The Good Incubus

Chapter 72 Clean Body Warm Heart

Chapter 72

Clean Body Warm Heart


Laying underneath his succubus lover, Chu Ling fell asleep for the first time in over 200 years, his body and mind in a wonderful state of satisfied peace.

The four men stood above them smiled down dotingly at the pair and Luo Bai said, “as beautifully peaceful as they look, I don’t think it is a good idea if they sleep here; lets get them up.”

Bending down Hao Kong gently pulled his beautiful wife out of Chu Ling, his eyes going wide as inch after inch of her huge soft cock came out of his tight ring. Looking up at the others, he could see their shock matched his own.

Xie Jie, who’s member had been the smallest of them all, was now almost equal in size to Chu Ling.

The men round the pair all thought along the same lines, ‘how has she grown so much? And how amazing is Chu Ling to not only take it, but want more?’

Zhou Tu voiced their wonder with a low whispered, “wow...”

Lifting his lady into his arms Hao Kong stood up, “I think we had all best get clean and get some rest, leave more training till tomorrow.”

Gong Qiu Yu nodded and replied, “a most wise idea Hao Kong, could we trouble you to let us all clean here? I think it would be best to get our lovely Chu Ling clean before trying to get him back to our home.”

Luo Bai slipped his arms under Chu Ling’s shoulders and legs, lifting his big lover as if he was no more than a little flower. With a huge smile on his face he held his man to his chest.

“Take what ever you need, what is mine is yours.” Said Hao Kong, who started walking towards the hut, “Chu Ling is welcome to one of our sleeping mats, its not the biggest hut but you can all stay if you like.”

Blushing Hao Kong thought, ‘if they stay it really would feel like a harem’s home.’

Furrowing his brows, Luo Bai huffed in frustration and said, “we really should be cultivating our energy, we still need to deal with the love demon.”

Thinking that Luo Bai was frustrated by not being able to get rid of the love demon, Gong Qiu Yu comforted him by patting him on the back and saying softly, “don’t worry my love, we will deal with the love demon soon.”

Luo Bai’s brows rose in surprise, “oh I know, it’s just...” he huffed again, “I want to be with you both,” then thinking again changed his mind to, “I want to be with you all.” They rounded the hut to the little open courtyard with the stone bath, and Luo Bai grumpily kicked one of the disciple’s spears, that were still sticking out of the ground after they were thrown at Xie Jie. The spear flew through the air like a missile and embedded itself deep in the side of the mountain.

Staring in awe Zhou Tu thought, as he did every time he saw the great protector of Snow Mist Peak in action, ‘wow! Luo Bai really is amazing!’

Gong Qiu Yu and Hao Kong were smiling ear to ear at the idea of them all together.

“Why does that make you unhappy?” Asked Hao Kong tentatively.

Holding his sleeping Chu Ling close to him for comfort, Luo Bai answered, “you saw the reaction of the great plains sect. In many ways with the love demon gone, we lose our rationale for keeping Xie Jie here. How do we explain our love to everyone without them thinking our succubus is enchanting us?”

Now Hao Kong’s hold tightened on his sleeping wife, Luo Bai looked at their young succubus in his arms, his worry clear in his fierce dark eyes.

They were brought out of their gloomy thoughts by Zhou Tu’s light laugh, “there is always Xie Jie’s plan to seduce the Elders as a service.”

The two Leaders laughed, then thought about it properly. Looking to Gong Qiu Yu, Luo Bai asked, “could that work?”

“In all probability it would work, but would it be a good idea? The Elder’s losing their emotions has long been thought to be a balance of nature.” Gong Qiu Yu sounded like the great teacher he was, while deep in thought he said, “The Elders are people who could destroy a mountain with a careless gesture, could destroy the moon as easily as you just kicked that spear. Should those people have their emotions restored?”

They walked on in silence, no one sure of the answer.

Just as they reached the well, Luo Bai firmly said, “two things are for sure; one we are all staying together and two the love demon has to go.”

Thinking out loud Hao Kong said, “It would be an embarrassing way, but we could bind Xie Jie in front of all the sects and declare our love for each other.” He held his succubus closer still, “but I wouldn’t want to do that to my...” feeling the change, Hao Kong looked down and smiled, “I wouldn’t want to do that to my husband.”

They all smiled at their little incubus.

Luo Bai and Hao Kong laid their sleeping men lovingly on the grass next to each other and lifted their heads onto their laps. While at the same time, Gong Qiu Yu pulled water up, and Zhou Tu darted back round the hut, a few seconds later he came back with all of their robes that were still intact and some of the scraps that were left of Luo Bai’s.

Putting the robes on the dry side of the well, he gave everyone a scrap of cloth to clean their men and sat next to Xie Jie’s feet.

Gently Hao Kong lovingly wiped his little incubus’s face, every line of his elegant features now ingrained in his mind. Starting at the other end, Zhou Tu wiped Xie Jie’s delicate feet and moved slowly up his slender legs. Even in his sleep, Xie Jie reacted to the feel of his men’s tender touch by softly sighing.

Luo Bai lovingly wiped Chu Ling’s handsome face, a face as familiar to him as his own, yet he felt like he was seeing for the first time. This sleeping beauty before him was his lover, the reality of it hit him fully for the first time, Chu Ling was his lover.

Through their marks they all felt the surge in Luo Bai’s emotions, looking up at him they saw a single tear run down his exquisite smiling face, making their hearts race.

In his sleep Chu Ling felt his man’s love and fumbled around with his hand, dozily he mumbled, “Luo Bai my love.”

His heart thundering in his ears, Luo Bai gently held his man’s large hand, Chu Ling sighed happily and smiled as he fell into a deeper sleep.

The resulting surge of love in all their hearts made Xie Jie moan softly.

The tender look in Luo Bai’s eyes became gentler still, leaning down he kissed his lover’s forehead, “sleep well my dear Chu Ling.”

When he lifted his head back up, his eyes met Gong Qiu Yu’s over their sleeping man. Their soft gaze held love for each other and joy at being all together, for a long moment they couldn’t look away. Xie Jie let out a sensual sigh as their love stimulated him in his sleep, and the two Leaders got back to washing their Healer with a soft blush on their cheeks.

Going redder by the minute, they washed their sleeping men and then themselves.

Now clean, Luo Bai and Gong Qiu Yu used there precise Qi to dry their sleeping men; while Hao Kong pulled Zhou Tu into his arms and dried them both with his far less precise Qi, to the sounds of his disciple’s happy giggles.

Retrieving their clothes from the well, they dressed in the robes they had left, leaving only Xie Jie and Luo Bai who’s had been destroyed.

Hao Kong couldn’t stop grinning as he lent Luo Bai one of his, seeing his handsome Leader in his robe made his heart race; even though all of Snow Mist Peak’s robes were the same plain white.

When he looked down to tie his belt Luo Bai hid his blush, he was thrilled to be wearing Hao Kong’s clothes, even though the robe was clean, it still held a faint scent of the handsome Master.

Carrying their men back round to the hut, thinking out loud Hao Kong said, “I really wish I had a bigger bath, because I don’t know about the rest of you but I could really go for a soak right now.”

Three heads swung round to him and they all smiled at the idea, Gong Qiu Yu said, “let’s go to the hot springs, we can soak and cultivate there for the afternoon.”

Looking down at their sleeping men, Luo Bai said what they were all thinking, “how do we sneak them in without anyone seeing?”

A sly smile spread across Zhou Tu’s lips, “you send me first with orders that, ‘the hot springs are to be used by the honourable Leaders this afternoon.’ No one would question your orders sent by a nobody disciple like me.”

Gong Qiu Yu squeezed his hand, “your not a nobody disciple my love.”

Looking into his lover’s concerned eyes, Zhou Tu’s heart almost burst out of his chest, then a sadness filled his mind, “I know how you feel, I feel the same way about all of you,” he said shyly, “but I’m not sure we should tell anyone else.”

The same thought had been weighing on the other’s minds, a Master together with a disciple was looked down on, how would the sect react if they found out the Leaders and Master Hao had taken disciple Zhou as their lover? It could be almost as bad as if they found out about their group love or Xie Jie.

Hao Kong had no such worries, “you are over thinking it, no one has reacted badly to me and they all saw Xie Jie take my virginity; twice.” He was standing tall as he spoke calmly but he was the colour of a ripe tomato. The others mouths dropped open at his honesty.

Relief flooding his system, Gong Qiu Yu laughed but he didn’t let go of his young man’s hand.

In a musing tone Zhou Tu said, “do you think people are fine with it because of Xie Jie’s energy? He did say it lowers peoples inhibitions, maybe it makes people more accepting?”

Excitedly Luo Bai said, “Xie Jie also said that there are a lot of other people getting together, it’s possible there are going to be a lot of couples that are breaking the old taboos. I mean what is the problem? We are all consenting adults.”

Feeling encouraged by his lovers, Gong Qiu Yu said, “you’re right, we have nothing to be ashamed of, lets go bathe.”


Hi lovely readers of cute smutt, this is an early chapter to celebrate lucky number 7(00) likes🎉. 

I hope you will continue to support Xie Jie and his men, with likes and comments, it really keeps me motivated. Happy reading ❤️.

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