The neighborhood whore wants her man to be monogamous

Chapter 29- Rikas love aches Finale

content warning.... torture, and sex

<p.o.v Rika>

Tuesday, January 31st

(Text in this color is in portuguese)

We are all sitting at the dining table. Trying to find the words to say after the incident moments ago.

I've never seen my Papa mad before. I always see the laughing, smiling, supportive papa. For the first time in my life…. I was scared of papa.

My Papa picked the coffee table and threw it into the wall…. INTO THE WALL. The two legs snapped back as ¼ of the table broke into the wall and is now being held up from the ground.

It didn't stop there my Papa locked onto Ruto-babes and charged at him. He pushed the couch that was in his way with one arm, lifting it off the floor as it glided until it hit a wall.

"YOU TOUCHED MY DAUGHTER OUTAIDE OF WEDLOCK!!?" he picked up Ruto-babes by his neck and threw him at a wall.


an imprint laid in the wall and Ruto-babes fell to the ground.

I lept over Ruto-babes body shielding him.

"Papa stop!"

I felt my papa grab my arm and pulled me away almost effortlessly. With his free hand he grabbed Ruto-babes by the head (like the whole head, just put his palm on his skull and grabbed him) and picked him up.

"You ready to die you son of a whore?"

Papa stood up and brought Ruto-babes with him, and he held me at bay.

"Papa! He is a good man! The best man! Please don't take him from Rika! He's Rikas destined one! If Ruto-babes dies I won't wanna live papa! PAPA!"

My Papa shakes his head, almost as if coming out of a trance, and he stares right at me.

"Baby girl, you'd say that to papa? For him?"

"My mom is not a whore…. But I'd die to protect Rika."

Everyone is the room went quiet as we all slowly turned to the motionless teen in my fathers grip.

"You can speak portuguese?"

"I spent almost a… 12 months… so I can meet parents of the Rika, I wanted surprise big."

"Ruto-babes! I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! All I cause you is pain! I'm so sorry! Just leave Rika behind. A girl like Rika doesn't deserve you."


"SAYS THE PAPA THATS KILLING RIKAS DESTINED ONE! *hic* *hic* *sob*" my tears are messing up my make-up again, but I don't care, Ruto-babes is hurt because of me again! "I just wanna die."

"No-no-no-no-no-no baby-baby. Don't say that." Papa dropped Ruto-babes with a *thud* and focused on me but that caused me to cry harder.

"Oh are you back to your senses?" My mama came running into the family room holding a gun in her hands, "oh this? This is a tranquilizer gun honey, don't worry, mama stopped carrying real ones."

"Mama! RIKA HATES PAPA!" I yelled with tears streaming down my face.

*kerchief BOOM* a heavy object hits the ground hard.

The large giant of a man is now laying on the floor clutching his chest and foaming at the mouth.



It took several minutes to snap the giant papa awake and by the time we got him up Ruto-babes was sitting at the dining table icing his head. 

My mama scolded my papa and had him clean things up a little before he sat down with us.

Now we're here, my make-up runny again. My mama smoking a cigarette, papa is hanging his head in shame, and Ruto-babes is holding my hand, still trying to support me to finish this.

Even all hurt he's tryna support me. How did Rika ever get so lucky?

"Mama. Papa." I took a deep breath, "something happened last year and I have to tell you about it."

I spent the next couple of hours telling them about my ex, how I was tricked, how I was blackmailed, how I had no friends, and how I kept doing it to protect another friend because of the threats Sasuke had made.

I told them how Ruto-babes gave me back everything that was taken from me. He supported me, bought me a camera to chase my dreams, gave me friends, a place to feel safe, and he gave me love. 

I don't know why Ruto-babes would pick Rika when I gave him nothing yet. Rika totes will spend all ma' life balancing everything Ruto-babes has given me. For all the happiness; Rika will give'um a child, for the friends; Rika will give a child, for the safety; Rika will give a child. Yup Rika will pop tiny Ruto-babes outta me like 100 yen toy gacha. Rikablackmailed,

Snap out if it Rika! You're telling a story.

I told them about how Ruto-babes got beat up from our blackmailer, but never backed down and tried helping. I told them how I offered my body to him and we decided to date first.

I told them about the relationship (not about Himeno) and how there's more than one woman for Ruto-babes. That didn't sit well with my Papa, but at the moment he isn't speaking up because of his rampage and because he just learned how I sacrificed my body for a friend.

After it was finally over my Papa had both his large arms on the table. His head was hung low and he was crying.

Did I disappoint papa? I'm really sorry papa.

A small hand touches my papas, its my mama.

"No dear, he's not disappointed in ya, he's upset at himself." She raised her hand to her mouth as the gyaru slip happened.

"Im sorry." Papa lifted his head off the table and stood up,, brought his arms back and bowed hard into the table. The pressure and speed created an indent in the wooden table instead of breaking the table in two. "Your papa is a failure. The one thing most important to protect, and I couldn't! *sob* *sob* I failed.. *sob*"

No! Papa!


Haruto kicks his chair back and stand up.

"Sagrado-san!" Both my mama and papa look at Ruto-babes, "you did not fail!"

I try to pull Ruto-babes arm to sit back down. I don't want to risk him angering papa again, but he grabbed my hand thinking I was trying to support him.

"You did not fail!" He spoke again, "Rika is here now and she's safe. If she wasn't the strong Rika that you raised , she could not have helped her friend while her own situation was desperate! She is strong, amazing, and beautiful!" He stammered a little bit and I blushed at the compliment in front of my parents, "Rika is still here and I'm still trying to save her, and even after that she will need you for love and protection. RIKA GETS ONLY ONE PAPA SO BE THE BEST ONE FOR RIKA. YOU ONLY FAIL WHEN YOU GIVE UP!"

Fuck! I love this boy. My heart is throbbing like so hard.

"What does a delinquent like you know about protecting?" His words were blunt, but his tone was more light hearted. I know what papa wants now, proof.

I bring out my phone and put a video on. It's  one of the videos from yesterday's fight with the boys.(not the remix one)

Mama and Papa watched the video earnestly. I saw the emotions flushing in their eyes. A mix of frustration that led to pride. After the video was over my mama handed me back the phone. My Papa had a look of contemplation, before he grabbed my mama's hand and nodded. My mama turned to me and Ruto-babes.

"Please forgive us, we weren't hospitable and we were rude to you. Could we start again?"

"I would like that." Ruto-babes said.

My parents stood up. And bowed lightly.

"My name is Sagrado Mizuki, pleasure to meet you."

"My name is Sagrado Santos, pleasure to meet you."

"Please though, could you call me aunt Suzie?"

"Sure, both of you please call me Haruto." Ruto-babes said with a bow.

My mama gave my Papa a nervous look and my Papa returned it with a nod.

"Rika-babes, remember that phone call earlier…." My mama couldn't finish her sentence.

"Yes mama." I nodded.

"Follow your father." It was strange. My mother never called papa like that before, but I did as I was told and looked at Ruto-babes.

"He can come too. It'll help him decide of he's having any second thoughts."

I didn't know what that meant, but the chill in my papa's voice was noticeable.

Papa won't totes flip out will he?

Me and Ruto-babes both follow my Papa out of the backdoor to our backyard. It's a small house for the plot of land that we have, our backyard is at least the same size of our house, it's the biggest yard in the neighborhood. To one side of the yard is a 4 tatami mat shed. 

My Papa and mama had this house built for us before we moved to Japan, we never have get togethers so I wondered why we had such a big yard. Papa even refused to build a pool when I was younger.

"This way." My Papa walked us across the springy green grass, to the shed where he opened the door.  

Uhhh… its empty.

"Wait…" Papa turns around and reaches toward Ruto-babes and me, but on the side. There was a chain next to me I didn't notice. Papa pulled the chain and a *Dung* sound happened and the floor moved. Papa reaches down and picks the floor up exposing a set if stairs.

"Go down ill be right there."

Me and Ruto-babes walk pass papa and head down the stairs. The sunlight from the shed door shines down the stairs. Once we get to the bottom there's a little turn and more stairs. We get to the floor and my mouth is dropped to the floor.

The floor is 2 ½ meters high, but its as big as my yard. Its dark down here but I think I see something moving.

*creeeeek* *slam*

The light disappeared. A few thudding foot steps come down the stairs.


A loud click followed by a blinding light.

"Ahhh" I shielded my eyes. When I opened them I'm in a 20 tatami mat sized room. With chains and whips on the wall. Wooden horses, an iron maiden, and shackles encircle the walls. In the center however are two bloodied up naked men(except their underwear) strapped to chairs, bleeding, with their feet in a wooden bucket of water.

"Wait… those blonde haired, one black haired."

"That's right my daughter, they are the men you met earlier." A voice came from behind me and Ruto-babes, but it sounded different.

I turned around and it was my Papa, but he was wearing a colorful red and green mask. His voice was slower and deeper.

"My daughter," he walked past me and Ruto-babes and to the two men. "They will pay for touching you." He goes behind the two men and pulls out a black box with wires coming out of it.

Is that like a car battery?

"Wait what's going on?!" Ruto-babes is confused. He see my Papa in a mask kidnapping people….. yeah who wouldn't be confused?!.... I tell Ruto-babes everything that happened with these guys and the horror in his eyes are replaced with anger.

"But papa! How is all of this here!? Why?!"

"My daughter, papa used to do bad things." He let out a deep breath. "Back in my youth I traveled with my Papa all around South America and in my travels I fell in love." He raised his head up in nostalgia, "I fell in love with Lucha Libre. I dreamed of being the greatest wrestler of all time, to have the crowd chanting my name."


"MMMFFFFFHHHHAAAAAAAA." Papa threw some chords into the bucket of water the men have their feet in. He waited a few moments and flipped the switch and the yelling stopped and rough breathing took its place.

"I practiced everyday on my moves, my in ring style, and my finishers." A big smile plastered on the face of the man in the mask know as my Papa. "But being an amateur makes you no money and my father grew ill, I had no time to make it to the pro's. That was when a man approached me, he came to me.with a money offer. They needed muscles, which I had and I needed money, which they had. I ended up earning enough money, being a bodyguard to Mexican drug cartels, to get my Papa's treatment. I never forgot my dream of being a wrestler, but things always came up; Rent, bills, medicine, all of the reasons started to become less and less important. I ended up working and climbing the ranks for money I stopped needing."


I don't know how to process everything my Papa is telling me.

Papa did bad guy stuff?!

Just like before, he flipped a switch and it stopped.

"A lot of my money ended up overflowing, so gave a lot of it away to charities and orphanages. Over time my Papa passed away from old age and it made me think about a lot of things in life. I had everything I ever thought I wanted, except for my dream." My Papa got up from.his squatting position and walked to a wall. He grabbed a weird  thing that looks like it's 4 rings put together. "This is dry rubber knuckles. They are hard, but when you hit someone it grips their skin so there is a chance you rip their skin off. Anyway," *DOUGE!* *DOUGE!*

"MMMMMMMMMMFFFFFFFFFF." The punches to both the men did in fact tear their skin open. Papa was aiming for their chest, and I think specifically their nipples.

"Papa decided to chase after the dream of being a wrestler again. I trained my body every day as a body guard so I was ready at any time to enter the ring, too ready." My Papa began to beat the men again.

What do I do? 

I glanced at Ruto-babes and I saw his eyes glued to my Papa.

"I re-entered the ring, everything was perfect. The crowd was cheering, my blood was pumping, and they began chanting my name. I got excited and decided it was time for my finisher. The death-bringer….. unfortunately, there were two deaths that day. My opponent and my dreams." My Papa stopped moving and his eyes were shaking. "I ended up becoming a priest afterwards, looking for forgiveness. I was still a bodyguard, but I tried to repent as much as possible. My opponent dying in the ring was proof I took life too easily with the cartels and I was no longer allowed to hold that dream of mine. So I worked with orphans and troubled children to she them the pride of a luchador! So hopefully one could finish the dream I started."

Papa went to the wall again putting his last item back, now bringing a spray bottle.

"Alcohol and lemon juice." He said as he sprayed the men.


"I thought I would spend the rest of my days like that, until a crazy fan came to Mexico city stalking me. She saw some of my amateur matches and she said it was love at first sight. Which I thought was funny, because we wear masks. She was serious though, and she married me. I still work for the cartels as an information getter, but they will allow me to retire soon. It's hard for me to work outside of the country, but they owe me some favors, so we will find who helped the one who made those videos of my daughter. Are you willing to help get rid of these dirty men?"

Ruto-babes? Why is papa staring at Ruto-babes?


"Hmm? Yeah?"

"I really don't know how marriage will work in my life situation, but no matter what I give you a ceremony and work the details later. Could you feel happy being married to me if I killed someone?"

"No Haruto dont…marry..? Marriage? Me and Ruto-babes?" Electricity went through my body. The entire scene where my Papa was torturing men in an underground room no longer mattered.

M-m-m-m-married?! Talks of like marriage b-b-before our first night!? Its like so totes tradish! I just… I just…

My nose ran a river of blood.

My vision went blank.

Tuesday, February 14th

"Ruto-babes like, I was so happy I…. I kinda orgasmed into a blackout." I spoke shyly as I sulked my head in shame.

"Eh?" His eyes went bug eyed wide.

I couldn't look him in the eye. With everything that happened between us, I still have a hard time with this.

I'm an adorbs maiden in like love! Deep love! 

"Ruto-babes…." I fidget cutely in my outfit, "I want… I wanna…." I walk up to him so I don't have to speak too loud in the busy arcade. I take his hand. "I wanna like, chase our dreams together. I totes wanna support you in what ya want in like… everything really." I look at home bashful, "Ruto-babes, Rika also wants plenty kids!" My eyes shone with excitement. "I want so many! Rika will raise all of'um in the ways of the gyaru and the luchadore!! Its kinda perfect Rika isn't your only mama to be, coz I def can't pop them all out ya'know?"

"You'd love the kids not from you?"

His words shocked me.

The brothers and sisters of Rikas babies mean they are Rikas babies…. Duhhhh!

"Brothers and sisters of Rikas babies mean they are Rikas babies…. Duhhhh!" I scolded him, all he did was look at me and chuckle.

"Sorry, sorry. Rika I'm happy to hear that, but we are a bit young for that." I frown at his words, it almost felt like rejection, but he looked me directly in my eyes.

"First let's chase our dreams and I promise you, once I prove I can make you happy for the years to come, I'll give you babies to fill a baseball team."

My cheeks flushed. 

Ruto-babes, how embarrassing. Saying such things in private Rika can handle, but public?! Its like totes a p-p-p-proposal? 

I turned my face away, too embarrassed to look him in the eyes.

"Eh R-R-Ruto-babes, let's play that over there!"

I changed the subject and pulled him away, not missing his grin on his face.



We continued to play games for a while longer until it was time to eat. On our way to the food court we noticed a movie poster. It was a movie I wanted to see!

"Ruto-babes! We hafta watch this one!" I said with my eyes shining.

"Oh? What is it about?"

"Its an uncool guy loving a slutty gyaru! She has a bad past an even was caught lovin on the MC's dad! No matter how slutty she is he just wants ta love her!! He like totes looked pass that and loved her like totes genuine! He got a harem to help teach him to love the gyaru, so she would need no man but him! Its so Adorbs!"

"Oh...uhhh, that sounds intense…"

"Ruto-babes…. also falls for his sister.."

"I-I-I… I guess we can give it a chance."



We forego lunch just to make the next showing.




 We are now walking around after the movie. Finishing our movie hotdogs.

"Wow, that movie was a roller coaster!" Ruto-babes said.

"Like totes! I feel bad Ume had to go that far. Ruto-babes, I promise I-"

"Rika." He holds his hand up, "because of everything that happened, I rather you not make that promise and instead, just show it."

"Ruto-babes~" I look at him with a soft expression, "I'm yours. Ya can see me once.a week, once a month, it doesn't matter. I only wanna see you, no matter how many ya love as long as ya love me. Your love is different, it saved Rika. Ya seen me do horrible things an ya still love me. No one… I MEAN NO ONE, can prove they love Rika more than you, ya ruined me for anyone else." I grabbed his hand, interlocked our fingers, lifted it to my mouth, and kissed it. 

Ruto-babes stops. He pulls me close and tip-toes to kiss me.

"Rika," he whispered, "when I become good enough, will you be willing to consider, thinking about marriage?"

*doki* *doki* *doki*

"Yea… I mean YES." I kissed him again. As soon as we break apart he pulls my hand and I follow his lead.



We end up at a love hotel.

"Ruto-babes…. W-w-we can't yet, it hasn't like been 30 days."

"That was Himenos rule and I learned Himeno's decisions aren't always good to follow. Right now, I wanna take that next step with you, are you feeling the same way?"

What? Did like, something happen with Himeno? An what kinda question is that Ruto-babes!? Thats not fair!

"I feel the same!"

We hurry in and I buy the room. It was my idea, not too mention I look 20.

We hurry into the room and we sit on the bed. We both are sitting there with red faces an arms length apart, holding our knees looking down.

The room was the basic package. It included 4 hours of movies, condoms, and a built in shower and tub.

The bed sheets were red, incase there are first timers I assume. 

"Can we shower?" I asked and Ruto-babes nodded.

We head to the shower area and disrobed. My body on full display for Ruto-babes, and his for me.

I can't hold it anymore.

I pick up a bar of soap, turn the wash arean on and splash me and Ruto-babes with water. I lather my tits and pick up Ruto-babes. His feet are off the ground, pushed against a wall, I put the soap between my tits and asI kiss him I grind my chest on him. Lathering our bodies together.

Our kissed get heavier and heavier, I flip Ruto-babes around and I use my tits to lather his shoulders, back, and ass. I reach around him and grab the only, not adorbs, part of him. I wash it thoroughly. Using my hands and body I lather him down completely. He finally turns around.

"Rika, your chocolate tits cover in white is so lewd."

"..hmmm… please l, don't say such embarrassing things." I said covering my chest.

"Wash this?" He said as a request rather than a demand.

Ruto-babes dick… finally it'll be mine. I kneel down and sandwich his member in my big tits. More than the head pokes out when I push my tits against his pelvis.

Rika needs this chin-chin to choo-choo in my love tunnel…. Rika calm down, you're talking gibberish! Or gibberish-er?

I stroking Ruto-babes with my breast and not long into it…

"Ahhhhhh" Ruto-babes moaned.

He shot a huge load over my chest and face. The smell, the taste, the arousal! As happy as I am I'm a little dejected that its finished already….. or thats what I thought.

"Ok, let's shower and move to the bed." Ruto-babes said, with his member not losing election.

My body will learn totes real love today won't it?

We showered up while Ruto-babes played with me. He never let me finish as his fingers kept drawing me close. 

We finished the shower and headed for the main event.

"Play with yourself." Ruto-babes demanded

"W-w-why?"  I asked, knowing I was gonna comply anyway.

"Because I want to have you leaking before I eat you out. I've craved learning your taste for a long time my Rika, also ill be drying your hair."

Fucking love him, fucking love him, fucking love him,Fucking love him, fucking love him, fucking love him, Fucking love him, fucking love him, fucking love him

True to his word he toweled me dry and used a hotel hair dryer on me. 

Honestly Rika woulda played with herself while he did this anyway. I feel so spoiled.

But I wasn't ready for when my hair dried. I put myself close to an orgasm that was denied to me in the shower, but as soon as Ruto-babes felt my hair was dry, he flipped me on the bed pushed my legs up and dove head first into my bald pussy.

Rika isn't a slut, not matter what Rika did before. …..  I shaved because it was a date….*blush*


My Ruto-babes, my Haruto. I came on him, I like totes came on my…


His tongue did no foreplay. He stuck it right in me, and closed his mouth over my clit. He wasn't trying to please me, he was trying to eat me… the thought alone drove me over the edge. Its not like he wasn't pleasing me, I just knew his intentions.

I sat up and picked up Ruto-babes from off the bed, spinning him so his dick would land at my face and his mouth stay at my entrance. Because of our height difference he picked my lower half up so he can position his hips closer to my face. As soon as he did, I swallowed him.

I've had to suck the dick of a lot of men? But this isn't about that, I must mold myself to Ruto-babes. 

While bent in half so Ruto-babes can eat me and face fuck me, I kissed the tip of his dick. I licked his dick hole, then I put in my mouth and reached around an pushed his ass into me. Forcing his dick into me. I felt my throat stretch, I felt it pass by my tonsils, I felt it go deeper. I didn't suck, I swallowed to allow his dick into me further. He now stretched my esophagus, and my lips are pushed to his pelvis. This isn't a perverted play and it hurts, but I need to do this to mold my throat to Ruto-babes. I want no man's mark left on my body.

While barely breathing, as my throat is filled with Ruto-babes, I get orgasm after orgasm as Ruto-babes turns his focus to making me cum.

I'm filled with Ruto-babes, I'm cumming so hard Rika might die!

Ruto-babes pulls out of my mouth and globs of thick white mucus coated his dick. The mucus pours out of my mouth as he exits me.

He wastes no time, he wipes my face, and slaps my pussy with with the glob of lubricant. He shifts his position and places himself at my entrance.

Its here, Its here, its here.

He slaps my pussy with his a couple times.

"Ruto-babes no more games, like totes I fucking need it, please. Please." Im on the verge of tears from all this waiting, but with one thrust.


"Are you ok?" He asked

"H...h…h…..h…..hai~" I said out of breath.

"Im going to move ok?"

"Yes, yes." My heart eyes on full display.

He pushed deeper into me before pulling and thrusting. My legs were wrapped around his hips not wanting to let him go. He trust harder and faster.


"Do it! Inside, inside please! Be my first inside!"

I think my words meant something to him because he shot immediately after.

"Fill me! Fill me! Please fill Rika! Don't leave me!"

Oh fuck what'd I say?

We both are catching our breath, calming down from our orgasm.

"What did you mean don't leave you?"


"Rika knows…. Rika knows you can have more women and better ones. Ones that weren't whores. Like Koko-chan, Rika isn't pure! Like my cuteness is good, but Ruto-babes deserves someone pure!"

I started crying, this isn't how I wanted our first time to happen. 

I guess me being stupid is another reason to leave me.

"Rika," he looked at me, his eyes started tearing up.

"No-no-no-no I'm sorry, this is Rikas fault, like totes Ruto-babes isn't to blame."

"Rika…" his tears started coming, "im not that good of a guy, I did terrible things." He started venting to me and telling the things that happened while he was gone.

Ruto-babes…. Im so sorry, Rika won't judge you! I'm sorry.

"I was worried you all would leave me because of this, and now that you're saying this I have to come clean…. Hoping I'm dirty enough that you don't feel bad about being with me….I love you, but Im sorry, I… I got to go."

Ruto-babes quickly got dressed and he left.

Just like that…. My wonderful first with Haruto was cut short, all because I couldn't accept him loving me. He felt telling me those things would make me feel better, and I started crying. I cried my soul out, because as messed up as it sounds…. I did feel better, I did feel like I could be with him now, and I've never felt so guilty in my life.

really trying to pump out chapters but I've been getting slower as of late.

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