The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

129. Rent Yuu Magic Power and Using it to Spar Against Sakuya.


When Kaito and Yuu back to the village, he immediately tells Aika and the rest of the chat group about his idea to borrow Yuu's magic power using Rent Ability, the privilege he got as the Owner. This naturally piqued their curiosity too, and most of them expressed interest wanting to watch what was going to happen.

Thus, after finding a suitable location, far from any human villages/settlements, Kaito, Yuu, Sakuya, and Aika teleported there to test Kaito's idea.


[Rent Ability: Yuu Magic Power]


After Kaito used his rent ability on Yuu (ignoring the point cost of 20K which made his heart bleed), Kaito immediately felt an overwhelming energy envelop his body-- even making it hard for him to breathe for a moment.

"Kaito, are you okay? You look pale?" 

Aika asked worriedly, followed by various members who watched through the broadcast.

"I-It's okay. I'm trying to adapt now, honestly... I feel very excited and full of energy!"

After saying that, Kaito immediately tried to make a dozen knives which would usually take a few seconds each--- but with enough magic power, Kaito could make them all in one second at the same time!

*Clank* *Clank* Clank*


"As expected, with Yuu's magic power, my creation ability is much faster and better in quality." Kaito nodded satisfyingly but then frowned, "However, it seems despite having endless energy, creation still going to put a strain on my body and brain."

"At least, it's proven that this mode will be useful in case we need a lot of creation in a short time," Aika commented which made Kaito frown even further.

"...Aika, you are exploiting my worth like an evil leader."

"You are the leader here, okay?" Aika smirked and commented, "Do I need to remind you, that you are the one who wants to make a village with less than 20 members, do you think it was easy to do?"


Hearing Aika complain, Kaito knows he needs to stop complaining. Even though he is working the hardest in this world, other members also contribute a lot to my idea despite there being no reward to do so.

Especially Aika who acts as de-facto leader, and takes care the most of paper paperwork, conflicts within the village, setting the law, matters of security, trading policy, diplomacy with other villages, etc...

Yeah, Kaito is pretty aware that he can only blame himself for this, and it's not even about his luck.



After trying to play with his newfound magic energy, Kaito who was curious about how practical this could be in a battle decided to test it directly by asking someone to spar with him.

"Sakuya, Can you spar with me?" Kaito turned at Sakuya, clapping his hand and begging, "I want to test the feasibility of using this unlimited energy mode during a battle!"

"Yes, master." 

Hearing his request, Sakuya then proceeded to summon one of her short knives and asked, "Do you want me to be serious or not, master?"

"Serious." Kaito answered while also clenching his right hand, preparing for combat, "I hope you don't hold back, Sakuya."


Sakuya answered while also preparing her combat stance, following Kaito. On the other hand, Aika and Yuu who notice the atmosphere also quickly retreated from the area quite far away, as they didn't want to disturb their fight. They also opened the broadcast, so everyone in the chat group could see what they are doing right now.


"Good luck, you two." (Yuu)

"Do your best Kaito! I want to see your potential."(Aika)


After Sakuya and Kaito were sure both Yuu and Aika retreated far enough, Sakuya then said to her master,  "You can make your first move, master." 

"Alright. Prepare yourself, Sakuya!"

Immediately, using his enormous magic capacity, Kaito instantly created a dozen attributeless knives in mid-air and then launched all of them toward Sakuya's position.

In response to his first attack, Sakuya immediately activates her main ability (time stop) and instantly appears in front of Kaito... Like she was teleporting.




Despite being surprised, Kaito who knows his maid's skill set still manages to react and quickly blocks it using his Armament Haki but Sakuya's strength is superior to him and it pushes Kaito back several meters away from his initial place.


"As expected, your time-stop ability is troublesome to deal with," Kaito said while wiping the little blood on his mouth. 

Even though he managed to block it, the force impact behind it was enough to shatter any internal organ and Kaito also couldn't feel his arm for a short time due to intense numb feeling. If Kaito was just a normal human teenager, he would be sure that he have been killed on the spot there.

"Thank you for your compliment, master." Sakuya curled up a smile, "Do you want to continue?"


Kaito who had been familiar with her time-stop ability already had countermeasures in his mind, to prevent similar things happen again.

Although time stops look similar to teleport in nature, they are different types of ability.  What teleporting does is instantly move from point A to B. Meanwhile, Sakuya still needs to move from point A to B, and the only reason why it looks like she's teleporting is because she moves during time stop.

Also, while Sakuya can move around during time stop, she needs to resume the time again if she wants to inflict damage to the target... so there's also a clear loophole to her tricky ability.

So Kaito's plan is simple, using his new shadow clone ability and massive energy resource, Kaito then creates hundreds clones of himself at the same time.

After that, each clone teleported all around Sakuya, spreading it around from all directions. 

"...As expected of my master, you are really smart." 

Looking at her master everywhere, Sakuya can't help but compliment him. 

Sakuya immediately guessed that Kaito's purpose for doing this was to confuse her about which was real him and force her to move around... And she admits it's working quite well against her ability.

Although Haki can detect all the Kaito clones that surround her, her haki is unable to detect which clone is his real body.


Since there's no other way to solve the situation, Sakuya then decides to solve the situation by chasing each clone one by one with her time stop... Either by throwing knives or slashing it in close combat. 

While she was on it, each of Kaito's clones also used this chance to attack her, by throwing dozens of knives and all kinds of projectiles at wherever she went.

*Slash* *Poof*

*Slash* *Poof*

*Clank* *Poof*

This resulted in an environment where there are a lot of burn marks and countless knives lying around on the ground and trees, while there are occasionally sounds of sparks and clashing.


"Kaito went all out in this fight." Aika commented while looking at the chaotic battlefield, "It seems his creation became 100x faster with sufficient energy."

"But... despite his effort, Sakuya was barely harmed from it." Yuu also commented, "Both are amazing."

"Indeed. But I believe Kaito must have sort of plan to win the fight." Aika stated confidently, "After all, that guy would never do something without a plan."

"We will see." Yuu nodded in agreement, and then both of them continued watching the fight.



After running around for about a half minute, Sakuya almost finished wiping out all clones on the field while she only suffered a few scratches on her face and uniform.

Knowing there was no use to hide anymore as there were barely enough clones, Kaito decided to teleport himself in front of her and clapped, "As expected from Sakuya. You are really strong."

"Master, are you done playing?" 

Sakuya politely asked and then suggested, "Honestly, your trick this time is really good, master. Too bad it doesn't seem to work well against me."

"No, I never thought of defeating you that way." 

Kaito shook his head and then revealed confidently, "I was buying time so I can create something that can suppress your ability."


"Sakuya, remember that the only limitation of my creation is my imagination!"


Surprised by Kaito's answer, Sakuya immediately increased her vigilance and decided to activate her time stop again to stop whatever Kaito wanted to do.

However, before Sakuya was able to move, suddenly, everything around Kaito and her stood still and looked grayish.... and she noticed she couldn't activate her time stop ability--- because time in this area already stopped.


"This is... Forced time stop field?!"

"Yeah, you can't use your time manipulation ability if the time is frozen!" Kaito exclaimed and then revealed a golden stopwatch from his pocket as he explained, "While you were engaging with my clones, I am using that time to construct this watch-- which has a function to stop the time around its user."

Even though Kaito has a lot of energy right now, he still needs a lot of time to make an object with the function of playing with the concept of time.

Especially since he has never made an object like this before, Kaito is quite satisfied because this proves that the creations he makes have no limits!

"Impressive master." Sakuya praised her master once again and then smiled, "It's a brilliant idea, but I can tell creating such a device puts strain on your body."

"Yeah..." Kaito wryly smiled. No doubt, Kaito could feel his brain was quite hot right now and it was quite mentally tiring to create a conceptual device... especially when he made 2 of them.

But at least his purpose to stop Sakuya time warping ability is achieved, and now he just needs to finish the fight.


"Making such a device during mid-battle isn't wise master. Although I am proud of you, master to be able to push me this far. You can only use that stopwatch for a short duration, right?"

"As expected of you, Sakuya." Kaito answered weakly, "But don't worry, I am sure to win this."

"Then, let's decide everything and finish our fight, master."

"Indeed, I plan to do so! This might be hurt, I hope you can forgive me Sakuya!"

After that, using his imagination and magic energy provided by Yuu, Kaito reveals another weapon that Sakuya admits, at this moment Kaito makes her scalp tingle, full of dread.

[Prototype Gungnir]

"...Remi-sama weapon?!" 

Gungnir, the spear of blood owned by Remilia (Sakuya's master) is a causal weapon with a definite effect of hitting the target 100% because this weapon has the function of controlling and penetrating the destiny of the intended target.

So whatever the target does, Gungnir will stab its target even though the target he is facing is a child of the world (protagonist) and Sakuya know this very well.

Realizing the imminent danger, Sakuya immediately frantically rushes toward Kaito in the hope of stopping him, however, Kaito launches it faster since he already created the weapon beforehand.

"Go Gungnir!!"


However, when Kaito was sure of winning and Gungnir going to incapacitate Sakuya, the moment it was about to drill into her back, the weapon itself suddenly disappeared into a bunch of white particles.

"What...??!!??" Seeing Gungnir fail to penetrate Sakuya, Kaito felt very surprised and this gave Sakuya enough time to get close to Kaito even at her normal speed.

"Don't get distracted in mid of the fight, master!"


Thanks to the fact that Gungnir and the golden stopwatch creation put a lot of strain on his body, Kaito was too slow to react and teleported away--- which allowed Sakuya to land a clean blow in his guts.


The blow was so powerful, that it instantly felt like Kaito had been hit by a speeding truck-- rendering him instantly unconscious, canceling the time stop field and then making Sakuya the victor of their fight.


Half an hour later, Kaito woke up and found himself lying in his room in the village, only with Sakuya sitting at his bedside while reading a book. It seems they decide to bring Kaito back to the village to recuperate himself, and he also notices that Yuu's magic energy is also gone-- probably ran out of time when he was unconscious.

"Master, are you okay?" Noticing her master waking up, Sakuya asked him with worry.


"It's hurt, Sakuya. I guess I still lose, huh?"

"You lost the fight, master. But you impressed me a lot."

Sakuya complimented, especially when Kaito only using this ability for less than 3 months. Kaito has talent and is very suited to the creative power he has, and Sakuya is sure that in the future Kaito might become the strongest person in the chat group.

"Thank you. How did you survive the Gungnir? It doesn't hit you?" Kaito asked curiously, remembering how he lost the fight.

"...You did hit me, master, look." 

Sakuya turned around and revealed the stab wound on her back close to her heart, "It just, I managed to react and destroy the 'gungnir' before it managed to drill through my body and inflict further fatal damage to me."


"Yeah." Sakuya nodded and summoned an iridescent and jagged dagger that was thin, brittle, and blunt on her hand, which Kaito quickly recognized.

"A Rule Breaker?!"

As one of the famous noble phantasms of Medea from the Fate series, Kaito immediately understands why the Gungnir was destroyed. Rule Breaker is a dagger that is capable of nullifying all effects created by magecraft or magical energy, despite whether such an effect is an enchantment, a relationship formed through contact, or even life created through magical energy.

And his gungnir is not real gungnir, it's just a replica created using magical energy which perfectly counters it. In fact, Kaito believe that any creation will be perfectly countered by that dagger, so it's no wonder why he was lost.

He was too cocky, and overconfident at using his magical creation without fully utilizing all of his other abilities.

"You don't think everyone in the chat group doesn't try to improve themselves, right, master?" Sakuya teased.

"No, I know everyone will do." Kaito shook his head and then stated, "I just don't know what kind of ability you have right now, but next spar, I will be the winner, Sakuya!"

From this fight, he learns that although his creation cheat is usable during the fight, it's better to prepare the weapon beforehand if Kaito wants to use stronger props instead of creating it in the mid-battle.

Kaito was sure that the outcome would be vastly different if he had props prepared before the fight.

Sakuya might be able to destroy one gungnir, but what if he prepared a dozen of them and launched it at the same time? Pretty sure one rule-breaker wouldn't be enough to destroy all of them.


Another long chapter, but I enjoy writing this chapter. Thanks for reading!



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