7 in 3

19: Luna’s Late Arrival


A thud from another room jolts me from my sleep. My eyes snap open, hurriedly scanning the room. The dingey space I’m in is made of rough wood that has dark gaps between the uneven boards. A small ray of light manages to filter through a gap in the roof. Random junk is strewn around the room. My eyes finally settle on a large door keeping me inside the dingy space, much higher quality than the rest of the building. The noise that woke me up must have been on the other side.

When I attempt to move I realize that my arms and legs are bound. Looking down at my hands, I see nothing. It takes me some time to process what I’m seeing. Where my hand should be, there is only empty air. 

I try to slam my feet into the floor, to see if I’m really here. My effort is rewarded by a sharp pain up my leg, accompanied by a loud thunk in front of me. I most likely am real, and corporeal, so why can’t I see myself? The binds on my limbs are also nowhere to be seen. Before I can spend much time thinking things over, the door slams open. 

“I’m tellin ya, man, it was just a rat or something.” A filthy man stands in the doorway, talking to someone over his shoulder. I freeze, holding my breath. The man sweeps his gaze across the room and then pauses. His shoulders tense and he kicks a bowl laying on the floor. 

“Dammit, the brat is gone. How the hell could she get out of the bindcuffs?” Agitated shuffling comes from the other room, a second figure appearing in the doorway. 

“What the hell, she’s really not there!” the second man groans. “The bindcuffs are gone, too, maybe she’s still bound. She couldn’t have gone far, c’mon.” 

The two thugs run off, thankfully leaving the heavy door wide open. 

I grin and attempt to get off the ground. After several minutes of struggling, I manage to use a nearby chair to stand. Step one, done. Next is to try walking. My legs are tightly bound, not allowing for any real movement. Giving up on shuffling along, I try to hop.

I’m shocked by how easily I can jump, the landing not even a problem. Filled with confidence, I start making my way slowly out of the room. Hopping through the adjacent room I see a table with drinks and cards, chairs laying on the floor. Those two have been here a while. Eventually I find the small doorway that they left from. I press up against the exit and listen for any signs that the two losers are nearby. Once I’m satisfied that they’re gone I hop my way to freedom.

The moment I step outside, I’m bathed in the bright glow thrown by the full moon. Gentle light hits my body, filling me with a strange feeling of excitement. Startled, I realize my body is vibrating slightly. Not long after that realization, a loud clack comes from below me. 

Looking down quickly, I see two orange metal circles. Without thinking I lean down and try to pick them up, making me realize my arms are no longer bound. I quickly kick with my leg, checking if the same is true there. The small orange rings go flying, seemingly propelled by a ghost. My face pulls into a grin.

I slink through alleyways and search for a main road. As I run, I thank fate for my invisibility, because I’m apparently completely naked. The wind blowing on my body reassures me my conclusion is correct. Winding my way through the tight backstreets of the city, I’m hit by the fact that I have no idea where I’m going. I skid to a stop and try to remember where my home is. Wait… Who am I? Where is this? Do I even have a home? Panic begins to push adrenaline into my blood and my heart rate spikes. 

Stop freaking out, I can guide you home. An annoyed voice rings out in the silent alleyway. 

Without thinking I press myself against the wall, trying to locate the speaker. 

I’m not here, I’m in your head, lady. 

What? How are you in my mind? Is this telepathy? 

Nope, we just share a brain, nudist. 

I can feel my cheeks flush at the voice’s jab. Well, disembodied voice, where do I go? 

Just follow my instructions and don’t ask questions, I’ll explain when we get there. 

Alright, voice in my head, I’ll just trust you implicitly, then. Following the snarky speaker in my mind, I soon arrive at a large mansion.




I slip inside the imposing building through an open window. Dropping from the sill , I land in a long hallway. After quickly scanning the hall for maids, I address the voice in my head.

Alright, I’m here. Now what?

We should probably try and find Father or Zenith.

This Father of yours should invest in better security. 

There’s security magic all over this place, I have no idea how you didn’t set it all off. 

The grating voice in my mind starts giving me directions. The vague and mostly useless guide leads me to a large open space in the middle of the second floor. A woman stands in the center, punching a stone pillar viciously. Somehow the pillar seems to be on the losing side and small chips fall after each impact. 

Something flies past my head as I watch the woman train. Whatever it was caused a loud bang on the wall behind me. The woman is no longer punching the stone, instead positioned as if she attempted to punch me from across the room. 

“Freeze, who are you?” Her voice is winded, but harsh. “The next hit won’t miss.” The woman's eyes flicker with fury. 

Moron, tell her your name, quick! The unwanted passenger snaps me back to my senses. 

“I’m sorry, miss, I am Luna.” I bow, even though she can’t see me. My voice is barely above a whisper as I introduce myself. “I was told to find you.” My attempts to seem harmless seems pay off, as she lowers her fists.

“Luna, that’s familiar. Where did I hear that name?” Her brows cross in thought. “Never mind that, who told you to find me? Why do you hide your presence?” Even with her guard lowered the toned woman gives off an intimidating aura. 

Tell her Coil sent you, and say she heard your name in the temple. Not spending any time questioning his instructions, I repeat them to the girl. I try to keep a respectful tone as I relay the message. Her guard suddenly drops completely, arms falling to her side. She starts walking towards me slowly. 

“Coil, huh? Even if you somehow found that name just to use on me, no one should know about the temple.” Stopping in front of me, the taller woman puts her hand on my shoulder. She glances at her hand, which is flickering slightly out of sight. 

“So, you’re the final sibling. Welcome home, sis.” She gives a warm grin, confusing me thoroughly. “You’re late to the party, sis. All the other siblings showed up within a few days.” She waves at me to follow her and begins to walk as she speaks. “I was a bit worried something was wrong, but guess not!” We ascend a flight of stairs as she speaks, her longer strides making me hurry. “I just told our father that you’re home, he was losing his hair in worry. How did you get kidnapped, anyway? Scarlet was right with me, and suddenly she was gone.” Opening the door to a room, she waves me inside. “Well, it's good you got home tonight either way, Father was going to rip apart the town looking for you at sunup.” 

Frazzled by the sudden torrent of speech, I stand stunned for a few seconds.

Tell her Scarlet’s lizard started trying to eat someone’s flowerbed and got separated. After getting lost she got jumped in an alley with no plants, so she was easy prey. I repeat the voice’s words almost verbatim to the girl, not understanding parts. She gives a nod at the explanation. 

“Makes sense. Do you have any questions, sis?” The woman’s once harsh eyes now shine with warmth instead. 

“Who are you? Where am I? Why do I have a father I don’t remember? Why is there a voice in my head? Why does that girl have a lizard that eats flowers?” Completely overwhelmed, my questions pour out. The emotions I had been keeping quiet until now suddenly welled inside me. I look for answers from the woman, tears in my eyes. 

Her arm wraps around my shoulder that she can’t see. “It’s alright, sis, I’ll explain everything.” 






The first thing I see when I open my eyes is a skinny man sitting in a chair. His chair is leaned back, resting against the wall. The man’s chest heaves in his sleep. Somewhat upset that a random man is in my room, I clear my throat. My noise startles the guy out of his sleep, causing him to almost fall out of his chair. I barely resist the urge to laugh.

“Luna? You awake?” He looks around the room, obviously not able to see me like the woman could. Not amused at his question, I ask one of my own. 

“Who are you?” I put some edge in my voice, trying to sound somewhat intimidating. Instead of my usual whisper, my voice comes out more like a hiss. The question makes the scrawny guy jump in place. 

“Oh, right. I’m Zenith, we met last night.” He gives a smile almost identical to the real Zenith’s. 

I snap at the man. “That’s a lie, I met Zenith last night. She was a woman, and she could see me!” Heat rises in my cheeks. “Tell me the truth.”

The fake rubs his head. “Well, I did already. I really am Zenith, the girl you talked to last night. I’m just also this guy.” He gestures to himself. “I’m stretched into two bodies, I couldn’t tell you last night before you fell asleep.” He gives me a lopsided grin.

He’s not lying. The annoying voice I’ve learned is Coil reassures me. 

I relax, staring at the man for a bit. “Can I have some clothes?” My voice betrays some of my uncomfortableness. Zenith’s eyes go wide. 

“You aren’t wearing any?” He tries to keep his cool. 

“Right, I woke up naked and tied up. Never really got a chance to put any clothes on.” The guy’s face starts to turn red. 

“That means the entire time last night, you were nude?” He runs his hand through his hair nervously. What is his deal? I’m invisible, what does it matter?

He jumps up and basically sprints to a dresser. After a while of digging through clothes of absurdly different sizes, he pulls out one in my size. 

“I tried to get one I think will fit.” He hands me a dress, light blue with small white frills. When I stand up to put it on, the man turns around. I’m… invisible… whatever. Just happy to finally get clothes, I slip on the dress. 

I look down at my dress, which looks like it's floating. My slight happiness at being able to see myself somewhat is soon eviscerated. The frilled dress slowly fades out of sight, eventually also becoming invisible. I let out a long disappointed sigh. 

“It looks nice on you Luna.” Zenith’s kindness feels almost mocking. He walks towards the door to my room before looking back at where he thinks I am. He’s only a foot or so off, not too bad. 

“C’mon, sis, Father wants to meet you.” 




The huge dining hall gives me a bout of anxiety. So much open space, very uncomfortable. I quickly slink to an empty chair. I pull the chair in behind me, causing everyone at the table to jump. A quick look to my left shows a chair with a large lizard made of plants sleeping on it. Not daring to think about it, I look at the head of the table. 

My new father’s face looks exhausted, as if he hadn’t slept. His gaze is locked on my chair, his expression confused. He looks over to Zenith who just sat down. 

“Zenith, is she here then?” His question annoys me. He can just ask me. 

“Yes, I’m right here.” My hushed tone comes out a bit harsher than intended, but I’m sure he can deal. 

His eyes go wide after I speak. “Oh, I’m sorry, dear. Nice to meet you, Luna. I’m your adoptive father Count Cleave Holdings.” He shallowly bows his head in my direction, making me calm down. “I’m happy to meet the final addition to my family.” A smile breaks across his face, one of genuine joy and warmth. 

I glance across the table, noticing sister Zenith wolfing down food with no interest in what's going on with the rest of us. Brother Zenith, on the other hand, is watching our talk with a happy smile. Something cool presses into my lap, startling me. Looking down, I see the lizard from before, now curled into my lap. The edges of the plant creature blur slightly out of sight where they touch me. My gaze shifts back to my newly appointed father.

“Please explain everything.”

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