Skarla – The F*ta Conqueror

47 – Invasion!


PART 1 – Beginning of Chaos!


The news spread quickly. Orcs captured the fortress under construction in a single night. The nobleman assigned to take charge was murdered.

The Duchy of Veremor suffered heavy losses as the orcs began attacking nearby villages, plundering everything in their path.

To halt their advance, they dispatched troops and elite groups beforehand.

The fortress forced the orcs to return within a week. But it turns out that more and more of them are coming down the mountain, expanding their area of activity.

Apparently the Orcs have some strategy, which they aim to conquer.

Letiphia had no choice but to dispatch her army to the location. Skarla was just watching until then. The empire began preparations to expel the Orcs.

It was surprising how many families were willing to help. Everyone wants some excuse to get close to Skarla. Every day, its value only increases.

She is not just a woman with obvious characteristics that one would see in a savage barbarian. She is intelligent, has a great sense of strategy and politics, and apparently has high-level alchemical knowledge.

The question that many ask is: What can't it do?


At the moment, everyone is focused on the Orc Fortress and its constant expansion. The duchy is dispatching its army, accompanied by those from other families.

From the sea and from the sides of the Krugar Mountains, hundreds of ships docked all along the coast in the Strauss Barony and Veremor Duchy.

Thousands of northern warriors docked all along the coast, including more than just two territories. Several coastal territories received visitors from the north: orcs, humans, and dwarves. All savages thirst for conquest.

Amidst the chaos and focus of everyone in the fortress, the barbarians, who everyone thought were savage fools who could hardly join hands, were now causing a full-scale invasion, far ahead of schedule.

And so blood flowed along the entire empire's coast.

As chaos began its reign, Skarla was having fun with her daughters, and even though she knew everything, she decided to ignore and observe.

Letiphia did not ask for his help; she simply ceased most activities against the demons and focused on dealing with the orcs and raiders.

Other territories did the same. The empire ended up strengthening its borders with other nations more than ever before. Numerous locals were already attacking them; if their enemies exploited this challenging period, the damage would be catastrophic.

In one week, Viscounty Limepoa had one of its main coastal cities taken with dubious ease. Investigations revealed that the Viscount had been negotiating with the barbarians for years, with many of them living and working in the port city.

It turns out that their loyalty was to their people and not the empire. They had apparently been preparing for something like this for a long time. As a result, soldiers betrayed their lord, and civilians joined together to open the gates and allow ships and troops to enter everywhere.

The empire quickly captured the port city and enslaved its people. They took his riches, disemboweled the mayor in public, impaled him, and placed him, along with every male member of his family, in the city center for everyone to see. All women… were suffering a horrible fate, regardless of age.

The Marquisad Trapom is situated between the Baronado Strauss, Duchy Veremor, and Baronado Jokama. Despite being far away, nothing seemed to be happening to them; in fact, they were receiving letters asking for support.

The Marquis was extremely happy, believing it was time to elevate his family's status; he would become the hero and show everyone his family's power.

But contrary to his expectations, that secret and tightly guarded passage was the one with which he traded with the people of the Krugar Mountains. Despite receiving tons of resources, he found himself betrayed.

Hundreds of orcs invaded his territory; it is unclear where they came from or how they got there. They simply invaded his fortress city, killing all the officers and preventing news from escaping. Then they marched to the capital.

By the time the Marquis found out about this, it was already too late. Desperate Orcish murderers invaded his property and beheaded him.

It took a while for the news to arrive: the fall of Marquesado Trapom. What should have been the safest was the first territory to fall to enemy pressure and attacks was supposed to be the safest.

With that, the chaos was just beginning.


PART 2 – The Meeting. (FINALLY!)


In less than one month, the entire coast of the empire was suffering massive damage, and near the capital of the empire, just 1 territory away, valuable land fell into enemy hands.

Skarla watched all this happen, not making a move. The princes stopped coming to her a long time ago, as they had to resolve several complex issues due to the invasions.

Even Hackel was dispatched. Royalties, in addition to being rulers, are also symbols of prosperity and motivation for the people. With strong royalty, the people calm down and are filled with hope.

As for why Skarla wasn't dispatched, She didn't want to.

Of course, she told Letiphia that if she wanted, she would personally take care of everything, but she refused. Skarla's move will undoubtedly resolve the matter, but it could potentially create opportunities for other territories to make unreasonable requests.

They're going to make her run all over the country to deal with the invaders.

In other words, if Skarla moves, she will provide opportunities for others to ask her to do the same, forcing her to act. If she refuses, it will serve as an opportunity for the nobles to tarnish her image and reputation with the Veremor family.

Therefore, there are only disadvantages to her moving. Even if she moves, she will be able to cope with everything; she has the strength, patience, and desire for it.

The problem is what comes next. Skarla is already an influential figure, and her presence brings security and comfort to the people. If she moves, consolidating her image, it goes without saying that she will leave the people confused, creating comparisons between Skarla and the Imperial Family.

This could diminish the imperial family's power and influence over the people, increasing Skarla's authority. This will lead to enmity with the imperial family, and even if they don't care about it, the nobles will.

A nation's downfall can start when it displays weakness or ignorance on certain issues.

Therefore, no matter what Skarla does, she will suffer the consequences. Just standing still harms the common people, while, in a way, it satisfies the nobles.

In the end, this is political life. Each action and movement demands meticulous calculation. Even the smallest mistake could ruin her reputation.

But, of course, Skarla has patience. She doesn't care that much about her image; she has the strength to force them to stop with this nonsense. But in the end, she no longer acts for herself.

Sighing, Skarla decided to take action and teleported to the Veremor Duchy.

At the duchy, Letiphia came to meet her, obviously anxious about her presence. - “What did you come here to do? I said, Stay; I can take care of things here!” - She said it seriously.

In response, Skarla touched her belly, gave her a loving hug, and spoke. - “I came to check on my wife’s health. I also came to take care of some Orc thieves.”

"No! Go back to the capital and stay there!” - Letiphia vehemently refused; she was happy about her presence but worried about what might happen.

Don’t be like that. I will recover the fortress and drive out the orcs. I'll pretend to have driven away an army of nearly 10,000 orcs on the verge of invasion, positioning myself in the fortress to prevent their advance. Lie about Makaulu moving too, about rumors of him having reached the legendary level or being close to becoming one, so I will stay here.” - Skarla said calmly.

But… if they find out.” - Letiphia was worried.

I just need to go in front of everyone and tell them what we found out. I am with one of Makaulu's daughters. What will the nobles do? Point it in my face and call me a liar or lazy.” - Skarla laughed, and Letiphia liked it.

Skarla kissed her and said. - “My love, I prepared myself for all of this. I will be our family's supporter and pillar, so may the pain and pressure fall on me. I will always find a way to solve everything.”

Letiphia nodded, laying her face on his chest.


Skarla flew through the skies and arrived at her destination.

It didn't take long to fly over the fortress. She had already noticed hundreds of green heads and tall, muscular figures working nonstop everywhere.

They are strengthening the fortress's walls, digging a well around it, and setting up several traps.

The Orcs are really settling in place. Skarla scratched her chin thoughtfully. His desire was to crash into the ground and destroy everything; it would annihilate the Orcs, but it would destroy the fortress, and Letiphia would certainly be furious.

Sighing, Skarla went downstairs.

There was an orc roaring in the imperial language. They order the slaves to walk faster.

Skarla landed beside him, and he didn't even notice her presence until an arm encircled her neck. - “These slaves are very good; too bad they are slow and weak.” - Skarla said it in the mountains' language.

Yes, pathetic! The slaves from the last war were much better; those humans knew how to work and were used to procreate, that's all.” - The orc snorted, but noticed that the female voice was unfamiliar, so he looked to the side, finding a beautiful face that he had never seen before.

Terror coursed through his body; he tensely threw himself back, but Skarla was faster, and a fist collided with his stomach. The orc's face twisted, and he went flying, his scream alarming everyone.

Skarla watched the orc fly, thinking that she used too much strength; next time she will only use 1/3.

Ah, now…” - Skarla turned around, staring at the shocked slaves. - “People of the Empire, I am Skarla Verona. His Majesty the Emperor sent me to deal with these damned orcs. You can relax, stay away, and let me take care of the orcs!" - Skarla smiled, extended a hand, and unleashed a barrage of energy shots, piercing the heads of several orcs and half-breeds as they screamed in agony.

Everyone felt relief, and many knew who Skarla was; they lived here and knew of the legend's presence.

A thunderous trumpet sounded, and the orcs began to prepare for combat. As Skarla relaxed, numerous arrows started to rain down on her and the slaves.

When they saw the arrows, everyone was scared—fathers, mothers, and brothers protecting their relatives. It was truly commendable. Skarla smiled, and the air vibrated.

Skarla calmly turned her gaze to the fortress walls and the dozens of orc heads she could see, stopping all the arrows in midair. She caught the falling arrows with one hand, then gave a fierce wave, and all the arrows flew.

Screams and cries filled the air; some perished, while others suffered blindness or had an arrow stuck in their mouths.

"I missed eight. I need to improve my aim.” - Skarla said she didn't take this battle seriously; there's no one here who can threaten her.

Keep your distance and leave; I don't want to have to defend you. I need to kill them.” - Skarla pointed to the fortress, and soon everyone started to move away and help each other.

Skarla turned her gaze towards the fortress; a crackling sound sounded, and soon she exploded with speed, disappearing and appearing on top of the walls. Those nearby cried out in surprise.

Quite calmly, Skarla was counting the number of enemies as well as the slaves. She knew how to act and did it.

She unleashed her fire into the area that held humans and other races captive. Once there, orcs attacked him, but Skarla didn't even look at them; they flew away with twisted limbs.

Skarla destroyed the entrance and found many women. It made her sigh at the cruelty of war. She watched for a while, and furious shouts came from behind. Calmly, she clenched a fist, turned around, and punched.


A fist appeared, and a fierce shockwave expelled dozens of orcs, sending them flying.

Skarla sighed; she couldn't even feel anything in this scenario. She just stopped thinking and acted.

The orcs dropped like flies before her hands, and…

"STOP!!!" - A thunderous roar reverberated and advanced through the orcs and half-breeds, a tall, muscular figure, and a beautiful orc full of scars and bulging veins.


Gakai arrived at the fight, but she had no desire to fight; she seemed even more excited. Her breathing was heavy, and she was smiling.

Skarla noticed the signs and thought it was strange.

We finally met.” - Gakai said happily.

"Finally? We met?" -Skarla asked, trying to remember, but nothing came to her mind, and she has an incredible memory.

I am Gakai Stone’Fang, daughter of Makaulu Stone’Fang, the Great King!” - She introduced herself, and Skarla raised an eyebrow. She was in the company of a significant other.

Skarla, I have been looking for you since your escape. Fate separated us for so long, but finally you are here, and we can be together. You are the heavens, and my ancestors chose to be my children's mothers. We will raise powerful children; I know this, because no one but you is worthy of this.” Gakai shouted, shaking with excitement, licking his lips, and looking crazy.

Skarla rolled her eyes. - ‘Some crazy woman has been chasing me this whole time. How wonderful!’ - Her mental tone was full of sarcasm.

And before Gakai continued talking his nonsense, Skarla was in front of her, much to her shock. After a fist shot into her abdomen, her body rose, and she soon fell to the ground, falling to her knees, shaking, and bending over. She almost lost consciousness after that punch.

She just didn't fall because Skarla grabbed her hair and lifted her, lifting her face until it was in front of hers. Gakai, in pain, smiled with blood on her lips. She was happy; this is everything she dreamed of—someone so dominantly powerful that her resistance is useless. Skarla is everything she had dreamed of, someone to dominate her body and soul.

"You require a psychologist. It’s a shame there isn’t one around here.” - Skarla said, nodding her head and letting it fall to the floor.

"I don't know what's going on in your head, but watch as I annihilate your people. You have caused my wife headaches; it is my time to return the gift.” - Skarla said, smiling and extending a hand, her veins bulging on her arms and her energy crackling.

What followed was a true genocide. With the orcs and halfbreeds advancing fervently, many attempted to rescue Gakai, but to no avail.


The Red Orcs demonstrated themselves, rushing at Skarla and throwing punches that could leave deep marks on mountains. But in front of Skarla, they did nothing!

"Interesting. I sense a demonic force emanating from you, yet it remains under control. - Skarla said very calmly in the face of so many red fists. She found them intriguing and wanted to study them.

But she understood that it was taking a toll on them, and the longer they spent in this form, the greater the damage and the shorter their life expectancy. It appears to be reversible. By torturing Gakai, she will learn more. Per hour…


Three of the Red Orcs had a circular shape to their bodies, replacing their heads, necks, parts of the shoulders, and almost below the ribs. Their bodies fell, and everything disappeared.

Skarla was indifferent. She calmly picked up some of the scattered axes and began to play with the orcs and half-breeds.

A wounded Gakai observed that some Red Orcs ran to her and took her to run away; she didn't want to, and Skarla wouldn't let her.

Any orc who approached her would face instant death. Gakai had no choice but to witness her people's destruction.

RUN AWAY! SHE WANTS ME AND NOT YOU! RUN AWAY! I ORDER AS MAKAULU’S DAUGHTER!!!” - Gakai shouted. Even though she's crazy about Skarla, she's still a leader, and everyone here is the person she trained, cared for, and became familiar with.

Skarla listened and continued killing. The orcs quickly gathered to flee, and the few remaining officers rallied them all. The red orcs served as a kind of delay.

In fact, they managed to resist a little; some even gave Skarla trouble. But in the end, their bodies resided on the ground.

Soon, the fortress was practically empty. Skarla did not pursue them beyond the fortress. She only forced them to flee toward the mountains.

After that, Skarla approached Gakai, who was squeezing an orc's eyes shut. - “I expected blood on our date, but not like this.” - She said.

Skarla watched her; she seemed calmer. - "You invade my lands; we are enemies; the only thing left for you is death!"

Your lands… I see, as expected of someone so strong.” - Gakai laughed as he stood up, standing in front of Skarla, their eyes looking at each other.

"To be completely honest, I have no idea what you were saying, and I honestly don't care. Surrender now; as that man’s daughter, you have your worth.” - Said Skarla.

"Haha ha!" - Gakai laughed. - “My father has hundreds of children; I am one of many; my value is insignificant!” - She laughed, shaking as she hugged herself, but there was a light in her eyes.

Good joke, but your lie is obvious.” - Skarla smiled. Gakai wouldn't be able to fool her with this horrible performance. - “Will it be for better or for worse? I guarantee you that not even demons would be willing to see my evil side.”

Gakai growled and said. - “I can't go against you in any way. I surrender, my dear wife.”

"Do not call me like that." - Skarla said coldly.

"Why not? Do you feel ashamed? Don't be sorry; I chose you to be my children's mother, the one who will have everything. Even if you kill my friends and family, it doesn't matter; we live and die, and it's an honor for them to perish at the hands of someone as strong as you." Her eyes shone with madness again.

Skarla was very calm, knowing that arguing would lead nowhere. Her hand met Gakai's face, which seemed confused, but then her eyes rolled back and her body went limp.

Picking it up, Skarla threw it over her shoulder and went to take care of the rest.

Within hours, Letiphia dispatched hundreds of soldiers to guard the area. They killed and captured orcs and half-breeds. They cleaned up the bodies and quickly conquered the fortress.

We freed the empire's slaves and took them for proper treatment and compensation.

Skarla wanted to go find Letiphia, but she must stay in the fortress; leaving here would give the nobles opportunities to talk more than they should.

And so she sat on the fortress's highest point, Gakai still asleep in prison.


PART 3 – Truths and Lies!


Gakai found himself in a prison cell. They didn't chain her or oppress her in any way. They subjected her to solitary confinement in a cold cell with metal bars she believes could bend in a matter of seconds.

But she didn't do anything; the sound of movement outside told her that there were many people. They are unlikely to be her people, suggesting that the fortress she has been guarding for nearly three months has fallen once more.

Despite her frustration and wasted efforts, she maintained a smile. She thought of Skarla, awaiting her arrival, for she would come to her.

"Princess." - A voice attracted him, leading him to discover some subordinates in the nearby cells.

I ordered them to retreat.” - Gakai said coldly. Her face was filled with shame.

It turns out that many of those here are either abnormally stubborn and decided to rescue her or were cowardly individuals who fled the Skarla massacre before the command to retreat, hiding in the nearby forest or inside some structure.

In the end, everyone was captured.

We can escape. With your strength and numbers, we can kill these weak humans and return to the mountains. With the King’s help, we can kill this woman and conquer the empire.” - The man uttered these words, to which Gakai responded indifferently.

That woman... she is stronger than our king.” - Gakai said this to everyone's surprise. No one was willing to believe it.

"This woman must be on par with the ancestors who ruled the mountains before the great extermination. The monstrous level. My father hasn’t reached that level yet, but he’s close.” - Gakai said coldly.

She has witnessed her father's strength and seen him train and develop in the last few years since the Great War. She has fought him several times and is confident that she can withstand some powerful attacks before falling.

But in the matter of Skarla, She couldn't resist a punch. Even though it was a surprise attack, her eyes were focused on her; she was always on high alert, and her instincts prevented her from relaxing in front of Skarla.

Even so, with extra attention—more than when she faced her father—Skarla represented a real danger to her, and her father would never attack her with the desire to kill.

In the end, she hit her before she could react; a punch caused her body, which she is so proud of. His monstrous strength and steel-like physique. Before Skarla's fist, everything gave way, as if she were a little girl.

Gakai didn't want to resist; she waited a long time for this meeting.

The next morning, the prisoners received some food, and five soldiers, all clearly nervous, escorted Gakai while pointing their weapons at her.

Gakai is above Level 10, so if she decides to fight, only Skarla and the Knights can deal with her. But as they were about to leave the prison, a tall, muscular young woman with long blond hair stopped them. - “I’ll stay with her now.” Holga calmly said this and pulled Gakai by the arm.

Gakai raised an eyebrow; her eyes fell between his crotch. She noticed and smiled. - “A shame I already found my partner, or I would have enjoyed having fun with you.”

Holga raised an eyebrow, then snorted. - “If you are really lucky enough to become the master’s wife, she will need a few days to tame you.”

"And even? I would love to see this happen. Did she tame you too?” - Gakai laughed.

I never had the privilege; she wasn’t interested in me, but I find it difficult for her to be interested in you too.” Holga said so, and Gakai laughed.

Soon, a guide led Gakai to what had once been her quarters. This room was to house the fortress's ruler.

Skarla was sitting on the balcony, observing the landscape. Gakai watched for a while. - "Are you hungry? I asked them to prepare something.” -Skarla spoke, gesturing with her finger to pull up a chair.

Gakai approached and sat on the chair. She looked at the table with meat and, without hesitation, picked up a thigh and took a big bite. She was really hungry; the orcs' metabolism is very accelerated, and they always need to eat to gain fat.

In situations of extreme hunger, they are able to use up fat to sustain themselves and remain firm for long periods of time. They are a formidable race that has adapted to fight and wage war.

"What do you want with me?" - Gakai asked; her lust has not yet dominated her reason or brain, even though she really wants to jump on Skarla now.

I want you to tell me your plans. The barbarians from the north attacked the empire's coast, just as they did. What do you plan to do by conquering the fortress?” - Skarla asked calmly.

And why would I say something? Why would I betray my father?” - Gakai laughed disdainfully and took some of the wine; she liked it and drank more. Without hesitation, she took the bottle; she threw the glass away; she didn't like being delicate. She drank from the bottle without caring.

Skarla didn't respond; she just continued observing the landscape and speaking. - “Because this might be your last decent meal. So savor the moment, for I will be able to remove all of her skin later and force her to remain awake for days. Not to mention that we have dozens of prisoners; one must open his mouth.”

Gakai was initially surprised, but quickly chuckled and responded. - “Torture doesn’t work on orcs. We won’t say anything!”

The demons said the same; I annihilated them all after getting the information they wanted. It was fun watching a proud demon beg me to kill her, only after spilling all the information I had.” - Skarla said calmly.

This did not shake Gakai.

Either way, we will have plenty of time to hear your screams and cries. But tell me. Red Orcs: what are they specifically? Did you make deals with the demons?” - Skarla asked calmly.

Gakai was quiet, then spoke. - "What do you mean? The Blood Orcs are my father's special disciples, the Berserkers he created. I wanted to become one, but apparently women can’t.”

Skarla laughed, stood up, and spoke. - "Follow me. I hope you have a strong stomach.”

Gakai frowned and followed her. Entering a room, the scene terrified him.

She discovered an orc with its skin peeled off, its organs exposed, and, worst of all, it was alive!

Gakai shuddered, but soon steadied herself and understood that perhaps the woman she is obsessed with is worse than she imagined.

I was curious about how this worked. The Demon Heart has taken the place of the original heart." - Said Skarla pointing to the pulsing black heart.

It’s a heart; does it matter what color it is?” - Gakai snorted.

Skarla pointed to the pots. - “They are the hearts of other orcs that I ripped out to have a comparison. Those are all of the Blood Orcs, as you call them. I sympathize with these orcs, as their souls succumb to demons as soon as they die." - Skarla nodded.

"Like this?" - Gakai asked.

Skarla, with her back to her, smiled, then began to explain the situation of the Empire, teaching her about the 7 Deadly Sins, their representations, etc.

It was long, but Gakai listened carefully. She is a very intelligent and wise woman; she knew about demons, and she read a lot of things from the empire's books to learn more about her enemies.

Hearing about their invasion and corruption. She didn't know if she believed it, but...

As for this poor guy, If he were a normal orc, he would already be dead, but the demonic power has already corrupted and distorted him. He stored all his vitality in his heart, which made it easier to use in times of need. So as long as this is beating, this thing will continue to be active.” - Skarla spoke, lightly hitting the orc's head.

Gakai looked and spoke. - “He’s suffering; can’t he end it soon?”

"Actually, he doesn't feel anything." - I disconnected his pain nerves, so even if I removed every limb and organ from him, he wouldn't feel anything. I also disabled his ability to think or see. I don’t need a guinea pig struggling desperately.” - Skarla spoke calmly, and Gakai swallowed his saliva.

Do you now understand what your future could be?” - Skarla smiled, and Gakai growled.

I don't know what kind of dreams or illusions you had about me, but put aside any love or passion that may exist between us. We are enemies, and you are currently in a delicate situation. Tell me what I want to know, and you will avoid this fate; don't answer me, and I will be happy to understand the limits of your body and mind before you become an empty shell, imprisoned in your own mind.” - Skarla said coldly as she stood in front of Gakai.

Gakai's heart was racing; she was shaking. Skarla managed to cause him fear and dread. Her honor as a warrior prevented her from opening her mouth; she was not willing to betray her father like that.

Skarla touched her shoulder, turning her around and pushing her out of here.

Returning to the table, Gakai didn't dare touch the food. Skarla elaborated on the ongoing events, the reasons behind the destruction of the mountain, and the emergence of this opportunity.

What about Pelia?” - Gakai asked, and it took a while for her to remember that name.

What about her?”

What did you do to my sister?” - Gakai narrowed his eyes.

Skarla stood up and looked down at the porch, then pointed. Gakai glanced in the direction he had indicated. He found a training camp there, and she found the young blonde who guided her here, as well as other women.

Among them all was a green-skinned child, fiercely fighting a white-haired woman.

Your sister is very talented; I have been training her since I rescued her. She is progressing quite quickly.” - Skarla said calmly.

Gakai frowned. - “Is she your wife?” - He asked.

"What? Of course. I’m not interested in children.” - Skarla snorted.

And by orcs?” - Gakai asked.

I have no prejudices.” - Skarla said, rolling her eyes.

Gakai was silent until he asked. - “What do I gain if I give you the information you want?”

You will not become like your subordinate in the next room.” - Said Skarla, believing it to be a great reward.

Gakai growled and spoke. - “I've been looking for you for years; I've been looking for a partner for a long time, and I finally found you. Take me as your woman; if you take me as yours, I will give my all to you, body and soul. Everything I know, I will tell you.”

Skarla raised an eyebrow. - “Would you cheat on your father because of sex?” - She couldn't believe it.

I love my father, but I'm an orc. I want the best partner to give me the strongest children. I refuse to have a mediocre partner, and my father knows that. My father helped me look for her, but without success, and he knew that the moment I found her, if I didn't defeat her, I would become her property. In my heart, I’m already yours; you just need to take me.”

Skarla frowned, analyzing her expression and seeing no lies.

So because of your selfish reasons of wanting to have strong children and an equally or superiorly powerful partner, you will betray your father and race?” - Skarla laughed.

It’s not cheating. My father has already agreed and accepted. He knew all this, and yet he gave me so much. Don't treat me as dishonored or ungrateful. I'm a woman, and I want the best for myself. My father also wanted the best for me, and so he agreed.”

Skarla didn't comprehend this reasoning. In the end, they are just desperate excuses. It's obvious what Gakai wants; besides that, she wants to live. She is scared, but her pride doesn't allow her to admit it.

So she wants to do her best to hold on to the hope of avoiding that cruel fate, while at the same time finding a plausible excuse to spill all the information while achieving her long-term goal.

To put it another way, we can accomplish three goals simultaneously.

Skarla began to think about what decision to make. In Gakai's case, torturing her will give her the information she needs, but she is useful.

Before calling Gakai, Skarla had already tortured half a dozen orcs to better understand her situation. He is aware that Gakai holds a special place in Makaulu's heart, and all the orcs desire her.

Everyone wants Gakai to be their children's mother. Even if she is old enough to have children, it doesn't matter. It is known that she will conceive the strongest children, and everyone wants her.

It's just that no one has ever passed the tests or achieved notable achievements in order to attract Gakai.

In the end, the strongest and most influential Orcs coveted Gakai, which was extremely valuable to them, but they never obtained it.

Orcs are traditional and simple. They follow strength above all else; an example is Gakai. Even though she is mentally unstable now, she is still holding on to it and easily accepting this scenario due to the difference in strength.

Not to mention that Gakai knows that Skarla comes from the mountains, which makes accepting her easier.

'If I take her as my wife, it will be easier to control the Orcs. If I make her queen and ruler of the orcs, they will submit easily after I show my strength.'

With such thoughts in mind, she reached out her hand, touching Gakai's neck and looking into her eyes. Gakai's heart was racing; tremors took over her body.

If you want to be my wife, I hope you know one thing. In the future, I will conquer the Krugar Mountains. I will become your housekeeper, and as a result, I will have to kill many of your people, including your father.” - Said Skarla.

Gakai swallowed her saliva, then smiled and asked. - “Why instead of killing my father, don’t you defeat him? Take me as your wife and lead us to conquer the empire?!”

Skarla laughed, then spoke. - “The territory of the empire is dozens of times larger than the lands within the mountains. The people of the empire are immensely more numerous, the resources more abundant, and they are stronger than you imagine. The luck of the mountains is that the empire has its forces scattered, but if they joined them, I can guarantee you, within 1 month all the mountain tribes would be annihilated.”

Gakai didn't believe it; Skarla laughed and released her. - “You live in a bubble. The world is more than the small, wild lands within the mountains. Your father is strong, but there are hundreds of individuals on this continent who are as strong as him. I am strong, but there are people as strong as me, or even stronger, wandering around."

"Then why aren't we annihilated yet?" - Gakai asked mockingly.

Because the people of the empire are complex. See what it was like before? All the tribes were under your father's command; few helped each other, and it was a constant fight for territory and resources. The empire operates under a leader, the Emperor, who oversees so much land that he must divide it for others to rule. Giving these lands as rewards for military efforts and conquests, that is nobility.”

While it eases the burden of governing a country, it also requires you to exert control over rulers who may not be amenable to such authority. In the end, individual strength has its limits, and you cannot guarantee that your children will possess the same strength as their parents.

The empire has a lot of people, a lot of people fighting for resources and opportunities to grow and become someone. There is constant competition for ample land for its development. The mountains, on the other hand, are just a bunch of savages trapped and without vision of the world. Only recently have you started using the empire’s technology to improve agriculture and food accumulation, but that’s it.”

"While you are just beginning to plant, the empire lies centuries ahead and..." - Skarla laughed. - “You didn’t even see the presence of Siege Weapons. The mountains prevent their use here, but in cities or fortresses, imagine large carts carrying hundreds of soldiers crashing into the thick walls, then hundreds of soldiers invading.”

Gakai swallowed his saliva at these words.

The world is too big, Gakai. There are so many things; you are nothing but an ignorant child. The same is true for all the tribes within the mountains. To the people of the empire, you are wild and simplistic animals. One could argue that their survival was a result of compassion. For if the empire went all out, the mountains would be covered in a sea of blood.”

Gakai didn't know what to say; this was a lot to take in.

So what do you think if I make you a better offer?” - Skarla smiled, and Gakai listened.

I will conquer the mountains and make them my home. Become my wife and rule your people by my side. There will be no slavery; I don't like that. I will give you the children you so desire, and you will be able to live by my side. You will reach levels of strength you never dreamed of before. How strong I am, in 20~30 years, you can reach this strength.” - Skarla said, smiling as she extended her hand.

"And my dad? Will you still kill him?” - Gakai asked.

It will depend on him. If you submit to me, I will give your father a choice. But if he really is a slave to the demons, I will show no mercy. I will not have a potential danger for all my people to live in; demons or their slaves can never be trusted.” - Skarla said coldly.

So if my father is not a slave to demons, you will let him live?” - Gakai asked seriously.

If he submits, he will live!”

Gakai clenched his fists, knowing the chances of that happening are negligible, but it's a choice.

"I accept!" - Gakai accepted; she aspires to explore this world and comprehend the true dangers of the empire, assuming it encompasses everything, as Skarla mentioned.

And if they are lies, she will only blame herself for being so foolish, so she will pay with her life for believing Skarla's lies.

Gakai found himself in a sea of despair and confusion. Your simple and lively life is destined to come to an end. Living between truths and lies, she needs to find herself in the middle of it all.


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