40,000 Years of Cultivation

Chapter 49: Akira Kokichi

A face recognition symbol array was drawn on the cabin door, and a red light swept across Li Yao's face, making two crisp beeps, and the cabin door opened with a click.

Inside is a very simple small room, with only a single bed and a small bathroom, and there is no place to put a desk.

Li Yao knew that this was a special treatment for them.

On the spar battleship, the single room is the treatment that an officer can enjoy, and ordinary sailors live in a four-person room, a six-person room or even an eight-person room.

Li Yao grew up in the tomb of the magic weapon, and even the garbage dump can sleep calmly. The environment here is luxurious for him. He strode in, threw his bag into the corner, and slammed into the bill. Human bed, let out a satisfied ***.

"Puff, puff, puff, classmate Li Yao, hello, I am your exclusive puff beast number 2899, you can call me 2899, or you can call me Xiaoji."

A chubby, chubby, chubby beast moved hard from under the bed, and it frightened Li Yao.

The white puffy beast flew its wings strenuously, flew into the air, and said:

"From now on until the end of the competition, Xiao Ji will serve Li Yao. Xiao Ji will explain the rules of the competition, answer your questions, help you get in touch with the observers of the'Nine University', and take a picture of you in the competition. Every action in the game is transmitted to the monitoring center. If you encounter a fatal danger, Xiaoji will call the cultivator to save your life. Therefore, don't look at Xiaoji's stupid appearance, but is a good helper for Li Yao!"

Li Yao stared at the white puffy beast for a long time, and wondered: "Xiao Ji, are you talking by yourself, or is someone behind you manipulating you?"

The white puffy beast flew around his head and said cheerfully:

"It's not that Xiaoji is speaking, and no one is manipulating me behind. It is Xiaoji's body that is equipped with the most advanced crystal brain system. Hundreds of thousands of divine thoughts have been input in advance so that Xiaoji can give real-time feedback in response to various situations. Xiaoji was jointly developed by Deep Sea University and Tiandu Medical College. It is not an ordinary beast, but the most advanced'crystal beast', that is, a spirit beast controlled by a crystal brain!"

"That's it, it's really advanced. In this way, the intelligence of the spirit beast can be improved, and there is no need to worry about the spirit beast losing control like a monster beast!"

Li Yao became more determined to apply for Shenzhen University, and continued to ask, "So Xiaoji, please explain to me the rules of the Extreme Challenge."


The white hair on the head of the white puffy beast shook, and a fleshy pink tentacle was stretched out. The top of the tentacle was a shiny artificial spar.

A beam of light was shot out of the spar, forming a huge three-dimensional light curtain in front of Li Yao. With a flash of spiritual light, the holographic image of Magic Jiao Island appeared in front of Li Yao's eyes.

"The Extreme Challenge is a traditional event with a long history in the Federation. Its purpose is to select good seedlings with cultivation talents for the'Nine', and also to give some students who are good at actual combat but not good at theoretical knowledge an opportunity to stand out. "

"Every year, the Extreme Challenge will be held two months before the college entrance examination. The whole federation is divided into nearly 1,000 examination areas, each with 3,000 contestants."

"Foge City and its surrounding areas are the key training centers of the Federation, and many cultivating talents have emerged. Therefore, the environment in Examination Area No. 571 is also very dangerous. It is one of the famous'death examination areas'."

"Three thousand contestants will try their best to survive for five days on Demon Jiao Island where monsters are rampant—Student Li Yao, don’t underestimate Demon Jiao Island. This is the final battle between the Star Yao Federation and the Eastern Demon Kingdom. On the battlefield, there are countless corpses buried in the depths of the ocean, with a demon spirit soaring to the sky!"

"The monster beasts on Demon Jiao Island devour monsters all year round, and are more cruel than monsters elsewhere."

The white puffy beast flew in front of Li Yao, shaking his stubby wings, and said happily, "The five-day extreme challenge is divided into two parts: the preliminary and the final. The first three days are the preliminary and the next two are the finals. ."

"At nine o'clock tomorrow morning, three thousand candidates will be thrown into Magic Island. You will only wear the simplest sports vests and shorts without any defense function, no weapons, no food, no water, and even shoes. , Everyone has only one babble beast."

"And what you have to do is to survive for three days under the attack of countless monsters."

"Of course, you will not always use your bare hands. There are dozens of'supply points' on Devil Jiao Island, and a large number of magical components and supplies are stored. If you have the ability, you can assemble the magical weapons by yourself. Fight with monsters and beasts."

In the light curtain, the Magic Island continuously zoomed in and turned into a semi-transparent state, and dozens of specific locations for supply points appeared.

The white puffy beast continued:

"In the competition, the most important concept is'points.' The points are the only indicator that determines your final ranking."

"You can earn points by killing monsters. The more powerful monsters you kill, the more points you will get."

"In order to test the candidates' all-round ability, there are many ways to earn points. For example, if you are a magic weapon expert, you can assemble and repair the magic weapon as much as possible. You have a talent for refining medicine, and you can find all kinds of herbs in the jungle. In short, all your actions on Demon Jiao Island, as long as you can show a certain aspect of cultivation talent, will be converted into points."

"And another important concept is ‘deal’. This is a rule set specifically for contestants who are not good at fighting."

"Points can be traded in the game. For example, you have the talent for refining magic weapons, and you have assembled ten flying swords at the supply point. You can trade these flying swords to contestants who are good at fighting, as long as the two parties agree verbally. If the price is set, Puppie Beast will automatically transfer points, so there is no need to worry about the other party's reckless account. In this way, the competition is also very fair for non-combat professionals."

Li Yao raised his right hand and asked a question:

"Excuse me, I want to ask-for auxiliary players who are not good at fighting, will it be life-threatening to take risks on Magic Island?"

The white puffy beast shook its little furry tail:

"Student Li Yao, please don’t worry. After the start of the competition, there will be more than 20 cultivators patrolling the sky over Magic Jiao Island, and a special gel capsule is also refined in Xiao Ji. Once the candidates are in fatal danger, or accumulated When the injury reaches a fatal level, Xiao Ji will automatically spray gel to wrap the examinee and notify the cultivators patrolling in the sky."

"This kind of gel is a very powerful magic weapon. It can protect the safety of candidates in all aspects. With the level of monsters on Demon Jiao Island, it is impossible to destroy, although you can rest assured!"

"Moreover, during the competition, all players will temporarily obtain the status of'Federation Soldiers'. In the event of an accident, they will receive the most appropriate medical treatment and compensation. There is absolutely no worries about the future."

Li Yao nodded. The Extreme Challenge has been held for hundreds of times, and the most complete protection measures have long been in place. This is because he has been overly worried.

After thinking about it, I asked: "This is the preliminary round-what are the rules for the final?"

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