Spare Tire Major League

v2 Chapter 2381 - Cognitive bias

I didn’t figure out what kind of ghost Yue Zhong was doing, but Xiao Meiyan still had high expectations because of his trust. After taking a deep breath, he opened his eyes gently.

It was no longer thick fog and cold snow that caught her eyes, but a grass long warrior flying in the summer wilderness.

The moisture in the morning condenses on the leaf veins, the clear dew is filled with drops, and the cold frost and snow in the misty environment are replaced, and the warm morning breeze is on the way.

There are already vehicles traveling on the highway trunks hundreds of meters away, and the rest of the world is still awake.

Xiao Meiyan’s purple eyes are intertwined with surprises and surprises. It is always easy to think about things in the worst direction, which makes her even ready to die in that mist.

Or they tried their best to send Yue Zhong and Qi Xiaomeng out, but the worst was that they embraced Yue Zhong and fell in the snow to freeze and starve. Xiao Meiyan had not imagined that he could see him again. This vast landscape.

The surprise that Yue Zhong gave her was far beyond Xiao Meiyan’s imagination. After she recovered, she couldn’t help but ask, “Yue Zhong, how did we get out?”

Qi Xiaomeng also had the same doubt on her face. Since Xiao Meiyan had already asked, she also raised her ears to listen to Yue Zhong’s reply.

“It’s a long story. Let’s talk while walking.” Yue Zhong’s stomach cries accompanied him all night. Now Yue Zhong is tired and hungry. He is very eager to find something to fill his stomach.

He felt that his kung fu this day and night might not have lost two pounds. If he stayed for a few more days, Xiaoyan’s abdomen, which was abandoned by Xiaoyan, would not completely disappear.

“Since the attacker appeared, I began to suspect that this misty thing has always been…”

Yue Zhong carefully introduced the process of seeing through this misty illusion in a way that Xiao Meiyan and Qi Xiaomeng could understand, while also walking in the direction of the highway.

In the misty illusion, they have been induced to go around in circles, and they did not actually travel much distance after successfully exiting from them, except that the pickup truck had already been returned by the driver and drove away. All the luggage he took away had to wait until later to worry about it.

After supporting Xiaomeiyan and Qi Xiaomeng over the fence on the highway, the three stood in the emergency area waiting for other vehicles heading to Maebashi, the capital of Gunma County.

Hearing Yue Zhong’s remarks, Xiao Meiyan and Qi Xiaomeng also knew that what they saw was just an illusion caused by something subconsciously identified by themselves.

“Can illusions and misunderstandings really have such a degree of power?” Qi Xiaomeng asked incredulously.

“How to say, everything that humans see and hear comes from their own understanding of the outside world, which may seem strange from a common sense, but in essence, it is normal.” Yue Zhongping Explained, “The common understanding of the vast majority of people in the world constitutes the world we know, but it does not necessarily represent the true appearance of the world, or in the eyes of the alien People are different.”

“Once a cognitive deviation occurs, the information fed back to the neuron will directly affect the brain’s composition to the outside world. There are so many legends of demons and ghosts in this world, but no one can prove that they really exist. That is our subconscious denial. Because of their existence, they can’t see them at all, or is it that the first person who tells these things has a cognitive bias for some reason?” Yue Zhong couldn’t help but shake his head here, “I can’t tell. Perhaps, after uncovering the truth of this secret, my understanding of the horizon of Tianyan will be able to go further.”

Seeing Xiaomeiyan and Qi Xiaomeng listening to their own stories with interest, they did not have the fear and fear that they had before, and Yue Zhong continued before the car passed by: “When I was in charge of public security management A colleague in a psychiatric hospital fled in an incident. In order to find out these guys who have very different ideas from ordinary people so as not to harm others, my colleague and I spent a lot of time.”

“Because they are not like ordinary fugitives, there is a logic to follow whether they are hiding or fleeing. In order to understand what they are thinking, I lived with other patients living in mental hospitals for a week and tried to integrate into their lives. Go there and understand their thinking patterns.” Yue Zhong quite said with a lingering fear, “Because those who escaped are very dangerous patients, so I also had to contact those patients who have a tendency to hurt others. In this process, life can be I was threatened a lot. If I were not smart enough, I might never get out of a mental hospital.”

After telling a few horror stories that actually happened to him, Yue Zhong was a bit painful in his memories: “That time was really the darkest time in my life for me, and I didn’t even feel that way on the eve of the college entrance examination. Repressed, while accepting the different patients’ perception of the horror of the world, but at the same time wanting to maintain their ego as a normal person, the nearly split personality made me almost assimilated by them, but fortunately I ended up Come here and merge two very different world cognitions.”

“Then later, did those people go back?” Qi Xiaomeng felt a little scared just listening to Yue Zhong’s words, and what made her afraid later was that they might be like these who have different perceptions of the world. Like ordinary mental patients, fortunately they have not reached the point of misunderstanding or even hurting each other.

But who knows how to continue to stay in that Will the mentality change slowly, until the most trusted people are regarded as the most terrifying threats and the intention is quickly removed?

“Naturally, I took it back. According to the medical records of the patients who ran away, I could easily grasp their thinking logic. In this way, they were better found than ordinary fugitives.” Yue Zhong said with ease, but at In his ease, several people understood how much risk and mental torture he had suffered in order to resolve this crisis.

“Then we were the same as mental patients before?” Xiao Meiyan said faintly at this time. She could imagine that it was much crueler than Qi Xiaomeng.

“It can’t be said that, at least we are still mentally sound, but only the visual and somatosensory cognition has been implied and changed.” When Yue Zhong wanted to say something, there was a car far away Flying far away.

Yue Zhong quickly raised his hand and made a move, but unfortunately the other party simply ignored them and drove past the three people at high speed.

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