The Rising Of The Fallen Warlord

41: Circus show at the mine

After class me and my party headed straight for the volcano mine. It wasn't far. Just a casual 30 minute walk from the town. Despite being an active volcano, lava doesn't reach the town and there are caves filled with critters and gems. At the mine entrance there were 2 Mazoku with red armor standing guard.

"Halt! Who are you? What do you want?"

"I'm from the Demon King Academy and these are my friends. We're here to collect some stones."

"Bwah! You're nothing more than kids. The rights for collecting stones from this mine belong to the crimson knights. Besides, without our special armor to repel the heat you won't last in there. On top of that, there are earth dragons inside and…"

"Nelia, shut them up already."

"As you wish."

With great speed Nelia conjured her web and wrapped it all around the knights. She tightly restrained their hands and feet and covered their mouths. Eventually she made a large spider web and stuck them on it.

"Mission accomplished!"

"Good. They were really annoying. You guys stay here. I'm going in alone."

"Wha…!? Again?"

"These guys are partially right. You girls couldn't handle this heat for long. But I should be fine."

"Yuri-nee, are you sure? I could easily summon ice for us to cool off if we overheat. Even in a volcano it won't melt instantly."

For some reason Lumi-chan started calling me Yuri-nee. Well, not that I mind. It's kinda cute actually. 

"Yeah. I'm sure. Just guard the entrance and don't let anyone disturb me."

Besides, I'm not worried about earth dragons. They are called earth dragons, but they look more like a giant iguana with fangs. Except they eat people instead of insects. What's more, their story doesn't add up. Earth dragons, although they mostly live in caves, they don't like heat, so there should be no reason for them to be in a volcano cave.

Let's see what this cave really holds.


Meanwhile, Yurishia's party was waiting outside the cave…

"It's been almost an hour now. You girls think she's ok?"

"Yuri-nee shouldn't have any trouble. I didn't sense anything that hostile coming from the cave."

"Lumiera is right. Lady Yurishia is probably just busy gathering stones."

"And that's the confession we needed!"

From behind a boulder, Azamar made his appearance. He was followed by several crimson knights. 

"I guess placing my familiar to keep an eye on you today was a good idea."

He extended his arm and a hawk like bird landed on his arm.

"Azamar, what do you want?"

"Hmph. You got some balls to ask that. Collecting resources from this mine is tasked only for the crimson knights. And the crimson knights are under the Ornelia family command."

In the next moment however a small explosion was made near the entrance of the cave. 

*Cough… cough…"

"Lady Yurishia?"

"Yup. I'm back. A little messy though. Umm… what did I miss? What's going on?"

"So the ring leader finally shows up. You were better off if you just died in there."

A tall muscular Mazoku called out.

"I'm assuming you're the leader of the crimson knights then."

"That's right!"

"That makes things easy. Then I'll have you explain yourself."

"Explain what? Are you trying to insult me bitch?"

Rio told me that the school can't afford that big of a quantity. That means the prices are too high. But this mine is abundant in resources. 

"I thought collecting from this place was dangerous because of earth dragons. But the truth is… there isn't a single earth dragon in there. Just some flame insects and fire salamanders. Only one conclusion can be drawn. You guys lied to everyone to up the prices."

"Gah… you have no proof. You were just lucky. The dragons were probably just sleeping and you got lucky. But the fact you trespassed here is still a crime. I wanted to go easy on you, but after your accusations, I'm not letting you go! You've all violated military laws. Take them away!"

Darn it. Can't I get a break at all? I tired myself out in there. Their numbers might be troublesome. 

"Back off!"

Great. Now what? It feels like a circus in here. Two figures approached riding on horses. The first was non other than Amelia. I didn't recognize the second one though. 

"Mother? Why are you here? Oh, I get it. You plan on expelling them. That's brilliant. For breaking the…"

"Azamar, please shut up. The principal was informed of this act. That's why we were sent here to verify things. No… laws were broken."

"Are you kidding me!? She entered the mine! Are you trying to side with them or…"

"Azamar! Back down. I won't say this twice."

This time the other dude spoke. The second guy that accompanied Amelia. He was a tall human looking Mazoku. Just like me he had 2 pairs of horns, although his were thinner. He had really long black hair, yellow eyes and pointy ears just like elves. As for his clothes he wore a leather black armor and blue uniform. And he had a big sword attached to his back. 

"No way… lord… Dante?"

"This was an order from the principal. As you know the principal has influence across all the 4 factions."

"Aw, come on! Why are you siding with these law breakers?"

"You've forgotten something important. Take a closer look at them."

This guy is smart. But so am I. I don't know how they found out about this. Although I have an idea. Rio probably snitched on me.

"They aren't carrying a single stone!"

Bingo. What? Did you expect I would walk out with bags or something? I stored everything I mined in my infinite storage. But it turned out well this way.

"If they would have indeed farmed stones, you would be in the right. But since they are empty handed no rule was broken. All of you, back off!"

"But… but she's a commoner and we are nobles…"

"Then act like one! I told you I don't like repeating myself. If you insist to question my judgement then…"

This guy just released a huge amount of demonic aura. It was an absurd amount. A wind gale was created and it felt that gravity had increased. Azamar was immediately brought to his knees. I stepped in front of my slaves to shield them. Lumi-chan is probably the only one that won't get affected by this. In the next moment Amelia tried supporting Azamar.

"Lord Dante, my son just slipped under pressure. He is still young. Please forgive him."

"Just remember, don't let the fact that you are pure blood go to your head. In my eyes, as you are you're nothing more than scum."

"I… I'm sorry…"

He then cancelled his aura. Both Azamar and Amelia were glaring daggers at me. This Dante fellow then came close to me. And I took a good look at him. Strong. This guy is definitely in another league compared to everyone so far.

"Yurishia, was it? Please come with me. The principal wishes to meet you."

Guess I have no choice. It's better to be obedient for now and not push my luck.

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