The Void Wolf

Chapter 180: Life For A Child Prodigy

Unknown Pov

It’s been a few months since we came to this place but it feels longer. I used to feel sad about it for awhile but not anymore. Now, I’ve come to accept what’s happened and truthfully I think I prefer my life here. I don’t know why but I don’t miss anything that came before. My life as a so-called Blessed One was a lie. My parents believed we were descendants of Dragon Gods and we treated people badly because of it. They were wrong since the Keeper killed all of the dragons. The Keeper is the truest thing to a God I’ve ever heard of. The Dark Elves here worship him and they’ve already convinced the younger kids to go along with it. I can’t say that I fully believe in the Keeper but I’m leaning there.

“Again! One hundred more!” A woman with raven-colored hair and a cold, empty, expression yelled at us.

We swung our wooden swordspears for the one-thousandth time. It wasn’t actually one thousand but it felt like it. This was the training that we were instructed to do.

The pain in my arms couldn’t compare to the boredom I felt from it. We had practiced the same basic swings over and over to the point where I can do them in my sleep. I can even do them without holding a swordspear.

The training came to an end eventually and we were allowed to have our free time. Since I was one of the oldest kids around I didn’t have much to do. There weren’t many people close to my age and those that were stayed in a different area. Plus, I was the only one who was still hesitant about trusting the Keeper. I’ve been reading some of the records the scribes and the Keeper is strange to me. From the Keeper’s history, he seems bloodthirsty and evil but I’ve seen him, most of us have seen him in person. During the brief moment, he seemed like a happy person. He didn’t even kill us even though we were related to the dragons. I thought it was because he wanted us as slaves but that’s not true. We can go almost anywhere during our free time as long as we don’t wander too far and return at curfew. The youngest kids usually go around to the Keeper’s shrine to collect the fresh mooncakes and offer prayers. I will admit that I sometimes go and grab a few. I love the mooncakes, we usually get one or two after dinner time and after I eat it I feel calm and warm.

Anyway, I don’t feel like a slave or a prisoner. Almost all of the other kids in the Dark Elf Empire are doing the same as us. We’ve been told that we’re different from those kids that’s why all the half-dragons are in their own group. Except for repeating the same basic strikes, I like the training. Some days we run for a while and others we get to practice with wooden dummies. But for the most part, it’s the same movements. Other than that, this place is pretty good.

After another month, we got to practice some new strikes and even go outside the city.

I really like this place, it feels like home to me. It feels strange for me to think that but it’s true. There are moments where I can’t remember what my parents looked liked and it’s upsetting but they’re already gone. I’ve accepted the teachings of the Keeper and I’ve even asked to receive the mark of the three moons. Most people ask for the mooncakes because they're so good but I chose the marks.

Only girls can receive the mark which upset some of the younger boys who were eager to receive one. They told me that the first two black circles represent the natural moons that both can be seen during the winter which is coming up soon. The red circle represents the Red Moon which was summoned by the Keeper.

I don’t get stronger from the moonlight but I still want the marking. I’ve been told by one of the raven-haired women with silver eyes that I’m really talented with the swordspear. Since those who show skill can receive a reward, I asked for the mark of the three moons. The Dark Elf priests agreed and I’ll be getting one soon.

Today, we were given iron round shields to hold while practicing our one-handed strikes with the swordspear. It was hard to do since the shield was heavy but I managed to make it through. Most of the others collapsed or dropped the shields and needed to be taken care of. I think that the woman who was watching our training even smiled when she saw how I endured it.

I heard that one of the boys in another section had even got to meet the Keeper before. I don’t know how strong he was but I think I’m better. If they invite me to the Palace I might even be able to speak to the Keeper for once. Just imagining how jealous the other kids would be is making me smile.

Praise the Keeper. Praise the Keeper. Praise the Keeper.

I’m so excited that I get to meet with Princess Sylvia since I’ve been doing so good with my training. Apparently, I’ve made the most progress and the fact that I chose to get marks as my reward intrigued the Princess. It only took one month after I got my marks for it to happen.

Speaking of the marks, they hurt really bad. They told me that there were two types of marks. One is the temporary ones that fade over time but the second are permanent. I thought it might’ve been a test so I chose the permanent ones. It felt like they were being burned between my eyebrows but I didn’t even cry or scream. I think the training helped me deal with pain better.

Someone is coming to take me to the Princess and I honestly can’t wait. I’ve heard that the Princess is very nice.

I waited for a few hours and it happened, the Dark Elves came to escort me to the palace. We walked through the city and people looked at me with approval. Some people even waved at me while others offered the Keeper’s blessings. We made our way through the city and climbed the palace stairs where a statue sat. It looked very similar to the Keeper but it didn’t depict the Keeper as a wolf. I wanted to look at it longer but the Dark Elves who were escorting me urged me on. The palace was huge and I think I would’ve gotten lost if the Dark Elves didn’t know where we were going. We stopped in front of a pair of doors and one of them knocked.

“Your Highness, we’ve brought the one you’ve requested to see,” The male Dark Elf said.

I could hear Princess Sylvia speaking to someone on the inside, I think she asked them if it was ok for me to come in and they said yes...I think.

“Let her in,” Sylvia responded.

They did, I wonder who it…

“Greetings to the Keeper,”

“Greetings to the Keeper,”

The two Dark Elves who escorted me to the palace suddenly bowed. Sitting at a nearby table was the Princess and a man with...yellow...eyes.

“P-Praise the Keeper!” I accidentally yelled due to my nervousness but the Keeper didn’t get angry he just laughed. It wasn’t an insulting laugh though he just laughed as if it was funny.

“Don’t be so worried, I’m not going to eat you, kid,” The Keeper said to me.

Me! The Keeper spoke directly to me. Wait, the guards are looking at me- Oh! The Keeper!

“No, I would never think such a thing, Keeper.” I hurriedly replied.

I thought I could be calm and mature since I’m among the oldest of the children but I couldn’t stop messing up. I peek up to see if the Keeper thought poorly of me but his expression didn’t show disgust or annoyance.

“Easy, I’m kidding.” The Keeper smiled before turning back to the Princess.

The Keeper smiled at me! Me!

“I know it might be getting old for you but Avery’s gonna be due any day now. Could you stay in the Fortress until then? Just to be safe.”

“Of course, Keeper,” Sylvia responded. “Was there anything else you may have needed?”

The Keeper looked at me before looking back at Princess Sylvia. He snapped his fingers and a wooden box appeared from thin air. Then, the Keeper pushed it over to Princess Sylvia and gestured for her to open it. She did and I have to admit I tried to peek. There was a container full of black crystal spheres the size of eyeballs.

“When you find someone willing, you can give them those. Of course, their eyes would have to be removed for them to use it at all,” The Keeper explained.

“I’ll do it!” I blurted out before I could stop my mouth. I don’t know what made me speak like that but I was a little scared of giving up my eyes. Would I be able to see if I they put the black crystal eyes in my eye sockets? It would definitely hurt more than the marks.

The Keeper shook his head and refused me with a warm smile. “I appreciate the enthusiasm but you’re too young to make that decision. Once you realize what you’ll lose then you can volunteer.”

I...It was a little saddening to hear but I nodded. I thought I was one of the most mature kids but it seems I’m not as mature as I thought.

“Still, she’s a bright prospect. She was allowed to choose a reward and she, a half-dragon, chose to get the marks instead of something like more mooncakes.” Princess Sylvia spoke up on my behalf.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! I cried out in my head. I still maintained myself as best I could in front of the Keeper and Princess Sylvia.

“Oh? I would’ve chosen the mooncakes,” The Keeper said. “If she’s good then put her under the direct training of one of the Valkyries like the others.”

“I understand, Keeper,” Sylun said.

“Well, I have to go. Nice meeting you, kid.” The Keeper grinned ear to ear before he vanished into thin air.

I didn’t even tell him my name but I still couldn’t stop smiling. The Keeper personally recognized my efforts. It’s just as the scribes said, the Keeper is fair and appreciates those who are active in their growth. I tried as hard as I could and it actually worked!

“It looks like you have the Keeper’s attention. Don’t let me down and definitely don’t let the Keeper down.”

“I would never, Your Highness.” I bowed. “Praise the Keeper,” I added for good measure.

Princess Sylvia’s eyebrows rose and I think she was evaluating me, “Praise the Keeper...When you return prepare your belongings, a Valkyrie will come to see you and take you away.”

“Thank you, Your Highness.” I bowed again but even deeper. The Dark Elves escorted me out and they were smiling as bright as me.

I love this place! Praise the Keeper and praise the Red Moon!

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