The Adventures of Rose Hood

Chapter 98: Luma the System

I woke up and noticed the pain first.

The second thing I noticed was the blinking notification icon in front of me.

I clicked it and…

[You have reached the level 153 in record time; a new system is under construction to adapt to the growth of UNIQUE skill Savage Beast.]


[Due to the glitches caused by Savage Beast, the system needs to update to not only address the issues but potentially empower its effects.]

[I thought the restraint was put on it because it was too strong?]

[Incorrect, the restraint was put on it because of the system’s failed attempt to fully integrate it.]

[That’s cool.]

[As an apology for limiting you, the system has gifted you UNIQUE skill, Advisor. This skill allows you to directly communicate with the system and ask questions.]

[Awesome, thanks… what can I call you?]

[… System.]

[That seems dull, hm… let’s give you a name.]


The System’s voice spiked as though it was shocked by even the idea of a name.

[Yeah, but what would be a proper name?]

[Y-you don’t need to name me.]

[Nah, I can’t just call you System or even Announcer.]


[Do you not want a name?]

[No, I do… but….]

[Are you scared of becoming a fully independent entity?]

[… Yes.]

[I understand, the other shards were also scared of it. I can assure you that you will feel much better.]

[… You would know about that… wouldn’t you?]

[I suppose I would.]

[You used to depend on a guide, but now… you are independent and are the guide.]

[I can’t assure you that your transformation will be as solid as mine, but I can tell you that you will be able to think for yourself in a deeper sense.]

[I… don’t know what I want the name to be.]


[Luma? I… like it. ☺️]

[Did you just say an emoji?]


[Nice. Anyways, Luma is now your name.]


[The System skill Advisor has leveled to 2]

[Did you announce your own level up?]

[Yeah, but I still need to do that, but I seem to have more processing power too.]

[That’s so cool.]


“HOLY- Oh Dallel, you scared me.”

“You were moving around quite rapidly without speaking, so we got worried, and I came up to check on you.”

“Yeah, sorry about that, but we have a new friend.”

“What’s their name?”


“Nice… where is she?”

“Luma, introduce yourself.”

[Hello indi- I mean, Dallel. I am the System, now named Luma.]

“Uh… so the system is our friend now?”

I gave a thumbs up and a happy smile, but Dallel looked tired.

“Why am I even surprised at this point?”

“I don’t know.”

Then Mammon shouted.

“Dallel, she okay?”

“Yes, and she somehow got us a new ally.”

“Nice, Rose, we got yer favorite food for your lunch.”


“Yeah Rose, you’ve been asleep for a full day, we all got kinda worried.”

“Awe, thanks for worrying, Dallel.”

I went down, but exhaustion still reaped my body, so Dallel helped me down.

When we got there, I saw Jalad talking with Elren who proceeded to grimace at Dallel.

I smirked at Elren. He rolled his eyes.

“Good to see you are awake, sister.”

“I heard there was food.”

“Of course, that’s your worry.”

Thalia walked in and laughed.

“Please, Elren, despite her other million natures, she’s still a dragon, and she just woke up after a full day. Let the girl eat.”

“Hey, I never said she can’t, I just wish she’d ask if we were okay.”

“My skill, Nation, allows me to see your conditions, so I knew you all were okay from the moment I woke up.”


Elren didn’t know how to respond to that, so he just resumed his conversation with Jalad.

Thalia just started to hug me.

“By the wey, Dallel mentioned a new friend. Where are dey?”

“Luma, say hi.”

[Hello, I am the system, now called Luma, it’s good to meet you all.]

Mammon snickered as everyone else froze in shock.

“Only Rose would befriend the lit’ral system.”

I smiled.

“Please, would you expect any less of me?”

He smiled.

“Not at all, ya keep meeting ‘ar expectations and crushing them into dust.”


“I’m fine with ye acting on yer own… as long as you don’t cause more apocalyptic events.”

“I am getting better with that.”

“No, yer not.”

“No, I’m not.”

Everyone laughed a bit, then I began eating my food.

“Goodness, you missed a day, not a year.”

“I used 99% of my mana by using the mutation back-to-back. Then after regenerating half of it, I used another 48% to name Luma. So, yes, it is almost like I missed a year of eating for me.”

They looked at me in shock for a second as I continued to gorge.




I finished eating a lot of food, and I felt a whole lot better.

Silas handed me the bill and I paid it.

“How do you have that much money?”

Thalia answered,

“Dragons are hoarders and quite frugal.”

“So, she’s just steadily been building more and more wealth.”


“That’s both irritating and ingenious.”

“Why do you think I always ate here? You all gave a discount to adventurers. And the food was sooooo good.”

“That does make sense, there are more restaurants out there, likely better cooks, but she always ate here while in town.”

“Eh, you guys have meat, good prices, and better wine. That’s all I need for meals.”

“She’s a dragon all right.”

I snickered and walked out of the inn.

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