The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley”

Chapter 11.2, The Holy Warriors’ Vow

| The Principle of a Philosopher by Eternal Fool “Asley” | Next Chapter>>

“Ah… that was delicious,” Lylia sighed contentedly.

“I think you ate a month’s worth of their sales,” Giorno commented.

“Oh, by the way, Giorno… Do you have enough money?”

“You always have perfect timing, Lylia…”

“What do you mean?”

Lylia didn’t look angry, just genuinely puzzled.

“Well, it should be fine… I hope.”

“Good, that’s a relief,” Lylia said, leaning back in her chair.

“Now, why don’t you tell me why you’re here, Lylia?” Giorno asked, resting his elbows on the table.

They both knew that simply wanting to see each other wasn’t enough of a reason. Both had survived tumultuous times and understood that there had to be more to Lylia’s visit.

Lylia looked serious as she met Giorno’s gaze.

“I’m here on a request from the Adams household.”

“So, you’re a messenger for Master Polco?” Giorno asked, and Lylia nodded. He proceeded to ask, “Well, why would he need me now?”

“Not just you. It’s for both of us.”

“Wait, what?”

Lylia replied, pulling a letter from her pocket.

“What’s that?”

“I was told to read it with you,” Lylia said as she unfolded the letter.

Her face froze as she read, causing Giorno to snatch the letter from her hands in alarm.

“The Elven village… was wiped out!?” he read aloud, stunned.

The letter from Polco described the tragedy that had befallen Lylia’s Elven homeland.

Giorno reread the letter, his mind reeling.

“‘When the Holy Empire’s envoy found the Elven village, it was already in ashes, with no survivors found. The scene was reminiscent of the great war, suggesting the involvement of an SS-rank monster or a Devil.’ This… this could result in the eradication of Elven magecraft. Perhaps this was even their goal, whoever they were…”

Giorno speculated aloud about the reason behind the attack, but Lylia remained silent, her shock palpable.

Seeing her so devastated, Giorno couldn’t bring himself to speak further.

[So this is why Master Polco wanted me to read this letter with Lylia. He must have known she couldn’t handle it alone.]

Unsure of what to say, Giorno placed a comforting hand on Lylia’s shoulder and waited quietly.

A few patrons entered the tavern, but silence enveloped the corner where Giorno and Lylia sat.

As the sun set and night deepened, Lylia finally spoke.

“Giorno…” she said, only calling her comrade’s name. Her voice was remarkably calm despite the news.

Giorno was surprised by her composure. The intense rage he had once seen in her was absent.

He waited for her to continue.

“If it were just monsters, there would be survivors… right?”

“Yeah, I thought the same.”

“But the letter states total annihilation. This had to be a deliberate act… perhaps the work of Devils. As you aid, the goal is likely…”

“…The eradication of magecraft.”

Their opinions aligned. The Elves had once contracted with demons, bringing magecraft into the world. Though only a few Elves had done so, it led to their ostracization as Dark Elves. Elves, with their long lifespans, were uniquely suited to handling complex magecraft. Thus, in this Sacred era, the extermination of the Elves meant the eradication of magecraft.

Giorno quickly realized this, while Lylia analyzed the situation with calm precision.

“The question is why,” Giorno said, meeting Lylia’s gaze.

Despite his words, Lylia, who knew him well, could tell that he understood. And she did too.

“There are still humans who can use magecraft. However, with their short lifespans, it’s difficult for them to spread it widely unless they possess exceptional talent. In the long run, magecraft might vanish from history…”

Giorno nodded.

“This calls for… preparation.”

This time, Lylia nodded.

“Yes, a long, long preparation… for the next resurrection of the Devil King…”

“In the previous battle, magic and magecraft hindered the Devil King. Magecraft played a crucial role in defeating Lucifer. When he returns to his era, magecraft will be almost nonexistent.”

“Even if Asley could use magecraft, if it no longer exists in the world, humans will lament their lack of resources as the war intensifies,” Lylia said, standing up.

“What will you do?” Giorno asked, still seated, not looking at Lylia.

“I’ll investigate the current state of the Elven village and, if possible, find the culprits.”

“You probably won’t find them. They excel at hiding in the shadows.”

“I’ll come back occasionally to report. Giorno, keep training.”

“Wow… you’re actually planning out your actions for once.”

“We’re already lagging behind.”

“Yes, yes, I understand. Come back for more egg tarts. Oh, also, I’ll leave my sword to you.”

Lylia, about to leave the tavern, turned back.

“What do you mean?”

“When I’m old, you’ll still be young. I need to pass my skills on to someone talented and young,” Giorno said with a wink, prompting Lylia to stare at him. “I’ll use my connections with the aristocrats to investigate, too.”

“Do that. Those large ears come in handy for times like this,” Lylia said, her hand on the door.

Giorno raised his hand in farewell.

“I’ll be back.”

“Mm-hm,” Giorno replied.

Feeling Lylia’s magic as she left the city, Giorno stared at the ceiling.

“Ah… hey, wait a second… what about the bill?”

He’d have to put the remainder on his tab.


Six months passed, then a year, and more… Lylia returned to Giorno time and again.

Despite her efforts, she found nothing more about the Elven village beyond what was in Polco’s letter. The only success was discovering an Elven treasure.

Each time she came back, Lylia sparred with Giorno, honing her skills. She admired his undiminished swordsmanship, feeling both overwhelmed and inspired.

This continued until the day Giorno, always smiling, greeted her from his deathbed…

By then, no one approached Giorno’s mansion. Revered as a Hero, he spent his final moments with only Lylia by his side.

“…Hey, Lylia. Long time no see.”

“What happened to you?”

Lylia’s face turned pale as she looked at Giorno’s bloodless, pale face.

“Heh… hahaha…”

“You were so full of life just recently! Why? How could this happen?” she cried out.

“I tried my best to hide it… But seeing your face like this makes it worth it… Haha…”

“Don’t joke around!”

“Heh… it’s been so long since I saw you angry… ha-haa… cough cough…”

Giorno choked, and Lylia moved closer, holding his hand.

Giorno’s grip was too weak to squeeze back.

The vibrant, heroic Giorno she knew was gone, replaced by this frail shell.

“Heh… hah… totally worth it…”

“You fool…!” Lylia muttered, her head bowed.

Giorno smiled at her, then reached for his sword leaning against the nearby wall.

But he lacked the strength to grasp it.

“Is this what you want, Giorno?” Lylia asked, taking the sword and handing it to him.

“Hah… hah… Yeah… seems like I can’t spar with you today, unfortunately…”

“It’s okay! It’s okay…”

“Hahaha… then keep me company, won’t you?”

“Of course… yes!”

“All right, then… take this sword… Lylia, it’s yours now.”

“I don’t want it… I don’t want it!”

“Please… take it…” he said, his voice filled with fun and joy.

He spoke to her with the same heroic spirit he once had.


“…What?” she asked, gripping his hand tightly and listening intently.

“Find him… find his will…”

Giorno’s hand gripped hers with a surprising warmth and strength.

“Who? Asley? Asley’s will?”

“Our friends have been chasing him. Among them are those who revere him and… the third member of his family…!”

With his last bit of strength, Giorno conveyed his final words to Lylia.

She understood the meaning behind his message.

“…! Bright, right? And Ferris… and Chappie! I need to find them!” Lylia exclaimed, her eyes widening. 

Giorno closed his eyes and nodded slightly. Seeing this, Lylia allowed herself a small smile.

“You… you realized it, didn’t you? That spreading and leaving things behind wasn’t enough…”

“What do you mean?”

“We need to go… to help him. We have to go…!”

“You mean… travel through time?” Lylia’s voice caught, her eyes searching Giorno’s face.

Giorno smiled faintly.

“Yes… take me with you…”

Clutching his sword, Giorno spoke with a sense of finality.

…As if this was his last wish.

“Of course… we will go together!” Lylia promised, her voice resolute.

“We will go…”




Lylia’s tears flowed freely as she gripped his hand tightly.

She could no longer feel his strength, knowing this was their final conversation.

Clutching Giorno’s hand even tighter, Lylia’s body trembled. She tried to hold back her tears, looking up at the ceiling, her voice shaking.

“…You fool, that was too short…”

Trying to keep the tears at bay, she looked up, shaking, laughing, yet deeply saddened.

‘We will go together.’

Giorno’s last wish and the Holy Warriors’ vow weighed heavily on Lylia’s shoulders.

Yet, her steps felt light, as if a burden had lifted.

This was their true calling, the fulfillment of their deepest desires.

This happened just days before Lylia reunited with Bright and the others.


Volume 11 Bonus Story 2 – The First Time Is Just A Rehearsal

“Make sure to have plenty of cushions ready. The stage must be spotless. Professor Trace, please do the final check on the contract cancellation magecraft.”


Following Warren’s instructions, Trace opened the inner sliding door and stepped inside. She went to inspect the contract cancellation magecraft Circles that Warren, Irene, and I had devised.

Pochi and I watched anxiously as the members of the Resistance prepared.

Yes, the time had come… today was the opening day of the magic classroom!

“M-M-Master, it’s finally happening! Are you sure you don’t want to take one last nap on my belly?”

“N-no, I’m fine…! Besides, I don’t think I could sleep at this point!”

“Y-you’re right!”

Pochi trembled with excitement. Just then, the entrance door slid open.

“People are starting to line up! At this rate, we’ll need to start letting them in soon or we won’t make it on time.”

Itsuki, who had opened the door, announced.

So many people were already gathered? I could feel the concentration of arcane energy outside. My palms were drenched with sweat.

“Asley, why don’t we wait in the reception room and have a chat?” Warren suggested.

“Uh, sure. All right.”


In the reception room, Warren and I made small talk for a while.

He was probably trying to help me relax.

As I finished my second cup of tea, he spoke,

“How are you holding up? Feeling nervous?”

“Yeah, my heart’s pounding and we haven’t even started yet…”

“Mine too!” Pochi chimed in.

She would be on stage with me, and the unfamiliar situation made her just as nervous.

“Don’t worry. The people Itsuki mentioned are members of the Resistance.”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Warren stood up, pointing to the door, and motioned for us to follow him into the hallway.

As we walked back to the main hall, he gave us the details.

“So, to summarize, the arcane energy outside is from the Resistance members…”

“That’s right, Asley. I asked them to gather early.”

“”Oh, I see…””

Pochi and I let out simultaneous sighs of relief. Warren stifled a laugh behind his hand.

“Well? Feeling less nervous now?”

He pointed to my hands.

“Wow, my hands aren’t sweaty anymore!”

“My shaking stopped too!”

“I figured this would help calm your nerves for the real thing.”

“You’re a genius, Warren!”

He totally was the best man I knew when it came to strategy.

“How about a practice speech to the Resistance members? It will help you stay relaxed for the main event.”


I exchanged a glance with Pochi.

Warren laughed heartily.

“Hahaha… No need to worry, Asley. The first time is just a rehearsal.”

His lighthearted tone and laughter made Pochi and me smile and nod in agreement.

“All right. We might as well try to be funny for a bit, then.”

“I can’t wait, sir!”

We donned our heroic sunglasses that had transcended time and entered the grand hall.

…We had completely forgotten two crucial things.

One: ‘He totally was the best man I knew when it came to strategy.’

Warren never settled for a single plan. He wove multiple layers of strategy, ensnaring his targets…

And two: There was his nickname… The Black Emperor.

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