The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 28- Rikas love-aches pt. 1


Tuesday, February 14th

<p.o.v Rika>

(Text in this color is in portuguese)

It's so perfect! I'm flying high! 

Currently over the clouds and hand in hand with Ruto-babes we are having a date.

Our first date as an official couple! He is adorbs! He is like so fresh in his new clothes!

'Course when ya got this Rika to help pick an outfit ya have no choice but to be totes amaze'n lookin'

Today was our first official date. I had no clue what Ruto-babes had planned for us so I dressed mid-formal. Black micro skirt, tight short sleeve white shirt, black vest that only has two buttons and an open chest so it lifts and accentuates my b(r)est area. 

(totes wanna make my man oogle ma' goods teehee~)

I finished my look with 2-inch leather boots. It really helps draw the attention to my leg muscles. 

All in all, I'm totes stunning, I'm not afraid of showing off my skin to Ruto-babes, afterall i'm not tanned. I'm naturally dark skinned and Rika can't wait to show him I have no tan lines. Ruto-babes though, I'm salivating. I never thought about how my Ruto-babes looks too much, just knew he was my destined one, but right now? Hes-totes-smokin-hot-that-I'm-having-a-hard-time-looking-himin-the-face-I'm-so-nervous-my-hands-are-all-sweaty-oh-no-can-he-feel-it?

My eyes keep darting at Ruto-babes face and our interlocked hands. I feel the perspiration.

No, no, no, no, no! Don't sweat it Rika! You can do this, you can do it, don't fuck up. Nooooo! Why would Rika think that? I jinxed it! I totes jinxed it!


As if cold water splashing on my face, but instead of cold water, it was hot, scolding hot. Ruto-babes just kissed my cheek and my face lit up like a lighthouse. I turn to look at Ruto-babes who was staring back at me with a kind smile.

"You were so confident earlier, I really appreciated it. This is…. This is the first time I've done a formal date so I'm very nervous, and I want to do it right." He looked down nervously.

What Ruto-babes meant be earlier, was that he showed up to our date in athletic wear.

Ruto-babes I love ya, but that just ain't happenin' on our first date. Using the gyaru knowledge passed on to this Rika by the gyaru spirit animals, I created the perf Ruto-babes girl slayer outfit!

The first stop we made for our date was a clothing store. I had Ruto-babes try on different outfits and honestly, this by itself was very fun. 

Ruto-babes went into the store wearing black sweatpants, an oversized shirt, and running shoes.

What came out was the virgin-killer 3000. Black socks, black flat dress shoes(with arch support because he is an athlete), tight blue skinny jeans, a black mid-sleeve button up shirt, and a quick gel comb back that the employees gave him since I spent so much.

Ruto-babes didn't pay for his new clothes, I did. I won't say he didn't try to, but when he tried to I hugged him into my voluptuous chest and gave the clerk my card over his shoulders. I selfishly wanted to dress him up, it wouldn't be right for him to pay for it. He put his old clothes in the shopping bag he's now carrying. Ruto-babes physique is on a massive display. His shirt showcasing the width of his shoulders coming down to his narrow waist. The skinny jeans hugging his thighs. I imagine him ripping out of those clothes with his muscles alone.

I would love me some manly and big Ruto-babes, but not nearly as much as I love the smaller Ruto-babes. So hot, so adorbs, everyday I hold back from tying him and strapping him to myself like a totes adorbs bookbag, so he never leaves my side.

"Wait, ya said this is ya first date? What bout Sakura? Didn't both of ya date?"

"We did." Ruto-babes had a look of sadness on his face. 

No! Did I mess up!? Did I ruin the date? No! Rika the power of Gyaru and Kawaguchi is on our destiny board girl! Calm, calm, calm. Just open ma' ears for Ruto-babes. (An anything else he wants eheheh~.)

I wipe the grin off my face as he continued.

"Exactly a year ago was gonna be our first official date, but she ended up going with Sasuke to….." he paused, "well we were always together so we never went out, and I wanted to take her out for valentines day because she made me chocolates." He looked down again, "the….they were very bad hehehe, but I knew she worked hard on them. I felt her feelings and tried to overlook what she was doing." He lifts his head up, "well end of story is I never got that date, so this is my first."

First…. His first… Ruto-babes first time!? Its mine? I get it? Rika wins Ruto-babes first? 

My breathing gets slower, but heavier. My silver eyes turned to their heart shape. My heart beat.. *doki*....*doki*... *doki*..*doki*. *doki**doki*doki*

"Ahhh I-I-I see."

"Uh Rika?" He tried to get my attention but I was lost in my own paradise until I felt pressure on my mouth bringing me back to reality.

"Huh?" I said, staring at Ruto-babes seeing he's holding a handkerchief.

"Sorry, you were drooling so i-"

"Kyaaaa!" I let go of his hand and covered my fluorescent red face. What am I doing!? Rika needs to chill. Breath, breath, breath.

My thoughts are interrupted by chuckling.

"Hehehe, could it be that you're nervous too?" He flashed me a brilliant smile, looking like some of his tension dissipated.

"U..uhhh…. Yeah," I said, a little dejected. "I want ya to have a great fun time so I got some jitters. You're telling me this is your first…" *panting* "I need it to be so~ good. Especially with everything that's happened." I clung more to his side.

"Yeah, a lot has happened, thank you for the idea for a date. I'm so nervous that it actually took my mind off things." He chuckled nervously.

He really needs a change of pace Huh? Come on Rika! Your man is in the dumps, he needs ya! Ya have a whole life to be selfish with him and make'um spoil ya! He needs the power of the gyaru right now!

"Ruto-babes!" I snapped at him causing him to jerk out of his melancholy. "This way!" I grabbed him by his arm.. his hard, toned, muscular arms… Snap out of it RIKA!

I pull him along running down the street in almost a full sprint.

Rika must control her urges! My baby has been so good to Rika,  it's hard to look at him with pure eyes, but Ruto-babes deserves good and he's gonna get good!

I can't say for sure what has been happening to me, but have you ever loved someone to the point that their presence, no, their mere existence makes your heart throb? I look forward to everyday with Ruto-babes as if I was waiting for my favorite weekly show that always ends on a cliffhanger. I loved him for being a friend, but with what he's done for me the last couple of weeks, even while he was dealing with his own troubles, Ruto-babes will never regret loving me back. 

I'll make him happy as he has made me happy




 Tuesday January 31st 

<p.o.v Rika>

I awoke to get ready for school. That's a lie. I didn't sleep. I was so worried about Ruto-babes that I couldn't sleep. Mirai messaged me about his condition and Himeno-neesan messaged me about….. Akio.

They told me about the video with her and Tamtam-kun. I refused to watch it, instead getting the play by play through text. I felt I could have prevented it if I messaged Akio sooner about Sasuke's goons going missing, but I also felt….betrayed.

Aki we promised to be good for Ruto-babes, right?! We promised our suffering wasnt in vain right?! we would be happy, right Aki?! I could have told my parents sooner, they would always help me, but I stayed. I stayed because you're family name meant so much to you and I thought…. I thought… we were friends.

I tried to head out of the door and avoid my parents, especially mama. She can always tell when something is bothering me, it was a struggle hiding things from her for so long, but this time my mood isn't just sad and I know she'll pick up on it.

I opened the front door.

"KYYYAAA" I screamed taken by surprise by my mama standing at the doorway looking at me with a knowing smile.

My mother was wearing blue pull up crop pants and a blue short sleeve button up. 

"Ma-ma-mama!" I try to collect myself, "d-dont ya gotta work?" I said adjusting my school uniform, looking very flustered.

"Now how can I go to work when I felt killing intent from my precious never angry daughter's room."

"So ya just waited outside? Why not come in ma' room mama?" 

At my words my mama jumped and spun around, landing in a one legged pose like a magical school girl.

"Coz dramatic and flash is the gyaru way babes." She ended with a wink. 

Yups, the gyaru way, handed ta daughters from mamas ever since the gyarus existed

I stood there in awe, my mother always slips into gyaru mode when she gives life advice.

"Riri-babes, ya left gymnastics, put on fake smiles at home, reeked of men, I knew ya had reasons. I hoped ya could come to mama," she approached me and hugged me. No matter how much bigger I get, Rika always feels totes safe an small in mamas arms. "I knew my Rika-babes would talk when she needed to, I'm always here for ya. No matter how big ya get, you're totes always gonna be mama's daughter, but ya never been angry. I want ta believe in ya babes, but please open a lil to mama." She said while stroking my back.

We separated and I stared at her wet black eyes. 

"Mama the boy I love, my Ruto-babes, we uhhhh have a thing."

I opened up a little to my mama. Told her that me and some friends were in trouble, how I stayed by my friend's side instead of freeing myself. How Ruto-babes tried to save us and how we all promised to be with him and she…..

Betrayed Ruto-babes' heart. 

"She chose another man, that easy pig slut!"

My mothers eyes widened in shock.


My mother cleared her throat, snapping me out of my rage mode.

"My baby!" My mother hugged me, and she re-entered mama mode. "There, there." She patted my back and let me go slowly. "You really loved your friend didn't you?"

Words I didn't expect came out of my mamas mouth.

"I-I-I…." Tears form in my eyes, they fall hard, "Mama!" I clung back to mama, "she was *hic* ma' first real friend *sniffle*, we were goi-goi-gonna be like *hic* totes real sisters" I wailed down onto my mamas shoulder, "I had matchy-matchy outfits! They were like *hic* ADOOOORRRRBBBBSSS!" 

My mother patted me on the back lovingly again.

"Rika, my moon pearl, sometimes people you love will hurt you. In Fact the people you love are the ones able to hurt you the most, that's what love is sometimes, giving them that power. When you are hurt, at the bottom, and you feel you will lose something precious you must fight! Fight for the love you deserve, fight to express your feelings, fight for yourself so at the end of the day my Rika can say I gave it my all."

We separated and I stare deeply into my mothers eyes. Her thoughts, her feelings, I feel like I can understand them. I wipe the tears from my eyes.

"Un!" I gave an affirmative nod. 

*chu* *chu*

We give each other double cheek kisses and I head out the door.

"Did you hear all that?" Mama said out loud, causing my Papa to come out from the hallway door.

"Yeah, I did." He approached mama and hugged her tightly bringing her head right above his stomach.

"See I can give good advice." She said causing papa to chuckle.

"Sagrado-san~" papa felt a shiver in mama's body, she pulled away and began kissing up massive arms holding her. 

"I can *chuu* never get *chuu* enough of you *chuu* speaking like that, my love *chuu*," she pulls her head away from his arms and gazes straight up at the man she loves. "Take me pastor, make this dirty girl repent her sinful ways~."

Papa snaked one hand toward mamas ass and hoisted her to eye level.

"My sinful wife did just send off our daughter to beat the hell out of someone." Papa gave mama a stern look, and she only pouted in reply.

"I didn't! Shes s smart girl! She'll know what I-" mama looked at the judging eyes of papa. His cold glare causing her cheeks to redden, pulse quicken, and heart eyes shimmer in the daylight, "Hai haiii~! This Mama gyaru knows a lil sister fight helps heal all, Rika-babes will vent an be totes closer to her friend. *pant* *pant* please…Please!" Mama clenched papas collar while inching her face toward his, "fuck the sin out of me." She whispered in his ear.

"Today, you will see god." Papa whispered to mama, sending electricity in to her wet loins.

"HAAAAaaaaAaahhhn!" mama crossed her legs holding her orgasm back as papa carried her into the house at a sideways angle (he's too wide to hold her and walk in the hallway normally), closing the door with his foot.



Hours later in school during lunch.

Ok, I see Aki, I will talk with her an get all ma' emotions out. She has to have a totes good purpose for why she did what she did……




I'm balling my eyes out walking home. I was just told by the principle that me and Aki have to take a leave of absence until Friday because of our fight.

Nooooo, I'm sorry Aki. Rika didn't wanna hurt you so bad. Ya hurt me an hurt Ruto-babes! I never…

*hic* *hic* *sob* sob*

Walking down the street my make up is running down my cheeks. My hands don't stop rubbing my eyes. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going until…



I felt a body repel off of mine, trying to calm my sobs, I peek over my hands. Two sleazy looking men in expensive colorful shirts and dress pants are looking at a spilt cup on the ground.

Both Japanese men have slicked back hair;  one blonde, one black. The blonde has a tiger on his yellow silky button shirt, while the black haired one's is plain black. Both have tattoos coming out of the end of their short sleeves. Both of them are wearing white pants and brown shoes.

"*hic* I-I-I'm sorr-"

"Shut up bitch! How are you going to compensate me for this shit!?" The blonde yelled.

My tears slowed even more at his words.

Rika messed up, but Rika didn't do anything to be called..

"Whoa whoa whoa Saki!" The black haired one interrupted my thoughts. "No need for that language, look at this beautiful JK in the middle of the day, outside of school."

Well, this one seems nicer. I thought to myself, not noticing the look he was giving his blonde friend.

"Huh?... OHHHHH!" The blonde one(Saki) said, now understanding. "Why of course a gorgeous girl like you didn't mean to do something like that isn't that right Aniki."

"There's no way she would! Of course she feels bad, right?" They both looked at me.

"Un!" I nodded, "Rika wants to apologize!" I bowed quickly and began patting down my uniform looking for my wallet. "Rika will treat ya to a new one! Totes even a better one."

"No need for that." Anika said as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder while I was distracted.

"Huh?" I didn't notice him getting close.

"Right?" Saki came onto my other side and did the same. I tried to back up instinctively but both of them had an arm around my neck.

It felt like a light bulb blinked over my head! I look left and right to see their faces both of them have oval faces while saki has rounder eyes. They are both my height so I'm looking at them face to face.

Well the way of the gyaru is pretty touchy feely, so this is ok? Huh? Ruto-babes don't have many man-friends!!! If they are all friendly like, Ruto-babes can make friends and maybe not need to fight alone!

"Uh Rika totes likes ya being friendly, I have the most Adorbs BF an Id like him to have man-friends! Can ya gim-"

 "FUCK YOUR BOYFRIEND… We can take apologies in…. Other ways." Saki said as he grabbed my tit.

What….. did…he...just…...SAY?!

My body stood taller, my breathing got hotter, my eyes twitched, my eyes changed their shape. My head slowly turned to this "Saki".

"Whatd'ya say about ma Ruto-babes!" 

He responded by trying to pinch where my nipple might be(the headlights aren't on)

"Fuck your loser boyfriend, you are gonna have fun with us, right Aniki?"

"That's my plan too."

There words didn't process after "loser boyfriend" all I knew was they both made a choice today, a quote from my Papa escaped my lips.

"Death shall walk you to god." Stunning both the men as my eyes went into their heart shapes.

I use the upper center of my forehead to head but saki in the nose. *BAM*

"FUCK!" he hobbles back clenching the bridge of his nose, releasing me of his arm. 

Anikis arm was still over my shoulder, before he could relax I snaked my arm up around the back of his head pushing his neck into my shoulder as I dropped to my knees. The impact of me bringing him down and all that force slammed his throat into my shoulder, caving in his windpipe. At the jolt of my shoulder pushing up his throat, aniki whipped his head back and I used that momentum without letting him go to jump from my knees.

My arm still wrapped around his head my body is now air borne doing a back-lit over his body while using the man himself as a lever to reduce any fatigue this move would normally do. As I soared over him, his head in my arm changed position, from over my shoulder to under my arm. I don't let go as I topple him back with our joined momentum. He falls backwards and I with him, however I'm using all my weight and cushioning my landing with him, but for him? I slammed the back of his unprotected head into the concrete. 

Quickly I leap up, Saki holding his nose not knowing what happened because it was done in 3 seconds. I rushed towards him and jumped on his shoulder wrapping his head under my arm. Swinging my leg as I landed on him forced him to spin, I swing my legs back and kick forward  and hit his shin causing him to fall forward while I fall towards my back. However I cushioned my landing with Saki's head under my arm, where he…. Also cushioned his landing with his head. 

His head impacts the ground but all the momentum carried his legs over, flipping him out of my grip. I get up immediately and look at both men bleeding out of their heads on the concrete.

My breathing slows down and my anger subsides. As soon as my body stops trembling, I start crying again.

Will Aki ever forgive me!? I got her suspended too! I know *hic* her attendance matters so mu-mu-much. *sob*

I carried on like nothing happened all the way home.

As soon as I got home my mother was visibly shaken. My uniform wasn't as cute and disorganized as usual, it was ruffled and unkempt.

"My Rika-baby! What happened?!"

I told my mother about my ordeal and about what happened after my fight with Aki as well as with the principle.

"So your uniform is a mess from Aki-chan!? Wow, she must be able to throw down a good scrap!" My mama's gyaru kicked in.

"No mama." That's when I told her about the two men. Her entire motherly demeanor disappeared. She slowly took her phone out and dialed a number and put it on speaker.

Whose number is this?

"Suzie you know you shouldn't call this number unless you need-"

"It's our daughter! She was touched against her will!"

Huh? Papa? That voice is totes too slow an deep to be happy papa's voice.

"E-X-P-L-A-I-N" the words were slow and menacing

My mama puts the phone by me. I retell the story.

"Names… descriptions… location of incident."

I told him what he asked for.

After that it was a quick click, and the line went dead.

My mama put the phone down and quickly grabbed a smoke and lighter from her cleavage pocket. Taking a quick puff and exhaling.

"Go rest in your room dear. Mama and papa love you very much, none of this is your fault."

"Mama why did dad-"

"Your his daughter, but the man on the line isn't your father. Always remember how happy and playful and-and-and wonderful your father is, baby. I'll tell you more after you rest ok? I promise."

Knowing not to pry for more information. I went to my room and took a nap.

Tueaday, February 14th

*pant* *pant* *pant*

"Haaaahhhhh." I can't breath. "Ruto-babes~, its too much! I can't… keep up. Please no more." *smack* "hhhhaaaaaaaahhhnnn!" I moaned as he smacked my butt.

"Oye oye oye! Stop bending over. I need help over here, I can't do it alone!" 

"Sometimes it can be better by your lonesome though. Hehehe~"

"What are you talking about! You picked doubles on this game and its the last round!"

I dragged Ruto-babes to an arcade to help take his mind off everything and we are currently playing "DANCE, DANCE ALL-NIGHTER REVO-REMIX". I haven't played in so long that I got tired after a couple rounds.

It's not easy for a big girl to move like that ya'know?

Ruto-babes said as he's frantically moving his feet on arrows lighting up on the floor. He's having trouble moving quickly so he's leaning back in the bar to take some weight off his feet as he hits the arrows…. But he's smiling. I myself turned around and I'm catching my breath on the bar.

I'll do anything I need to, to make sure that smile never goes away. He's been gloomy yesterday and today with everything that happened and he needed a pick-me up. 

That smile of his, knowing I caused that on the person I love. I've never felt this before.

"Awwww! I couldn't beat it. *pant* *pant*," he chuckled when trying to get his breath back. "That wa-" he stared at me, "Rika! Are you ok?" He looked panicked and quickly started inspecting me to make sure I'm not hurt.

"Ruto-babes? I'm fine, look" I did a little twirl for him.

"But you're crying."

"Eh?" Sure enough I wiped my face and there were tears, I started to chuckle to myself. "Ruto-babes," I put my arms around his shoulders and looked down into his eyes. "I just noticed that if Rika can make ya happy, Rika becomes happy. What does it mean, hmmmmmm?"

Oh fuck! He blushed and looked away, no! That ain't fair Ruto-babes! Ma' heart is throbbin already, if you get more adorbs I can stay a decent woman for ya.

"D-d-does that mean, you really love me?" He couldn't look me in the eyes as he said that.

It's too late.


I have Ruto-babes slammed against the monitor of the game. I couldn't hold it back! That was too much! My heart is aching, it wants to jump out of my chest and be held by Ruto-babes. All of me wants to be surrounded and embraced by him.

What did life feel like before those Wednesday meet ups? How did I make it though weeks without Ruto-babes to look forward too. Will he really be with me forever, well by his own choice I mean?

My lips are pressed against his. I can't stop! He tastes delicious, he smells delicious, he feels delicious.

I love him so much it hurts. Even being this close to him I feel a hole inside of me trying to absorb him so he never leaves me, so he's always with me.

And my eyes change their shape.

I want him to fill my Would that help me? Is my body actually craving sex? I've never felt this way.

All my thoughts don't stop my serious tongue lashing if Ruto-babes tonsils, but knowing that I can't have sex in public, I back off a little.

"Rika…." Ruto-babes moaned a little. His face was flushed and his breathing rough (probably a combination of making out and playing that game)

"Sorry Ruto-babes, but ya can't be that adorable and receive Rika's love, and yes it is love. I've hopelessly fallen for ya and damn sire I'm not getting up." I smirked at him.

"With how you froze at your parents place, I didn't know if you were still serious about me." He looked sad.

"W-w-was that one thing that… had ya down in the dumps like?"

He nodded

"R-R-Ruto-babes…" my eyes darted around nervously, "i-i-its not what ya think!" I drooped my shoulders




Tuesday January 31st



"Come on Rika get up."


"Uhhhhh" I open my eyes and see my mama, "is it dinner time?"

"Not yet honey, but you've been out a couple hours, your papa will be home soon, but… you have a guest." My mama said with a concerned look in her eye.


I quickly got up and zombie walked to the entryway with mama. Turning down the hallway that leads to the front door I see….

"Hi Rika!" Haruto enter my home and was waiting in the entryway

"OH NO! MAMA!!! WHY DIDNT YOU SAY IT WAS RUTO-BABES!" I darted back into my room. My uniform was a mess, I had bed head, my make-up was all runny from crying!

He saw me! No, no, no! I was not cute at all!

Like a silver and chocolate tornado I washed my face, cleaned the remnants, changed my uniform top so I'm only wearing the school button up, brushed my hair, and re-applied my make up.

1 minutes at 17 seconds.

Like a blur I'm back out in the living room.

"You can bring him in mama."

"We are already here." My mama said.

I turned around and they were by my rooms entryway.

He saw me panic and get ready!?

My entire face turned into a light-bulb. I covered it with my hands dropped on the floor and started rolling around.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no! Ruto-babes saw me when I wasn't cute! Kyaaaaaaaa!"

"Rika…" Ruto-babes spoke, causing me to stop rolling, but I didn't uncover my face. "No matter what you wear, Rika is always cute."

My face felt so hot at his words. If I could have a nose bleed, this would be the time. Quickly I tried to regain some composure. I got up and asked if he wanted tea, of course I didn't wait for the answer and headed to the kitchen, mama sat him down and followed without me knowing.


"Kyaaaa!" I know I wasn't alone but I was so focused I was easily rattled.

"I thought you'd bring home a nice boy, that boy looks like he just got done with a street fight."

"Mama, don't speak bad of Ruto-babes." I looked at her with a glare

"You better lower that killing intent." Mama said, releasing her demons aura on me, causing me to shiver.

Oh yeah?!

"*hic* mama is bullying me *hic* *sob*" I cover my eyes with my hand.

"No-no-no-no my poor baby." My mama rushed up to me and hugged me, putting her head on my boobs (she's really short), and starts patting my back. "Mama's sorry, I didn't mean it. I'm just worried."

Yes, the ultimate pout wins! 1 point for kawaii.

"Mama Ruto-babes is totes the sweetest, bester man ever. He looks like that for Rika, he" now I start crying for real, "he got hurt coz I was threatened."

My mama looked at me with the warmest eyes she could make. 

"If thats the-


Me and mama's eyes open wide!

""PAPA!"" We yelled out at the same time rushing to the family room.

There in the middle of the family room was a tiny boy in a school uniform bowing and introducing himself to a man about half a meter taller than him.

Papa was wearing black dress pants and a red tank-top. He had a red cloth wrapped around his fist. He looks like he is 2 and a half Harutos wide.

Why is papa dressed like that?

"Good afternoon, I am Tomaki Haruto. Pleased to meet you."

My Papa turned to me and mama 

"Why does this delinquent have good manners?"

"Papa, this ain't a delinquent, he's ma' man."


In the middle of the floor in the fetal position layer the giant if a man, rocking back and forth.

"Oh honey wumsy," mama said as she swayed over to papa and was stroking his back. "everything will be fine. She'll always be our baby girl." Her words caused the big man to raise his head.

"Really?" He looked back and forth between me and mama, we both nodded.

"Just think of the grandchildren." My mama's face beamed.

"WHHAAAAAAATTTTT!? MY RIKA WILL NEVER LOSE HER INNOCENCE!!" He shot up releasing killing intent in all directions, his huge muscles were now bulging and pulsing. Veins started to form in papas neck and arms.

"Papa," I spoke up, "I…. I…" Ruto-babes came to me and held my hand.

"I'm right here with you, we will do this together." He looked at me.

I love this boy so much.

"Papa…." My voice trailed a little,, but I squeezed Ruto-babes hand and spoke up.. "Papa, Mama…. Ya daughters no longer a virgin."


by Tuesday I want to say ill be back at 2 chapters each release date again. Akio laments isn't finished, but I will be switching arcs for needed information. Please leave a like or comment if you have any questions.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.