The Infinite Uchiha

Chapter 151 The End, Invitation from Team Celestial Being

"No matter how much you steal, you can't escape the nature of a humble human being."

The snake, suspended in the air, seemed to have adopted the method of spiritual victory. The snake's eyes looked at Fang Xiu, who had also transformed into a god.

The former saw the collapse of the planets from the Nine Magatama Samsara Eyes. One after another, the planets that had not yet had time to give birth to consciousness, or whose consciousness was not strong enough, and were only born in embryonic form for hundreds of millions of years were harvested as fruits.

It is indisputable that this is the essence of the Otsutsuki clan.

Even if Fang Xiu has never done such a thing, it still cannot change the nature of his bloodline.

And Fang Xiu saw endless and deep darkness from the snake's eyes, and there was no light at all, like a black hole that swallowed everything.

After all... He was born of destruction.

"The strength of mental power has touched the S-level barrier."

The center of the eyebrows sees through everything.

Fang Xiu silently evaluated the strongest enemy he had encountered so far, Otsutsuki Shibaui. He had already transcended the Naruto universe and had not yet made a move. He just showed signs of recovery, but the Lord God treated him as a supermodel factor and decisively slapped him back.

In fact, for a planet, the age is directly calculated in billions of years. Let alone Fang Xiu, even the history of human existence is just a fleeting morning dew in comparison.

Because of this, the big snake, who represents the will of part of the main body of the earth, possesses the history of the entire King of Fighters world in disguise, and its spirit is naturally huge and boundless.

Of course, this also indirectly proves that the Lord God space is a good place to cultivate strong people. After experiencing a single-digit trial, he has reached the same level.

——The big light ball divides the six-dimensional attributes in the form of letters that the reincarnation can understand, and each level will be subdivided.

The East American blonde loli who was killed by Chu Jian before had a mental power of A-, slightly higher than Ye Mei who had just broken through the limit, and Fang Xiu's latest data before departure was A+, seemingly two "small" realms higher, but in fact the gap was as big as the sky and mud.

Now, he swallowed part of the snake's will and used it for himself. After entering the first stage of the god mode, he immediately took a step forward towards the S-level barrier that was originally far away!

The double A-level scrolls that were activated later made Fang Xiu step into the S-level steadily without suspense, and obtained a one-hour super experience card, and came with a movable spring to supplement all aspects of the state.

In addition, the sky eye that turned into a foundation and waited to be unlocked little by little was quietly activated to a 100% heyday.

——Otherwise, it would be impossible to see through the essence of the snake at a glance and make it unnoticeable.

"Destroy you, the blasphemer, first."

"Then burn that strange tree to death."

"Erase all the creatures on the surface of the earth at last."

As he spoke, he restrained his inner thoughts and gazes, and the snake regained his indifference. He raised his arm arrogantly and released some of the heaven and earth energy that he had accumulated in advance.

There was no killing power at all, but the indescribable strong sense of crisis had enveloped all the fighters present - it was a wave that could not be seen by the naked eye, which compressed and solidified the air around them, from ethereal and almost intangible to tens of millions of times stronger than steel.

The pervasive and terrifying pressure from all directions squeezed the flesh fiercely, and the second-rate fighters who could be named felt suffocated.

Even the iron ball Chen Guohan's well-tempered body strength also had blood vessels swelled and muscles stiffened. The whole person was like an insect sealed in amber, unable to move and at the mercy of others!

The first-rate strong men were no exception.

The only three people who could barely compete and still move were all from the artifact family.

At this time, the big snake, who had sorted out the order of priority, crossed the void without any fireworks, and the violent force on his fist was enough to destroy half of the moon and hit Fang Xiu's head directly.

Unfortunately, it was resolved in a light touch.

He didn't even use his fist.

He only relied on the most superficial gushing release of mental power.

In the same form, they can all be regarded as gods. How to judge who is true and who is false, the method is very simple and clear--

Whoever is weak will be embarrassed.

Fang Xiu said calmly: "You shameless false god, you want to destroy my sacred tree?"

The next moment, the mental storm overturned the whole field, and the heavy air that was squeezed to the extreme was shattered!

Gold, wood, water, fire, earth.

After removing the restrictions on the suppressed fighters, Fang Xiu began to fight back, and his five fingers flashed the basic elements under the oriental worldview, and the palm added two additional attributes of yin and yang.


In the eyes of the reincarnationists, even if they go to different worlds, their own systems will adapt to the local characteristics without any discounts, and even exert a slightly stronger power - the seal of evil is like this, and the enhanced and improved upgraded version of the five elements seal is also like this.

Therefore, he did not want to wait for Kagura to complete his preparations, and tried to test the snake first.

Facing the whistling slap that affected multiple elements, the snake instinctively retreated.

——Teleportation that ignores the distance of space has become a standard for the strong.

In this way, he fled and he chased.

The process lasted less than two breaths, the eye between the eyebrows opened, the gold and silver interlaced lines flashed, and a beam of light full of special breath shot out from it, which held the jumping snake straight.

What element?

The mind turned, as the side of the earth that symbolizes destruction, the power of the snake is almost unlimited, and it is more diverse than those elemental spirits. Therefore, whether it is the power of the earth, the power of the wind, the power of water, the power of fire, the power of the sun from outer space, and the power of darkness, anything that the earth can absorb is within the range of his extraction.

Quantitatively speaking, Orochi is well-informed and more knowledgeable than all the fighters put together, but he has no idea what the power to hold himself is and where it comes from!

"It's over...hopefully."

In an instant, the slap was imprinted on the real spot.

Starting from the seven magatama-shaped runes branded on the head, the tadpole-like patterns spread. Chris's body was chosen as the medium, and the big snake with sun patterns on its chest felt that its perception was weakened.

——Before arriving, I had anticipated that there would be many powerful people in this world and there would be variables. However, ever since I set my sights on the cultivator and tried to snatch his body, accidents that broke through my knowledge kept happening.

"The breath of chaos."

"The S-level initially involves the prehistoric level. When it was first created, the Sky Eye template was directly compared to Erlang Shen from Journey to the West. It should not be called a masterpiece."

The beam of light that anchors the movement of the big snake is the third ability that is newly awakened and put into use for the first time. Fang Xiu believes that it can forcefully use the concept of chaos.

S level mental power.

S-level background.

The former can totally drive the latter!

As for how to define the true prehistoric chaos, his vision was broadened by the Lord God's exchange list. He also had a strong idea in his heart, even if it sounded a bit vague:

Chaos is one of the top creation systems in ancient Chinese mythology. Before the beginning of heaven and earth, the universe was in a state of chaos without any rules or order.

This state is called "chaos", also known as "prehistoric", which symbolizes the origin of the creation myth and the eve of the origin of the world.

Colorless and formless, formless and boundless, without beginning or end, without time or space, increasing and never decreasing, evolving into thousands of ways, giving birth to the great thousand, infinite in creation, capable of all births, reversing and returning to the source, endless to the extreme, one Qi Transforming the heavens, weaving together ten thousand ways with one thread, erasing all realms with one touch, its shape cannot be thought of, its state cannot be thought of, its color cannot be named, there is no past, present or future, no four directions, no up and down, no concept, no existence, no existence, all encompassing. …

The concept is ridiculously high.

It's so mysterious that it gives people a headache.

As a result, Fang Xiu still firmly believes that the relevant props in the main god exchange list seem to exist, but in fact they do not exist at all.

The price of the SSS-level side plot is marked purely to support the scene. When the reincarnations set foot in that field on their own, they would have transcended and left long ago.

"Two A-level subplots turned into scrolls and burned, just for one hour of improvement."

"I have to seize the opportunity and maximize the benefits."

Staring at the incomplete snake that was unable to move and was being forced to accept the seal of the Five Elements, Fang Xiu threw four chains out of thin air.

King Kong blockade?

Only by integrating the power of Buddha can it live up to its name.

It just so happened that Centipede Spirit Pudu Cihang contributed relevant strength to the last official trial...

The big snake, which was originally unable to move, seemed to have violated the law of heaven and completely gave up the idea of ​​breaking free.

"Good opportunity!"


After fighting Igniz, Kusanagi Kyo, who became the king of strong mouths, quickly looked at the Kagura sisters, "Are you ready?"

Among the three divine skills, Kyo Kusanagi's Mu Shiki and Iori Yagami's Eight Sake Cups are each unique in their own way, but they all focus on destruction.

Only Qianzuru and Wangui have the worst frontal destructive power among the three guardian families.

Instead, he specializes in sealing all things, even gods.

According to the old thinking, which is also the tested and most reliable method, it must be operated by the twin witches.

However, facing a good opportunity, Qianzhe shook his head and said shockingly: "We don't need to intervene in the future."

Like the magical skill, the exclusive power of the universe that does not focus on attack once again revealed a clear glimpse of the future.

Out of absolute trust in his sister, Wan Gui, who himself was resurrected by the Samsara Eye, nodded slightly.

Will to destroy?

The earth can have many sides.

"It's incredible that the great snake beloved by Gaia has come to an end like this."

"I don't care about him. As long as this man with mysterious origins doesn't mess around and anger Gaia, we will pretend we don't know anything."

Similar to the relationship between Yahweh (the only one) and the angels (many), there is only one Gaia, but there are many earthly wills that carry out their respective missions.

For the overturned snake, they just want to watch a show.

"This guy didn't exist in the past timeline."

"Visitors from outer space?"

Zhai Si, who was hiding in the dark, whispered in his heart, hiding himself and his subordinates in the long river of time.

Just like the earth of Naruto world.

The aqua blue planet in The King of Fighters is anything but simple.

——Many worlds with grand backgrounds are like this.

For example, in the Marvel Universe, in the setting of "Avengers V7", a member of the Celestial Group four billion years ago was infected with a deadly "cosmic locust" and eventually died on Earth.

Just like Pangu who created the world, He poured all his essence into the earth's land and sea water. Since then, the aqua blue planet, which is ordinary in appearance and size, has become unique.

After all, there is no other planet in the universe that is enchanted by the blood of a god. In the comics, the mutants call this god "Original Ancestor".

Although it is not clear why the earth, which nurtures many fighters outside the dimensional battlefield, is special and what is the upper limit, but through the Kagura family's Yata Mirror, Fang Xiu knows that even if the expressive power is temporarily increased, unlocking The stronger form of the Mythic Sky Eye still cannot be too high-profile.

At present, he just wants to play with the big snake that has become a trophy. It should be classified as something worthy of study, especially the authority it represents.

"All things disappear and return to the beginning."

At this time, the words that sounded like a declaration and a last will echoed in the ears of every human on Earth. The mental fluctuations fell into Fang Xiu's ears. It was purely the usual mouth cannon released by the villain before he died.

Unlike the last possession, the will that now possessed Chris's body was all, combined with the part bound by the evil seal in the body.

Once refined, Fang Xiu instantly became a god in the King of Fighters world.

And after training so far, he has a preliminary and complete cognitive system. Even if this place cannot be called a high-level plane, it can definitely be compared with the middle thousand worlds defined by the East.

"Go to the space of the starting ball first."

Considering the construction period, Fang Xiu teleported the big snake that was sealed inside and outside into the world of Flame Mountain, completely isolating it from the earth.

The battle ended here.

There is only one ultimate winner of the three-group battle.

After this battle, all the powerful contestants were traumatized and recognized the gap:

Even if they awakened the power of the universe, they still could not dominate. They had to exclude Kyo Kusanagi and Iori Yagami, two of the three divine weapons who had directly presented the battle scene.

The man with different eyes from the Shazhou team... had to be picked out again and divided into a separate category.

At this moment, Kyo Kusanagi also objectively admitted the gap. Due to the overdrawn power, he consumed a small amount of vitality. If he had not been holding on with amazing willpower, he would have collapsed to the ground.

"You won."

Very decisive.

In the previous official competition, Garou Terry could afford to lose, and so did Kyo Kusanagi, even though he had a strong idol burden and a strong burden in the eyes of the outside world.

The cold voice of the Lord God echoed in his ears:

"Successfully obtain the title of King of Fighters, obtain an S-level branch plot, and reward points of 15,000 points."

It sounds very pleasant.

Following it, another rebroadcast was broadcast.

"Hidden Mission 2, Fate Tamperer Completed."

"World line distortion 13.65%, matching the corresponding special rewards."

"Please make a choice from the following items."

"One, Invitation to Team God."


When Fang Xiu descended to the main god space, became the captain, and then opened the gene lock system, he muttered in his heart, why didn't he ask me if I was willing to join this team.

Now it seems that it is estimated that it only absorbs third-level combat power, and must meet special conditions, just like he tampered with fate and distorted more than 10% of the world line, and finally accidentally unlocked this option.

Want to go?

To be honest, Fang Xiu wanted to leave.

The gap is getting bigger and bigger.

The key is not the teammates' fault. Several seniors have been chasing desperately, but the gap between the clouds and mud is still inevitably turned into a natural chasm.

-Not to mention the space resources at hand, using the local resources of the trial world, I have become much stronger on the original basis!

There will be another chapter later, about 4,000 to 5,000 words, which is a plot turning point, and I am a bit stuck, so I can only guarantee a minimum of 8,000 words in today's update.

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