The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 37: Your Majesty, the minister has given you a full throne ...

In the evening, Marin turned around and turned around until he found the small hotel where Manuel Pariologos stayed ...

The property of the Pariologos family was embarrassed by Alexander VI, and life was very embarrassing. Manuel was ordered by his brother to come to Spain to discuss the sale of the throne, and the funds were also very tight. And because there is no territory, Spain does not regard Manuel as a normal diplomatic envoy. Therefore, Manuel can only live in a small hotel by himself, and cannot enjoy the treatment of a foreign guest hotel ...

When Marin found Manuel, he was seeing His Highness Manuel nibbling a piece of black bread while drinking water in a low-quality pottery bowl ... Apparently, His Highness Manuel was having a bad time. A robe of nobility is very worn ...

Seeing a visitor visit, Manuel hurriedly hid the black bread and the broken bowl of drinking water behind the table, so as not to be seen by his embarrassment ...

Marin did not take it seriously, but gave a salute:

"Good evening, Your Highness Manuel!"

Manuel was stunned ...

I don't know how long it will be, someone will pay him a noble ritual and honorably call him His Highness ...

In Rome, although his brother was recognized as the emperor of Eastern Rome. But in fact, the monarchs of Western Europe only hoped to get the excuse to send troops to Byzantium through Andrés Pariorogos, not to respect the André Pariorogos family.

Even the Pope Alexander VI, who was once extremely respected by the Pariologos family, deceived most of their property and ignored them.

In the city of Rome, the Pariologos family sold the mansion they bought when they fled to Rome and lived in a small courtyard in a civilian area. Now, the nominal Byzantine emperor Andres Pariorogs is ill, and he has no money to manage, so he has to sell the throne ...

Therefore, when Marin solemnly saluted him and called him His Royal Highness, Manuel Palio Logos was at a loss for a while ...

However, after all, he was educated by the nobility. After Manuel responded, he warmly invited Marin to take a seat-sitting on the dirty hotel bench ...

Marin was not so hypocritical, he sat down directly and introduced himself. Then, Marin started to ask questions about the sale of the throne ...

"How? Master Marin is interested? This ... looks ..." Manuel felt Marin was a little overpowered, and the little count also dared to buy the throne. If they are known, they will not be beaten to death ...

"Don't get me wrong, Highness, how dare I buy the throne? I asked for my majesty ..."

"Your Majesty Maximilian?"

"Yes, you know, Your Majesty has not been crowned in Rome until now, and is not yet an official emperor. If you buy your Byzantine throne, you will directly become the official Roman emperor ..."

In fact, strictly speaking, the Eastern Roman Empire is the direct lineage of the Roman Empire. Because, since Constantine I, the Roman Empire has actually moved to Constantinople. Of course, West Rome was later separated. However, the Western Roman Empire was destroyed by the Goths, and the Pope later granted Charlemagne the Western Roman throne, which was actually not very legal. The inheritance of East Rome is consistent and orthodox.

If Maximilian I officially bought the throne of the Eastern Roman Empire, and then went to Rome to be crowned, it would be equivalent to the reunification of the Roman Empire. Moreover, when it is foreign, it can also be officially called His Majesty the Emperor, not the King of Germany.

Manuel is also aware of Maximilian I, because he has not negotiated with Rome in terms of interests. Until now, Maximilian I has not been able to come to Rome to be crowned. In particular, when Alexander VI and the French King Louis XII formed an alliance, the hope of Maximilian I's coronation in Rome was even more slim.

Therefore, Maximilian I was indeed a potential big buyer ...

However, Manuel hesitated that he had come to Spain and expressed his intention to sell the throne and territorial rights to the Spanish kings. Repentance at this time, but it is easy to offend people.

Marin dismissively said that Spain is not interested in the throne of nothingness. However, they are interested in fighting for North Africa. Therefore, it is better to authorize Spain to rule North Africa, even if Spain does not pay. Anyway, Spain just lacks an excuse to send troops.

As long as Andrés Pariologos has determined that Morocco and Algeria are the provinces of the Byzantine Empire, and then authorized Spain to occupy and rule, the Spanish kings will be happy ...

Sure enough, the next day Manuel asked for the Spanish double king ~ ~ changed the sale of the throne to the transfer of North African dominance. In fact, in the late Byzantine Empire, North Africa could no longer be controlled. But despite him, the Spanish kings only wanted an excuse to send troops.

If North Africa is authorized to Spain in the name of the Eastern Roman Empire, it can indeed arouse their interest. Ferdinand II and Elizabeth I were really interested.

However, this couple is miserly, and only 500 gold coins were paid out in a token way, and Manuel was sent ...

Then, Manuel, along with Marin, took a boat to Rome, intending to interview Andrés Pariologos for the purchase of the throne for Maximilian I ...

When he arrived in Rome, Marin looked at the residence of the Emperor Logos family, and it was indeed shabby. Andrés Pariologos was too weak in bed. Marin hurriedly asked the accompanying Mongolian doctor Battle to diagnose and treat the pulse for Andrés Pariologos and prescribed a prescription. However, many herbs are Eastern European herbs and need to be taken in East Friesland (they were sent to buy in Eastern Europe). But after diagnosis and treatment, Andrés Pariologos is temporarily in no danger. When the herbs are delivered and you take a few pills, you will get better ...

Andrés Pariorogs finally agreed to Marin's purchase intention, but the emperor and his specific price need to be interviewed. When Andrés Pariologs took the medicine and his condition improved, he planned to go to Austria to talk to the emperor about the matter.

And Marin, as an intermediary, first rushed to the imperial palace of Innsbruck, Austria, to report the situation:

"Your Majesty, the prince gave you a full throne, do you want it?" After arriving at Innsbruck, Marin said such a headless word, which made Maximilian I froze for a long time ...

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