The Adventures of Rose Hood

Chapter 102: Rose in a Foreign Plane

I got there Monday with full confidence.

I wore a hoodie so people didn’t point and stare, it was bad enough that I had to act like a furry, I could do without the bullying.

It was a bit irritating in the morning.

“Let me bring my regal robe!”

“It’s not even loomed it’s a cloth that barely covers you as is.”


She wouldn’t let me bring my robe, in fact she decided to wash it. Not sure if she can, but I guess it could be cleaned.

“Hey, shorty, shouldn’t you be in kindergarten?”

“No, today is my first day of 6th grade.”

I was definitely a great deal shorter than my classmates, but that came with being Purity. Nothing more pure than a childish appearence.

I walked to class with a couple of people looking at me oddly.

“Knew I should have picked the bigger uniform.”

It was a formal school, so they made us pick a uniform, but as Amanda said after I first put it on.

“If you look more adult in your body, I can see why they call you a loli.”

Needless to say, the boys took an interest in me.

The girls weren’t so happy. One looked at me, looked down, then looked back at me with an irritated look.

I felt like that one girl from D*vil is a Pa*t Ti*er. Except I was actually old.

I got to class, and the teacher started speaking immediately.

“So, students, we have a new student. Rose, please introduce yourself.”


I stood in front of the class.

“Hi, I’m Rose. I hope we can be good friends.”

“Any questions for Rose?”

“I heard you’re a furry!”

I blushed immediately. That was quick.

“Um, what do you mean?”

“Do you actually think wearing cat ears would make you look good?”

Jeez. These girls were brutal.


“Kids, be nice. Just because she’s a little different, doesn’t mean she’s bad.”

“Take off the hoodie!”

Then the class started chanting for me to take it off.


I removed the hood and my ears twitched with the cold air.


“She spent that much money on realistic ears? Laaame.”

Some were laughing and pointing. Some were intrigued with the ears. One was wondering where she could get them.

“My Halloween costume would be so much better with ears like that!!!”

People were being loud, so my ears flattened to my head.

“Hah, she’s acting like her ears actually work.”

They do, and you are too loud.

“Alright, Rose, please have a seat next to Stacy, so we can begin.”

“Who’s Stacy?”

She pointed to the costume girl.

“Alright, thanks.”

I sat down next to her.

“Woah, can I touch them?”


She touched my ears and they twitched. The teacher tried to teach, but it became clear that everyone was more interested in my ears. Whether to make fun of me for having them, or trying to figure out how they work.

Luckily no one brushed the side of my head, or they would have noticed that I don’t have human ears.

“Look they twitch when I touch them.”

Being my ears, they were very sensitive, so I was under assault that the perpetrators didn’t even realize.

“What if I grab them?”

I flinched and someone grabbed an ear.

I blushed furiously.

“Oh, come on guys, don’t be mean, she’s clearly embarrassed by the attention.”

“Then she shouldn’t have worn cat ears to school.”

‘They are my ears though!!!’

I was crying inside of my head. It wasn’t painful, but it was uncomfortable.

Then the costume girl, Stacy got an idea.

*Scritch scritch*


With the scratching behind the ears, my body made a natural response.

“The ****?”

“Did she just purr?”

“How’d she do that?”

“Um guys?”

“What is it, Stacy?”

“There’s no space under the ears, it’s almost like they are fused to her head.”

Of course, I was found out that quickly.

“Oh, please. She probably just used suction.”

“On hair?”

“She probably shaved that spot.”

Thank you, human stupidity.

“Nah, it’s too clean to be suction.”



It’s nice though.

If Tessa, Fortitude, was here, she’d make fun of me endlessly.

“Then maybe she glued it?”

“Nah, it would be too loose, and that doesn't account for the moving.”

… Humans are smarter than I thought.

“What if they’re real?”

“Don’t be ridiculous, Erica. There’s no way they are real, after all her ears are right… here…”

And she touched the side of my head and realized that I didn’t have human ears.

“Um… that’s odd.”


“I don’t seem to be able to find her ears.”

“So, she is a cat girl!!!”

“No, Stacy, there’s a better explanation. Maybe she’s deaf?”

“No, she could hear us fine. She responded multiple times.”

“Good point.”

They realized that I was a catkin, I was worried they’d be scared, but I underestimated the children.

“Woah, she’s actually a cat girl, she’s so cute.”


“I want to pet her next.”


Only the teacher was perturbed. She spoke into her walkie talkie.

“Um, Mr. Davis?”

“What is it, Mrs. Jones?”

“The new student doesn’t have human ears, and according to my students the cat ears are too solidly on.”

“So, are you saying she’s just a catgirl?”

“That’s what it seems like.”

“Why aren’t you teaching?”

“Because my students are too busy giving her headpats.”


“Yeah, and frankly I’m starting to think that she is a catgirl.”

“That’s ridiculous.”

“I know, that’s the scary part.”

I was found out.

“Why are you pouting, Cat girl?”

“My name is Rose, and it’s because I expected to stay hidden for at least one day.”

“Don’t underestimate middle schoolers.”


“So, what are you doing here?”

“I’m going to school until I can find a way back to where I came from.”

“Ooh, it’s like the start of an anime!!!”

“I suppose it is.”

I heard that kids were perceptive, but this was ridiculous.

“Is Rose your actual name?”

“Yep. That’s the name I was given by a close friend.”

“That’s cool. Is he another cat person.”

“No, he was actually a wolfkin.”

“There are wolf people?! Awesome!”

Stacy was unusually excited about that.

“Are you a fighter?”

“Um, yeah.”

“So cool!!!”

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