When I Was Young, Social Bullying Shocked The Whole Network!

Chapter 99

Chapter 99: Li Ru, Who Wants To Fall In Love!

But Oda Wugen just finished speaking.


Behind Xia Chen stood a group of Peking University students.

On the other hand, look behind Oda Wugen and others.

Only the rustling autumn leaves.

Xia Chen glanced behind him, and then said to Oda Wugen in Chinese words: “What did you just say?~”

“I don’t understand~”

“Love moving special nong~”

while talking.

Xia Chen pointed to the ear with a finger, then waved his hand.

It looks like he doesn’t understand the Japanese language at all.

Oda Wugen and the others stomped their feet anxiously in an instant.

This feeling of being in a foreign country made several people want to return to their mother’s womb.

Then start learning a few more languages ​​in the womb.

This kind of language barrier is to make a few feel embarrassed.

But Xia Chen was in his heart.

Really happy.

You can understand what the other party is saying, but the other party has nothing to do with you…

In this situation, Xia Chen simply liked it too much.

Seeing Oda Wugen and the others did not speak.

The Peking University students behind them all started rolling up their sleeves.

this action.

The frightened Oda Wugen and the others quickly took two steps back.

Obviously in the morning, he was kicked by William and others, leaving a psychological shadow.

Although half a day has passed.

But now each of them still has pain on their faces.

not to mention.

William’s group kicked them in circles.

It’s enough for them.

If you are kicked by so many Peking University students.

Baba has to kick them out.

“Oda-kun… why don’t we hurry up and go…”

A Japanese exchange student whispered to Oda Wugen.

In the morning anyway.

Xia Chen scolded the eight generations of Oda Wugen’s ancestors.

It has nothing to do with them.

These few of them are not stupid enough to be kicked by so many people willingly in order to help Oda Wugen.

“Yes… Oda-kun… Let’s go first.”

“Uh…reacting that the other party doesn’t understand what we’re talking about, so there’s no need to stay in this 28.”5

“That’s right…let’s go.

Hear the words of the people around you.

Oda Wugen could only grit his teeth with hatred.

Then he turned around and pushed away several Japanese exchange students and walked directly into the distance.


In Oda Wugen’s heart, he has already written down this hatred in his heart.

And the remaining few Japanese exchange students left here when they saw Oda Wugen.

They naturally have no reason to stay here, and can only follow behind Oda Wugen.

I saw a group of Japanese-Japanese exchanges walk away in despair.

The Peking University students behind Xia Chen burst into cheers.

It seems that they have achieved a great victory this time.

Looking at the appearance of Oda Wugen and others, the audience in the live broadcast room all laughed with relief.

“I didn’t expect the students of Peking University to be so united…”

“Hahaha, I saw a boy among them. In the morning, I saw a girl who wanted to buy breakfast for Xia Chen and wanted to eat Xia Chen.”

“That’s for sure, you don’t even look at who the other is. 35

“Cut, deserve it, a few Japanese people dare to jump on our Chinese territory, it’s not bad if they don’t kill them.”

“Yes, but since the other party knows about this, he must have hated Xia Chen in his heart. 99

“Hehe… Are you still worried about Xia Chen??? Pray that these Japanese exchange students can return home safely…

“Hahaha, if you say that, then I’ll understand~”

“Also, in Xia Chen’s hands, these few Japanese devils definitely won’t take any advantage.

Wait until the crowd has dispersed.

Xia Chen and Li Ru first went to the cafeteria to eat.

when entering the dining hall.

Everyone was shocked to find out.

A place in the cafeteria was actually enclosed by the school.

And at the circled entrance, there is a sign in multiple languages.

Xia Chen looked at it and knew it in her heart.

It turns out that this place is a place for foreign exchange students to eat.

It may be that the school is afraid of Peking University students and will have any more friction with these foreign exchange students.

So separate the people on both sides.

Just when Xia Chen and Li Ru were about to line up for dinner.

Xia Chen was suddenly patted on the shoulder.

Xia Chen looked back curiously.

I saw Eugene looking at him with a shy smile.

“Xia Chen…what a coincidence. 99

I heard a girl coming from behind.

Li Ru also turned his head away.

When seeing Eugene, Li Ru subconsciously swallowed.

Although there are quite a few girls at the goddess level in Peking University.

But like Eugene, like a girl like a fairy.

This is the first time Li Ru has seen it.

“Xia… Xia Chen… This is…”

Li Ru asked nervously.

See Li Ru’s appearance.

Xia Chen couldn’t help but feel speechless in her heart.

Don’t you just see a beautiful girl…

Do you have to do this?!

It’s really not worth it at all…

Look at your master Gu Wang.

How calm in front of beautiful women.

Even by instigating children to lift their skirts, they can still breathe without breathing.

look at you again…

You foreign girl, you can’t even speak.

“Hey.” Xia Chen first sighed deeply, expressing that he was a little speechless to Li Ru.

Then the introduction said: “This is Eugene, an exchange student from Yingguo.

“Eugina, this is Li Ru, my brother and roommate…”

After Eugena nodded at Li Ru, she stopped looking at him.

Continue to say to Xia Chen: “Xia Chen classmate, are you here for dinner?

Hear Eugene.

The audience in the live broadcast room has already begun to be jealous of Xia Chen for the Nth time in their hearts.

“Fuck! This Eagle Country Princess… It’s a bit obvious to talk to! 55

“This, this… If this were me, I would wake up laughing in my dreams!”

“Fuck! Xia Chen, hurry up and answer! What’s the matter with your speechless face!”

“Woooooo… I also seem to have a girl who can treat me like this!”

“It’s just a back-and-forth…”

“Listening to what the Princess of the Eagle Country said, I still want to have dinner with Xia Chen…”

But this time.

Xia Chen’s heart became even more speechless.

I saw him say lightly: “I’m here to cultivate immortals…”

After speaking.

Xia Chen turned around dashingly and walked towards the dining room’s window.

what a…

The labor and management are full, and they come to the cafeteria not to eat, but to go to the toilet?!

See Xia Chen in action.

Li Ru and the audience in the live broadcast room were instantly confused.

People are sticking like this…

You are so special that you don’t show any face to others!

Even if you don’t like people, can you think about the friendship between the two countries…


After all, she is the princess of the Eagle Kingdom!

What kind of reaction is your face of disgust?

Still cultivating?!

We see you as a monk!

Such a big beauty posted upside down, and there was no reaction at all…

But different from everyone.

Eugene looked at the back of Xia Chen who had already walked to the window and started to line up.

Both eyes began to give up light.


What is that?

Didn’t Xia Chen forget to exercise while eating?!

As expected of a man who can fascinate me Eugena…

You are improving yourself all the time.

If Li Ru and the audience in the live broadcast room knew what Eugene was thinking at this time.

All of them must doubt life.

This is really a special collision between two human beings…

A woman who doesn’t respond to a beautiful woman…

On the other hand, a word that the other party said casually can make up his brain into a shining idol.

Here the two meet…

That’s really awesome!

“That… Eugene, right… You speak Chinese quite well, hahaha…”

After seeing Xia Chen leave, Li Ru said to Eugene a little embarrassed.


But in the face of Li Ru’s conversation.

Eugene walked directly behind Xia Chen without even looking at it.


Li Ru’s heart felt extremely desolate.

in this second.

Li Ru has made a decision!


Gotta talk to a girlfriend!

Otherwise, Xia Chen, his roommate, is surrounded by beautiful women every day.

And he could only be alone.

Is it difficult to make him a pair with Xiaobai in the dormitory?

Stop it…

Just Xiaobai’s current attitude towards Li Ru.

It is estimated that if Li Ru could dream of Xiaobai in bed at night, he would be woken up by surprise.

Xia Chen in line.

Feeling that Eugene walked behind her, she felt a little helpless in her heart.


Xia Chen is one hundred people who don’t want to have anything to do with Eugene.

In his opinion.

The woman will only affect his speed of drawing the sword.

As a teenager in the new era.

We should take building the motherland as our important task.

How can we let our children grow in love and influence the pace of growth and progress of ourselves and the country!

After taking a deep breath.

Xia Chen turned around and faced Eugene.

Seeing Xia Chen’s actions, Eugene’s face instantly turned red.

After all, the distance between the two is a little too close.

Viewers now.

Xia Chen and Eugene, they are like the hero and heroine in the youth love TV series.

Just when everyone felt this beautiful picture.

Xia Chen said slowly: “That… the place where you foreign exchange students eat is over there…”

After finishing speaking, Xia Chen pointed to the part of the cafeteria that was separated.

Hear what Xia Chen said.

All the audience shouted angrily.

“Damn it! You’re still not a human being! You are so active, you still want to drive them away?!

“Damn it! It’s really terrible! Xia Chen! Don’t let me see you…”


“I’m really drunk… Hahaha, Xia Chen is worthy of being a model for today’s boys! Look at people!

“That’s right! In the face of the goddess’s repost, there is no turbulence in my heart! How many boys like to be licking dogs now!

“Niu Bia Xia Chen! Although I really want to beat you up… I can’t help but want to call you 666~”

“This is like a fighter among straight men!

“Ahh… Xia Chen is a straight guy??? Do you believe it? I don’t believe it anyway…”

“Labor and management don’t believe it…

in the eyes of the public.

Eugene is following your ass like this…

Can’t you just say two nice things to people…

If Eudina treats them like that.

It is estimated that they had already brought the household registration book and took her to the Civil Affairs Bureau to go through the formalities!


Although maybe Eugene is not old enough.

But there is a way to do everything…

Eugena followed Xia Chen’s fingers.

When she saw the canteen for foreign exchange students.

She couldn’t help blinking her jewel-like eyes and asked Xia Chen curiously, “Then can I eat here…”

Xia Chen didn’t have time to answer.

Li Ru stood up directly, patted his chest and said, “No problem! Call me about this matter! 35

After speaking.

Li Ru also raised his eyebrows at Xia Chen.

The meaning seems to be to say: How about it, Shige is interesting enough to help the two of you solve the problem of not being able to eat together.

See Li Ru’s appearance.

Xia Chen slapped her forehead directly, then turned around and lined up, without saying a word.

It’s simply…

What’s so special

The audience in the live broadcast room sighed at Li Ru’s complement.

If they had a good roommate like Li Ru who likes to help others.

So how old are the children of the target now and then?

Just when everyone thought Li Ru was interesting enough.

Li Ru suddenly whispered to Eugene: “That…the exchange student of your Eagle Country…”

“Are there any good-looking girls…”

Hear what Li Ru said.

Xia Chen turned around instantly.

He and the audience in the live broadcast room stared at Li Ru in shock.

It’s so unprofitable that it’s too early…

You help, thinking that you can meet a beautiful Yingguo girl from Eugene?!


Aren’t you just having a spring!

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