The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 199: My Luhan 3 is back (Last)

Soon, the Emperor's order came to Frenzberg, and Frenzberg said nothing, and took his hand down to meet the Tyrina Valley and Ludovico Sforza.

However, before leaving, Frenzberg asked Maximilian I to prepare more horses for him, just pull the horse ...

The reason why is because Frensberg wants to learn the battle of Marin's attack on the city of Oldenburg. As long as the action is fast enough, the enemy is too late to react.

Of course, there are not many French troops in the Principality of Milan. According to information from the Sforza family, there are currently only 3,000 French troops in Milan. Moreover, 2,000 people are Italian mercenaries. There are only 1,000 people in the real French army.

Therefore, as long as the local army can quickly reach the city of Milan and find a way to open the city gate, the army in the city cannot resist. The worst result is that the gates of Milan are not opened, and the defenders in the city stalemate. In this way, the French have time to mobilize reinforcements. However, looking at the situation now, the French can't adjust their reinforcements. Because they were in a bad battle on the front line in Naples and were unable to divide their troops.

In addition, on the mountain road leading to the city of Milan, the French also arranged an army, about 1,500 people, to monitor the remnant army of the Sforza family in the Telina Valley.

Therefore, if you want to capture Milan, there are two main enemies-one is 1500 enemies lying on the marching route; the other is the city gate of Milan. As for the 3000 defenders in Milan, as long as the city gate is broken, it will not be a problem.

The reason why the 1500 enemy troops on the mountain road in the southern part of the Telina Valley are considered as major enemies is because Frenzberg is afraid of leaking the action of attacking these 1,500 people, giving Milan City early warning. In that way, his sneak attack plan was exposed.

Therefore, he must first solve these 1500 enemy troops. Then, when the road is wide open, he will lead the main force, step on the horse, march all the way, and head to the city of Milan ...

It's just that, unlike the attack on the city of Oldenburg, the distance from the Telina Valley to Milan is 160 kilometers. When Marin attacked the city of Oldenburg, the distance was only 40 kilometers.

Therefore, it is difficult to achieve the night raid in Milan. If one person is alone, the distance of marching is up to 80 or 90 kilometers a day. No matter how much, the horse will easily run to death.

So, after thinking over and over again, Frenzberg decided to take the 10,000 horses that the emperor loaned and Ludovico Sforza ’s own horses, all of which were used by 5,000 elite, let these elite one horse . In this way, without sacrificing physical strength, the whole army can march more than 120 kilometers in a day and night. Of course, 160 kilometers can also run down. However, if you do that, it will hurt the horse and cause a group of horses to die easily.

Moreover, the most important thing is that even if you run to Milan, the soldiers will not have the physical strength to fight.

Therefore, Frenzberg's plan is to let 5,000 elite one person two horses, run 120 kilometers on the first day, and then rest. The next night, he ran for another 40 kilometers and took advantage of the night to break into the city of Milan and kill the defenders in the city.

Frenzberg organized the army and practiced night combat. As for the 2,500 people who followed him from East Friesland, night combat training is a basic training program. It is a normal experience to be woken up by an emergency gathering post in the middle of the night ...

However, other troops engaged in night combat training, it was really a bad thing ...

Frenzberg selected 2500 elites from other military forces to follow the 2,500 people under his command to engage in night combat training. As a result, on the first day, the newly arrived 2,500 people became a pot of porridge. If it was n’t Frensberg who forced the crackdown with his men, maybe this group of fools would blow up the camp ...

After many days of training, these talents slowly adapted to marching and training in the middle of the night ...

At the same time, Ludovico Sforza was not idle. In accordance with the method learned from Marin, Frenzberg decided to send people to meet in and out of Milan to help the army open the city gate. To this end, Franzberg commissioned Ludovico Sforza to send people to Milan to prepare to open the gate from the inside.

The Sforza family ruled for decades in Milan, where it was deeply rooted. Although it is impossible for the Sforza family to pull out tens of thousands of troops and the French, it is still possible to find a group of thugs and open the city door at night. Right now, the Sforza family is in Milan, and there are still many eyeliners. However, now that the French are powerful, these Sforza family members are lurking, waiting for the day Ludovico Sforza returns.

Therefore, when Frenzberg asked Ludovico Sforza to send people to lurk in Milan and help open the city gate, old Lu agreed without thinking. For him, it was nothing. After all, the Sforza family's **** of Milan for decades was not a joke.

Night combat training for more than ten days, after finally having effect, Franzberg finally attacked ...

The first goal is naturally the 1500 French army of Primadio outside the Telina Valley ...

Of course, it is wrong to say that they are French. Because, those 1,500 people are Italian mercenaries hired by the French ...

Frenzberg has no doubt about defeating this army. The only thing to be aware of is to prevent the Primidio army from leaking fish and running back to Milan to report.

Therefore, before the operation, Frenzberg sent two hundred cavalrymen and took a small path around Primadio to Milan, preparing to intercept any messenger.

This trick was learned from Marin when attacking Emden. Intercepting the messenger can fully ensure that the message is not leaked. In this way, when the army is attacking the next target, do it suddenly.

Even the couple of Ed Sad I who had escaped from the tunnel was stopped by the cavalry who killed the messenger, which can be said to have an excellent effect.

On the evening of October 29th, a 200-person local cavalry, after receiving orders from Frensberg, went through the path to the west and south of the town of Primadio, ready to intercept the missing enemies and horseback riding Messenger.

It was just over 4 o'clock in the morning on October 30, when it was dawning, when the Italian mercenaries in the castle of Primadio were at their most difficult time. Even the sentinel on the wall fell asleep.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Franzberg ordered his soldiers decisively and quietly lifted the ladder to the front. Before the defense responded, dozens of people went up ...

Then, these dozens of people withstood the counterattack of the Italian mercenaries, and defended this section of the city wall. Then more soldiers climbed the city head through the ladder ...

After about two hours of fierce fighting, half of Primadio ’s 1500 defenders were eliminated and half chose to surrender ...

When the fierce battle began, it was true that the city sent a messenger to the direction of Milan. However, it was easily stopped by two hundred cavalry.

This battle is extremely easy. The hapless defender, because the sentry fell asleep, let the attacking forces easily control a section of the city wall. Then the defender tragedy.

In this way, only paid more than 30 casualties, and the 5000 soldiers led by Frensberg easily managed to defend the army. Of course, this is also because the defenders in the fortress are stuck. Sneak attacking them at this time is almost terrible for those defending soldiers ...

After a day of trimming, Franzberg personally took 5,000 elite, two horses, and embarked on the road to Milan. Ludovico Sforza, with 3,000 horses, marched in the back, waiting to go to Milan to receive the fruits of victory ...

After the march on the first day, Frenzberg chose to repair the army, and then scattered some cavalry, arrested all passers-by, and prevented anyone from reporting to Milan to prepare the enemy.

Then, Frenzberg took the army to rest for a day.

The next night, Frensberg set off with the army again ...

At about 12 o'clock in the middle of the night, the army of Frensberg finally arrived at the most lax guard in the city of Milan ...

Shortly after the birch whistle for communication was sounded, a shout of killing was heard in the city. Then, the West Gate was opened by a group of Milan residents who were adorned with colors-they were all serious followers of the Sforza family.

Frenzberg had no time to talk to these warriors, and he did not understand Italian. So, after letting the warriors who opened the door make way ~ ~ Frenzberg directly swarmed with 5000 troops to the royal palace in the city. At the same time, Franzberg also divided two thousand troops to control the other three gates.

When it was dawn, the Italian mercenaries at the four gates were cleaned up, and the two military camps in the city were pulled out.

It's just that the Royal Palace in Milan is so strong that Franzberg can't beat it for a long time. And it was the 800 of the 1,000 French troops who guarded the palace. Relying on a strong palace, the French army chose to resist ...

Frenzberg did not rush to take down the palace, but just sent people to besiege the palace, then took over the whole city, and sent men and women to the countryside to take over the collected food. As long as the grain was controlled, the French army would cut grain on the front line in Naples. As an officer who followed Marin very early, Frenzberg remembered that Marin often said in his mouth that "the soldiers and horses don't move, the grain first." As long as the supply of grain and grass to the French army is cut off by the Principality of Milan, the French will inevitably have low morale and may even cause chaos. Losing to Spain is almost a sure thing.

By then, the Principality of Milan only needs to prevent the fleeing French army from grabbing food. To this end, Frensberg decided to ship all the grain harvested in the Principality of Milan in the autumn. Then, when the French army fled past the Principality of Milan, guard against death and prevent the French army from grabbing food ...

Three days later, Ludovico Sforza finally arrived in Milan with the remaining 3000 soldiers. Seeing the grand welcome ceremony of the die-hard organization of the Sforza family, Duke Ludovico was pleased.

Standing at the head of Milan, Ludovico Sforza shouted with enthusiasm:

"My Ludovico is back!"

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