The Misfortune Adventure Of Dimensional Chat Group Owner

131. A Short Battle in Amegakure Goes Without Any Suspense.

"It seems the welcome party quite grand. Do you guys need something?"

Looking at Konan who fly majesticly above their head and Pain group behind her, Kaito doesn't feel scared at all. Not mention Saitama with him, even he can take them by himself with all props and ability he got.

"Guest from outside, we can't let you leave this village."

"...Both of you know I have teleportation, right? You guys can't prevent me to escape if I want to." 

Kaito retorted in mocking tone, which make both Nagato and Konan frowned. After all, if Kaito decide to escape, they really can't do anything with him.

"..."At the same time, Jiraiya who already know all the information about Pain earlier thanks to Kaito, then said, "I thought Kaito was lying about Pain information... but it seems he didn't lie about you guys."

"...You are Konan, right?"

"Long time no see, Jiraiya-sensei." Konan answered with a flat tone. Considering Kaito literally told him everything, no one surprised that their sensei was able to recognize them.

"So, Nagato is the one controlling the Pain?" 

Nagato who controlled Yahiko, the Deva Path came forward and answered his former sensei, "Yes."

"...I am sorry that I am not there when you guys need my help. Can we stop fighting and sort everything peacefully?"

"It's too late, sensei." 

Konan shook her head in disappointment then turn at Kaito seriously, "The Kage from the new ninja village, how do you know so much information about us? Do we have traitor among our rank in Akatsuki?"

"We do, but that's not my source of information. What are you want to do about it?" Kaito taunted.

"We will capture you to see what information you know about us." 

Despite their provocation, Kaito doesn't get intimidate at all and continue mock them, "...Are you stupid? Trying to capture a person with teleportation ability?"

"In the eye of god, there always be a way." Deva Path arrogantly answered which makes Jiraiya frowned. Especially after know Rinnegan hax, Jiraiya genuinely think there's no way for any of them to defeat Nagato and Konan combined. 

"...Kid, how do you plan to deal with them?" 

"About that... I am not dealing with them." 

"Huh?" Jiraiya eyes widened and said, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, I will let my partner to take care of them while we are going watching their show."

"...Are you serious kid?"

"Yes." Kaito nodded and then turned at Saitama who at the moment looking very bored at the moment, "Sensei, as we have planned. I will leave them to you." 


"Anyway, finish it quickly, otherwise we are going to late watching Itachi and Sasuke fight directly."


After that, before Jiraiya were able to ask furthermore, Kaito quickly grab Jiraiya with him and then teleported together about few hundred meter away from their initial location... leaving Saitama alone surrounded by Pain and Konan.


"His teleportation ability is really troublesome." 

Looking at Kaito and Jiraiya who instantly move away from here, both Konan and Nagato feeling frustrated since they really have no idea how to capture him.

Meanwhile, Confirming Kaito location far enough to not affected by his battle, Saitama then looked at Nagato and Konan while saying, "Should we go now?"

"You... I know your information. You seems very strong physically, but you are far from our opponent." 


"Why you are not scared?"

Konan asked with bewildered face, wondering why the bald man in front of her looks so indifferent despite getting surrounded by them.

"Why I should? Kaito asked me to beat you all, and that's exactly what I am going to do."

"...Who are you?" Nagato, via Yahiko asked.

"You already know my name. I am Saitama, a hero for fun." Saitama introduce himself casually.

"A hero?" Hearing his answer, Nagato, using Yahiko body can't help but chuckled, "Someone dare to say they are a hero?"


Saitama nodded and scratching his head with boredom, "Anyway, we don't need to fight if you guys decide to surrender. How about that?"


From the memories, Saitama already know that group of Pain wouldn't possess any challenges to him so he prefered to finish this 'battle' as fast as possible. 

Meanwhile, hearing his offer, Nagato (Deva) give him a disdain look and arrogantly stated, "We hold the power of God and God doesn't bow their head to mortal."

"Banshou Tenin!"

Using his right hand, Deva Path (Nagato) tries to pull Saitama towards him but what happens confuses Konan and Nagato... because Nagato's jutsu is completely ineffective on Saitama!


"Umm... are you trying to pull me or something?"

"What happen?"

Considering that even Tatsumaki has great difficult to move Saitama with her telekinesis, it's natural that Deva Path who has less power than her can't do anything to Saitama either. Saitama doesn't feeling anything except he feel a slight vibration on his clothes.

"This is getting boring, you know, god?"

"T-Then... how about this!"

Realizing that Deva's attacks were somehow ineffective, Nagato changed his tactics by summoning one of their strongest animal summon to attack Saitama-- the same animal who struck Jiraiya at his first encounter with Pain.

"A giant bull... wait, it is an ox."

Looking at giant ox that rush at him at this moment, Saitama still look doesn't look concerned at all. you can even tell there's a clear boredom on his face as he scratching the back of his head in boredom.

When the giant ox got close enough to him, Saitama then crouch a little bit below his it's then, and then deliver an uppercut at it.



The uppercut in fact was so strong that it immediately unsummoned the ox while the shockwave of his attack was so strong literally clearing the weather of Amegakure-- from rainy into sunny day.

Watching Saitama punch literally strong enough to affect the weather of the whole village, both Konan, Nagato and Jiraiya who witness it can't help but become dumbfounded. Only Kaito who didn't surprised about this, but Kaito admit that he enjoy the reaction coming from everyone else.

If Saitama's appearance of being immune to Deva's attacks surprised them, what Saitama did to the giant ox made Nagato and Konan realize that their enemy this time was very outrageously strong.


After that, Saitama looked at them again and asked casually, "So... I have show you what I can do. Can you guys give up already?" 

"...I admit you are quite formidable enemy." Nagato commented calmly, "I will take you seriously now, ninja from Kaitogakure."

Just based from how strong Saitama punch was, Nagato admit that his enemy is capable of defeating all of them and he need to take him seriously.

"Although I am not a ninja... Bring it on then, God."

After that, Nagato then moves all Paths simultaneously siege and attacks Saitama in turn. On top of that, Konan also assisting from behind, making it more difficult for Saitama to manuever.

Even though Saitama is clearly outnumbered, Nagato and Konan still can't do anything to him. 

First, Naraka Path doesn't have any combat capability, so he immediately single out by Saitama. Have watching the Original, Saitama know it's capable to resurrect other body of Pain so it's priority to be taken out quickly.

Second, Human Path wanted to took his soul and Preta Path also wanted to absorb his chakra (or strength), but also unable to do so on him at all. Saitama who has really high resistance to all form of spiritual/mental attack rendering them useless in the battle, which in return also taken out in single punch.

Asura Path trying a long distance attack to Saitama with bullets and missile, but those hot weapon won't even leave a scrath on him. (His uniform also got the same toughness thanks to chat group system). Animal Path also summon others animal and Deva doing his best assisting by throwing black rod or hinder his movement with Banshou Tenin-- but shortly after they also taken out by single punch by Saitama.

Naturally, Konan also can't give any trouble either to Saitama despite her set of long range attack. Heck if Pain somehow manage to get a nuclear bomb right now, it still can't leave any scratch on our caped baldy hero at all.

For once, Nagato realize how stupid his idea was to claim himself as god as one by one his Six Path got hummilated by Saitama easily.



At the end of their 'battle' in less than 5 minutes, only Deva Path still standing with a dull look on his face while everything else already beaten down by Saitama. 

Many buildings in Amegakure were also destroyed as a result of their battle, although most of them were caused by Pain himself and Saitama throwing body of Pain Path to all direction.


"...How are you... so strong?"

Nagato asked with frustrated tone, unable to accept this outcome at all. It's clear they were no match for bald man in front of him, as he still looks relaxed and doesn't even have scratch on him.

No wonder the bald man in front of him looked bored, because it's obvious that he never take them seriously at all!

"You will be mad if I told you the reason." Saitama answered.

"Mad? Why I would mad?"

Looking at bewildered Nagato, Saitama sighed and then seriously answered, "Listen, boy!  The reason why I have become so strong is because my training."


"Yes. My training consist of 100 push up, 100 sits up, 100 squats, and 10 km running every single day for 3 years."


"Are you joking me?!"

Hearing Saitama absurd training program, Nagato yelled in rage and exclaimed, "There's no way for you to have this kind of overwhelming power because such mediocre training!"

Compared to what he has experience to gain this kind of power (war), Nagato can't help but complain. Many ninja doing way more what Saitama does everyday, and yet they doesn't have this kind of strength either. For example, Might Guy probably doing what Saitama did several times harsher for decades--- yet his strength can't be say as overwhelming as Saitama.

"See? I told you, you will be mad." 

Saitama who expected his reaction just shrugged and then yelled on thin air, knowing Kaito and Jiraiya watching them via Haki, "Kaito, the fight is done. Can we move now? I am hungry!"

Kaito, who heard Saitama's call, suddenly appeared in front of him with Jiraiya and amusingly commented, "Pffft... Saitama-san, good job. I will ask Erina to get you extra portion of lunch later."

"Thank you."

Seeing Nagato who was angry with Saitama's answer made Kaito chuckle, especially because he knew Saitama-sensei was not lying about this. If Pain wanted to know the serious answer, Nagato would probably be even angrier because Saitama could be that strong basically because he was the protagonist.

Heck, even Naruto as the protagonist would beat him in the future if its still follow the Original trajectory.

"I thought you were joking, kid... But this bald man is really outrageous."

Watching how outrageous Saitama performance was earlier, even Jiraiya looked at his former student with complicated look and pity. Saitama basically unscathed on their fight, while both of his former student beaten thoroughly.

"There's no need to joke about something like this." Kaito just shrugged and then looked at Deva Path (Nagato) seriously, "Nagato. Now the fight is done, it's the time for us to talk."

Hearing what Kaito said, Nagato raised his eyebrow and asked,  "What do you want?"

"A cooperation."


"How to achieve a true peace in this world." Kaito answered while quietly contacted Aika to move in the chat group, "Well, I have contacted my secretary, she will meet you inside your hiding chamber later with Tobi, she will told you the detail." 

"So, Tobi or Madara is actually the traitor? How does that even work?"

"Both Uchiha were traitor on your rank." 


Both Nagato and Konan were dumbfounded and really confused by his revelation. In his opinion, Obito was true mastermind behind their operation (as he was the one suggested the Infinite Tsukoyomi plan act as Madara) but it turn out he's a traitor? how does that even work

"Pffft... Anyway, if this makes you feel better. Everyone in your organization currently under attack by us, so you are not alone to suffer right now!"

"Are you guys feel better now?"

""It doesn't!"" Nagato and Konan complained at the same time.

In fact, knowing everyone got ambushed by them make them feel hopeless, knowing there's someone as strong as Saitama ambushed other mean it's impossible for any other members to win.


When Kaito arrived with Saitama and Jiraiya to Uchiha Hideout building where Itachi and Sasuke fight taking place, they were coming at the climax of the fight. Everything in the area already destroyed and surrounded by black flames everywhere... with Itachi flexing his Susanoo against his poor exhausted brother.


I have a shitty week if the chapter lack something, I apologize in advance. Thank you for reading!


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