The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 39

“So, how did he do it?” Ron asked curiously: “What mysterious magic was cast on himself? Or he drank a potion made from the blood of a troll? You know, he subdued on Halloween eve A troll, at that time he definitely has a chance to take something from the troll.”

In fact, other people also had this question about Ye Ting, but Penello eagerly blocked him at the entrance of the Ravenclaw lounge after the game and raised this question to him.

“100 push-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 squats, 10 kilometers long run, just stick to it every day.” This is Ye Ting’s answer.

“Aren’t you kidding me?” Penello folded his arms around his chest-which made her beautiful curves more visible-cast him a suspicious look: “Just like this, you can become stronger than Flint? But you It seems that he weighs less than half of him.”

“In fact, Flint’s weight is 170 pounds, and my current weight is 100 pounds, which is more than half of his weight.” Ye Ting retorted casually, “And being strong is not just a matter of decision. In terms of weight, people are different from people, and muscles and muscles are also different.”

Ye Ting’s answer surprised Penello: “Wh…what? How do you know his weight?”

“Of course it was calculated. Combining his flying speed at that time, my own flying speed, my weight and the force I felt during the impact, we can find his weight. This is Muggle knowledge, a very simple physical calculation. Ye Ting explained faintly, with a relaxed look.

“Of course this is Muggle knowledge. My father is a Muggle. I went to elementary school in the Muggle world, so don’t think I don’t know what physics is.” Penello was furious by his natural appearance. Called: “I have never seen a Muggle who can get the answer directly without any measuring equipment like you.”

It took a long time for her to react. She was led off the topic by the other party, so she asked patiently: “I want to know why you can hit the 170-pound Flint Marcus with the weight of ninety pounds? Don’t use him to prevaricate me. Flint is famously strong at Hogwarts. Almost all senior Quidditch players have suffered from him. Only you taught him a lesson. Everyone said that you cast mysterious spells on yourself, or drank some strange potions.”

“No, I didn’t do anything.” Ye Ting shook his head helplessly, and emphasized: “I have already said that people are different, and muscles and muscles are also different.”

With that, he patted his chest.

Seeing that the other party has never revealed the real reason, Penello was also a little angry: “Well, let me see what makes your muscles different.”

As she said, she stretched out her hand and pinched Ye Ting’s chest muscles.

It was a very special feeling, soft but very resilient, revealing vigorous strength and vigorous vitality.

Of course, there is also a strong masculinity.

Penello was stunned on the spot, and Ye Ting was the same.

He didn’t expect that the intellectual and elegant senior sister would actually make this kind of action.

In fact, after extending her hand, Penello regretted it. She felt very self-blame for her lack of reserve, but because of her strong curiosity towards Ye Ting, she still finished the action.

The atmosphere immediately became strange.

In the end, it was Penello who broke the embarrassment first.

“Um…your pectoral muscles are quite strong…hehe what am I talking about.”

Of course, the latter sentence was very quiet, and Ye Ting did not hear it.

However, Ye Ting also subconsciously replied.

“Senior sister’s chest muscles are also quite developed.”

The atmosphere is even more embarrassing.

Item 0060

After the match between Ravenclaw and Slytherin was over, the little wizards were surprised to see a strange scene on their way back to the castle.

There is a cage hanging from the ceiling in the corridor behind the castle. The cage contains three mice. The cage is full of cats. There are more than a dozen cats, probably all the cats of Hogwarts—even Lori. Mrs. Si is also in it. You know, it’s not that no little wizard has ever thought of making a good relationship with Mrs. Loris with his cat, so that Filch’s men will be merciful, but no one has ever succeeded, because Mrs. Loris never Mix with other cats.

These cats were obviously attracted by the mice. They jumped one after another, trying to reach the iron cage hanging from the ceiling. Whenever the cat jumped up, the mice in the cage would be scared to spin around.

Several times, these cats almost succeeded, but ultimately fell short.

But even so, the rat in the cage was still scared enough.

The little wizards watched this trick curiously, discussing who the perpetrator was. It was not until an eyewitness revealed the news that the little wizards were shocked—Ye Ting actually turned Malfoy and his followers into mice and installed them. Funny cats play in the cage.

This was terrible, this cage immediately became a rare sight for everyone, and the little lions of Gryffindor rushed here to watch the tragedy of the Malfoy trio.

Harry and Ron also came here. They had always been at odds with Malfoy. This time they could see them making a fool of themselves and immediately gloated.

Ron’s twin elder brothers George and Fred also came here. They praised Ye Ting’s tricks and expressed their intention to recruit Ye Ting to join their joke props production team.

“He has enough knowledge and is quite good at potions and alchemy.” George commented on Ye Ting: “Now we have seen that he is creative enough in pranks. Obviously, no one is more suitable to join. Ours.”

Instead, the professors came last. Snape rudely separated the little wizards, squeezed to the cage, waved his wand and drove away all the cats, and then put the cage down.

Professor McGonagall has also arrived here, she is an expert in transfiguration. She and Professor Snape solved the curse for the three of Malfoy.

In full view, the three mice became Malfoy, Crabbe and Gore.

The three of them crawled towards the corner in disorderly clothes, making squeaky noises, appearing very flustered and terrified, thinking they haven’t recovered from the rat state.

Seeing the ugliness of the three of them, a roar of laughter erupted around him. Ron laughed the loudest, but he was frustrated and Snape seized an excuse to deduct five points from Gryffindor. Professor McGonagall looked on his face. Very ugly.

Afterwards, the three were rushed to Mrs. Pomfrey by other Slytherins.

Lucius Malfoy’s revenge came very quickly. That night, he rushed into the principal’s room and loudly asked Dumbledore to expel Ye Ting, but Dumbledore sternly refused.

Later, he was so embarrassed that he was in the principal’s room, yelling at Ye Ting in front of Dumbledore, and he took out his wand and pointed it to his nose. As a result, he was hit by Ye Ting’s silent disarming curse, and he was hit on the spot. Magic wand.

“How dare you…you dare to use a spell on me? Who do you think you are?” He yelled at Ye Ting angrily, trying to use his voice to cover up his embarrassment and embarrassment of being knocked into the air by a first-year student.

“You should apologize to Mr. Malfoy,” Dumbledore said gently to Ye Ting: “Mr. Malfoy took out his wand only because he was too excited. At Hogwarts, you have always been safe, so you don’t need to Self-defense so fiercely.”

When he said the last word, he increased his tone and winked at Ye Ting playfully.

Ye Ting blinked intentionally.

“Well, sorry, Mr. Malfoy.” He turned to Lucius Malfoy and nodded politely to him: “I’m just subconsciously’self-defense’. I don’t know how easily your wand can be…oh, Anyway, I’m sorry.”

He noticed that Mr. Malfoy’s pale face became paler after hearing these words.

“Don’t let me find a chance, otherwise I will definitely send you to Azkaban!”

Realizing that Dumbledore could not get results here, Lucius Malfoy glared at Ye Ting, wrapped his cloak around his body, and hurriedly left.

Then Dumbledore looked at Ye Ting again.

“I know that you are a great kid, always great. You are mature, kind, studious and willing to help others. I always think you are one of the best students here.” He said gently to Ye Ting, “I I also believe that if it weren’t for Miss Granger, you wouldn’t have done this step, would you?”

“Yes,” Ye Ting nodded, “I never know these children in general.”

Dumbledore nodded with satisfaction: “You have always been more mature than them, and I have always thought so. But you have to understand that not everyone is as sensible as you, especially Malfoy.”

Having said that, he paused and glanced at the door.

“You see what kind of person his father is, right? He grew up in such a family. He is just a spoiled child who doesn’t understand anything, but he is not a bad child in essence. You have taught him enough lessons this time, and I believe he will not be so reckless in the future, so please don’t share your knowledge with him, okay?”

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