Xiu Erdai's daily essays

Chapter 039

0126_The goal is to copy Zangshuge

I feel that I mistakenly thought that I was already a formal disciple before participating in the selection meeting. I can't blame myself for being sentimental. In fact, I did enjoy the treatment of some formal disciples in advance, and even the elite disciples of the inner sect.

For example, casually entering and exiting the secret realm surrounded by fog.This is the right of the inner door.

For another example, casually entering and exiting the library.Although in the past I could only read the classics of Qi training stage and below, and some sect rules were hidden from me, but the former was purely limited by cultivation, and I didn't realize that the latter was not allowed to read.

Generally speaking, Zangshu Pavilion is very indulgent to me.Compared with those inner sect disciples who have to register, censor authority, limit time, and spend contribution points from time to time to read any classics, my treatment is only a little worse than that of senior brothers.

After I passed the selection conference and became an outer disciple, the Misty Secret Realm and Library Pavilion were still open to me, and I was still treated as a VIP.I wonder why other outer disciples don't exclude me because of this?Maybe they crowd out but I'm so focused on myself that I don't realize it?

After I become an inner disciple, my treatment in these two aspects... remains the same.

So, this form is quite boring.I am obviously a privileged class, but I was forced to pretend to compete fairly with other people. As a result, anyone with eyes can see the unfairness. Who is this disgusting?

I repeatedly protested my father's nonsense, and his old man asked lightly: "Do you really think that after you become an outer disciple or an inner disciple, you will actually enjoy the same treatment as before participating in the selection meeting?"

...isn't it the same?

In fact, I didn't make a detailed comparison, because after the selection meeting, I didn't even have time to go to the secret place around the fog, and I spent most of my time browsing the information of the foundation period.

That's a pretty substantial amount.The first stage of the official path of cultivation, the most important basic stage, accounts for more than [-]% of the total number of monks, and the information can easily bury me alive countless times.

If it weren't for my mother's indiscriminateness in certain aspects, most of the information related to the foundation period in the jade slip she left me after my qi training period would have been unlocked. I saw it—fortunately, I was well prepared and there was no serious injury—just two years is not enough for me to copy it, let alone understand it.

My sister Pei Miao complained: "I am a monk who is about to hit the Nascent Soul. I never knew that I have to read so many books. I always thought that the library was built so big just to save face, because in fact the disciples used It's only a fraction."

"You still need to read a lot of books, and knowledge is inseparable from cultivation. The Library Pavilion is one of the foundations of Yunxia Sect, and its importance is no lower than that of the Misty Secret Realm. Even if each disciple only reads a fraction of the amount, considering the diversity and nature of the disciples Zongzong’s thriving source of students, and the addition of fractions would require such a spectacular Zangshu Pavilion.” My brother Pei Sen first retorted Pei Miao habitually, and then complained about me, “But it doesn’t matter if you cultivate yourself into *Zangshu Pavilion? Two Brother, why don't you practice your sword moves? Look at how Dad wants to sever ties with us."

Is it my fault that he wants to sever ties with us?Oh, of course, I'm sure I was wrong, but you guys laid a solid foundation for his desperation for his children.

0127_ meow meow

After getting the quota of Wanxin Secret Realm, I was a little nervous. In order to relieve this meaningless emotion, I put down my study and used the fog to practice in the secret realm.

In the previous qi training period, there was fog around, and it felt similar to the outside of Hunting Peak. Spiritual plants and spiritual beasts are generally a little dangerous, and the more special one is that they are all over the illusion, which is mainly used to train the mind.

Now that the foundation building period is coming... Actually it's still the same, that is, the spirit plant spirit beast is a little stronger, but it is still slightly stronger than me, so that I will be injured if I am not careful, but not to the extent that I will be seriously injured.

Fundamentally speaking, the Misty Secret Realm is the training ground used by the Patriarch to improve the abilities of his disciples, but most of the material heritage of the Patriarch has not been left here.So from the perspective of treasure hunting, this secret realm is very boring, and for most monks, treasure hunting is the main meaning of existence of the secret realm.Even monks who enter the secret realm with the purpose of improving themselves are looking forward to getting some treasures by the way.

"Mi, mi." Maoqiu joyfully brushed her presence.

Speaking of which, I've been ignoring it for a long time.I need it to be quiet when reading, and I also need it to be quiet when thinking. It doesn't matter if it is quiet or not when practicing swords, but I don't care about it if it is noisy.For more than a year, the time when it has the most sense of presence every day is when I feed it. Since I eat every day, I feed it when I eat.The need to eat is probably the biggest difference from its egg form.

It is said that only children who cry can eat sweets.I think there is a certain truth to this sentence. The fur ball is just too obedient, nestling lightly on my shoulder or in my arms, without making any noise.Occasionally, Nuo Nuo makes two beeps, but as long as I ignore it, it will quiet down obediently after two beeps, so that I often forget its existence.However, from another point of view, if the hair ball was not so obedient and was always noisy, I might have thrown it to Yushoufeng long ago.

What, you are reluctant to incubate it yourself?If you are reluctant, you must also give up, and you still need the courage to stop losses in time.

"Mi, mi." The furball pressed its hairy head against my neck.

Me: "Don't meow, can you meow for me? It looks like a cat."

Fuqiu: "Meow...meow, meow."

Look, I just said it's very good?

0128_Raising Enemies

Most spirit beasts are not like humans, their combat ability is innate, and the upper limit has been set since birth.There are those who break through the talent limit and upgrade, but they belong to miracles.

According to the authoritative appraisal of Yushoufeng, the upper limit of the fur ball is at the golden core stage, that is, it will have the strength of the golden core stage when it becomes an adult, and the strength of the foundation building stage at the cub stage.According to Yunxiazong's standards, it's a bit inferior, but in terms of the overall level of spirit beasts in the cultivation world, it can be regarded as a top-notch product.

"If you are cruel and give it a lot of resources, it is possible to develop a Nascent Soul stage. However, from an economic point of view, it is more cost-effective to use those resources directly to raise a gifted Nascent Soul Spirit Beast. I need to help you choose one Only?" the senior brother of Yushoufeng told me.

I refused, saying that the fate of raising spirit beasts is very important. I have a destiny with Maoqiu, but it is far-fetched to deliberately choose other spirit beasts.

The senior brother said that I think so very much like a beast master, and asked at the same time: "Is the second son really not coming to the Beast Master Peak?"

No, although other than Jianxiu Peak, several peaks have said that I have the demeanor or potential or temperament of their profession, but Jianxiu is my unchanging love, no matter how much it abuses me headed by my father, I will They still treat it like first love.

——The key point is that only sword cultivators and physical cultivators have straight-forward fights. Other cultivators, including those who focus on combat like sword cultivators, have taken some detours and are more inclined to fight wits. My IQ Can't keep up...

Cough, since Yunxia Sect doesn't cultivate physical training alone, I don't really have much choice, and from my aesthetic point of view, compared to physical training with tangled muscles, sword training is more elegant.

In addition to the spirit plants and spirit beasts that surrounded the secret realm in the mist, except for those that were naturally trapped and multiplied when the secret realm was first formed, many of them were thrown here and released by the disciples.

For example, a disciple of Beastmaster Peak crippled the leg of a certain spirit beast, and continued to raise it without seeing any benefits, and it cost too much to report it to the sect for treatment, so he secretly threw it into the secret realm.Although Ms. Yunxia knew who threw it, Ms. Yunxia never cared about such trivial matters. Instead, she would cure the lame spirit beast. Of course, after it was cured, it would belong to the Misty Mystery Realm.

Over time, the disciples have formed a routine. All kinds of spiritual beasts that are about to die, those who don’t know how to raise them, and those who are difficult to distinguish between good and evil, etc., will rush into the mist and let them go. The next time you enter the mist circle, you will find that the half-dead spirit plant spirit beast from the last time has come alive and kicked itself to attack and retaliate.

Well, the IQ of spirit plants and spirit beasts is not low, and they hold grudges. They will never forget whoever made them almost die or who treated them fiercely.Therefore, the disciples who control beasts and plant two peaks have a lot of enemies in the secret realm surrounded by fog, so many that it is difficult to move. Besides them, the accomplices from other peaks who helped them release dying animals and plants can't get rid of them in the secret realm surrounded by fog good.

According to the data, at the beginning, the fog-wreathed secret realm was a pure heart-refining secret realm, and the animals and plants inside could only be regarded as embellishments to make the secret realm not appear barren. Ms. Yunxia is the leader who promotes the development and growth of the "made" incident.

Now the disciples are very clear about how they have promoted the ferocious mutation of the fog around the secret realm, but when it's time to release the animals, they still have to release them, otherwise wouldn't it be worse if they were completely raised to death?Besides the fog-wreathed secret realm, where else is there a good place to save a life by just throwing it away and appraise whether it will cause irreversible damage to Yunxiazong?It's a good thing that Dan Xiufeng doesn't have such excellent medical skills.

Anyway, my own secret realm has been tossed so brutally by my own people, so let's continue with the broken pot.

To put it simply, most of the creatures in the Misty Secret Realm have enmity with the Yunxia Sect, and they vividly show the dark history of the Yunxia Sect's novice period.And living things will die one day, but they will have offspring, and they will pass on the hatred from generation to generation.

——My father was also under siege when he came to Wuzhuo. He used to cut down the spirit beasts of Hunting Peak as his cultivation.It’s okay to kill the ones directly, some of them only found out that they were still angry after withdrawing the sword. He didn’t know whether it was laziness or the subtle self-esteem of the disabled who did not bully and had no strength to fight back. Pick it up and throw the fog around the secret realm.

"I think," my brother speculated, "Father saw that other members of the same sect were being chased and killed in the mist, and he was very lonely when no spirit plant and spirit beast took care of him, so he raised hostile forces inside."

I think what my brother said is reasonable, because sometimes I also have this kind of urge to smoke.

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