Special Years

Chapter 41 - something more precious than life

The corners of the solemn eyes were a little hot, and the head was also a little hot.

He actually heard the serious advice.

But he didn’t want to hear it.

The brute force in Zhuang Yan’s temperament that even the king and the old man couldn’t stop it when the fire came, but like a steel bar that refused to bend, it supported his feet and nailed it to the spot.

He stood stubbornly and heard the rattling of his teeth. He didn’t know if it was because of the cold or because he was afraid.

He was really scared.

The veterans in front of them are not vegetarians.

Any one of them can make him unable to eat and walk around.

As for why you dare to disobey the order.

Even Zhuang Yan himself couldn’t figure this out.

Anyway, he felt that he had been wronged by others, and he couldn’t hold his breath. He wanted to find justice, a justice that belonged to him.

He had to speak out, even yell, or he would suffocate to death.

In Zhuang Yan’s opinion, he would rather be beaten by Chen Qingming than be suffocated to death by himself.

The sixth squad leader, Chen Qingming, did not expect that the recruit Danzi, who had been in the army for more than a month, dared to disobey the order again.

What’s more, it’s not the first time Zhuang Yan has done this.

The solemn fist was clenched tightly, and his eyes met Chen Qingming’s eyes that were colder than the rain, standing in the rain.

Except for the sound of rain, the surroundings were dead silent.

Guo Xiangyang was lying in the puddle, and couldn’t help but whispered to the recruit Liu Ruiyong next to him: “Laozhuang is a man…”

Liu Ruiyong said, “Old Guo, what do you want?”

Guo Xiangyang said, “I think…”

He buried his head, and suddenly raised it again.

“I think Majestic is right…”

Afterwards, under Liu Ruiyong’s astonished gaze, Guo Xiangyang, who was usually as honest as a stone, actually stood up.

Seeing that Guo Xiangyang, who was usually honest and honest, actually stood up, Chen Qingming, the sixth squad leader, was taken aback.

“Guo Xiangyang, get down!”

“Squad leader…” Guo Cigarette squinted his eyes that were blurred by the rain, licked his frozen lips and said, “I think we did our best today… It’s not our job to cheat, Zhuang Yan is right… “

“This is the army! I’m your squad leader!” Chen Qingming walked up to Guo Xiangyang, his nose almost touching his face: “Get down! This is my order for you! Are you trying to disobey the order! ?”

Guo Xiangyang trembled all over, trembling.

Chen Qingming grabbed Guo Xiangyang’s backpack strap, pulled it, and hooked his foot.

Guo Xiangyang immediately collapsed to the ground.

“Okay! You all think you’re right, don’t you?” Chen Qingming turned his head and said to everyone, “Apart from Zhuang Yan and Zhang Yan in the second row, everyone else will go back to wash for me!”

Obviously, Chen Qingming wanted to punish Zhuang Yan, a **** soldier who didn’t know good or bad.

The recruits stood up one after another, but couldn’t move.

“Report to the monitor! I choose to stay.”

This time, it was the turn of the usually mature and serious voice.

“If you want to be punished, I will be punished with Zhuang Yan.”

“Me too……”

“Squad leader, I am willing to be punished together…”

Immediately afterwards, almost all the recruits opened their mouths one by one.

“It’s the other way around, you guys!”

Niu vigorously interrupted everyone’s voice.

“Fuck you, you bastards!”

Chen Qingming did not expect that the recruits would resist like this, and he suddenly lost his mind.

Yin Xiancong, who had been silent by the side, finally couldn’t bear it any longer.

He reached out and wiped the water off his face, looked at the dozens of recruits in front of him and said, “Do you think you are wronged?”

No one spoke.

Zhuang Yan couldn’t help saying: “Report to the squad leader! It’s very unfair!”

Yin Xiancong walked up to the solemn.

Zhuang Yan did not dare to look at him and lowered his head.

Yin Xiancong pointed at Zhang Yan and said to Zhuang Yan, “Is he your comrade-in-arms?”

Zhuang Yan looked back at Zhang Yan, who was still wiping tears, and nodded.


“What is a comrade-in-arms?”

Zhuang Yan shook his head: “I don’t know.”

Yin Xiancong said coldly: “Okay, then I’ll tell you what a comrade in arms is.”

He raised his head and glanced at each recruit.

“Comrades in arms are able to endure hardships together; be happy together; be able to go to the battlefield together; be able to accompany yourself to challenge death; be able to risk your life to save you when you are injured, even if you get back a corpse; Memorize it; you can bring your ashes back to your hometown. Comrades-in-arms, think that you are one, sharing weal and woe, sharing weal and woe! Comrades-in-arms means not abandoning! Do not give up!”

He hurriedly returned to Zhuang Yan, stared into the latter’s eyes and asked, “Now you go over and tell Zhang Yan! You tell him that he is not your comrade-in-arms! Then, I will allow you Zhuang Yan to go back to take a bath immediately, and then return to Go to sleep on your own bed!”

Majestic was speechless and lowered his head.

“Go! Why don’t you go!? You stand here and ask the squad leader confidently, feeling that you have suffered a great grievance! Are you wronged?”

Raised his head and pointed at all the recruits.

“Are you wronged!? What is yours and mine!? We are a collective! What is a collective? What is a collective honor?

“What is more important than life? For ordinary people, it is freedom. But for soldiers, what is more important than life?”

He looked around at everyone again~www.mtlnovel.com~ Someone tell me! ? What is more important to a soldier than life? “

Seriously whispered: “Honor…”

On Yin Xiancong’s face, the slightly gentle delicacy was gone, replaced by masculinity and perseverance: “That’s right! It’s honor! Stealing and cheating, cheating to win! In the whole battalion competition, this kind of small act that humiliates the soldier’s identity. …This is a shame! Not only Zhang Yan’s, but also ours!”

No one said a word anymore.

Standing solemnly where he was, he felt unspeakably uncomfortable.

He seemed to understand the meaning of Yin Xiancong’s words, but it was just uncomfortable.

It was dark and the rain was heavy. Yin Xiancong stood in front of the team, unable to see the expression on his face: “Why punish you!? The punishment this time is to tell you that as a soldier, you are doing anything. You must first consider the group when you are fighting. You are not a single person, but a group. One person’s fault will affect the entire platoon; on the battlefield, one person’s cleverness will cost a platoon’s life! One platoon’s cleverness will make An entire company is wiped out! And a company’s self-consciousness can even affect the battle situation of a regiment!”

His voice suddenly rose to a decibel level, and he said loudly, “Now, I order you to lie down!”

The standing figures in the team fell to the ground one after another.

Zhuang Yan took a sigh of relief and fell back into the icy muddy water, feeling that something warm from the corner of his eyes finally fell down and mixed with the icy rain.

Zhang Yan’s cry rang out again.

“It’s all there! The target, a small tree 500 meters in front, crawling forward in a low position!”

In Yin Xiancong’s order, the team moved forward again.

Collective! collective!

Every recruit thought to himself.

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