That Time I got Turned Into a Dragonoid


Looking around, she sighed. "It's getting late. I wanted to stay here a bit longer, but there's so much work to do. Guess we'll have to head out now." With that, she straightened up, her energy returning as she prepared for departure.

In a sudden motion, she pulled off her stockings and tossed them casually toward one of her soldiers. "Take these and throw them in the trash!" she commanded with a sharp tone, not waiting for a reply as she strode toward the door of the treehouse. The soldier fumbled but quickly caught the stockings, nodding as Scarlett made her exit.

The others in the room followed behind her, leaving the treehouse one by one. Lunatic, though still weak from whatever had happened earlier, managed to walk on her own, her steps slow but determined as she exited the room last.

When they finally stepped outside, Scarlett was greeted by a truly massive sight. A massive army of 200,000 soldiers stretched before her, their sheer number overwhelming. Among them, about 20,000 came from the Martial Village—Li Feng, Xao Feng, and Reiza's relatives stood among them. 

The majority of the army was made up of low-class monsters and lesser demons. At the forefront, however, were 5,000 succubi, their dangerous beauty a sign of the power they held. 

Lunatic had already used her telekinesis to inform everyone about Scarlett's plan, and the soldiers obeyed without hesitation. They kneeled on the ground, heads bowed in submission, ready to follow Scarlett's every command. Scarlett's lips curled into a satisfied smile as she surveyed the scene before her.

"Now, there's just one last thing left to do," she murmured under her breath, her hand reaching into her cloak. From within, she pulled out a blindfold radiating a dark, evil aura—a deep, unsettling purple. It was the infamous "Seal from Hell."

Without pausing, Scarlett placed the blindfold over her eyes.

Immediately, a change swept over her. The moment the blindfold touched her skin, she felt her power drain away. Her strength, stamina, and even her energy seemed to vanish, like a weight being pressed down on her body. But the most jarring change was to her eyes. For the first time in her life, her vision blurred. Where she was always able to see things in sharp, slow motion, now everything seemed cloudy and unclear.

"Holy shit!" she thought, her heart racing with a strange excitement. "This is crazier than I expected!" For the first time, she was experiencing the world with normal vision, something that made her feel both vulnerable and oddly thrilled. 

Just as she was beginning to adjust to the unfamiliar sensation, a notification appeared in her mind:

**<Congratulations! Unique skill: Sixth Sense gained>**

**<Unique skill: Sixth Sense activated>**

Her eyes widened in shock as she felt a new power awaken within her. Sixth Sense wasn't about seeing with her eyes—it was about feeling the flow of mana, sensing everything around her without needing sight. Almost instantly, the blurriness in her vision vanished. Though her eyes were still physically covered by the blindfold, it didn't matter. She could see perfectly—not with her eyes, but with her new skill.

Scarlett's lips curled into a grin, pure excitement bubbling up inside her. "Finally!" she whispered to herself, her heart racing with excitement. "I don't have to worry about losing control anymore. No accidental deaths because of these damn eyes."

She exhaled a long, relieved breath. For the first time in a while, she felt truly at ease.

Scarlett cupped her hands together, taking a deep breath. "It's finally time to leave!" she announced, her voice filled with determination. As she focused her mana, a faint glow began to gather around her, pulsing with energy.

Wearing the "Seal from Hell" blindfold made everything harder. She could feel the strain it put on her, especially when trying to use teleportation. It wasn't impossible, but it required more effort than she was used to. Her brow furrowed in concentration as she worked through the challenge, but she wasn't one to give up easily.

With a surge of power, a massive magic circle appeared beneath everyone's feet, glowing faintly in the dim light.


In an instant, the entire army vanished, leaving only the rustling of the wind and the empty space behind them. The once crowded battlefield now stood silent and still, the soldiers, demons, and monsters all gone.

Chief, standing in the midst of the vast empty space, surveyed the area with a sense of pride. He turned to the remaining villagers, his voice strong as he spoke, "Our savior has gone, but there is still much to be done. We must rebuild our village and, once that is done, we will have a grand celebration to honor our victory!"

His words sparked a wave of excitement through the crowd. The villagers erupted into applause, their cheers filling the air as hope and joy spread among them. The promise of a new beginning, of rebuilding what was lost, lifted their spirits. Faces once filled with fear and exhaustion now lit up with smiles.



"Lord Leonidas, Prince Lórien has returned... without a single injury!" the soldier reported quietly, his voice trembling as he bowed deeply.

Leonidas, the twin brother of Lysander, King of Gwarga, and uncle to Prince Lórien, sat in a grand chair before him. His eyes narrowed, disbelief washing over his face. 

"What?" he exclaimed, leaning forward, his hands gripping the armrests of his chair. "How is that possible?"

The soldier gulped and continued, "The reports say that the prince went to the village, but... he didn't encounter the succubus. Instead, they ended up fighting with the villagers. They killed most of them, but some of the villagers had powerful fighters, and they even managed to kill two of the summoned heroes."

Leonidas clenched his teeth in frustration, his knuckles turning white. With a burst of rage, he slammed his fist onto the table in front of him, sending papers and cups flying.

"Unbelievable!" he shouted, his voice full of anger. "I worked so hard to send him there, and yet, by some miracle, he returns without a single scratch?"

He paced back and forth, his mind racing. "I knew that Scarlett Nova, that succubus, wasn't ordinary. She managed to escape from the Darwitz Kingdom and slaughtered an entire army! Not many know about it, but I've got my sources feeding me information." 

Leonidas's thoughts darkened as he reflected on his failed plan. "I used my unique skill: Silent Manipulation, to nudge Lórien into going to that village, thinking the succubus would kill him. That way, my children would have a clear path to the throne. But... it failed." He let out a deep, frustrated sigh, shaking his head as he cursed under his breath.

"Lord Leonidas," the guard spoke up cautiously, "what should we do now?"

Without hesitation, Leonidas stood tall, his eyes burning with resolve. "Prepare the carriage. We're heading to the Demon Realm immediately. We'll use the teleportation portal."

The guard's eyes widened in fear. "Right now? But... they might attack us the moment we arrive!"

Leonidas shot him a fierce look, leaving no room for argument. "Leave everything to me. Just do as I say."

The guard nodded, unable to protest, and hurried to follow the order. As Leonidas stood there, his fists still clenched, a sinister grin crept onto his face. He wasn't done yet.


"Huff... Finally, we're here!" Xao Feng exclaimed excitedly as she took in the familiar surroundings. They had teleported just outside her home, Dreadhaven Village, only a few steps away from the entrance.

"Scarlett-sama, let's go!" Xao Feng shouted with enthusiasm, her heart light as she jumped forward, running a bit toward the village.

But as she moved ahead, her smile slowly faded. Something was off. Scarlett, who was always the most energetic and cheerful, wasn't moving. She stood still, her face void of any joy, her expression dark and gloomy.

Confused, Xao Feng stopped and turned back. "What's wrong?" she asked, worry creeping into her voice.

Scarlett didn't respond at first. Instead, she raised a hand and placed it over her chest, squeezing tightly as if she were in pain. Her eyes clouded with distant memories. "It's the same," she whispered to herself. "It's the same feeling as back then."she thought

Her mind flashed back to a painful memory from when she was sixteen. The night she had killed her father and her mother had locked her in her room. That night of fear and confusion. 

When the morning came, only the police arrived to take her out. And it was then—just like now—that Scarlett had felt this same crushing feeling. The realization that her mother was already gone. Her mind had told her that her mother had taken her own life... but her heart refused to accept it. Her heart kept asking, What if? What if her mother was still alive, somehow?

 "My mind is telling me what already happened in the village... but my heart keeps making me hope. What if... just what if... what I fear hasn't actually happened?"

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