Warhammer: Rise of the Star Gods

Chapter 9 Warhammer, start!

Spiritual Empire, Eternal Calendar Year 4498. The eastern region of the empire, the ruins of the Sardenat cluster.

A small cruise ship with a full power sail came to the edge of the stars. As the psychic runes on the power sail disappeared, the speed also slowed down.

After completing a beautiful turn, the ship stopped steadily, demonstrating the ship's excellent maneuverability and the driver's rich experience. The shield in the crew rest area of ​​this later-generation Devastator-type yacht (an enhanced firepower version of the Marauder, sacrificing cockpit space to enhance firepower) fluctuated a few times, and streams of psychic energy entered the ruins in the form of comets.

Standing in the driver's seat is an Eldar, dressed in a simple dark blue robe, holding a long staff held in both hands (imagine a 30K Malcador in gorgeous clothes). Blue-white psychic flames burned between the wings of the phoenix at the head of the staff. Lightning surged in his eyes, but his face could not be seen clearly. It was he who was exploring the ruins of the stars and conducting risk assessment operations.

"Calledor, how is the situation?" The speaker was a tall Eldar wearing a burqa.

"Aenarion, don't worry. When Caledor obtained the authorization for action, he also obtained the (psionic) tidal calendar of this constellation in previous years. As long as the data is not much different, you can proceed with the next step of planning. Now let's start with Let's take a rest." The Eldar, who was also wearing a burqa and had a rather friendly face, said.

"Belshana, you have to know that this time we need to pass through the ruins of the Sardenat cluster and sneak into the depths of the territory of those iron skeletons. This activity should not use psychic powers in areas close to the border, even if Now we are still in our clan's defense zone." The Eldar named Aenarion's tone was full of worry.

Using psionic powers on the frontier, especially near Necron territory that is extremely sensitive to psionic reactions, is extremely dangerous.

The reason for the transfer on the Necron side is still unknown. What if the newly arrived fleet changes the area where the etheric deep space bombs are deployed, it would be a lot of fun.

This kind of bomb, which relies on emptying the material of the real universe to provide energy to trigger a reverse explosion in subspace, can effectively cause damage to psychic races. Because this kind of weapon has a heavy burden on the real universe (large quantity), and its application objects are also limited, so it only exists in the border buffer zone.

Their mission this time was ostensibly to investigate the recent bizarre fleet movements of the Necrons. The recent dynasty fleets cruising the border are not in the memorandum signed by both parties, whether in terms of size, ownership or movement track.

Army dispatch is not a big problem. There are stable communication channels between the two sides. The Necron side also explained that the original garrison dynasty needed to leave the border for a period of time at the invitation of other dynasties. The original safe zone remained unchanged.

Not to mention that this reason is indeed far-fetched. Just talking about the issue of border defense, it is impossible to get the desired and authentic results by asking.

Border army dispatch, if you really dare to believe the other side's words, instead of sending people to conduct reconnaissance to get intelligence. So, if your clan is exterminated by the other party one day, don't say anything about the other party's lack of martial ethics. You can't blame others for your own brain failure.

The eight-person Eldar team, with Aenarion as the leader, Belsiana as the staff officer, and Caledor as the advisor, aims to record the size of the Necron fleet in this area and relevant information about the dynasty to which it belongs. Reference provided by the Military Intelligence Analysis Service. Thirty infiltration teams like theirs were deployed during this operation.

The Eldar named Caledo supported the psychic array for about half an hour before slowly dispersing the array. He didn't speak and just rested on the support of the staff. The flame on the staff was so thin that it was almost invisible. He was too tired and had no extra spiritual energy to keep the staff active. For the Eldar of this period, Caledor's state was a typical symptom of excessive spiritual energy consumption.

"Stop standing, sit down and have a rest. Let's take a moment and let's talk about the situation." Belsiana said, while handing over a spiritual bone pillow filled with psychic crystals, gesturing for Caledo to hug him first. Take a break.

Enario and Belsiana looked at each other and knew they could take the next step. They were old partners. Caledo did not give a warning immediately, which means that the problem in this area is not serious. Next comes the most important and thrilling part of the entire event: putting on the psychic suppressor and ghost armor, relying entirely on technological equipment to perform tasks. .

In a state of psychic suppression, unless necessary, contact cannot be made until returning to one's own border. Just like a myopic person who is used to wearing glasses on his eyes, he will unconsciously want to hold the frame, even if he knows that he is not wearing glasses. Spirit tribes who are used to being accompanied by psychic energy are prone to this situation if they don't use psychic energy for a period of time.

The equipment of the Eldar team can effectively prevent members from using psychic powers (not just because it is unclear whether the safe area on the Necron side has really remained unchanged. Even if the original bomb distribution area has not changed, subsequent operations will still need to Remaining latent at all times, the Necrons have no shortage of ways to deal with psychically rich bodies) and provide better survivability in harsh environments.

"Gods be with you! For now, there is no problem. Arrange the connection point and let's prepare for action." Caledo said.

The battleship marked a spatial anchor point at which a dimensional pocket was placed. Loaded inside are the team's psychic weapons, equipment and supplies. After completing the mission and returning, you can recover the equipment here. The rest of the journey will all depend on the technological equipment you have.

"Blessed by the God King, may the Phoenix Divine Fire never be extinguished." The last prayer symbolized the official start of the dive, and then the ship started moving silently towards the dark universe.


On an uninhabited planet, a black-and-gold Ararius Terminator was repairing a "Cronos" floating transport vehicle equipped with a dual conversion beam and neutron laser projector.

No one knows why the Hunter, the Skyhawk bi-wing jet aircraft carried inside the transport vehicle, is not on guard duty outside. No one even knows why the Araleus Terminator is needed to repair the transport vehicle, and this Terminator can actually pull the gravel on the ground to the vehicle. During the pulling process, the gravel is converted into a shiny gold shell and automatically returns to its place. onto the transport vehicle.

Suddenly, the Terminator raised his head and looked at the sky. Four light years away from him, a ship was approaching.

"Are the Eldar's raiders inter-galactic ships? And there are eight conspiracy commanders on one ship... Are they out for team building?" The Terminator muttered to himself in confusion, before disappearing into the desolate wilderness.

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