cursed elf. Phinel noticed that Zenyo was strangely excited; even though he tried his best to hide his erection, it wasn't difficult, but he had slightly exaggerated reactions.

Now in the back, Phinel held back his laughter, while Zenyo, who walked a little slower and struggled to maintain his composure, didn't notice that his bottom was constantly twitching, and Phinel saw it.

Taking advantage of Zenyo's distance from the main group, Phinel approached, touching his shoulder, and Zenyo almost jumped, hurriedly looking at the smiling Phinel.

Bastard, what is it?” - Zenyo growled, his dark skin succeeding in hiding his shyness. Phinel squatted down to his ear, blowing and making Zenyo slap him in the face, but Phinel grabbed him first and said. - “If you want, I’ll be free tonight, and I can help you with your little problem.”

Don’t talk nonsense, and don’t touch me. Dirty gay!” - Zenyo growled, and Phinel smiled provocatively, squeezing Zenyo's ass, who thought about using some of his magic to hurt Phinel, but if he did so, the group might not see it in a pleasant way, and if he makes a fuss now, it's likely that his image will be tarnished like that of a frail man.

He knows he is weak, but as he is aiming to win over Skarla, he refuses to show weakness and maintains his composure as much as possible, giving him a cold look. - “Take your dirty hands off me, or be sure that when this mission is over, I will make a point of destroying your family!”

Phinel was surprised by the threat but laughed, where his finger slid down Zenyo's bottom and pressed into a hard area, which he had noticed before.

[Constitution Test]

D20+1+3 = 7!

Zenyo's eyes widened, grunting sharply, and his legs gave way. Phinel was surprised, and finally all the group's attention was attracted, including those who were pretending not to notice.

I told you that you, a merchant, don’t have the constitution to put up with that! Guys, Zenyo was stupid enough to let a drop of blood fall on him; he cleaned it up in a hurry, and I tried to help him, but it seems like he's too stubborn.” - Phinel said hurriedly while Zenyo was curled up on the floor, shivering and trying to hold on, even though at that moment he was having one of the most intense orgasms of his life.

Phinel, in his words, was smiling at everyone, making some gestures that made many want to burst out laughing, while Skarla, approaching and maintaining a very calm expression, knelt down and said. - “Go with Phinel and get changed; there’s no need to be embarrassed about it; accidents happen; it could happen to anyone.”

Phinel, since you tried to help him, help him some more. Let’s wait here.” - Said Skarla and Phinel nodded, and taking a cloth from his backpack, they covered Zenyo and took him away.

As soon as they were out of sight, Skarla started laughing; she couldn't help herself.

Who knew that in that sexist facade there was an excited little girl? And seriously, I didn’t expect him to use that today.”

"What?" - Anna asked, confused.

You should already know that I have heightened senses and that I can use my energy to probe my surroundings, right?” - Skarla asked, and Anna nodded. She noticed this during her arrival here.

I get images from my probes; I don't see colors, but I can see shapes of things, and I'm pretty much able to ignore things like clothes and other objects that don't contain a specific amount of energy.”

Hmmm… ah!” - Anna began to notice something.

So since we started traveling together and he isolated himself in his tent, using magic to isolate sound, I was able to see what he was doing. I couldn’t see the objects he was using, but I could see how his bottom was opened by something long and a little thick.”

“…” - Anna blinked, then said. - “Does that mean that all this time you’ve been seeing most of us naked, but you’ve been seeing him specifically with… his backside open?”

"Yes. Again, I see shapes, not features or details, but naturally, an object on your bottom will be noticed. Look at this bitch here; she’s wearing one.” - Said Skarla looking at Calah.

Calah smiled. - "You got me." - She laughed and added. - “Since I can't get my daily dose of Skarla's premium hammering, I have to settle for small toys. I wanted some bigger ones, but they would be difficult to walk and would get in my way.”

Can I redo my bet? I think he’s going to become a whore before he finds out about Skarla.” - Tropim said hesitantly.

"Unfortunately, it is not possible; the bet has already been made.” - Skarla said, laughing, and Tropim sighed.


PART 2 – Humiliation! (+18)


(Note: This part will only be Phinel and Zenyo's interaction. I will include the results of certain dice and what they are specifically for, so that you understand a little about how I make decisions based on luck.)

(Note: If you don't like what happens in this part, ignore it and skip to Part 3. I guarantee that by the end, you will understand better.)

As they walked away, Phinel gave Zenyo a hug while he was blushing and biting his lip and had tears in the corners of his eyes. At a suitable distance, he threw something on the ground—a device that created a dome around them.

YOU SON OF A BITCH!” - Zenyo roared as he pushed Phinel, his face distorted in anger.

Phinel laughed. - “I didn’t expect you to have something in your ass, much less that you would cum with just one touch.” - He said it mockingly.

I don’t know what you did to me, but I will make you pay for this humiliation!” - Zenyo shouted angrily, ignoring Phinel's words, believing that all of this was his fault.

Zenyo, stop tantruming. I don’t know what your problem with men is, but just accept that you like both.” - Phinel said, laughing, only infuriating Zenyo more and more.

Phinel, seeing that Zenyo was really about to explode, said. - “Okay, I'm sorry. What do you think? To apologize, I can get some time alone between you and Skarla."

[Charisma Test(Lie)]

D20+3+4 = 14!

When 'Skarla' was brought into the conversation, Zenyo seemed to calm down a little, growling and thinking, then turned around.

[Dexterity Test x Reaction Test]

D20+2 = 22! (CRITICAL STRIKE!!!)

D20+4 = 21!

Get out; I can-” - Phinel didn’t even give him time to finish his words, as he touched his back, giving him a slight push before putting his hand in his pants.

Aahh! No!" - Zenyo shouted, Phinel grabbed something malleable, then pulled him and saw Zenyo's face turned to the side. With that desperation in trying to push him away, his short hands went to his behind before his face contorted, and the strength of his legs ended up falling to his knees.

Phinel stood, smiling triumphantly, with the object made of plastic with a triangular shape and rounded at the tip. Where it's thin on top but fat in the middle, and then there's the area to hold it.

Zenyo trembled as he looked at Phinel with a complex look. At this moment, he didn't know how to act or react; he had never found himself at a disadvantage or at the mercy of someone like now.

Please… don’t tell anyone.” - Zenyo said shyly.

[Compassion Test(Charisma x Intelligence)]

D20+5 = 7!

D20+5 = 18!

Phinel looked at Zenyo, feeling a little sorry, but thought about his many insults and his terrible attitude towards others except Skarla. Even though, up to this point, Zenyo is like a joke to everyone, he still irritates a lot.

"What do I get from that?" - Phinel asked, smiling.

"How much do you want? I can give you 100,000 gold coins right now!” - Zenyo said quickly. - “That's all the extra money I have with me, but if you want it all, I can give you 120,000 gold coins now, and when we get back to a city, I can give you another 200,000!”

Phinel's eyes widened upon hearing this. He knows that Zenyo is rich. The Golden Mages are renowned for their massive wealth, but this… is more than he could imagine extorting from Zenyo.

But Phinel soon maintained his composure; if it were for money, he would already ask. For a traveling elf like him, money is not the most important thing, and as he lives a long time, he can accumulate money over time.

I don’t want your filthy money. You've humiliated and insulted me since we met; I'm not the only one. Because of Skarla, we all accept your nonsense, especially because you are supporting us financially, but now…” - Phinel, in an irritated tone, looked at the still wet toy in his hand, which is quite clean, showing that Zenyo knows how to use these things without getting dirty. He laughed, and Zenyo shivered.

Don’t worry, I’m not that stupid, and I don’t have any plans to fuck you; it would be too dirty for you.” - Phinel said mockingly, and Zenyo trembled, feeling very helpless.

Phinel then put the toy in his bag. Zenyo asked. - “What will you do with it?”

Phinel didn't answer him and just pulled down his pants, allowing Zenyo to see Phinel's long penis.

"What are you doing?!" - Zenyo screamed and backed away, where Phinel said he was smiling while holding his penis.

Teasing you has turned me on, so if you want me to keep quiet and not show anyone your toy, watch, but if you want it to end quickly before someone comes to see what’s taking me so long, well… you can help me.” - Phinel said, smiling, and then, with a palm on his ass and his other hand on his penis, he simply began to masturbate slowly.

[Intelligence Test(Disadvantage)]

D20+3 = 7!

D20+3 = 18!

(Reminder: Disadvantage = 2D20 rolled; the lowest result is forcibly chosen.)

Zenyo shuddered at the sight as Phinel smiled and slowly masturbated, his hand sliding down his long penis, pulling and pushing the excessive skin, exposing the large, reddish head of his penis over and over again, pre-cum oozing out and only making it shinier. .

Swallowing his saliva, Zenyo growled. - "OK!" - He shouted as he advanced. Phinel opened his eyes, a huge and devilish smile appearing, and he removed his hand.

Zenyo was very hesitant, but he thought that this was better than being exposed. If Skarla finds out about what he does in secret, his dirty secret, and that he had it up his ass during the mission because she couldn't satisfy herself during the night, he doesn't even want to imagine how she will see him.

For Zenyo, Skarla is one of the few women who truly respects him and recognizes him as a man, so he cannot give up this opportunity.

If he has to humble himself in order for his unlikely future love to accept him, he doesn't care.

Soon Phinel saw Zenyo extend her delicate and cute hands to his penis, grabbing it, and this made him feel extremely excited, even though when the flexing started, the skill was not the best. For Phinel, this was the most satisfying masturbation of his life. !

Zenyo turned away from him, not wanting to look; he even closed his eyes while keeping himself as far away as possible while moving his hands. - “Hey, if just stroking the head isn’t going to make me cum, and look, I hear them saying we’re taking too long.” - Phinel said, laughing. The lie was obvious, but Zenyo naturally wasn't in the right frame of mind to think about it.

He got a little closer so that his grip would be firmer and he could stimulate the entire 28-cm-long penis. Zenyo heard the sounds of flesh, felt the tremors, and realized how hot and hard it was. He inadvertently compared himself, knowing he didn't compare, wondering if it takes something like that to satisfy a woman.

He even thought about the sex toys, the store he bought them from, and how there was nothing in his size; no one was looking for something that size, but he never thought about it until today.

For the first time in his life, when he opened his eyes without even noticing, he realized he was small.

Phinel was rolling his eyes slightly and getting more tense. Zenyo noticed the pulsing, more pre-cum, and when he noticed that he was looking too much, with his head pointing at his face, it was too late and heavy, sticky jets were against his face. He was retreating his face and closing his eyes, with his mouth half-open, and he closed it after the first shot, but the flavor had already permeated him.

Aah~ fuck! That was better than I thought, Zenyo. I think you have a  calling."- Phinel said, smiling and panting, while Zenyo was there frozen and shaking, looking disgusted, not noticing that at this point, his own penis is hard, but it's difficult to notice due to the thick pants and its small size.


PART 3 – Hunt!(II)


You took your time.” - Calah said, smiling.

My storage was a mess, and Phinel helped me tidy it up. Sorry for the delay.” - Zenyo said with his head down.

Don’t be like that, darling; it’s not like you’re the first person to have an orgasm in public. Whoever in this group has never had an orgasm in public, cast the first stone!” - Calah laughed as he shouted proudly.

Skarla thought about throwing a rock but remembered Belinda and Cecil's interview, so she refrained. Several others looked away, blushing or whistling to hide it.

This really made Zenyo more relaxed, even though what he had to do to keep his dignity intact in everyone's eyes was something he felt disgusted by.


Nobody brought up the subject, and so they continued their hunt for the Succubus, no longer having time for games; they had to focus on the mission!

The hunt continued, but night came, and the group had to rest. Skarla constantly stayed high up, away from the trail, but still sensing and following it.

She was able to “see” the traces of residual energy; if it were in Murim, she would have already lost the enemy's traces by having gotten rid of the residual energy, but here, ignorance and a lack of magical perception become her biggest advantages.

As a result, if she focuses her eyes, she will be able to see the trail moving, indicating that the Succubus is not very far away, and judging by her speed, if they ran at full speed, they would have reached her in less than 1 day by then.

But the objective is for her to escape, and like the group, the Succubus needs to rest due to her wounds. She is certainly seriously injured, considering how slowly she is running away and how many stops she makes.

But Skarla didn't try to use her senses to look at her accurately, as she believes that the sixth sense is something unpredictable; she doesn't know how strong her perception is, and if she notices that she is being chased, she doesn't know what her decision will be. .

The following morning, the group continued their pursuit, consuming their supplies and avoiding starting fires to avoid raising smoke.

On the way, animal corpses were found when they tried to investigate Succubus' real state, showing that she is using them to recover.

But considering that Succubi are sexual demons, they need lust to feed on vitality; naturally, they don't get much from animals that reproduce out of necessity and not pleasure.

In other words, she is desperate, and the damage is more serious than she imagined.

The hunt continued, and little by little, the Succubus seemed to accelerate its movement, where they soon ended up arriving close to a village.

Anna wanted to run to rescue them, but Skarla stopped her and said. - “We have no information from the village; we need to investigate first; if she stays, we can approach and capture her; if she ignores it and continues, it means the village has problems.”

This made Anna growl, but she accepted the decision for now, knowing that if the Succubus stays, people will die.

And the Succubus stayed, spending the night, before quickly leaving during the night, the energy traces becoming almost non-existent, but Skarla had already memorized the Succubus's standard energy trail, so it is no longer a necessity.

At Anna's request, they stopped at the village but did not enter it and sent Viper to investigate.

[Stealth Test(Scene)]

D20+14 = 29!

Entering the village and using the shadows as cover, she searched for suspicious things, first breaking into the village chief's house and finding nothing out of the ordinary before going out and searching for suspicious people before heading to a house.

That house was where Skarla informed him that the Succubus stayed. Entering it, she found a dried corpse on a bed, his pants down and his testicles missing.

Viper understood and left, finding Skarla and the others to talk about what happened.

We should have stopped it!” - Anna shouted as she grabbed Skarla by her collar.

Skarla didn't even pay her any attention as she looked in one direction, thinking.

Anna, stop. If Skarla’s plan succeeds, we will save many more lives than dealing with the Succubus now.” -Said Holga, holding Anna's arm, as she understood that due to Skarla's attitude, she was likely to get angry and end up punching her.

Anna growled, hating the fact that Skarla ignored her and actually wanted to kill her. - "It doesn't matter! We let a person die; we could have prevented it!”

Viper on the side grabbed Anna's wrist, showing aggression, and said, - “Anna, don't act with purity just because you belong to the Radiant Church; do you think I don't know about your sins? The false accusations that led him to take innocent lives?”

Anna frowned upon hearing this, and it was obvious that she was shaken.

Unlike you, who were being used as the tool you are for the church, Skarla is thinking about the future and making her own decisions. She will help everyone in the village, the duchy, and the empire! A leader has to have a cool mind and prioritize the majority over the few.”

What’s the point of saving people if we have to ignore some of them dying?” - Anna shouted angrily.

What’s the point of saving one person if thousands could die?” - Skarla said coldly, and Anna shivered.

Be professional and have your priorities. It's unfortunate that someone died. I'll make sure Letiphia makes it up to the family of the deceased, but we're on a mission. If that person turns into a ghost, then let it haunt me. I made the decision, so I will take full responsibility.” -Skarla's tone remained cold as she walked. - “Now part of wasting time, because of that, she has recovered a lot and is faster, so put away your armor and start running.”

Skarla soon grabbed Zenyo and Calah, saying nothing before speeding off. Sighs came, and soon Sasha was ready to carry Belinda. Holga stayed with Pauline.

The group began to run, covering a great distance. Skarla used her techniques to supplement their stamina, allowing them to maintain their momentum.

Amidst this, Phinel celebrated to the surprise of many, which he happily said. - “My achievement [Effort] reached Level 5, and I acquired +1 in Dexterity and Constitution!” - His joy was visible, and he quickly gained the envy of many.

All but a few are at Level 3 of [Effort], and it is likely that Level 4 will only be reached in a few more decades, which will most likely be the peak before they become legends, which will be difficult, so they are likely to die without reaching Level 5.

But Phinel is an elf who can live for centuries; naturally, he, who has lived for more than 100 years, trained hard, accumulated “EXP” and thus reached Level 5 today.


Soon, night had fallen. - “The rule remains the same: no bonfires or setting up camp; stay alert; and in groups, no games!” - Skarla said this in a serious tone to everyone, including Calah and Phinel.

And with that, everyone began to rest, with Skarla taking the first shifts, but hours later she went to rest, and due to fate, the next guards were Phinel and Zenyo.

Zenyo was quite nervous, while Phinel's joy at reaching Level 5 [Effort] went to his head, and the desire to humiliate this bastard even more arose.

While everyone was sleeping, Phinel approached Zenyo, who was clenching his fists. He bent down and said. - “I need a little help to calm down.”

Zenyo refused, but Phinel took out a fat toy, and Zenyo blushed, giving in and asking him to be quick. - “If you want it to be quick, you’re going to have to use your lips.”

A little far from the group, but still enough for any maneuver, Phinel had Zenyo lower his pants, which fluttered hesitantly before being presented with the long, erect shaft.

Zenyo started to masturbate him and growled using his lips, knowing that Phinel was just teasing him, but he saw the point, and as they are so close to their companions, for one of them to wake up and get closer will only take a few moments.

As a result, Phinel feasted on the lips of the inexperienced Zenyo, being driven to ecstasy, and as he was howling, hands slid down his back, pulling him before removing his penis from Zenyo's lips and receiving the jets in the palm of his hand.

Phinel, in the midst of orgasm, trembled, and they looked in astonishment, along with great terror, as Zenyo fell back and screamed.

Behind Phinel, hugging him and smiling, is a beautiful woman with long horns and stunning beauty, a Succubus, but not the same as before.

Hello cutie, what a delicious meal! So much lust, perversity, and evil! I love it!” -The Succubus said happily while a screaming Zenyo turned around, but the Succubus' tail grabbed his neck and pulled him.

Oh-ho, is the spy finally showing herself?” - The Succubus laughed.

SKARLA!” - Zenyo shouted in joy and relief, and Skarla approached and calmly observed this.

I see that my words have fallen on deaf ears.” - Said Skarla looking at Phinel.

I’m sorry…”-Phinel blushed in fear, feeling that he could die at any moment.

Don’t be so boring; they were having fun, and this one is almost becoming one of us.” - She laughed, kissing Phinel's cheek.

If he says that, does it mean he is being corrupted?” - Skarla asked.

"Clear." - The Succubus said, smiling. - “As long as you have enough compatibility, you can serve one of the Great Seven. This little cutie here seems like the master liked him and really wants him.” - She said this while stroking Phinel's penis.

As for you... You must be the one who hurt my older sister. I don’t know the trick used, but if you want them to live, you will have to obey me.” - She smiled mischievously.

Big brother… Does that mean you’re weaker?” - Skarla asked.

"Weak? Hahaha~ silly! I am stronger, more beautiful, and more talented! I am the master’s favorite, and she will love me even more and give me many more gifts when I take it.” - She laughed, and at that point, between Phinel's legs, something big, long, and pink appeared.

Now you~ I want you to kneel or I will make sure this cutie has the most painful pleasure of his life!” - She howled viciously, and his penis grew even more and took on a distorted shape full of thorns.

Skarla, raising her hands, fell to her knees, the Succubus smiling in euphoria, and when she blinked-


An explosion rumbled, and Skarla disappeared and appeared in front of her, her hands covered in electricity.

[Sudden Attack Test (2 Attacks)]

D20+18 = 20!

D20+18 = 30!

The Succubus still had a smug smile on her face when Skarla attacked. Electricity covered her hands, one of them clenched into a fist aimed at her face, the other open and forming a blade that waved, cutting the arm holding Phinel's penis and firing a blast of electricity mixed with wind against the tail holding Zenyo. .

Soon the sudden pain exploded in the senses of the Succubus, who until then was seeing the fist approaching, its tail and arm severed.


A huge explosion sounded, and she was catapulted, screaming tragically before crashing into a tree. A sound of bones breaking sounded, and she began to spin in the air as she continued with great force until she crashed into the second tree, her back buckling before sliding down, letting out a shrill scream, tears streaming down the eyes of his twisted face, appearing to be in immense agony.

And Skarla walked calmly while electricity coursed through the Succubus' entire body, paralyzing her from head to toe. Finally, Skarla reached her, meeting her eyes before reaching down and grabbing her hair.

Don’t worry, the pain will only get worse from now on.” - Skarla said calmly before smiling devilishly, and a wave of murderous intent covered the Succubus's mind, saying that the last thing she saw was a fist colliding against her chest and her forced against the tree that broke while electricity exploded in vigorous waves all over your body.





Her screams resounded one after another, each wave of electricity causing immense and inhuman pain. She couldn't even beg in despair; she just suffered from the pain that even Gods would shudder at.

Soon her charred body was released, not by Skarla's choice; it turns out that her hair was charred, and that was how Skarla was holding her.

Huffing, Skarla flexed her wrist as she held him, the group already present, and the charred body on the ground.

Take her; I disabled her brainwaves and any magical connection that linked her to anything. If she had some master who controlled her life and actions and would discard her if she were to open her mouth… he would probably think she was dead now.” - Skarla said calmly.

This… isn’t dead?” - Sasha asked in amazement.

No, I only burned the skin, but eyes, organs, and sensations are intact; it just needed to scare us if something was watching us. Not to mention that for torture, the target needs to have hopes and then destroy them and get what they want. For a Succubus, I believe appearance is the most important thing.” -After her words, Viper was already going to take care of the Succubus.

Skarla calmly went to the group, looking at Phinel and Zenyo; the latter was embarrassed and almost crying, while Phinel had his head down, still affected by the fact that he had almost died.



Phinel screamed as his feet left the ground, a powerful punch hitting his stomach. His eyes widened as he fell to the ground, holding his stomach, and then he vomited.

Everyone was shocked before Skarla, and without even looking, she slapped Zenyo, which threw him to the ground, blood dripping from his lip and nose.

I don’t care about your relationship; whether it was a joke or something else, it doesn’t matter! My order is absolute; you put your lives at risk, and if I hadn't been attentive and distrusted you, something worse would likely have happened because it was too late!” - Skarla growled fiercely.

For now, this will be the punishment, but repeat this joke and make sure you will no longer be allowed in this group; regardless of whether you take others from the group with you, I don't care. I will not accept disobedience or taking my words lightly."

And Zenyo, stop acting like a spoiled child; everyone already knows your tastes. I don't understand why you would be ashamed of something so common to the point of leaving your pride aside to comply with Phinel's demands. As for you, Phinel, I've already called your attention once so that this doesn't happen again, so your stay in the group will depend a lot on my mood after this mission, and if you try to make excuses, I'll crush your skull here and now."

Ignoring the two, she looked at the rest of the group. - “That’s how things work with me. Don't think that because I am kind to everyone and ignore their nonsense, I will do the same for everything. My patience and goodwill have limits; they both exceeded them, and this happened. I’m not the type to give second chances easily; you understand Phinel."

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