40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 11: Like a dream

From that day on, Li Yao, as "Ou Yeming", started a sad career as a low-level handyman in Bailianzong.

This weird dream was completely different from ordinary dreams, and even more real than the dreams Li Yao had had since childhood. Even the passage of time was extremely slow. No matter what Li Yao tried, there was no sign of "waking up".

It's like, he really became "Ou Yeming" and embarked on another new life.

Being a low-level handyman in Bailianzong is by no means an easy task. As time goes by, the burden on their shoulders becomes heavier and heavier every day.

In the beginning, I picked three thousand catties of water and cut down 50 ordinary trees. Later, I picked up 10,000 catties of hot molten iron, and cut one hundred "golden stones and woods" that are as steel and iron. Thousand and twenty kilograms of "forging hammer" swung 30,000 times!

And that "low-level handyman chief coach" giant spirit god, seems to have also firmly remembered Li Yao, taking him as a thorn in his eyes, and taking three meals a day to make trouble for him. If Li Yao missed a little, he had to suffer. He was beaten to death by "a hundred and eight-handed cloak chaos hammering method", and he was so painful.

Day after day, year after year, in the dreamland, there is a glimpse of light, as if ten years have passed.

The boring and heavy labor and the inhuman torture gradually wiped out Li Yao's self. The name "Li Yao" is already a very distant matter, and even the memories of the past have become the deepest gravel in the mind, sinking into the deepest. The bottom of the sea, no more waves.

He has completely become the "Ou Yeming", the most outstanding Ou Yeming among the 18,725 low-level handymen in the Hundred Refining Sects!

Thirty years of hard training has created his majestic physique of steel and iron, and the fierceness of the giant spirit god. It also allows him to fully grasp the essence of the "108-hand cloak and chaotic hammer method", even more than a lot. "Inner disciples of the Hundred Lian Sect" must be proficient.

Except for the Giant Spirit God, no one calls him "Ou Yeming" anymore, and all the low-level handymen call him "Brother Ouye"!

In the eleventh year, he finally became the penultimate "Iron-Breaker" of the Bailianzong, and was eligible to enter the "Iron-Breaker"!

Then, time flies quickly.

In the fourteenth year, he became a disciple of the Outer Sect of Bailianzong, was awarded the title of "Blacksmith", and was qualified to participate in the casting of low-level flying swords used by disciples of the Outer Sect.

In the twenty-first year, he became a "craftsman" and had an independent refining furnace, so he could cast low-level flying swords on his own.

In the twenty-ninth year, he became the "Master of Craftsman", the first person to refine tools among all the disciples of the outer sect.

In the thirty-first year, the Demon Dao invaded. In the war against the Seven Demon Doors, Ou Yeming took the lead and beat and killed 24 Demon Dao Foundation Foundation monks. "Eight-hand cloak and chaotic hammer method", push evolution into one hundred and eighty-nine hands!

In the thirty-third year, Ou Yeming worshipped the Bailianzong elder "Yuchangren" and became the inner disciple of the Bailianzong. In another three years, he was promoted to the core disciple and deputy deacon of the iron house.

In the thirty-eighth year, Ou Yeming stood out among the tens of thousands of young people in the Hundred Refining Sects, and was the first to rush to the peak of the foundation stage. The title of others has changed from "Big Brother Ouye" to "Big Brother Ouye"!

In the same year, he married the only daughter of the 35th generation of Bailianzong, "Master Tai'an".

In the bridal chamber, the beauty is on the side, Ou Yeming is rising like the sun, and his future is limitless. He also remembers the joke that he said as a low-level handyman in the past, "One day, I will become the lord of the Hundred Refining Sect!"

It seems that it is not impossible.

At the moment, he has great power in his hand, sits on infinite resources, cultivates quietly and advances in a peaceful manner, with many sect elders optimistic about it, and countless brothers who live and die to help each other. It is truly an infinite scenery and the pinnacle of life!

It's just that when he recalled a joke from decades ago, he faintly and seemed to recall something, and there was always a wave of waves in the depths of his mind, which made him feel a little uneasy.

"Husband, you must be able to build the'Hundred Refining Sect' into the strongest refining sect in the three thousand worlds..." His wife looked at him on the bed smilingly, her eyes blurred and tenderness.

Ou Yeming shivered deeply, deeply, and deeply.

Suddenly weird ripples appeared in front of my eyes, like something distorted time and space, tearing the world apart, and the wife's face on the bed suddenly became blurred, hazy, and turned into another one. Clean to pure face.

"Promise me, stop racing, and be a car repair technician honestly. No one will look down on you. One day, we will have our own 4S shop!

"Promise me, Ah Yao!"

He nodded subconsciously, blinked his eyes, and suddenly woke up.

It was a very weird feeling, like the soul was pulled out of the body, turned into a transparent phantom, floating in the air, very calmly watching Ou Yeming and his wife in the bridal chamber, from personal experience Participants have become pure spectators.

"I am not Ou Yeming, I am not Ou Yeming, who am I? I am, I am—Li Yao!"

There seemed to be a stream of clear water flowing from the bottom of his heart, and his soul had an extremely clear enlightenment. In an instant, he regained himself. The memory of the past 72 years has also turned into colorful fragments, a dream.

"It's so dangerous, it's so dangerous. If I keep indulging in it and cannot extricate myself from it, even if I wake up from a dream one day, it will only be'Ou Yeming' that wakes up, not my true self!" Thinking back to the past, Li Yao couldn't help but sweat. Lianhu fluke.

From this day on, he continued to participate in the evolution of the dream as a bystander. Although he had not completely got rid of it, he knew clearly that it was a dream, and the dreams could no longer cause trouble to him.

From a psychological point of view, this is called "lucid dreaming."

The evolution of dreams has also become faster and faster, dazzling like a speeding crystal rail train, only slowing down at some important points, giving Li Yao a chance to see the details clearly.

In the forty-first year, Li Yao saw that Ou Yeming became the youngest elder in the history of the Bailianzong. In the same year, he refined the secret sword "Deep Flash" to slay the devil's great lords and the Jindan strong "Poison Dragon True Sovereign".

In the forty-third year, Li Yao saw that Ou Yeming represented Bai Lianzong at the "Ten Realms Sword" grand event, with an overbearing giant sword "Hundred Miles Swallowing the Dragon" to overwhelm the heroes, and cut off the nine opponents one after another. The twelve-handed weapon of the gods, won the title of "Sword Saint of Ten Realms" in one fell swoop, and became a master swordsmith who moved more than ten worlds.

In the fifty-second year, Li Yao saw that the Demon Dao invaded again, taking Bailianzong as the primary target, and dozens of elders, including the master Taia and the elder Yuchangren, fell one after another.

At a critical juncture, Ou Yeming was elected as the 36th-generation suzerain of Bailianzong. He vowed revenge to the nine heavens and ten earths and the gods and demons in the "Ancient Tomb of Ten Thousand Swords" in the sacred site of the sect. "Ten Great Soldiers" that shocked the world!

Under his leadership, Bailianzong has become a huge weapons workshop, continuously providing magic weapons to the orthodox school!

In the 68th year, the last disciple of the Nine Great Demon Sects was all killed by the magic weapon refined by Ou Yeming!

At this time, no one called him "Brother Ouye" or "Sovereign Master Ouye".

Everyone called him very respectfully-Ou Yezi!

In the 109th year, the name of Ou Yezi has spread to hundreds of neighboring worlds. Even the unknown world beyond the Xinghai Sea has people not far away for hundreds of millions of miles, risking being swallowed by the chaotic vortex, crossing one. The ancient teleportation array came to the "great world" just to obtain a magic weapon refined by Ou Yezi.

The 130th year... the 250th year... the 320th year...

at last-

"Sovereign Supreme! Old ancestor! Think twice, think twice! It is impossible to travel through time. You are the optimistic pillar of our Hundred Refining Sect. You must not take risks personally!"

Li Yao saw that in an extremely majestic, cloud-filled hall, tens of thousands of cultivators knelt on the ground, slamming their heads towards Ou Yezi, and the entire hall banged and blood flowed. Ground.

Ou Yezi Zhuo, with white beard and hair, stood in the center of a magnificent and mysterious teleportation formation, shaking his sleeves, and said indifferently: "All worlds are the universe, and all generations are the universe. The true meaning of cultivation is to explore the infinite mystery of the'universe', since By chance and coincidence, I made this "time array" that may travel through time. Even if the chance is slim, I have to give it a try to see if I can really travel to the end of time."

After a pause, he slowly scanned the doorman in the main hall. Ou Yezi's face was full of depression, and he muttered: "You needn't say anything, disciples. All the magic weapons in this world have been studied clearly by the old man. There is no regret. , I just hope that on the far side of time, in the new world tens of thousands of years later, there will be some new magic weapons that make people happy..."

Before the words were over, Ou Yezi had already launched a large array of time, and a dazzling beam of light gushed from the bottom of the weird teleportation array and enveloped him.

This beam of light is filled with extremely violent psychic energy, like a flood that spreads in all directions. The entire hall is trembling under the deterrence of psychic energy. All cultivators involuntarily raise spiritual shields, the ones closest to Ou Yezi. The cultivator is directly overturned by psychic fluctuations.

And that psychic energy, seemingly endless, is still gathering, upgrading, and expanding, just like a psychic monster with teeth and claws.

"No, no, this teleportation array is constantly absorbing psychic energy from all directions, transforming it into a turbulent flow of spiritual power, and it will explode at any time!"

"There is a problem with the teleportation array, everyone, leave, run away!"

"No, I can't escape, quickly, quickly open the spiritual shield and use the strongest magic weapon to resist!"


The last thing that appeared in front of Li Yao's eyes was a cloud of milky white light, like turbulent waves, swallowing the entire hall, the hundreds of floating mountains outside the hall, and the entire ocean below.

And Li Yao also fully awakened at the moment when the milky white light group expanded to the extreme, from the bed in the 40,000 years of cultivation, the Tianyuan Realm, the Xingyao Federation, the outskirts of Floating City, and Chaoyang New City, he suddenly sat up.

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