Transmigrated Into Another World: Aim to be the Noblewoman’s Butler

Chapter 19: A Servant’s Dilemma

Inside his room in the estate, a certain young man sat on his bedside in a panicked state with his hands to his face.

Just from a glance, one would be able to tell the the unfortunate person was in some sort of distress, and not a minor one at that. His complexion was as pale as snow, his lips and throat were dry even though he just took a sip of water, even his eyes were somewhat sunken with dark circles around them.

"... I'm screwed.. I'm so definitely screwed."

He sat there alone in the dark room muttering that phrase over and over again.

The person in question was without a doubt young lady Juliette's personal butler, Larc.

He looked up to the ceiling with almost teary eyes and pressed his cheeks, breathing roughly with his exasperated sighs.

"Aaaagh! Damnit! How could I forget??" He cursed himself as he laid back.

"How could I forget lady Juliette's birthday gift!"

Because of all the things that had happened ever since they arrived here in Sundgard, what with the Bharghest ambush and Collector subjugation, Larc had completely lost sight of their main purpose for travelling all the way here, which was to celebrate the young Lady's coming of age.

Although Juliette said that she didn't want to hold a ball for her debut, it was still necessary to celebrate it one way or another. One such way was the old tradition of the Carmine House to travel to Veerwood Lake and pray to their ancestors.

But most of all, the present was especially important, all the more one that came from Larc.

The young man had intended to buy a gift for the young lady, but due to a certain incident involving a troublesome princess and two orphans, Larc's saved up money disappeared into nothingness. Alhough he didn't regret what he did, he still couldn't help but curse himself.

In a desperate attempt to come up with some funds, Larc had turned his entire baggage upside down. But even doing this only managed to give him a few copper coins as well as some dirt.

"Aaaaaagghh! What the hell am I supposed to buy with this??"

He did think of borrowing money from miss Milin, but quickly perished the thought upon further deliberation.

Just thinking about how the young handmaiden would use this predicament to her advantage to torment him sent a cold shiver down Larc's spine.

Disheartened and out of options, Larc decided to, without minding his pride, go around the estate to solicit money from other servants.

"Haaah! I can't believe I'm doing this!" He complained while pulling his hair.


Sitting across an intricately designed long table in the dining hall that was illuminated by the warmth of the morning sun, the Carmine ducal and Belmont royal siblings along with the Greywolf, quietly ate their breakfast.

Although the term breakfast was used, the event itself looked more like a banquet. What with the unparalleled beauty of Juliette, Camilla and Claudia, as well as the noble vestige of the future Duke of Carmine and the Marquis of Denver, coupled with the luxurious dishes that decorated the table, it was truly a sight to behold.

Even though he was still in distress, Larc, along with Milin and the other servants of the house stood at attention on the sides, awaiting their master's orders. Among the servants present, the most notable ones would be the headbutler Grun and the head chef Joric.

"I have to say, this breakfast does seem somewhat extravagant, don't you think so?"

As the group were eating, Camilla nonchalantly said so as she took small bites of her food.

"I'm not complaining though, I'll have to give my compliments to the chef." She continued as she offered a slight nod to Joric. "I look forward to tasting more of your work once I formally marry into the family, Joric-san."

"You flatter me, mistress." Answered the middle-aged man with brown hair.

"You might say that, but I think it's only fitting, considering that tomorrow is my dear sister's birthday no?"

Hearing Jorgé's words, Larc couldn't help his twitching eyebrow. It was after all a sore spot for him, with the problem of Juliette's birthday gift still looming over his head.

"Oh yes indeed, now that you mention it." Answered Camilla as she drank from her cup.

Putting down her utensil and gently wiping her lush lips with a clean cloth, Claudia then faced the silver-blonde young lady.

"I look forward to your birthday, lady Juliette." She said with a radiant smile.

In response, Juliette merely offered a curtsey of her own and gently nodded.

"Oh thank you, your highness." She answered with an equally radiant smile of her own. "I also look forward to the day you make your societal debut."

"Ah! Of course, I also look forward to the day when you formally become my big sister, after you marry Oni-sama of course."


Although It was subtle and quick, everyone in the room did not fail to notice the considerably significant change in Juliette's face, clearly showing her displeasure at Claudia's remark.

"It's.. there's still a long way to go, your highness. A lot of things may still happen."

Despite her displeasure, because of her promise to her brother and Larc that she would no longer pick a fight with the princess, Juliette did her best to keep appearance and be respectful.

After all, even though she was older and was the future Queen, there was still currently a  clear difference between their rank.

"Oh but aren't you excited to marry Oni-sama? You'll be the future Queen after all."

*twitch* *twitch*

Although she was still smiling, everyone present in the room could already tell that she was so close to blowing up, as can be seen with her almost bent utensil as well as the vein that seemed to have appeared near the young Lady's forehead.

Claudia on the other hand merely smiled innocently as though she didn't have any idea what was going on, of course everyone knew that she herself knew what she was doing.

Especially moreso for Jorgé who looked at his fiancé Camilla with eyes that seemed to say "What game are you playing?" To which Camilla replied with eyes that seemed to say "What ever do you mean?"

Even the servants were becoming increasingly agitated with the rising tension, as is evident with the drop of sweat that dribbled down Milin's forehead and the gulp that Grun and Joric had.

Hoping to diffuse the situation, Vilka coughed and spoke.

"That reminds me, doesn't the Carmine house have some sort of tradition regarding celebrating a birthday here?"

"If I remember correctly, you'll be going to Veerwood Lake?" Continued the Grey haired man as he wolfed down meat and wine.

It's said that the forefathers of the Carmine family came into Seraphim from the vast Veerwood Lake that ran from what is now known as the Carmine territories, through the Great Allesian Planes, all the way to the Misty Sea to the west.

As such, it has been a long standing tradition of the Carmine Ducal House that everytime a member of the family celebrates a birthday, they would go to their ancestral lands in Veerwood Lake and pray to their ancestors.

Although it is hardly practiced by the family anymore, due to the Duke and Duchess choosing to live in the capital, Jorgé still practices this tradition, as well Juliette whenever she travels to their territory.

"Indeed so, Vilka-dono. We're actually going their tomorrow, right before the celebration."

Following Vilka's lead in changing the topic, Jorgé quickly answered as he took a sip of his wine.

"I do hope that you don't beat up my subjects while We're away." He continued as he looked at the old man with suspicious eyes.

"Guahahahha! Not to worry, I'll be heading back to the academy tomorrow anyways." Answered Vilka as he faced the still clearly displeased young lady glaring daggers at the princess. "I'm sorry, Juliette. But I'm afraid that I won't be able to attend your party tomorrow."


As if being pulled from a trance, Juliette quickly composed herself and cleared her throat.

*ehem* "I understand, Lord Vilka. Please don't worry too much about it." She answered as she offered a slight bow.

"As such, I'll be leaving you with this gift, young lady."

Pulling something from his pocket, Vilka then produced a small and intricate box engraved with ornate flowers. Upon opening it, a cute golden bangle decorated with a sapphire stone in the middle, as well as runic engravings on the inside appeared.

"... Beautiful.."

The people present couldn't help but exclaim as they watch Vilka take it out from the box.

"This here is made from my territory up north. It's engraved with the runes and blessings of the Old gods, it will keep you safe from harm. As a sign of House Denver's friendship with House Carmine." He explained as he put it on Juliette's wrist.

"It's.. it's beautiful. Thank you, lord Vilka. I'll treasure it."

Juliette's words were genuine and sincere, without an ounce of flattery or deceit, she truly adored the gift.

Larc on the other hand stood at the sides slightly shaking.

[How in the hell am I supposed to match a gift of that quality?!? This old man just won't stop making tormenting me!] Was what he thought as he silently cursed himself while clenching his fists.


After breakfast, Juliette hurriedly took off and went back to her room, of course with Milin and Larc in tow.

While walking down the halls, Juliette hummed and sang as she admired the bangle on her wrist, greatly adding mental strain on Larc.

[... I'm out of options..] He thought to himself. [I can't think of anything..]

"Hey, Larc."


Juliette's sudden call pulled Larc from his thoughts took him by surprise, almost causing him to jump into attack mode.

"Jeez, what's gotten into you, Larc? You surprised me."

"Ah apologies, my lady. I've just been lost in thought."

"I can see that." Replied Juliette. "The question is why? What happened?"

Seeing his charge with a worried look, Larc's heart received a sharp stinging pain.

[My lady has done so much for me, it's only right that I do something for her in return.]

"It's nothing really, my lady. Please pay it no mind."

"Hmm.. if you say so-- ah! That reminds me."

The silver blonde haired young lady then hurriedly and excitedly turned around and faced her servant.

"Tomorrow we will be going to Veerwood Lake." She said with a somewhat sad look to her face. "As you know, non family members are not permitted to enter the ancestral grounds, so..."

Of course, Larc already knew of this. Only those who bear the name Carmine, as well as their spouses are allowed to enter the Ancestral grounds. Whenever they'd visit, servants would be left in the estate and only the family members would make the journey. This time, it would be Juliette, Jorgé and Camilla.

"Indeed so, my lady. I am aware, I shall courteously await your arrival."

"Wha--- t-that's not what I was trying to say!"

Looking somewhat displeased, Juliette exclaimed as she stomped her feet, almost looking like a child who's whims and wishes were not granted.

[Cute..] Larc unconsciously thought to himself. [My lady sure can act spoiled sometimes, ah but now is not the time for that!]

"Apologies, my lady." He quietly offered his bow.

In response Juliette acted excitedly and held his hand, much to Milin's chagrin.

"What I meant was that, we should head to town today and play around. You know, just like when we were kids!"

[Ahh, so that's what she meant.]

"My lady I shall accompany you wherever you might go." Answered Larc.

Meanwhile, Milin stepped in between the two and separated them.

"I as well, my lady" She interjected. "I shall talk to sir Lennox about arranging an escort for us late--"

"Ah! That won't be necessary, Milin."

But before she could even finish her words, Juliette interrupted her with vigour.

"Larc and I will be going alone."


Both the two servants were greatly surprised at the young Lady's words. Milin in particular was relatively displeased.

"M-my lady! I would advise against it--"

"It is my decision, Milin. Please respect that."

But those few cold words shut off any chance Milin had of Juliette conceding. Against the young Lady's determined and fierce look, Milin could only bow.

"As you wish, my lady."

"Good! Well then, it's a date, Larc!"

In a heartbeat, Juliette's cold attitude flipped. She was now showing a radiant smile that only a maiden in love would be capable of showing.

"I can't wait!" She exclaimed as she began twirling and skipping towards her room in excitement.

Meanwhile her servant, the black haired orphan boy whom she took in, fed and gave a job to, quietly stood there, unable to believe his misfortune.

[... Now it's even harder for me to come up with the money to buy her gift.. heh..]

All he could do was quietly chuckle to himself as he watched the back of his young mistress.

Unbeknownst to them, a certain red haired girl in a certain room, was also cooking up a scheme of her own. After asking around for a bit, she found a particularly intriguing information.

"Hoh?, so sir Larc's been having money problems, huh." The young lady said as she crossed her arms and cupped her chin. "Fortune does favour the bold, I'll make this information useful."

How's it going guys, TachimeSan here! 

How have you guys been doing? Good? I hope so! I myself have been extremely busy, what with work and school, so I must once again apologize for the delay in chapter. I know I promised quicker releases but I'm afraid I just can't manage that right now. As always, Hope you guys can understand! And hope you guys enjoy this chapter! 

TachimeSan out!

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