Spare Tire Major League

Chapter 37 - Source of life

  The life energy of the life rune was exploded like a wave when its magic defense was broken open, so that Sayaka and Ming Ying who had just entered their realm produced a sense of awe from the bottom of their hearts. That kind of awe is not awe of powerful existence, but awe of the life source that suffices to breed a world, just like what a species depends on for its existence, like a fish looks at water and a person looks at the land. The most primitive emotion of life. Perhaps after a lot of modern thoughts and distorted values, modern people have gradually lost this kind of psychology, because they think they are in control of the world, so they are fearless, but this idea will eventually be punished by the coldest, perhaps by that time Only then will people regain this kind of awe hidden in their hearts.

In front of the early-born rune of Qianzao, Sayaka and Mingying felt this emotion in advance. The emerald-green rune of the life fluctuated in the air, and a half-real and half-virtual human figure lay quietly under it. The luster of color envelopes this underground world, and it seems to be silently questioning the trespassers: “Human, do you want to kill this world?”

   “This is impossible…” The deterrence of this life rune, even the dragon-shaped positive momentum sword in Sayaka’s hands, could not be broken, but instead felt a sense of being suppressed. After all, the dragon-shaped positive potential sword is a collection of human positive energy, but in the face of the meaning of human beings and even all life, it is still not enough to see.

“Absolutely impossible. Why should she represent all the creatures in this world, and why can’t she be killed!” Ming Ying, who is playing with a small abacus, feels that she is about to collapse. She wants to tell herself that this emotion is false. , But she couldn’t do it.

  The magic girl’s understanding of supernatural is extremely powerful. If the natal rune of the Chisao dynasty really allows them to have this kind of fear, then it means that the cognition they produce is also true. This life rune with infinite vitality represents the life source of the entire earth. Once destroyed, the earth loses all vitality, plants can no longer grow, animals can no longer reproduce, and eventually the entire earth will become a piece of life. Waste soil.

“It’s an incredible existence, what desires she made, and what kind of potential do you have to obtain this ability. But in this way, the things that can be continuously derived from magic all the time will be explained. In the infinite In life, it is justified to have unlimited energy.” Sayaka sighed.

Ming Ying was close to the life-run rune that had been passed down for thousands of years without saying a word. She was constantly sweating and contending with her own heart. Not everyone will have the idea of ​​destroying the world, nor does Ming Ying. But she must have killed Qianzao.

   “I don’t want to believe!”

  Sayaga was still shocked by the yelling of Ming Ying when she was still feeling the magic of this life rune. Then she discovered that Ming Ying had raised her hammer and launched an attack on this life rune.

   “What are you doing, it’s too dangerous to stop!” He almost passed the sword subconsciously. If a person protects his mother without thinking, the speed of the sword is beyond the standard.

  Mingying’s hammering became slower due to its own reasons, and under the circumstances, Sayaka successfully managed to attack Mingying’s attack.

“Don’t stop me, what we see must be illusion, just like being played by the witch in the compound enchantment and leading to self-mutilation, Chiu Zaojie must have planned to deceive us in this way.” Before explaining to Sayaka or to myself, he murmured, “Too shameless, I must avenge the uncle!”

   Sayaka kept resisting the attack of Sakura, because the dragon-shaped positive potential sword was suppressed by the life rune, which led to her lack of combat skills.

“Don’t mess around, how can you be sure that our feelings are false, even if there is only a 10% possibility, I will never let you destroy it!” Facing some crazy Sakura, Sayaka gradually became Difficult to parry, angrily said, “What the hell, why should you suppress the people who protect you!”

   Sayaka was just talking casually. Whoever wanted the Rune of Rune seemed to have heard her complaint, and immediately constricted her deterrence. In this way, the dragon-shaped positive momentum sword suddenly shined, the low dragon yell sounded, and the suppressed anger immediately vented out. With a wave of gas field expansion, Ming Ying drove back several meters.

The hammer in his hand was directly shocked by the Sakura who was shattered into energy fragments. He was stunned in the spot, and he gave a hammer again to rush up again. Sayaka simply hit the sword and destroyed the Sakura again. Weapons.

   “Give up, the dragon-shaped positive potential sword itself restrains the magical girl and the witch, not to mention your one-off weapon, which is not vulnerable at all.” Sayaka persuaded that she did not have the idea of ​​harming Sakura.

   Unwillingly, Sakura knew that he could not break through Sayaka’s defense line, and said angrily: “The guy who only knows the advantage of weapons is really mean!”

   “Hey, you deceived me to break through the defense of others to be detrimental to the early generations. I don’t know where to get it?” Sayaka retorted.

  Ming Ying was speechless, knowing that the development of the situation was no longer under her control, she glared at Sayaka fiercely, turned and ran away.

Seeing Ming Ying leave, Sayaka put up her posture and turned back towards her life rune: “I didn’t expect you to still have your own consciousness, otherwise I really can’t beat this guy…Since that’s the case, I’ll leave first, waiting for your resurrection It’s better to fight with you in the end. Your life rune can suppress my weapon, but you should not take it with you when fighting.”

  The life rune did not respond, and continued to shape the body of the thousand-year-old generation with all his heart and soul. The glorious glory kept flashing, and like the Holy Light, the humanoids were wrapped into a mass, and only the faint outline could be seen.

After thinking about it, Sayaka suggested: “That witch night is coming soon. Even if you don’t hurry to resurrect and deal with her with me, you should recreate a defensive rune that protects you, it is related. It’s important.”

   The life rune made a buzzing sound, but there was no other movement. It seemed that it was unable to build a defense by itself, but was keeping Shayaga’s departure.

“It’s a nerve-wracking task, but I’m very busy…” Sayaka’s view on Chienzao’s generation is very complicated. Through communication with Renmei, she knows that the culprit in this situation is Qianzao. In this respect, she has Resented. But her own wish is to protect peace and justice, so she can’t kill Chisao’s generation, let alone understand the significance of Chisao’s destiny rune, and it is more difficult to leave her alone.

Seeing this life rune didn’t respond for a long time, Sayaka couldn’t help it, so he said, “Forget it, who will let me destroy your defense, I’ll wait here. I’ll say it in advance, if it’s Witch’s Night At the time of its appearance, I will get out without you being resurrected.”

   So Sayaga stayed and observed the process of reshaping Chisao’s body for a while, and after discovering that there was no room for fame, he turned his attention to the dark magic that continued to extend from Chisao’s body.

“Can two completely different qualities of energy really coexist so harmoniously…maybe it’s just our own definition, it thinks that darkness and life are mutually exclusive, that they can’t coexist, but energy is not Change with the will of man, the infinite possibilities of life, why can’t we tolerate darkness.”

  Sayaga has another purpose to stay, that is, the first time she wants to be asked for what she has done to Renmei, so that she has become what she is now, and try to find a solution.

“It’s really a lot of things. There are a lot of witches outside that haven’t been resolved. Yue Zhong, a terrorist, doesn’t know what he’s planning. The grudges between the magical girls haven’t been cleared. Qiubi is still staring at Madoka, but I can only stay here. Watching?”

   Sayaka gradually entered into a state of thinking, or a daze, staring at the flowing sewage blindly, and unconsciously passed more than ten hours.

During this time, Ming Ying ran back to her stronghold, unexpectedly encountered the rest of the rest to find her Bama Mei and Sakura Kyoko, after learning the information of Chisao’s generation, Bama Mei finally chose to stop Ming Ying from instigating Sakura Kyoko’s act of decided to focus on the big picture, even the witch scattered around was temporarily ignored, but in the most perfect state to face the upcoming Witch Night and everything else Possible enemy.

“Ming Ying, Xing Zi. According to the current information, the weakest is the loss of Xiao Meiyan’s Yue Zhong, but even if we combine it, it is only stronger than Yue Zhong’s side. In this decisive battle, only full strength Going to fight for that victory!”

Seeing a mountaintop on the outskirts of Takihara City, Yue Zhong completed the deployment of all the cover bombings, quietly waiting for the opportunity to appear in the night of the witch.

On the mountain peak under the moonlight, the paranoid man sits on the driver’s seat of the army green command car. The window on the right hand side is full of cigarette butts, raising the angle of view with him as the center. It is a whole piece of slaughtering machinery. During the battle, all the weapons were pointed at the city of Takihara. Because of the shielding of the signal shield and the panic caused by the witch, no one came to travel on the mountain, and no one discovered Yue Zhong’s deployment.

“Now, if you kill this city and all the people, then I should be faced with a mission failure.” Yue Zhong threw out a Coke canister fiercely towards the night sky, and said to himself in a loss, “So far, Wouldn’t you stop me, Homura… Even if it was your witch’s posture, or even your corpse, I still wanted to see you again, but I couldn’t find it.”

  As the sky faded, Mitakihara City, who had removed the darkness, hadn’t had time to take a breath before the evacuation alarm sounded through the sky. According to observations by the Meteorological Department, it was discovered that a large-scale storm is about to land in Takihara, but anyone who really understands the situation clearly understands the significance of the scene, and the strongest witch has come to the city.

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