This Emperor is Only An Actor

Chapter 976 Too many elements

The establishment of the crew of The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven went smoothly.

After all, it is a new play starring Yue Guan.

Moreover, the world view and the Fengshen trilogy are consistent, maybe there will be opportunities to make movies after the performance is completed.

Therefore, all the actors who received the invitation of The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven agreed, and the remuneration was also within a reasonable range.

Speaking of this, Yue Guan was actually a little melancholy.

It's been a long time since I met those villains who deliberately provoked him. It was such a failure that even going to Hollywood was held up by a bunch of people.

Yue Guan felt that the more he got mixed up, the less he looked like a protagonist. He didn’t receive any treatment as a protagonist. The protagonist who was promised can attract hatred. How could he be so lucky? Very distressed.

[Emperor Qi +7. 】

When Yue Guan was distressed, the rest of the crew of The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven also greeted Yue Guan.


Mr. Yue is good.

Mr. Yue is here.

It's the first time we meet, please take care of Mr. Yue.


Most of the crew of The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven are acquaintances who have worked together before, but there are also newcomers who are working together for the first time, such as Zhao Wenzhuo.

Yue Guan and Zhao Wenzhuo shook hands, Zhao Wenzhuo was a little cautious, and spoke very politely: Mr. Yue, if you have any requirements for filming, or for the role of Patriarch Bodhi, feel free to communicate with me.

Yes, he played Patriarch Bodhi.

Sun Wukong's first master.

Regarding the question of who is the real body of Patriarch Bodhi in Journey to the West, there are actually different opinions, and there is no unified answer.

The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven didn't mean to unify everyone's thinking, but directly set the Bodhi Patriarch as the saint in the west, and accepted Sun Wukong as his disciple because he wanted to use Sun Wukong to form a good relationship with Nuwa Empress.

After all, Sun Wukong was born from the sky-repairing stone left over by Empress Nuwa who mended the sky back then, and the origin is still there.

Patriarch Bodhi and Laojun Taishang are irresolvable feuds, and Laojun Taishang sits in the heavenly court. He must be unable to do anything in a short time, so he chose to show his favor to Empress Nuwa.

It's far away, in short, Zhao Wenzhuo came to play the role of Patriarch Bodhi, and it will definitely subvert the conventional impression of Patriarch Bodhi in the audience's minds. After all, Patriarch Bodhi must be very old in the minds of the audience. But Zhao Wenzhuo looked young and tender.

In fact, Zhao Wenzhuo is not completely sure that he can play the role of Patriarch Bodhi well, but he has not had a high-end filming for a long time, and now that The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven finds him, he will definitely not refuse.

Yue Guan shook hands with Zhao Wenzhuo with a smile, and then said: Mr. Zhao, don't worry, the cast uses you to show that we believe that you can play the role of Patriarch Bodhi well. If you have any questions about your roles and scripts, we will wait for you. You can mention it during the script reading, I am the screenwriter of The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven, and I will try my best to answer it for everyone.

Yue Guan found that script reading can really help many actors deepen their understanding of characters and plots, and they can communicate with each other, understand by analogy, and increase the shooting speed.

So this time he discussed with the director and initiated a script reading.

Naturally, it is impossible for the actors to have opinions.

Maybe they don't study ordinary scripts carefully, and they may show timidity when reading the script, but if they don't study the new play starring Yue Guan, it's because they don't want to be popular.

Therefore, the script reading this time is of high quality.

The sixth teacher took the initiative to make a sample for everyone: Yueguan, The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven seems to be a group play, and your role as the Jade Emperor does not have much overwhelming advantage. Sun Wukong is actually pretty much the same.

Yue Guan nodded: This is logically inevitable, because I am playing the Emperor of Heaven, and the Emperor of Heaven is high above, so he must not do everything by himself. The position of Emperor of Heaven is too high, so it is inconvenient for him to end many things in person, otherwise It's illogical. Since this is the case, we must shoot a group scene, otherwise the filming of The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven will be finished in a few episodes, and if we shoot a group scene, it will be easy to fill up other characters.

Otherwise, it would be difficult to write a high-quality invincible novel.

Because as long as you are invincible, you can no longer participate in some small things, otherwise you will lose your position.

God is like that.

There are only a few existences in the Three Realms who are qualified to let the Emperor of Heaven be serious, and it is impossible for him to personally take action on everything.

Therefore, it is impossible for the Emperor of Heaven to have a plot all the time.

In this case, the best way is to shoot a group scene.

So the roles of Taishang Laojun, Tathagata Buddha, Bodhi Patriarch, Monkey King and so on are all covered.

Teacher Six is ​​actually one of the best.

Because Yueguan did not black Monkey King.

In any case, Monkey King is a totem in the minds of countless audiences. Monkey King was once a spiritual existence that many people yearned for.

In Journey to the West before, there was no black Monkey King in Yueguan, and naturally it will not be in The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven.

However, subversion is certain, but subversion is more about the setting of the plot of Journey to the West itself.

Chen Kun asked: Yueguan, isn't the time span of The Legend of the Emperor a bit long?

It's a bit long. From the end of the Conferred Gods to the Journey to the West, I skipped the part of Xianqin in the middle, but the main story is very simple. Lao Tzu turned a tiger into a Buddha, Tathagata emptied the Buddhist gate, and the truth of Journey to the West. This season of The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven It’s enough to tell these two stories clearly, and don’t worry too much about the time span. We are filming a fairy tale drama, so we should have this kind of time concept.”

If you live in a day or two, you don't deserve to be called a fairy man.

Actually, if we connect with Fengshen and Xianqin, we can take more pictures of how the Emperor of Heaven lost power. Chen Kun suggested.

Yue Guan smiled: Brother Kun, don't forget that this is The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven. It is about how the Emperor of Heaven lost power in the Heavenly Court. This is a typical plot of abusive masters. Will the audience like it?

Chen Kun patted himself on the head: Well, I didn't say anything.

There is really nothing wrong with his suggestion.

But from the perspective of ratings and audience friendliness, it will definitely not be adopted.

The actor who played the white dragon horse raised his hand: Mr. Yue, in the script of The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven, Sun Wukong is the follower of the Bodhi Patriarch, Marshal Tianpeng is the named disciple of the Supreme Lord, and the Rolling Curtain General is the disciple of the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother. People, what about me? Whose person am I?

In the setting of The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven, Sun Wukong belongs to the line of Western saints. Of course, he didn't know this, but he began to discover it during the journey to the West, and then began to work without any effort.

Zhu Bajie is a man from Tushita Palace, and his weapon, the nine-toothed rake, is the work of the Taishang Laojun. It was also the Taishang Laojun who wrecked Chang'e's moon palace back then, so that he could go to the lower realm to participate in the Westward Journey, but the Jade Emperor intervened With a slap in the face, he was cast into a pig's fetus.

General Roller Shutter belongs to the Queen Mother. During the journey to the west, the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother had not yet fallen out, so General Roller Shutter is also a member of the Emperor of Heaven.

The Journey to the West was a conspiracy between the Taishang Laojun and the Tathagata Buddha. The Heavenly Emperor did not want to start the Journey to the West, so he found a random reason and demoted General Rolling Screen to the mortal world, and let him make trouble in Liusha River, killing Tang Seng nine times in a row. World.

Among the group of four, Drifting seems to be the most simple and honest, but in terms of bloody killings, his methods are actually the cruelest.

It's just that as a person of the Emperor of Heaven, he is also a movie king.

With this arrangement, the quartet of Buddhist scriptures has a backstage.

Bai Longma was very embarrassed.

Because the plot doesn't explain who it is.

Faced with this question, Yue Guan's answer was also very simple: Actually, there is no need to act on this point.

Because the role of the white dragon horse is very small.

Not many viewers care about this, not even...

So there is no need to specially arrange the plot for Bailongma.

Yue Guan's answer hurt the actor who played the white dragon horse.

But Yue Guan then added a sentence: The white dragon horse can be regarded as a person of Guanshiyin Bodhisattva, and Guanshiyin Bodhisattva is close to the Tathagata sect.

Understood, thank you Mr. Yue.

Yan Danchen, who played Chang'e, asked a question: Yueguan, does Chang'e have a relationship with Tiandi?

No. Yue Guan replied decisively: At the level of the Emperor of Heaven, if there is a love triangle, it will make the plot look bloody, and it will also affect the character of the Emperor of Heaven.

He thought about arranging a few more emotional lines for the emperor, but then he gave up this idea.

not suitable.

Especially in this kind of fairy tale drama, it's not suitable.

Moreover, Tiandi and Chang'e are even more inappropriate.

After all, it was clearly stated in Lotus Lantern that Yang Jian likes Chang'e, and the Emperor of Heaven must not rob women with his nephew. This is heaven, not thunderstorms.

Yan Danchen said suspiciously: But I read the arrangement of the script, and there seems to be signs of this.

Because the Emperor of Heaven and Laojun Taishang can't tear their faces apart, Laojun Taishang arranged for Marshal Tianpeng to participate in the Westward Journey. The Emperor of Heaven needs a legitimate reason to intervene to destroy the arrangement of Laojun Taishang, so the Emperor of Heaven needs the help of Fairy Chang'e The reputation of the emperor is used, but the relationship between the Emperor of Heaven and Chang'e is innocent.

I see.

Yan Danchen was still thinking about whether he should be more affectionate when he was filming with Yue Guan, but now it seems that he doesn't need to.

Another problem is Yang Xue.

Yueguan, in The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven, isn't the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother a little too nice?

They are husband and wife. Isn't it normal for them to have a good relationship?

Yang Xue felt that it was abnormal: The audience has all seen The Lotus Lantern. The Jade Emperor killed the Queen Mother, and the two of them are so affectionate in this drama. Can the audience not play?

It depends on both of our acting skills. Yue Guan has also considered this for a long time: As long as we act well, the audience will not show up. Enemies are not surprising, especially for a powerful couple like the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother, it is easier to turn faces. Logically speaking, there is no problem with this arrangement, and the test is only our acting skills.

And Yue Guan was not worried about himself and Yang Xue's acting skills.

He didn't talk about it himself.

Yang Xue has his empathy skills to help, so he doesn't have to worry about this at all.

So, just show affection.

Yang Xue said that he did not have the confidence of Yueguan.

I can't necessarily act out that feeling.

Don't worry, I will guide you.

In terms of helping female stars enter the drama and improve their acting skills, Yue Guan is not targeting anyone. If he dares to be second, no one will dare to be the first.

Seeing that everyone didn't have too many questions, Yue Guan took the initiative to cue Teacher Six: Teacher Six, when you play Monkey King, you must pay attention to distinguishing it from the Monkey King back then. I want to see the Monkey King in The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven His layering and variety.

Teacher Six had read the script of The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven and knew what Yueguan was asking for, but he asked again to avoid misunderstanding.

Yue Guan, you mean that I want me to show that Monkey King did not work hard on the Journey to the West?

Yes, Journey to the West is a conspiracy. It is not for the promotion of Buddhism at all. Sun Wukong's image must be positive, so Sun Wukong must be aware of the hypocrisy of Tathagata and Lingshan, and then gradually change from the fighting Monkey King to fish in troubled waters. Old fritters. It's not because Sun Wukong's strength has weakened, but because he realized that Lingshan is not worth his life.

There is indeed a huge gap between Sun Wukong's combat power before and after. He looked very mighty when he was making a big disturbance in the Heavenly Palace, and it seemed that any little monster could stump him on the way to learn the scriptures.

So this also breeds a lot of Sun Wukong sunspots.

Yueguan is not black, and he never thought of blacking Sun Wukong, but The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven wants to give a logical explanation for the huge gap in combat power between Monkey King and his predecessors, so the best explanation is that Monkey King does not work hard.

While not weakening Sun Wukong's combat effectiveness, give him intelligence.

Teacher Six has no objection, after all he is playing Monkey King.

Teacher Six is ​​only worried about one thing: The script subverts Journey to the West in this way, will the audience accept it?

Yue Guan smiled: Subversion? Sixth teacher, let me ask you, who is the relative of Dapeng who ate up the lion and camel country?

Teacher Six couldn't answer.

In the original book of Journey to the West, the Tathagata said that the four continents, the good and evil of all beings, are different from each other:

Those who win the Shenzhou in the east, respect the sky and the earth, feel refreshed and calm;

People from Luzhou in the north, although they are good at killing, just because of their livelihood, they are clumsy and affectionate, so they don't practice much;

People in Hezhou, Xiniu, don't be greedy and don't kill, oxygen Qianling, follow the supreme truth, everyone can live forever;

Those who look at Buzhou in the south are greedy for money and happy for misfortune, killing more and fighting more. It is the so-called fierce field of tongue and tongue, a sea of ​​right and wrong.

So Tathagata asked Tang Monk to go to the West to learn scriptures and save all living beings in Nanzhan Buzhou.

However, the original Journey to the West also wrote that Xiniu Hezhou, which respects the heavens and worships the Buddha, is full of monsters, tigers and wolves are haunting, the monsters are lawless, and it is difficult for ordinary people to move an inch.

However, in the Tang Dynasty in Nanzhan Buzhou, there are no demons making trouble at all, and the gods have to bow their heads to the Tang Dynasty. The size of the rain in Datang is wrong, and you have to walk on the dragon-cutting stage. The Great Tang didn't need a savior at all. It lived a hundred times better than those small countries under the rule of Lingshan.

In The Legend of the Emperor of Heaven, Sun Wukong saw through everything, but Tang Seng didn't. He was born in the land of humanity, but listened to the nonsense of Lingshan and recognized the thief as his father. Instead, he thought that Datang needed to be saved. Mr. Huang, I played Tang Seng according to the well-known image, and I wrote Tang Seng according to the well-known settings.

Huang Haibing: ...

Is it too late to quit the crew now?

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