YLTESCIA: A Reincarnator’s Tale in the Lands of Merusia

Chapter 332: The Labyrinth of Stars

A blast of wind whistling along the soft rustles of grass. The birds chirped and so did the little critters on the ground, scurrying about as they go about their days. The soft and gentle sunlight beating down on the green plains.

Clouds of dust brewed on such verdant sight, two figures feeling the refreshing winds on their skin and listening to the symphony of the early morning. There was a bright sparkle in their eyes as they bolted towards the faraway horizon.

"Mmn... It's quite far, isn't it?" [Yuna]

"From what I know, they thought it was a dungeon at first so they built the city quite a bit of distance from it, thinking about the risks of a dungeon break." [Grey]

"I see... That does seem reasonable..." [Yuna]

"Though now, it's more of a bother if anything. Well, It's a good way to exercise so I don't really see any problems with it." [Grey]

Or so he says, but such an "exercise" was one which actually spanned a couple of kilometers. It's a good distance, but for them to bridge it in less than a minute, it was in no way normal. They weren't even at full speed.

The time had come and it was finally time to head to the Labyrinth of Stars. They were given early access so there weren't many people present yet, only knights and adventurers to be seen running along them. They could run as much as they want, free as can be.

It was already their third Labyrinth, but they were just as excited as if it was their first time. And like before, they are aiming to conquer it again and defeat the Boss with all their might. Excitement brewed in their hearts.

"Oh? That's it right?!" [Yuna]

"Yeah... We're here... The Labyrinth of Stars..." [Grey]

A massive cavern greeted them, appearing majestically over the faraway horizon. It was massive enough to fit hundreds of people, massive white pillars standing in front of it and broken tiles of marble scattered all over the ground.

Surrounding it was a villageー no, rather than a village, it would be more appropriate to call it a hamlet or an outpost to watch over the Labyrinth. A number of knights and soldiers guarded it, their spears and swords glimmering under the blue sky.

There weren't just knights and soldiers, but a number of adventurers and merchants as well, on standby for the opening of the Labyrinth. One side is ready to hunt and destroy monsters while the other is there to make a profit, carts filled with potions and items to the brim.

It was quite a sight to see, people of all races and ages raring to attempt a dive in the Labyrinth of Stars, eyes filled with determination. More and more were coming with the passing of time, parties assembling one after another.

"Waah~! There's so many people. There's also some familiar faces!" [Yuna]

"Many of our opponents in the Carnival of Swords were adventurers, after all... Though, it seems like there's still many more coming." [Grey]

"Fufufu! I wonder when Lisa and Prince Lionel will join us." [Yuna]

"That would probably take a while." [Grey]

Rather than a while, it was more like it was going to be difficult. Grey and Yuna just overheard Lionel trying to convince the King, and as expected, it turned into quite a big fight, their swords drawn again for some reason.

The ruckus went on for a couple of days, and even though Lionel was much stronger than his father, it wasn't like it was a real duel so he couldn't really clobber him. He could only endure his nagging whilst parrying his blows. Oh, chaotic days.

Grey and Yuna continued to walk and before long, they reached the entrance to the Labyrinth. The guarding knights quickly noticed them, and before they could get any closer, they crossed their spears and blocked their paths.

"The Labyrinth is still not open. Please head back to your campsites."

Said a knight with a stern voice and sharp eyes. Along with his subordinates, they have been fending off adventurers day in and day out, making sure none of them get past them, doing their jobs the best they can.

"Fufufu! It's okay. We already received permission from His Majesty." [Yuna]

"Permission... Wait... You don't mean..."

"Un. We just happened to win the Carnival of Swords, you see." [Yuna]

Softly giggled the young lady as she handed out the permit issued by the King. Along it, Grey and Yuna also handed over their guild cards for the knights to check, their eyes widening in shock, staring back and forth at the card and the youths before them.

It was no wonder why some of them thought they looked familiar. Though they were a little far, they could clearly identify such distinct features which dazzled like diamonds in a sea of stones. Especially Yuna's silver hair, it stood out like a sore thumb.

"Y-Your Highnesses! I-It's a great pleasure to meet you!"

"It's Their Highnesses in the flesh!"

"Ohh! This is my first time seeing them up close! I want to shake their hands!"

They were knights... Yes, they really were knights, but rather than the dignified and noble attitude they are usually associated with, they are currently acting rowdy and boisterous. They have turned into fanboys and fangirls, noisy as can be.

It wasn't just the knights, but the adventurers and merchants were also drawn into the commotion. Grey and Yuna's names spreading like wildfire, everyone's eyes were soon drawn into them, all looking at them with sparkly and expectant eyes.

"Ahem! Ahem! I apologize for our rudeness, Your Highnesses. I have confirmed the authenticity of your permit. You may pass now,"

"Thank you. Please continue the good work." [Grey]

"We are only doing our work, Your Highnesses. We are unworthy of your praise."

Or so the knight said, but his lips had already broken into a smile, reaching from ear to ear, clearly happy to receive a compliment. It wasn't just the leader of the knights, but the other knights and soldiers were over the clouds as well.

"Did you hear that?! Their Highnesses praised us!"

"Ohh!! I'm more fired up now! Let's do our best with our jobs!"

"I will make sure to remember this day for the rest of my life!"

It was good that they were lively and happy, but they were clearly overdoing it. It was only a simple and courteous praise, but they were now on cloud nine, shouting on the top of their lungs as if they were shouting their battle cries before a large battle.

Grey and Yuna had seen all sorts of reactions, but this one surely tops them all. Just imagining how they would react if they shook their hands or gave them autographs is enough to make them shudder. They were quite frightening in ways more than one.

"Then, we'll be taking our leave now." [Yuna]

"Yes. Good luck, Your Highnesses. May the goddess of fortune smile upon you."

The knights still merry and rowdy, Grey and Yuna's steps resounded in the air and they headed into the Labyrinth of Stars. Excitement and anticipation welled up in their hearts, growing more and more the closer they approached the entrance.

It was a quiet place, not much to be seen but walls of stones and the occasional tiles and pillars of marble and quartz, shrouded by pitch black darkness, only small rays of sunlight illuminating the place. An abyss extending into the unknown.

They stepped foot into the abyss, and suddenly lights shone from the inside, crystals of different shapes and sizes lit up and dyeing the Labyrinth with color and radiance. The once dark halls became beautiful tunnels in an instant.

"Fufufu! This never gets old, does it?" [Yuna]

"Yeah. It's still beautiful... Well, not as beautiful as my fiancée, though." [Grey]

"Mou... Now's not the time for that, you know..." [Yuna]

There was a little bit of flirting, but Grey and Yuna's footsteps never halted. As they watched the lighting up of the Labyrinth unfold, they also prepared themselves for the dive they have been looking forward to, smiles afloat on their faces.

They stretched their bodies a little bit and did a tad bit of warming up. Their hearts pumped with excitement and mana burst forth in their bodies. Beautiful gleams filled the air as they equipped their daggers and gauntlets. Their dive has begun.


They bolted across the massive corridors and their steps echoed like thunder, rocks and debris scattering all over the place as the winds howled like wolves under a full moon and tremors ran rampant all over ground as if there was a stampede.

The torchstones already lit up a large portion of the corridors, but they still managed to chase the darkness and pass them by, a trail of radiance following them, clouds of dust brewing and lashing out on their wake.

Mana swirled and gathered as they passed, monsters born one after another. From slimes to goblins, kobolds, and trentlings, they filled the place with life and terror, a challenge to be faced for the adventurers to come.


Of course, such monsters were nothing but small fries to Grey and Yuna. They just passed by and the shockwaves from their run were enough to blast them away, some even dying then and there as they flew towards the dungeon walls.

Forget about charging towards them and attacking, they couldn't even react with how fast the two were running. All they could see are passing blurs before their sight starts to turn and tumble as they are blasted by the violent winds.

"Hmm... The first floor really is easy, isn't it?" [Yuna]

"Well, they're only H-rank monsters here. Even if there are boosted ones, they would still be at the bottom of G-rank at best." [Grey]

"That's true... It's hard to believe I was struggling against them before..." [Yuna]

"Struggling... It didn't even take you a week to start getting used to them. I don't think you have the right to say that." [Grey]

"Fufufu! It's because I have a very wonderful teacher~!" [Yuna]

They were all beginner monsters, but they were still monsters nonetheless. While it was true that Yuna did struggle with them, with the genius that she was, it only took her a couple of days before she started obliterating them without a problem.

Well, forget about goblins, not even High-Rank monsters can be a match against her now. She has grown quite a lot over the course of four years, and she is still growing with time. One could only look forward to her future.

"Grey, this is getting a bit boring. Should we race until the stairs?" [Yuna]

"Alright. And the loser will have to cook dinner tonight." [Grey]

"Sure! That's a deal!" [Yuna]

The two weren't even serious as they traversed such a dangerous place. Rather, they can only be called excited, their eyes sparkling brilliantly as they bolted all over the place. It was as if the Labyrinth was their personal playground.

"Ah, but! Grey, share your vision with me first! It's unfair if you're the only one who gets to use such a cheat! That would be bullying! [Yuna]

"Yes, yes, as you wish, ma'am." [Grey]

Yuna didn't let any gaps slip and made sure she and Grey stood on equal lines. The latter easily accepted his request and used illusion magic to share his "Heaven's Eye" with his beloved, humming to himself ever so carefreely.


Another pair of thundering booms resounded in the Labyrinth once more and the race quickly started. Rocks, tiles, and monsters were blasted away from their steps, chaos brewing in the place as streaks of black and silver rushed in the dark corridors.

The race continued and more monsters were blasted away. Loot and mana crystals rained like a blessing from the sky, left behind by their wrathful steps. Such a scenery continued to unfold, an orchestra of light and shrieks dancing in the air.

Soon enough, the stairs were in view and smiles sprouted in the two's place. Though Grey was ranked higher, as an assassin, Yuna's speed wasn't any less than his. They were both evenly matchedー or at least, they were.

"Then, I'm going on ahead, Grey!" [Yuna]

Using the power of various elements to augment her speed, a deafening shockwave rocked the 1st floor as Yuna bolted through. Her speed increased by multiple folds and like an arrow released from its bow, she darted towards her target... The stairs...

"Haah... You silly girl... You really did it now." [Grey]

Unfortunately for the young lady, her opponent was Grey. Not only can he perform the same trick, he could also use his "Authority" over the wind to amplify the boost even higher, violent winds lashing out on his command.

Grey didn't hesitate any longer and applied the power of the wind to his steps, an even more powerful shockwave thundering all over the dark corridors. The ever so durable labyrinth floor was cratered, a streak of black cruising amidst the darkness.

"Fufufu! Grey, looks like you're cooking dinner toー Eh?!" [Yuna]

The young lady couldn't even finish her words when aggressive bursts of winds passed by her. A familiar figure appeared before her and vanished soon after like a passing phantom. A figure she knew all too well.

Yuna soon arrived at the stairs, and there, Grey was already waiting for her. He was standing with his chest held high and his smile brimming to the top with confidence. The race is now over. It was Yuna's loss.

"Looks like I won't be the one cooking dinner tonight." [Grey]

"Mou... That's unfair... You used your authority again..." [Yuna]

"You could have used yours as well, you know? Even if your ice authority wouldn't help, your assassination authority should have," [Grey]

"I was already using it... But you still beat me. You're too fast!" [Yuna]

The young lady sounded as if she was complaining about the results, but all she did was pout and puff her cheeks. She still accepted that it was her loss, looking at her beloved with upset yet happy eyes. It was still fun.

Still, even if she lost, Yuna's speed was no joke, and so was Grey's. A distance which would usually take at least several hours for others was only bridged in just a matter of a few minutes. They were insane to say the least.

There was no time to dilly-dally. Right in front of them were the stairs to the 2nd floor and only a couple more steps and they would be descending. They soon rounded up their silly little argument, and prepared themselves for their next steps.

"Then, shall we head down, Milady?" [Grey]

"Un! Let's go!" [Yuna]

Down the stairs they went and they spiraled towards the second floor. As they did, the stairs slowly started changing, more and more structures appearing, embedded on the floor, the walls, and the ceiling, all white and dusty.

Such a scene was illuminated by blue light as the stairs were a safe zone, not even a single monster to be seen and nor were there any threats in the environment. It was quite a pleasant place, the tiled ground perfect for camping.

"Waah~! So beautiful~!" [Yuna]

What greeted them was a scene of beauty, the already massive corridors expanding even more than the first floor. There were broken pillars to be seen everywhere and tiled floors with patches of green grass growing in between. A scene totally different from the first floor.

The Labyrinth of Death was desolate and eerie, barely nothing to note other than the darkness shrouding it. The Labyrinth of Flames was a volcanic landscape with pools of lava and erupting geysers of magma. And now, the Labyrinth of Stars was like an ancient, ruined civilization, more expansive than the others.

Even the ceiling was totally different. Though there wasn't a bright blue sky to be seen, there were dim crystals shining as if they were under the night sky, cold winds sweeping over the place from time to time.

"Waah~! Are we really underground?! It looks totally different!" [Yuna]

"I heard the structures become more refined the deeper we go. They say the 7th floor is like an abandoned city because of how massive it is." [Grey]

"Really?! That's amazing! I want to see!" [Yuna]

"Hahaha. Calm your horses now. We're still on the second floor." [Grey]

Or so he says, but Grey could also barely contain his excitement. It was very different from the Labyrinths they have challenged up to now, seeming more like a field rather than a Labyrinth. There was much more to explore.

Of course, as it was a different layout, they could also improve their skills in fighting in an open environment. The sight was also a treat for the eyes, making his adventurer blood boil with excitement and enthusiasm.

"Grey, should we take a picture of the Labyrinth?" [Yuna]

"Hey, now... We're not here to sight see, you know? Monsters could appear at any time and attack us if we aren't careful." [Grey]

"I know, I know, but...! You already said it! We're still on the 2nd floor! Even if stronger ones appear here, we can just blast them away!" [Yuna]

Grey couldn't tell whether his fiancée was just optimistic or reckless, but she's got a point. The most powerful ones would be at the bottom of F-rank. A single flick and they could send them flying. They weren't a threat at all.

"Plus, when we start fighting, we would probably destroy the whole place. There's no better time to take a picture than now!" [Yuna]

With such a valid point, Grey couldn't argue anymore. No matter how much they hold back, the already ruined structures would surely be destroyed once the fight starts. It would be such a shame, but there is nothing they could do about it.

Plus, with how sparkly Yuna's eyes were, Grey doesn't have the heart to reject her. He was just a slave to love and a fool for his beloved. If it would make Yuna happy, there was nothing he wouldn't do for her.

"Haah... Alright. But only for a couple minutes, alright?" [Grey]

"Yaay~! You're the best Grey! I love you!" [Yuna]

Rather than adventurers, Grey and Yuna now looked more like tourists, snapping photo after photo here and there, and posing different poses. There were selfies and landscape photos, flashes echoing time and time again.

Yuna was especially enjoying herself, hugging and holding hands with Grey as she snapped some photos together with him. Grey didn't even teach her but she was already acting like tourists back on Earth. It was a little disturbing.

Khieekk Gurruukkkk Arrriiikkkkk

And just as they were having their sweet time together, monsters started appearing one after another. They rushed towards Grey and Yuna with their blades, spears, and clubs, ready to destroy everything in their path.

⟨⟨Icicle Shotgun!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

Well... They were prepared to destroy everything in their path. Unfortunately, they just picked the wrong opponents, icicles of ice piercing their bodies before they could even approach them, loud thuds echoing as they fell helplessly to the ground.

Several more rushed towards them, but they all suffered the same fate, all skewered by ice and losing their lives in an instant. They all vanished into thin air, leaving some drops and a number of mana crystals behind.

"Grey, come closer! Come closer! Let's take another one!" [Yuna]

"Haah... Really... What am I gonna do with you..." [Grey]

Their sightseeingー adventure continued and they defeated more monsters along the way. Be it hobgoblins, orcs, elemental wisps, centaurs, or anything else, they were all taken down with all but a single strike, not breaking a sweat whatsoever.

Like before, they also ignored the drops and the treasure rooms they found as they simply headed towards the stairs without stopping for a single second. After all, even if they were treasure rooms, they barely mattered to people of their level.

It took them a little longer to find the stairs to the third floor, but it was still relatively short, only taking them over a little ten minutes. They were still insanely fast, clearing out all the monsters that stood in their way without a shred of mercy.

⟨⟨Gale Waltz⟩⟩ [Grey]

⟨⟨Icicle Shotgun!⟩⟩ [Yuna]

A torrent of wind blades and a volley of icicles. Such destructive forces streaked all over the place, cutting down enemies and piercing them one after another. It was a scene of carnage, not a single one spared from the massacre.

In just a couple seconds, the area which was once littered with dozens of monsters were now clear, only white structures remaining along a massive stairway up the front. Two figures stood in silence, only subtle breaths resounding in the air.

"Whew~! That was quite fun! I'm getting warmed up now!" [Yuna]

"You also said that a few minutes ago. You sure are enjoying yourself." [Grey]

"Of course! It's not everyday that we can dive in a Labyrinth, after all!" [Yuna]

Trivial chatters resounded in the air, accompanied by their footsteps. They headed towards the stairs once more, smiles floating on their faces as they tried to contain their excitement. The deeper they go, the more fun things will be.

"Then, shall we head to the 3rd Floor, Milady?" [Grey]

"Fufufu! We shall, Sir Grey!" [Yuna]

Onwards, to the deepest floor!


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