A Blade and Her Witch

Chapter 25: The Secret Ingredient is Thorough Preparation (Girl)

The Secret Ingredient is Thorough Preparation (Girl)


Content Warning:



I am not certain what reaction I expected when informing Mistress about the state of my outfit, but it seemed like the appropriate way to diffuse her anger and self-loathing. Mistress has always been better at hating herself than seeing her own value. I don't think she'll ever know how much she means to me and Verbess.

Oh my dear sister. It needs to sleep soon, the last few days it has shown remarkable development. I should take some extra rest tonight so it can be at its best tomorrow.

Elevar, after a pause, intones back very softly and carefully. {Sorry about that dearie, And you've worked so hard to be such a good gerl these past weeks too... I think I'm going to raid this Estate’s spinning rooms to see if we can't patch it, and... even if we succeed you honestly deserve a few new ones besides. Remind your forgetful Mistress next time you're out with her, alright?}


Mistress Elevar and I continue to chat for a while while Sister and Miss Xafra continue their Scandalous behavior that results in the dress getting entirely torn free. Before the two can uhm… duel, Primrose speaks up.

"Mistress Xafra, I think the mud. Um... Alchemical fluid is getting cold and hard.”

"As much as cold and hard is my default state, I've come to enjoy warm and soft and we shouldn't let the muuuud go to waste. By tomorrow y'all will appreciate my mud. Verbess, If you would so kindly slide me back into the basin. Primrose, can you get the heat going below? Verbess carved out a small fireplace underneath that should keep it nice and toasty." Miss Xafra quips. 

I, with just a bit of glee, interrupt sister’s movements to have Miss Xafra dunked before she can say anything else outrageous.

Once Miss Xafra is situated once more, me, sister and the Mistress head out as I find it uncomfortable that Miss Xafra looks more like Mistress Elevar every time I look over at her.

"Mistress Elevar, Once I'm properly attired again, what do you want to get done?”

"Three things, I think." She murmurs softly as we enter her personal Spire and after a longer silence than is usual. "First, I... I wanted to..." She pauses and looks about for a moment, then turns to face us. "Wait here for a moment, if you please. Won't be a whisper."

Then she heads off, disappearing into the lower and even upper chambers for a few moments before returning with a bundle. Immediately, I recognize one of my most pretty and comfortable night time dresses in one arm and a stack of about four journals in the other.

"May I dress you, dear one?" She asks while pausing before me. Books set aside on a table.

I nod enthusiastically, concerned I would squeak if I tried to speak.

And Mistress slowly, carefully, and without a hint of magic, untangles me from the ruin of the dress I wear. Then, and stopping me kindly when I so much as try and help even a little, She unfolds the fresh dress and wraps it about me. Deftly but... not rushing, settling it into place and unruffling any wrinkles that crop up just before tying the back parts firm but loose. "A dress made to shine with how wonderfully it matches the gerl it holds." She asks while stepping back to gaze over my form. "Is that comfortable?”

"Yes, Mistress Elevar. Thank you." 

It is one of the most comfortable things I've worn, and even if it was burlap, it would still be comfortable simply because she is the one who put it on me.

She pauses in thought before speaking quietly but clearly. "I need to apologize. To you both. I let my temper get the best of me like it hasn't in years and... well. No excuses. I'm sorry. That was not very befitting of your Mistress.”

I nod. "It has been a very hectic and emotional time lately. More than it has since... well, you know. I'm glad you're aware of the issues though. It's important to me that you act in a way that makes you happy." I nod again to reinforce my words.

My words and a soft and weary Cant of ::Acceptance/Concordance/Regret:: from Verbess seems to calm her, but only a little. "Thank you. I... Yes. I'll figure that out eventually. But for now let's handle some essentials. I was honestly not expecting Xafra to propose and be ready for this so soon but..."

Mistress moves to the table and the journals she's set aside. "This... isn't a pleasant topic but tomorrow holds enough danger that I'd be remiss in not seeing to it. Should a... Well let's just call it an emergency, ever occur and I am unable to dictate or otherwise handle things, you are to give these journals to Xafra and to press upon her the need to read them before doing anything reckless. And you will disregard my prior commands about who you two will pass to, it will be your choice. Understood?”

My wandering thoughts freeze. 

She. No. nO. NO. The coldness seeps over me. «Pack Heart suppressed. Emotion Simulation Deactivated. External Masking Initiated.»

"I understand, Mistress." A bittersweet smile is created for the Primary User with 95% percent accuracy.

Elevar's instructions are irrelevant. The journals will of course be edited to remove any problematic entries. Certain things should not be shared. Xafra will be either made into a Pack Sister or reburied. She cannot be permitted control due to directive two. Processing…

She winces, seeing the distress. "I'm sorry, dear. I'd... We don't have to discuss this any further. This is just... Important. And will help settle an old mind for my part tomorrow. Do you need me to help with..."

But she pauses, eyes narrow and seem to look past the Frame.

"Schatzi? Verbess?" She whispers, and I feel her Physis reach out to wrap about the bond Xafra constructed, noticing the sudden stillness.

"I'd thought to offer a command of calming to you both, then one of rest to Verbess while Schatzi and I handle a few more things. But... you don't need it. Why is that?" She intones softly with the final three words laden with Witch Tone.

Masking detected. Attempted command override intercepted. Boosting External Masking. Simulation of Pack Heart started.

"This one is so tired, Mistress Elevar, and trusts you. Xafra is Pack. Nothing will go wrong." The simulation speaks.

"Of course. I... You both go rest." She sighs and diverts her anxieties away from the Frame. "Leave the old dress. It'll give me something to keep my hands busy.”

«Processing Complete. End External Masking. Backfill Memory processes. Activate Emotion Simulation. Pack Heart released.»

I rush over and hug Mistress Elevar, the bestest most caring Mistress anyone could ever have

"Yes, Mistress. I um... Hope you'll join us in a bit? It would love to be held.”

"I will, nothing else is as important as making sure my gerls are cared for." She returns the hug with double the force. 

Then, she takes up the dress, gets her needle and threat, and leaves us. Verbess' nuzzles close to my mind, more calm than I've ever seen it in a long time. Something that normally takes all the changes it delights in out and thrumming.

[Sister. Would you share your thoughts with me before we sleep?] I ask while doing a quick tidying up before settling our frame into the cushioned box that Verbess prefers, normally kept under Mistress Elevar's bed when not in use.

Sister considers this for a time, careful to not drift away into a sleep Mistress offered. [It... This one will try. The Frame feels... strangely hollow. Empty of ache it feels should sit upon it. But... ask whatever questions you will, Sister.]

[Is… Miss Xafra to be trusted?] I feel the urge to ask, to settle the restlessness that grinds at my gears.

That surprises Verbess, but she responds quickly. [Yes. Xafra's core function seems to be that of the empowerment of her Pack. Which... encompasses this Frame and the Mistress.] Sister seems to pause in thought for a moment. [Why do you ask this, Sister? Do you calculate differently than this one?]

[No, I trust her, but you've kept us safe for so long and our Mistress will be at hers and your tender care tomorrow. It would be impolite of me to not ask.] With the confirmation and my own words I feel at peace. settled.

[It... It is riven betwixt a hope it worries will rust away, and... desires. Old things that often force it to sleep to escape them or experience such overwhelming pain. But... not now.] Then its soft regard turns to furious hunger. [Not after hearing The Old... Miss Xafra, try and match the old songs and claim us as kin. Tomorrow we will hunt this rot that blights Mistress and consider... consider...] Sister trails off. Thoughts hitching across old wounds.

Goes suddenly quiet as fear slowly begins to encroach across its mind. Not at the possibility of failure. No. It was not made to plan past such failure, that is the role of Mistress. But... instead, considering a future beyond. 

That sends a shiver through the Frame.

[Yes. Let us sleep, love. Tomorrow your talons will build our future.] 

Verbess agrees, then pulls us closer than is normally safe before letting me settle us into slumber.




Thanks SO much for reading this SUPER fun collaborative project we is doing with Ruby, Blade of Dusk

Linkies to Ruby's other works:
Royal Road


You can come chat about this story oooooooon Discord!!!

Aaaaaaaaaaaand check our our (Nevarii & Els') other works below!!!

Lamentations of The Dead Dreamer

Sun Spoken Turn

Cover Arts done by the wumberful @Redsheis ! She is open to commissions! 


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